


【作文一】话题:朋友(Unit 1 Friendship)

假设你是吴东, 你在网上认识了一个美国朋友Jack, 他来信向你诉说交朋友的烦恼, 他要求你就friendship 这个话题发表你的观点和看法并给他一些建议。于是你根据你所了解的情况, 给他回了一封e-mail 。

[ 写作内容]

1. 友谊是每个人生活中最重要的事情之一, 没有朋友, 人会孤独的。

2. 多与朋友交流, 让朋友知道你想与他交朋友以及你对朋友和友谊的理解。

3. 真正的朋友应该同甘共苦。

4. 邀请朋友参加一些活动如游泳、球赛等, 赢得真正的友谊。

Dear Jack,

I'm glad to have received your e-mail but I am sorry you are having some trouble in making friends.

In my opinion, friendship is one of the most important things in everyone's life because without friends we will suffer loneliness. If you would like to take my advice, you'll win real friendship. First, why not communicate with your friend when possible and tell

him/her what you think about friends and friendship and let him/her know that you want to make friends with him/her. Secondly, you should learn to share your happiness and sorrow with your friends. Thirdly, it would be a good idea if you like to invite him/her to join in some activities such as swimming and ball games, which can make you learn to appreciate your friends and cherish your friendship.

I hope you will find these opinions and ideas useful. Best wishes!


Wu Dong

【作文二】话题:英语(Unit 2 English around the world)假设你是李华, 你所在学校拟在下周开一个" 如何高效地学习英语" 的讲座。请你根据以下要点给史密斯教授写一封信, 邀请他给学生做这次讲座。


讲座目的: 让学生了解英语学习策略

讲座内容: 如何高效学习英语, 如何提高学习英语的兴趣, 如何自主学习

讲座时间: 1 小时30 分钟左右。

参考词汇: 策略strategy

Dear Professor Smith,

Our school is planning to have a lecture on how to learn English effectively for middle school students next week and I'm writing to ask you to come and give a talk on English learning strategies. It will help us understand how to learn English in effective ways and also increase our interest in learning it, thus making us learn it actively. Do you think one and a half hours will be enough for such a lecture? Please let me know as soon as possible so that I can make arrangements.

Looking forward to seeing you and enjoying the lecture.

Best wishes.


Li Hua

【作文三】话题:英语(Unit2 English around the world)

写一篇题为How I Overcome Difficulties in Learning English 的英语短文。写作任务:你是怎样克服困难学好英语的?①你在英语学习中有哪些困难? ②你是如何克服这些困难的?


1. 存在的困难。在短文的第一段就应该写出“我”在英语学习中存在的问题,比如受家乡话发音的影响,/r/音和/l/音不分;记忆力差,很难扩大词汇量;阅读速度慢,不能在规定的时间内把试题做完等。

2. 采取的措施。在第二段中,要简单说明“我”是如何克服这些困难的。如通过勤学苦练,尝试其它不同的学习方法,或者向老师、同学等寻求帮助等等。

3. 说明的方法。我们可运用举例说明法,把学习中的困难和解决的办法列出来。

4. 心得与体会。唐僧师徒四人历尽磨难终于取得真经,那么当你成功地克服了英语学习中的困难后,必定也会充满成就感,总结出心得体会。何不简要点出来与各位朋友分享呢?

I had many difficulties when I started to learn English. Since I come from Chaoshan District, I could not tell / r / from / l /. Because they sound exactly the same in my dialect, I had great difficulty in telling “right”from “light”. My poor memory was another challenge for me when I decided to enlarge my vocabulary. I could only remember the English words for a while.

In order to tell the slight difference between / r / and / l /, I forced myself to practice a lot every day. Whenever I started to speak English, I reminded myself of the difference between “right”

and “light”as well as “read”and “lead”. At first I felt it rather unnatural, but soon I got used to speaking in this way. As for my poor memory, I gave up mechanical memorization and tried many other ways. Finally I found a most efficient way for me: memorizing English words by their syllables and pronunciation.

This is how I succeeded in overcoming the difficulties in learning English and now I have a stronger belief in the proverb that where there is a will, there is a way.

