商务英语 谈判策略(英语)

如何用商务英语对价格进行谈判Your price is 25% higher than that of last year. 你方的价格比去年高出了百分之二十五(25%)。
If your price is favorable, we can book an order right away. 如果对方价格优惠,我们可以马上订货。
We may reconsider our price if your order is big enough. 如果你方订货数量大,价格我们还可以考虑。
All these articles are our best selling lines. 这些产品都是我们的畅销货。
These patterns are relatively popular in the international market. 这些产品的花色是目前国际市场上比较流行的。
It is difficult for us to sell the goods, as your price is so high. 你们的价格那么高,我们很难以这个价格销售。
. 我们的价格和国际市场的价格相比还是合理的。
I'm afraid I dont agree with you there. 我不同意您的说法。
Your price is higher than those we got from elsewhere. 你们的价格比我们从别处得到的报价要高。
The Japanese quotation is lower. 日本的报价就比较低。
You should take quality into consideration. 您必须要考虑到质量问题。
It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price. 如果按这个价格买进,我方实在难以推销。

1. 销售与市场营销1.1 销售•销售额(Sales)•销售量(Sales volume)•销售目标(Sales target)•促销活动(Promotion)•潜在客户(Prospect)•客户满意度(Customer satisfaction)1.2 市场营销•市场调研(Market research)•目标市场(Target market)•品牌定位(Brand positioning)•广告宣传(Advertising and promotion)•市场份额(Market share)•竞争对手(Competitor)2. 财务与会计2.1 财务•利润(Profit)•成本(Cost)•收入(Revenue)•资产(Asset)•负债(Liability)•现金流量(Cash flow)2.2 会计•财务报表 (Financial statement)•资产负债表 (Balance sheet)•损益表 (Income statement)•现金流量表 (Cash flow statement) •会计师 (Accountant)•审计(Audit)3. 商务洽谈与合作3.1 商务洽谈•合作协议(Cooperation agreement)•谈判策略(Negotiation strategy)•条款与条件(Terms and conditions)•报价(Quotation)•签约(Signing the contract)•履行合同(Perform the contract)3.2 商务合作•合作伙伴(Business partner)•合资企业(Joint venture)•股东(Shareholder)•风险评估(Risk assessment)•盈利分成(Profit sharing)4. 办公室常用词汇4.1 日常办公用语•邮件沟通(Email communication)•开会(Meeting)•时间安排(Schedule)•工作任务分配(Work assignment)•报告、附件等形式的文件交流(Document exchange)4.2 团队管理•领导者 (Team leader)•协作与合作 (Collaboration)•团队目标 (Team goal)•绩效考核 (Performance evaluation)•员工培训与发展 (Employee training and development)以上仅是商业领域中的一些常用词汇,掌握这些词汇将帮助您在职场中更流利自信地进行商务交流。
Negotiation 商务谈判——商务英语Business English

Typical structure of negotiation
Suggestion Agreement
Counter suggestion
We negotiate in most areas of our life. Here are some examples.
Negotiation is the process of coming to terms and getting the best deal possible for your company, your department or yourself.
Negotiatioቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱs involve a conflict of interest. For example, Sellers prefer a high price to a low one and buyers a low one to a high one.
beginnings of a partnership / learn about supply systems / price variations and supply costs.)
a) Welcome the other side. Well, welcome to…It’s very good that you could come to see us here.
g) Say what your side wants from the meeting. (Establish beginnings of a partnership / learn about supply systems / price variations and supply costs.) We’d like to establish the beginning of a partnership… It would be particularly interesting for us to learn about your supply systems.
【最新】商务英语谈判议程-优秀word范文 (6页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==商务英语谈判议程商务英语谈判议程1、中方接待领美方代表入场,握手(welcome),美方由接待带领就坐,中方就坐。
(I’m very grateful to company for your hospitality and I hope our first cooperation can be successful.)中方主谈判:这是我方准备的一份小礼物,也是我们此次将为贵公司提供的商品样本——佛山莨纱绸。
(Thanks very much).2、中方宣传部:鉴于这是我们的首次合作,下面由我来介绍一下本公司的相关情况。
美方集体(陆续发出):的确工艺精湛太妙了…...(Yes, indeed. It must have been gathered exquisite workmanship, is really wonderful.)中方生产部:为了让美方代表对我们的产品有更进一步的了解,下面请观看一段视频。
( We are very pleased with your presentation, but, we still have a few questions..First, we want to know whether the special production process of this kind of silk will have adverse reactions on the human body.)中方生产部:这里有一份由中国和美国相关权威机构联合提供的一份质检报告,它包括了对莨纱绸的多项指标的测定,它证明了我们的产品是安全可靠的。

