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2006年郑州外国语学校入学试卷一.Match the pictures with the right Olympic events.

A. Water Polo

B. Weightlifting

C. Diving

D. Badminton

E. Fencing

F. Boxing

G. Table Tennis

1. _____


3. _______



二.Match the statements with the places you would hear or the people who would say them. ___ I ."I am sorry. We only have size 10 left." a. fast food restaurant

___ 2." Where to?" b. taxi( passenger)

___ 3."A single to Brighton, please." c. shop

___ 4."Fares, please." d. hospital

___ 5."Eat in or take away?" e. bus

___ 6."Today's special is chicken pie." f. taxi

___ 7."Six brown bread rolls, please." g. airport

___ 8."Doctor Richard to reception." h. restaurant

___ 9."FlightQA134 to Rome is now i.train station

boarding at gate 12.

___10."Keep the change" j. baker's

三.Please classify (归类) different problems.

1. 1 always worry about tests.! hate them.

2.! don't have any friends. I worry about that.

3. I worry about Mum and Dad splitting up.

4.1t's often dusty in spring. 1 hate dust storms.

5.1 worry wherever I am traveling by air. 1 am afraid the plane will crash.

6. I worry about the traffic. The bus is usually full of people.

7. I'm tired of the evening class.

8. I worry when 1 go into a lift. I hate being shut in. •

9. My dad lost his job in June. 1 worry about money.

10. There are plastic bags everywhere. I hate "the white pollution".

Personal problems: _________________

Family problems: _________________

School problems: ___________________

Social and world problems: _______________

四.Match the idioms with their meanings.


__1 .still waters run deep -

__2.to face the music

__3.to blow one's own trumpet

__4.to keep your head above water

___5.to look before you leap

___6.to make one's hair stand on end

__7.to let the cat out of the bag -

__8.to burn the midnight oil


A. to think it over before you take any action

B. a quiet person is often the cleverest

C. to talk about oneself

D. to let the secret out

E. to deal with what will happen .

G. to make sb. very afraid

H. to play the music with one's own trumpet

I. to talk about music

J. to avoid difficulties ( usually with money)

五.Please choose the best answer.

1. Uncle Sam and John Bull stand for____.

A. the UK; the US

B. the UK; Australia

C. the USA ; the UK

D. theUSA;Australia :-

2. Which of fhe following countries is not an English speaking country?


B. New Zealand



3. One pound equals about____grams.. ..--


B. 1000

C. 454

D. 254

4.When you have an insect bite(叮咬) , which is the best advice you can take'

A. Take some vitamin C.

B. Take some aspirin.

C.Drink lots of hot water.

D. Put some anti-itch cream on it.

5. _____ on the door means good luck in the UK.

A. A crane

B.A key

C. A horseshoe

D.A heart

6. — Would you mind my opening the door?

A. No, please don't

B. Yes, please do.

C. No, please do.

D.Yes, go ahead.

7. — Thank you for sending me the letter.

A. With pleasure.

B. All right

C. My pleasure.

D. It doesn't matter.

8. Where is the Word Cup held?

A. South Korea




9. Mother's Day falls on ______.

A. 3rd Sunday in May

B. 2?ld Sunday in May

C. 3rd Sunday in June

D.2nd Sunday in June

10. Which room is different from the others?

A. washroom

B. rest room

C. drawing room

D. bathroom

六.Please put the following sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue.

__ And can I ask why you left?

__ .with a local TV station.

__ I see. And have you got any experience of working for a big company?

__ About two years.

_J_l'd like to start by asking about your last job. That was with.

__ How long did you work for International Markets?

__ I wanted a more interesting job.

__ Yes, I worked for Internationa! Markets when I left college.

七.Look, think and do.

1. Xiao Wang's telephone number is 6799OD A5. We've known that O+O=D,

O+D+D+6=26, A+A=O,so Xiao Wang's telephone number is _____________-

2. Make a cuboid with a 1200-cm iron wire making the rectangle's length, width and height as 2 : 1 : 3,(用一根长1200厘米的铁丝, 焊成一个长方体的框架, 这个长方体框架长, 宽, 高的比是2 : 1 :

3.), 此长方体的体积是_________ 立方米.

3. The data is shown on the left. According to the picture, the surface area of the

shadow part (图中阴影部分的面积) is _______ cm2

4. Please look at the lollowing permutation, the first vertical line is the iirst group .then the 2006"1 group from the top to the bottom should be (下面排列中,第一竖列为第组, 那么第2006组从上到下依次是)