【作文四】话题:英语(Unit2 English around the world)

假定你是一名高中生,一次一位外国朋友问你,除了在学校学习英语之外还有什么其它途径练习英语。请你根据提示用英语(词数: 100左右)写出你参加“英语角”的情况。

提示:1. 英语角”于两年前成立,许多中学生参加,有时也有些大学生和外国友人来此。

2. 活动时间:每周六上午。

3. 活动内容:练习英语口语,谈论大家共同感兴趣的事情,交流学习英语的经验等。

4. 谈你参加此项活动的体会。

参考词汇:“英语角”:English corner

I’m a senior student. I like English very much. Besides attending English lessons at school, I often go to the English corner in the park near my home on Saturday morning. It was set up (formed) two years ago. Many high school students gather there. Sometimes, some college students and even foreign friends are present at the English corner. There, we practice our spoken English, talk about what we are interested in, exchange our experience in learning English and so on. I’ve learned a lot.

I have greatly improved myself in English since I visited it. It is really a great help to me.

【作文五】话题:旅行(Unit3 Travel journal)


1. 你以前从未去过北京,请他当向导,带你参观长城,颐和园和其它名胜;

2. 想住在他家里,以便聊聊彼此的生活和学习;

3. 问候他的父母。


1. 词数100左右;开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数

2. 颐和园the Summer Palace

Dear Li Hong,

I haven’t heard from you for quite a long time. How have you been these days?

During the coming winter vacation, I’m going to Beijing for a tour. As I have never been to Beijing before, I’d like you to be my guide. I hope you can show me around the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and some other places of interest. What’s more, during my visit I hope to stay together with you in your house so that we can have a good talk about our life and studies. What do you think of my idea? I would like to know your opinion.

Please give my best regards(问候) to your parents.

Yours sincerely,

Liu Ming

【作文六】话题:自然(Unit4 Earthquakes)


要点如下:1. 简述人类对大自然的依赖。

2. 随着人类的发展,生态平衡遭到破坏,人类生存的环境受到严重污染。人类正在受到大自然的惩罚。

3. 我们要善待自然,自然也会关照我们。


Nature is the mother of mankind. We get almost everything from her. We live on natural food. We make clothes from natural materials. And we build our houses of stone and wood.

However, with the development of human beings, man has destroyed the balance of nature. Water, air and soil have been badly polluted. Some kinds of animals and plants have died out completely. As a result, man is being punished by nature. Many people suffer a lot from all kinds of diseases caused by pollution.

We should treat nature well and she will look after us.

【作文七】话题:自然(Unit4 Earthquakes)

假设你叫李华,你从报纸上得知世界上8种熊中有6种面临灭绝的危险,人类活动是造成熊类濒危的主要原因。你决定给世界野生生物基金会(WWF)写信反映这一情况、提出你的建议,并希望基金会采取行动对熊类予以保护。参考词汇:熊类bear species

Dear Sir or Madam,

I’ve learned from a newspaper that six of eight bear species in the world are dying out. Scientists say that humans are their biggest threat because some parts of bears are very expensive as medicine.

That’s one of the reasons why bears are often killed. In addition, many habitats of bears are being destroyed as a result of human activities, so bears are losing their homes.

To save bears, I think more reserves for bears should be set up so that they can live freely there. Laws should be passed to prevent people from killing bears. Please give a hand to the endangered bears. They need help to survive.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

【作文八】话题:人物(Unit5 Nelson Mandela –a modern hero)在教师节前夕, 由你以“My Beloved Teacher”为题写一篇英语短文赞扬你所敬爱的老师。


Mr. Li is one of my beloved teachers.

He taught us physics when we were in Senior One. He was old but he taught very well. He could make his class lively and interesting. Mr.Li made good preparations for his lessons and was

strict with us,too. I used to be poor in physics. Mr.Li helped me with my lessons very patiently.

Thanks to his help and hard work, I made good progress and caught up with the class. Teachers’Day is coming. I wish him healthy and happy!

【作文八】话题:人物(Unit5 Nelson Mandela –a modern hero)在教师节前夕, 由你以“My Beloved Teacher”为题写一篇英语短文赞扬你所敬爱的老师。


Mr. Li is one of my beloved teachers.