二、商务英语谈判的一般原则1. 诚信原则谈判双方应该本着诚实、守信的原则进行谈判,不以欺骗、误导对方为手段。
2. 合作原则在谈判过程中,双方应该本着合作、共赢的原则进行谈判,而不是采取零和博弈的态度。
3. 相互尊重原则在谈判中,双方应该相互尊重,不应该对对方进行人身攻击或侮辱。
4. 互惠原则在商务英语谈判中,双方应该本着互惠互利的原则进行谈判,而不是单方面追求自己的利益。
5. 灵活原则在商务英语谈判中,双方应该本着灵活应变的原则进行谈判,根据实际情况做出相应调整。
6. 求同存异原则在谈判中,双方应该注重求同存异,找到双方共同的利益点,同时尊重对方的差异。
三、商务英语谈判的技巧1. 语言表达技巧在商务英语谈判中,双方应该注意语言的表达技巧,用词准确、表达清晰,避免产生歧义。
2. 逻辑思维技巧在商务英语谈判中,双方应该善于运用逻辑思维,寻找问题的根源,找出解决问题的方法。
3. 沟通技巧在商务英语谈判中,双方应该善于沟通,倾听对方的意见,及时反馈自己的想法,避免双方产生误解。
4. 调控情绪技巧在商务英语谈判中,双方应该注意调控情绪,避免因情绪强烈而导致谈判破裂。
5. 听取建议技巧在商务英语谈判中,双方应该善于听取对方的建议,做出有效回应,寻找双方都能接受的方案。
6. 技术谈判技巧在商务英语谈判中,双方应该善于运用技术手段,比如数据分析、市场调研等,为谈判提供有力支持。
四、商务英语谈判的注意事项1. 准备充分在进入商务英语谈判前,双方都应该对谈判的内容、目标作出充分准备,以应对各种可能的情况。
2. 注意谈判场地商务英语谈判应该选择一个合适的场地,保证谈判的顺利进行。

商务英语词汇大全文库一、国际贸易1. 进出口:Import / Export2. 贸易顺差:Trade Surplus3. 贸易逆差:Trade Deficit4. 自由贸易区:Free Trade Zone (FTZ)5. 关税:Tariff6. 世界贸易组织:World Trade Organization (WTO)7. 贸易壁垒:Trade Barrier8. 非关税壁垒:Non-T ariff Barrier (NTB)9. 贸易协定:Trade Agreement10. 区域经济一体化:Regional Economic Integration二、商务谈判1. 谈判:Negotiation2. 议价:Bargaining3. 报价:Quotation4. 还价:Counteroffer5. 合同:Contract6. 交货期:Delivery Date7. 支付方式:Payment Method8. 谈判策略:Negotiation Strategy9. 协商:Mediation10. 仲裁:Arbitration三、营销策略1. 市场调研:Market Research2. 目标市场:Target Market3. 产品定位:Product Positioning4. 品牌建设:Brand Building5. 促销策略:Promotion Strategy6. 广告宣传:Advertising Promotion7. 公共关系:Public Relations (PR)8. 市场细分:Market Segmentation9. 定价策略:Pricing Strategy10. 销售渠道:Sales Channel四、金融与投资1. 货币:Currency2. 外汇:Foreign Exchange (FX)3. 本币:Domestic Currency4. 外汇市场:Foreign Exchange Market (FX Market)5. 国际金融市场:International Financial Market (IFM)6. 投资组合:Portfolio7. 股票:Stocks8. 债券:Bonds9. 期货与期权:Futures & Options10. 对冲基金:Hedge Funds11. 风险投资:Venture Capital (VC)12. 私募股权投资:Private Equity (PE)。
商务英语 谈判策略(英语)