He taught us physics when we were in Senior One. He was old but he taught very well. He could make his class lively and interesting. Mr.Li made good preparations for his lessons and was strict with us,too. I used to be poor in physics. Mr.Li helped me with my lessons very patiently.

Thanks to his help and hard work, I made good progress and caught up with the class. Teachers’Day is coming. I wish him healthy and happy!



1. 成员中有三名男生和两名女生,均喜欢流行音乐与现代舞蹈。

2. 每周周末排练是否足够?初期演唱的音乐宜多元化还是一种风格?

3. 怎样获得较多的表演机会?

4. 希望他能为乐队取个名字。

Dear Mr. Cousins,

Since you are a well-known musician, I’m writing this e-mail to ask you for some advice on how to form a band.

I, together with two boys and two girls in different classes in our school, want to form a band. We are all fond of pop music and modern dance. I’d like to know whether we should play one kind of music or different styles to start with. And is it enough to practise only at weekends? How can we get more chances to perform?

We’d appreciate it if you would come up with a name for our band. Looking forward to your reply. Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


在我们国家,人们庆祝丰收的节日是中秋节(Mid-Autumn Festival),请写一篇120词左右的短文向外国朋友介绍一下这个传统节日。

We Chinese celebrate our harvest festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, on the 15th of August (lunar month).

The special food for this festival is mooncakes, so people also call this festival Moon Festival. Mooncakes are something like pies. There are different kinds of mooncakes, some have fruit in them, some have nuts in them, and even some have meat in them. All of them are delicious.

Just like Christmas and Thanksgiving in the West, it’s one of the most important and traditional events for us Chinese. It is also a time for family members to get together. Children come back home to have dinner with their parents. This night, the moon is round and bright. People enjoy the full moon, which is considered as a symbol of the harmony and luck.


高中英语作文范文:暑假打工 Summer Job The summer job is a tradition among students of American universities. Long before the end of the school year,students begin their search for jobs during vacation . Students send letters to businesses, talk to employers about job opportunities durlng the summer, and ask friends and relarives to be on the lookout for jobs for them. By June the students have usually solved the problem and begin to make preparations for leaving their books to enter the business world. Reasons for wanting a summer job are different from student to student. Some work to help pay their school expenses; others work to gain experience in their chosen professions; still others work just for the fun of it. Typist, construction worker, salesman, lifeguard, and waiter these are some of the more common jobs that students try to find during the summer months. But many young people find work that is a little more unusual.


how to get good grades in college A few days ago, I did an interview on how to get good grades in college with some of my classmates. Among them, my first interview was a sunny boy named Wen Bing. He said," if you want to get good grades, you have to learn to manage your own time, only in this way can you study more effectively." Moreover, he also mentioned that we must go to the library more, because the atmosphere there is better for study. Then, other interview was a beautiful girl called Xiao Ling. She is more concerned about that listening to the teacher carefully in class. Thinking the content of the university class more than before, we cannot miss any information. Quite agreeing with them, I think these are the basis of getting good grades in college. And I want to add that no matter how to study, we should make a summary carefully in order to review better.


我的暑假4篇(带翻译) 1.How I Spent My Summer Vacation The summer vacation had come round again. I was happy that I could forget about school at least for a while. Lest I fool around all through this summer vacation, I made a plan as to how to spend it. First, I thought I should go over all those things my teachers taught in the previous term so that I could have a better understanding of them. Then I thought I should take up some forms of exercise, such as walking, running rowing, to keep me physically strong. It stood to reason that with such a good plan I should make the best of my vacation time. I did, because I lived up to what I had planned. 暑假有来了。我很高兴我能忘掉学校至少一段时间。免得我我浪费了这个暑假,我做了一个计划如何度过我的暑假。首先,我认为我应该复习所有我的老师一学期教的那些东西,这样我就可以有更好的理解。然后我想我应该参加一些不同形式的运动,如散步、跑步划船、让我身体强壮。它的原看在这样的一个很好的计划,我应该好好利用我的休假。事实上我也这么做了,因此我没有辜负了我的计划。 2.My summer vacation My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day. Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English and improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this. 今年的暑假生活非常愉快。我去农村过暑假。那儿非常美丽,有绿色的植物,清澈的小河,可爱的动物和善良的人们。在那里的两周中我帮爷爷干了些农活。每天我在日记中记下所发生的事情。 除了这些,我还帮助邻居家的孩子做功课。我帮他们读英语,使他们的口语有所提高。他们的父母为此很感激我。