公司代表讲:“对外不能说,价格水平我会掌握。”公司代 表又向其主管领导汇报,分析价格形势;主管领导认为价格 不取最低,因为我们是大公司,讲质量,讲服务。谈判中可 以灵活,态度温和,但利益最重要,步子要小,若在400美元 以上拿下则可成交,拿不下时把价格定在405-410美元之间, 然后主管领导再出面谈,请工厂配合。中方公司代表将此意 见向工厂厂长转达,并达成共识和工厂厂长—起在谈判桌上 争取该条件,中方公司代表为主谈。经过交锋,价格仅降了 l0美元/吨,在400美元成交,比工厂厂长的成交价高了10美 元/吨。工厂代表十分满意,日方也满意。
2)Negotiating about interests means negotiating about things that people really want and need, not what they say that want or need. 第二,主张谈判的重点应放在利益上,而不是立场上,因此 必须随时把握住谈判各方的利益,尽量克服立场的争执。

1. Business negotiations - 商务谈判- Negotiation skills - 谈判技巧- Bargaining power - 谈判实力- Win-win situation - 双赢局面- Mutual agreement - 相互协议2. Business meetings - 商务会议- Agenda - 议程- Minutes - 会议纪要- Presentation - 演示- Action items - 行动事项- Email correspondence - 邮件往来- Telephone conversation - 电话交流- Formal letter - 正式函件- Business etiquette - 商务礼仪4. Business travel - 商务旅行- Flight reservation - 航班预订- Car rental - 租车- Travel expenses - 差旅费用5. Business finance - 商务财务- Budgeting - 预算- Financial statement - 财务报表- Profit margin - 利润率- Return on investment - 投资回报率6. Business strategy - 商业策略- Market analysis - 市场分析- Market segmentation - 市场细分- Strategic planning - 战略规划以上仅是商务英语中的一些常用词汇和词组,希望对你提高商务英语能力有所帮助。

婉转的语言正如一句话"言有尽而意无穷,余意尽在不言中',比如:I agree with most of what you said,换句话是there are something in what you said that I not agree with. 这是一种婉转表达否定的意思。
一方可以用条件句询问对方Would you be willing to meet the extra cost if we meet your additional requirements ?2商务英语谈判怎么学习第一,善于倾听,做到少说多听。

商务英语之价格贵谈判1、称赞客户You know what? You have good eyes, it sells well. I believe you can have a very good profit on this product.你眼光很好,这产品卖的很好,你可以有一个非常好的利润。
2、问原因Can you advise the reason why you think our price is high, then we will double check and do our best to give you the answer.为什么觉得我们价格贵?3、质量&服务Once you place an order, we will advise you goods status from time totime to make sure perfect service.一旦你下订单,我们会随时向你汇报来保证完美的服务4、真实情感I like chatting with you, and I like you a lot, and already consider you asmy very good friend, so we are willing do business with you with very low margin, my friend, but can not do business with loss. .喜欢和你聊天,喜欢你,所以已经把你当非常好的朋友了,所以十分愿意不怎么赚钱也和你做生意,但是不能亏钱做生意(此处可以加表情哦)5、目标价格法Can you advise your target price?能否告诉目标价?6、小恩小惠After you place order, you are our VIP customer. Once we have new samples, we will send to you at the very first time, so that you can be thefirst one to test the market你下单后,就是我们的VIP客户。

商务英语:商务会议中常用的商务词汇1. 引言商业交流是国际商务中不可或缺的一部分,特别是在商务会议上。
2. 商务审批•审批(Approval)•批准(Authorize)•阅览(Review)•审查(Examine)•同意(Agree)•不同意(Disagree)•经理签字(Manager's signature)3. 商务洽谈•洽谈(Negotiation)•提案(Proposal)•协议(Agreement)•合同(Contract)•谈判策略(Negotiation strategy)•提出建议(Suggesting/Proposing)4. 商务演示•演示文稿(Presentation slides)•幻灯片放映(Slide show)•讲解演示内容(Explain presentation content)•图表和图像(Charts and graphics)5. 讨论和决策•讨论话题/议程项(Discuss topic/agenda item) •听取反馈意见(Hear feedback)•辩论观点(Debate viewpoints)•作出决策(Make a decision)•投票表决(Vote)•执行决策(Implement decisions)6. 商务礼仪•自我介绍(Introduce oneself)•握手(Shake hands)•简短寒暄(Small talk)•表达谢意(Express gratitude)•注意会议礼仪,如准时到场和尊重发言者7. 总结在商务会议中使用正确的商务词汇非常重要,它能够提高沟通效率和准确度。

“to tell you the truth”,“I’ll be honest ith you…”,“I ill do my best.”“it’s none of my business but…”。
如,“e ould accept price if you could modify your specifications.”我们还可以说:“If I understand you correctly, hat you are really saying is that you agree to accept our price if e improve our product as you request.” 最后,为确保沟通顺利的另一个方法是在谈判结束前作一个小结,把到现在为止达成的协议重述一遍并要求对方予以认可。
另外在商务谈判还应注意下列问题:I “会听” 要尽量鼓励对方多说,向对方说:“yes”,“please go on”,并提问题请对方回答,使对方多谈他们的情况。
II 巧提问题用开放式的问题来了解进口商的需求,使进口商自由畅谈。
“can you tell me more about your campany?”“hat do you think of our proposal?” 对外商的回答,把重点和关键问题记下来以备后用。
进口商常常会问:“can not you do better than that?” 对此不要让步,而应反问:“hat is meant by better?”或“better than hat?”使进口商说明他们究竟在哪些方面不满意。

“ u o v o l o e n o te Yo b iusy l k d it h o
l e o ? 我 们 可 以稍 后 再 回到 这 cn s .我感 觉有 点糊涂 。) 或 a rn ( t of e ( u d ”
护 双方 长远 友好 关系 基础 上 的 团 Sle U I… ( 猜 想 … )I u p s … T 我 、 sp oe
队合 作式的互动 。因此, 在谈判过 ( 我料想 …)Im ari… ( 、’ f d 恐怕. 、 a . ) poc ep cigi u ? 你 们 通 程 中 ,为 了营造 和谐 友好 的谈 判 a r s a e 据 我所 知) 是 raht akn se ( h s s a a cns ( f I e 等
三 、 貌 原 则 的“ 礼 催化 剂 ”
( 我现 在 还 没有 得 到 所 有 信 息 来 ( 不确定那是否 正确) 。在外 贸 策 略 我 ” 评论这个产 品的性 能。) 0 ”
( ) 搭桥 ” 略 二 “ 策
谈 判 中,我 们 也 经 常 听 到 像 We
aesr er ht f 们很 遗 r or t h a a… 我 yo t
点 好 吗 ?) ; ”
“Ih v n’ e l o l t e i— a e tr al g ta 1 h n y
r th og l. 显然 你 做 了彻 k o “ o ’rayu dr adta.f I n tel n es n t 我 ma e t ru hy r d l t h 不是很 明 白它 。) ;不要说“ h t 底 的市场调查 。) ” Ta