高中英语作文范文100词左右带翻译 很多高中生都写不好高中英语作文,这可能是因为平时积累素材和范文 不够多。下面小编整理了一些高中英语作文范文,供大家参考! 1 高中英语作文范文 Hello,everyone.MynameisKelly.Iamfriendlyandhonest.IamgoodatEnglishandmaths. Ilikesurfingtheinternet,playingcomputergames,watchingTVandtraveling.Ialsolikepl ayingtable tennisandIamgoodatit,too.Ioftenplaytable tenniswithmyfriendsonweekends.AndIwanttobeafamoustable tennisplayerwhenIgrowup.WhatIlikemostistoseetheseagullsflyingfreelyintheskysoI oftengototheseainsummer.MyfavouritecolouriswhitebecauseIthinkwhiteissymbolize purity. 大家好,我的名字叫KELLY.我很友好、诚实.我擅长英语和数学.我爱上网、 玩电脑网络游戏、看电视和旅游.我也喜欢打乒乓球.我经常和朋友们在周末打 乒乓球,长大了我想当一个乒乓球运动员.最喜欢在海边看着海鸥自由自在的飞 翔,因此在夏天我经常去海边.白色是我的最爱.因为我觉得白色是纯洁的象征. Ithinksmilingisasimportantassunshine.Smilingislikesunshinebecauseitcanmakepeop lehappyandhaveagoodday.Ifyouaren’thappy,youcansmile,andthenyouwillfeelhapp y.Someonemaysay,“ButIdon’tfeelhappy.”ThenIwouldsay,“Pleasesmileasyoudow


我的暑假生活英语作文(五篇) 期末考试已经结束,暑假也到了,同学们又能够各种玩耍游乐,但是 也不要把学习拉下哦!以下是###小编为大家精心整理的我的暑假生活 英语作文范文,希望对你有协助。 八月十三号那天,我和爸爸妈妈一起去江西井冈山革命根据地参 观旅游。 井冈山是毛主席和很多革命前辈闹革命的地方,那里四面环山, 树木非常茂盛,风景优美,空气很清新。到了龙潭瀑布,我兴奋不已,也让我想起了李白的诗句“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”。 我们还来到了毛主席住过的地方,房子非常简陋,房子后面有两 棵神树,房子前面有毛主席以前读书经常坐的“读书石”。 第二天,我们参观了井冈山革命根据地博物馆和革命烈士纪念馆。我仔细的观察了以前革命战士使用过的武器,真是毛主席讲的“小米 加玩具”。在革命烈士纪念馆,我看到了很多革命前辈的照片和雕像,牺牲了的革命烈士的姓名,刻满了纪念馆展厅的八面大墙,尤其叫人 难忘。 我觉得毛主席等很多革命前辈很顽强、很勇敢、很聪明、很勤奋,也最值得我们学习和怀念。 On the day of August 13, I went to visit the revolutionary base of jinggangshan, jiangxi, with my parents. Mount jinggangshan is the place where MAO and many of the revolutionary predecessors have been in the middle of the revolution. There are mountains and mountains, the trees are very luxuriant, the scenery is beautiful, the air is fresh. At longtan falls, I was excited, and reminded me of li bai's