Subject: Business Negotiation Proposal - Collaborative PartnershipDear [Recipient's Name],I hope this email finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing on behalf of [Your Company Name], expressing our keen interest in establishing acollaborative partnership with [Their Company Name]. Having reviewed your company's portfolio and achievements, we believe that our combined strengths can lead to mutually beneficial outcomes and significant market penetration.Background:[Your Company Name] has been a leading player in the [industry/sector] for over [number] years, specializing in [briefly describe your company's core competencies, products/services, and market position]. Our expertise in [specific area, e.g., innovation, technology, supply chain management] has enabled us to maintain a strong competitive edge and develop long-lasting relationships with our clients worldwide.Similarly, [Their Company Name] is renowned for its [mention their strengths, such as brand recognition, market share, unique offerings, etc.]. Yourcommitment to [e.g., quality, sustainability, customer satisfaction] aligns perfectly with our values and vision for the future.Proposal Overview:We propose a strategic partnership that would involve the following key areas of collaboration:1.Joint Product Development: Leveraging our respective technical expertise and market insights, we can co-develop innovativeproducts/services that cater to evolving customer needs. This would not only accelerate time-to-market but also ensure product differentiation and enhanced customer value.2.Market Expansion: Given our complementary strengths, we believe we can jointly explore new markets and territories. By sharingdistribution networks, marketing resources, and brand recognition, we can expand our reach and increase market share.3.Supply Chain Optimization: Collaborating on supply chain management can lead to cost savings, improved efficiency, and reducedlead times. By pooling resources and leveraging each other's logistics infrastructure, we can enhance overall operationalperformance.4.Cross-Promotion and Branding: Joint marketing campaigns and cross-promotional activities can amplify our respective brandmessages and reach a wider audience. This will not only strengthen our individual brand identities but also create a powerfulcollective image in the market.1.Next Steps:To further explore this exciting opportunity, we suggest scheduling an initial meeting/conference call to discuss the details of the proposed partnership.During this meeting, we can delve deeper into each area of collaboration, discuss potential challenges and opportunities, and outline a roadmap for moving forward.We are flexible in terms of scheduling and are open to any suggestions you may have. Please let us know your availability, and we will arrange the meeting accordingly.Conclusion:We are excited about the prospect of partnering with [Their Company Name] and believe that together we can achieve remarkable success. Our shared values, complementary strengths, and common goals make this partnership a natural fit. We look forward to the opportunity to discuss this further and build a strong, long-lasting relationship.Thank you for considering our proposal. We eagerly await your response.Warmest regards,[Your Full Name][Your Position][Your Company Name][Contact Information: Email, Phone, etc.]。

1. 礼貌用语礼貌用语可以起到缓和气氛、表达尊敬和关注的作用。
2. 交际微词交际微词是为了表达与对方的亲近和亲切感。
1. 使用缓和词语使用缓和词语可以减轻直接表达带来的压力。
2. 提出建议的委婉方式对于对方的提议,如果你有不同的意见,可以采用委婉的方式表达。
1. 肯定对方观点当对方提出观点时,可以使用肯定语来表达自己的认同和尊重。
2. 表达赞美适当地表达赞美可以增加对方的信任和好感。

Negotiation environment
The composition of international negotiation environment:会影响谈判旳战略和策略
1.Political system 2.Economical system 3.Social system 4.Cultural system
• ﹡Your success in a negotiation depends
upon the other party’s making a decision you want; therefore, you should do what you can to make that decision an easy one.
• 3) Strive for better communication. • ﹡Be an active listener and acknowledge
what is being said.
• ﹡ Speak to be understood. • ﹡Avoid being judgmental or debating the
• 2) Cultivate appropriate emotion. • ﹡Your emotion affects that of the other party. • ﹡Recognize and understand emotions of both
• ﹡Make emotions explicit and legitimate • ﹡Allow the other party to let off steam. • ﹡Stay calm with the other party’s emotional

商务英语谈判技巧:谈判对话Dialogue 1A: Is there any way you can cut us a better deal on your wholesale price for this order?B: We did the best that we could to give you a low price. Did you get our latest estimate?A: Based on the estimate you gave us, by the time we figure in transportation and other expenses, our profit is shot. With the offer you’ve given us, we’re making next to nothing. Can’t you do any better?B: I’ve already given you a discount of 20% off of what we normally charge… if I go any lower, we’ll have loss on the project.I really want to work with you on this, but we’ve already gone as low as we could go.A: To be honest… Our budgeted cost can’t exceed more than $150 dollars per unit. That’s our bottom line. If you can meet that price, you will get a deal. Otherwise…B: I’ll say that… I’ll go over the numbers again with our fina ncial team and see what I can do. I can’t give you any guarantees, but I’ll try.Dialogue 2A: You’ve got the email with all the specifications for the project from us, we’ll be accepting bids until noon on Tuesday, if you have any questions in the meantim e, please let me know…B: Actually, I do have a question. We’d like to know whatyou had in mind for a budget on this project. We’re hoping to put together a really competitive bid, but at the same time, we’d like to hit your target price too.A: I understand, but unfortunately it is our policy not to disclose our bottom line. You can be assured that price is a weighty consideration when we review the proposals, but we also take other elements into consideration, including design and practicality. We also give weight to the reputation of the submitting company.B: Do you have any price range? Is there any way you can give me some ideas of which direction to go, or how high is too high?A: We are just looking for a reasonable price according to the specificat ions in our project blueprint. That’s all I can say.安格英语老师认为学会迂回是谈判中非常重要的一项技能,而选择何时亮出自己的底线也需要大家在职场中多年的实践和学习才能够灵活地掌握。

如:We are extremely and sincerely sorry for the error and ask that you accept our humble and sincere apology for the undue inconvenience suffered by you. 在商务谈判中,一定的谦恭是必要的,但过于有礼则让人感到虚伪或使对方反感。