关于充实的暑假英语作文 快来与我一起看看我的暑假生活吧。这个暑假,我过得是有喜有忧,尽管不如我想像中的那样快活,但算是丰富多彩……作文网暑假英语作文栏目为您准备了四篇《我的暑假英语作文带翻译》。 篇一:我的暑假 Just over half the summer vacation, but I was looking forward to the school. With the last term when looking forward to summer vacation has just on the contrary, instead it feel in the school life is interesting, you know, my summer vacation is too dull, insipid to like a cup in a glass of plain boiled water, Through the glass, can see at a glance, inside just boiled water, no red wine goblet of imagination. To say how dull, please listen to me to slowly. I at eight o 'clock on time nature to wake in the morning, after the wash and dress, have breakfast with my father and mother. The breakfast is no imagination, the content of the milk, eggs and bread. Sometimes dad will buy soy milk and Fried dough sticks, this also let me feel very surprise, eating a will and there is a, I feel very have a taste. At the same time to have breakfast, I silently suffers from my mother's nagging, nagging me don't surf the Internet to play games all 1 / 8

高中英语作文范文10篇 英语作文100词左右带翻译

高中英语作文范文10 篇英语作文100 词左右带翻译 高考英语满分作文无论是从行文布局,还是文中的词汇和句型上都是比 较让阅卷老师满意的标准,学生们在写作时可以参考模仿。 1 高中英语作文范文带翻译一、 As a major channel of consumption information, the rating is an efficient source of information for shopping in our own consumption. Interestingly, the same rating may have different influences on different consumers. I tend to consult consumption ratings whatever I purchase. Firstly, the higher rating means the higher quality of the product, or better service. Based on the ratings, I bought my beloved backpack, saw interesting films and tasted delicious foods. Secondly, ratings can save time to make decisions in shopping. For example, there are huge amounts of reference books which I am often confused to choose from. In that case, it is both convenient and economical to buy books according to the ratings. There is no doubt that it is unwise to depend completely on the ratings in consumption. The advantages and disadvantages of ratings are often closely related. It is necessary to hold an objective attitude towards ratings. 作为消费信息的主要渠道,评级是我们消费中购物的有效信息来源。有趣 的是,同样的评级可能对不同的消费者产生不同的影响。


暑假假期英语作文3篇 放暑期长假了,在这假期的第一天我要好好地释放一下自己的感受,下面是橙子给大家精心挑选的暑假假期英语作文3篇,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! 暑假假期英语作文篇1 During the summer vacation, I want to give myself a good release on the first day of the holiday. But this is my independent opinion, it's my own, I don't care what anybody thinks about me, that's me. For most people, a holiday is a pleasure, a symbol of freedom. For me now, the start of the holiday season is the beginning of pain. It was clear that the exam was ruined and the summer was over. In test scores, holiday is approaching, my mother gave me a holiday terrorist planning: 6:00 am to exercise, and then listening to English tapes, listening is to have a meal, and then do the homework done (teacher's parents), must go to bed before 10:00 in the evening. But fortunately there were no headbeams, and the cone spines, because there was no such thing as a head cantilever (a headless beam at home) and a cone (no cone in the house). How many of the above requirements can I do with my ability? 1 / 4


精选高中英语作文100词左右带翻译 英语是我们要学习的一个主要科目,英语作文是对英语知识的集中考察。下面,是为你整理的高中英语作文,希望对你有帮助! Once people were asked if they felt happy, most people did not know how to answer, to their hesitation, they were not satisfied with their situation. Today, people are under great pressure, they live in a fast-paced way. They have worked so hard to satisfy their meets, but what they want is far out of their reach, so they feel tired and not happy. Happiness could be an easy thing, only if people are easy to be satisfied, they can be happy for having a vacation and having dinner with their parents, these things are easy to be ignored. When people are ambitious, they want more, they don’t realize what they have is more than other people, other people want to be one of them. So when you feel unhappy, why don’t you look at the things you have, you will realize you are a happy man. 曾经人们被询问你幸福吗,大部分人不知道如何回答,他们的犹豫,意味着他们对自己的现状不满意。今天,人们面临很大的压力,他们生活是快节奏的。他们很努力工作,以此来满足他们的需求,但