商务英语谈判技巧—要求优惠、给予优惠下面是店铺整理的商务英语谈判技巧,欢迎大家阅读!要求优惠1.We’d like to ask for a reduction in price because of the big size of our order.鉴于我方的定货量很大,希望能降价。
2. Since the present market is so weak, you’ll have to lower your price if you want us to increase sales.由于目前的市场不那么景气,如果贵方需要我方增加销售量的话,就必须降价。
3.Isn’t it possible to give us a little more discount?难道就没有可能再多打一些折扣了吗?4. If you are prepared to give me some al lowance, i’ll consider placing an order for 10000 doze.如果你们愿意减价的话,我可以考虑订购10000打。
5. Should you be prepared to reduce your price, we might come to terns.如果贵方准备降价的话,我们也许就能成交。
6. If the order is substantial one, how much will you come down?如果订购数量相当大,你们可以降价多少?7. We invite quotation of the lowest price.我们恳请报出最低价。
8. May we suggest that you could perhaps make some allowance on your quoted prices?我们能建议贵方对所报价格打些折扣吗?9. If you reduce the price by 2%, I think we can do 20 MT.如果贵方降价2%的话,我认为我方可以购买20吨。
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据日方讲,他已拿到多家报价,有430美元/吨,有370美元/ 吨,也有390美元/吨,并且双方之间有长远合作,要求让步。 据中方了解,370美元/吨是个体户报的价,430美元/是生产 能力较小的工厂供的货,供货厂的厂长与中方公司的代表共 4人组成了谈判小组,由中方公司代表为主谈。谈判前,工 厂厂长与中方公司代表达成了价格共同的意见,工厂可以在 390美元成交,因为工厂需定单连续生产。
Principled Negotiation
梅高洁 许昊珺 骆炜雯
Principled Negotiation
Principled negotiation is the name given to the interest-based approach to negotiation set out in the best-known conflict resolution book, Getting to Yes, first published in 1981 by Roger Fisher and William Ury. The book advocates four fundamental principles of negotiation: 1) 2) 3) 4) separate the people from the problem; focus on interests, not positions; invent options for mutual gain; insist on objective criteria.
1)Separate the people from the problem means separating relationship issues (or "people problems") from substantive issues, and dealing with them independently. People problems tend to involve problems of perception, emotion, and communication. 第一,始终强调在触及实质问题时,人与问题一定要分开分别处 理。
With these situation,the Chinese company decided to negotiate with the Japanese company. During the negotiation,the Chinese representatives analysized the situation to the Japanese company and told them that the price can’t be too low because we were a big company so our products all had good quailties . All negotiation focused on interests and our representatives all had mild mannered.In the end,they concluded a transaction with $400 each ton.Both sides were sarisfied.
2)Negotiating about interests means negotiating about things that people really want and need, not what they say that want or need. 第二,主张谈判的重点应放在利益上,而不是立场上,因此 必须随时把握住谈判各方的利益,尽量克服立场的争执。
A typical case
There were two people who argued with each other.The reason why they argued was that one of them wanted to close the window while other wanted to open it.They have been quarrelling with each other for a long time without a satisfied solution. Then a librarian came and asked them why they wanted to open the window.The answer were that for getting fresh air and for avoiding the noise.After knew the reasons for them,the librarian dealed with the problem by opening the next room’s window.
公司代表讲:“对外不能说,价格水平我会掌握。”公司代 表又向其主管领导汇报,分析价格形势;主管领导认为价格 不取最低,因为我们是大公司,讲质量,讲服务。谈判中可 以灵活,态度温和,但利益最重要,步子要小,若在400美元 以上拿下则可成交,拿不下时把价格定在405-410美元之间, 然后主管领导再出面谈,请工厂配合。中方公司代表将此意 见向工厂厂长转达,并达成共识和工厂厂长—起在谈判桌上 争取该条件,中方公司代表为主谈。经过交锋,价格仅降了 l0美元/吨,在400美元成交,比工厂厂长的成交价高了10美 元/吨。工厂代表十分满意,日方也满意。
有两位男人在图书馆里争吵且互不相让,一位想关窗, 一位想开窗。他们为了窗户应开多大吵个没完:一条缝 ?半开? 四分之三?„„没有一种解决方法能使双方满足。 图书管理员进来了。她问其中一位为什么要开窗户 ?回答 是:“使空气流通。”她问另一位为什么想关上,回答是: “避免噪音干扰”,管理员想了一会儿之后,打开了旁边房 间内的窗户:既可使空气流通,又可避免噪音。
3)By focusing on interests, disputing parties can more easily fulfill the third principle--invent options for mutual gain. 第三,在决定如何实施方案前,先构思各种可能的选择,谈 判者应该安排一段特定的时间,构思各种可能的解决方案, 创造性地努力避免或削弱各方利益上的冲突,为对方谈判者 主动提供某些解决问题的建设性提案的机会; This means negotiators should look for new solutions to the problem that will allow both sides to win, not just fight over the original positions which assume that for one side to win, the other side must lose.
4)The fourth rule is to insist on objective criteria for decisions. While not always available, if some outside, objective criteria for fairness can be found, this can greatly simplify the negotiation process. This gives both sides more guidance as to what is "fair," and makes it hard to oppose offers in this range. 第四,坚持客观的标准,谈判者应设法引入尽可能多的具有科 学优点的客观标准。客观标准具有较高的权威性,不容易受到 非难,通过对客观标准的引入及其应用来逐步达成协议,有利 于提高谈判效率,减少无谓的争执。
A true case
The Japanese company wanted to buy Chinese company’s calcium carbide(电石).This is the fifth year of their st year the our price had been reduced by $30 each ton by the Japanese company and this year it was reduced by $20 each ton.(which means from $410 each ton to $390 each ton).
People problems also often involve difficult emotions — fear, anger, distrust and anxiety for example. These emotions get intertwined with the substantive issues in the dispute and make both harder to deal with. Fisher, Ury and Patton suggest five tactics for disentangling and defusing emotional problems in the negotiation process.
The librarian followed the second rule of principled negotiation “focus on interests, not positions”.If he just focused on positions but not the interests,the negotaition would have a deadlock.In fact,the librarian found the hidden interests that were fresh air and quiet. So he tried to handle this problem by reconciling both sides of interests but not the positions.And this way can be very efficient because every interest can be satisfied by many ways and the common interests are more than other interests.Because all of these,the librarian can solve the problem quickly and prefect.