有关假期的英语作文 【篇一:关于暑假的英语作文】 我的暑假(my summer vacation) summertime is the besttime of the year.there is no school for monthsi get to do what i want.with no tests no homework,im as free as a bird. i do many things during the summer vacation.i relax by reading books watching tv.i also hang out with my friends travel with my family.however,i dont play in summer.i take advantage of the free time to learn more.for example,last summer i learned to swim.this summer i might study computers or english.summer vacation flies by fast,so its important to do as as you can. 暑假打工(a part-time job) this summer vacation i got a part-time job in a snack bar. at the beginning, i couldn't do well at all often made mistakes. i was very low-spirited,father mother encouraged me a lot. so i began to try my best. gradually, i could do a very good job. i felt very excited when i received my pay for the first time. i already made up my mind to find another part-time job in this winter vacation. i believe i can do better next time.快乐暑假英语作文 summer vacation i enjoy summer vacation very much. because summer vacation is the longest vacation of the year. we have more than fifty days to rest. though it is very hot, we can either go to swim or stay in the air-conditioned room . in the evening, i like to go shopping with my friends.


高中英语作文100词左右范文 英语作文是对学生综合能力考核最彻底的一类题型。下面,小编为 你整理了高中英语作文100词范文,希望对你有帮助! 高中英语作文100词篇一:CulturaltourismWiththedevelopmentoflivingstandards,goingouttohaveatourismisbe comingapartofourlife.Butatthesametime,uncivilizedbehaviorsintourismarefrequentl yhappening.Soculturaltourismhasbecameahottopicinthesociety.Especiallyinvacatio ns,phenomenaofuncivilizedbehaviorinparksormuseumseverywhere.Eveninforeignc ountries,ourChinesecitizensstilldonaturally,itseriouslyaffectedourcountry’simage.O fcourse,ithascausedbadlossinancientbuildingsandantiquitiesandourenvironments.So it’surgenttoadvocatetohaveaculturaltourism.Firstly,weshouldkeepinmindthesenseof protectingtheenvironment.Andwhenwehaveatourism,wehadbetterwatchoutthewarni ngwordscarefullyandthenobeytherules.Fort hesakeofourselvesandourcountry,let’sdo somemeaningfulthingsforculturaltourism.高中英语作文100词篇二:schoollifeMyschoollifecanberich!Andfriendsintheschoolstudytogetherplaytogethere attogethercleaning.Everydayhaveahappyfulfilling.Iwasluckyenoughtogetalongwithc lassmateinabigfamily.Wereadthetexttogetherintheclassroomeverymorningmorningr eaidngonceweagaintogetherinclass.InclasswelikeagainbecameaNemesiswishtheteac hershowhisnameletoneselftospeak.Thatishowweineveryclass.IrememberwhenIwasi nthemosthappinessisIspitinthec lassroommygoodfriendsandnodon’tcareaboutmetota kepapertowelitemstomeletmyselfwipinghisclothes.Strengthofthestudentscametoouts ideoftheclassroomtotakethemoppoolgiveoffsomethingIspitonthegroundtocleanandr ubthegroundbrightasday.Thismademefeelverygratified.EvenwhenIwasathomesome


关于暑假生活的英语作文【八篇】 导语:暑假已经来临,小编给大家整理了几篇相关暑假的英语作文及范文,供大家学习参考~. (一) Summer time is the best time of the year.There is no school for months I get to do what I want.With no tests no homework,I'm as free as a bird. I do many things during the summer vacation.I relax by reading books watching TV.I also hang out with my friends travel with my family.However,I don't play in summer.I take advantage of the free time to learn more.For example,last summer I learned to swim.This summer I might study computers or English.Summer vacation flies by fast,so it's important to do as as you can. 译文 夏天是的时间。没有学校几个月来,我去做我想做的事。没有测试没有作业,我自由地像一只鸟。 我在暑假期间做很多事情。我通过看书看电视放松自己。我也和我的家人和我的朋友出去旅游。不过,在夏天我不玩。我利用空闲时间去学习更多的知识。例如,去年夏天,我学会了游泳。今年夏天我能够学习电脑和英语。暑期过得很快,所以重要的是要做的。 (二) I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays this year. I liked green plants, clear rivers lovely amimals there.I breathed the fresh air on the mountain sometimes I went swimming in the river. I kept a diary every day.

英语作文100字左右 英语作文80词左右

英语作文100字左右英语作文80词左右听、说、读、写既是学习英语的四种基本手段也是英语学习者的四项基本技能,其中写作是最为关键的输出部分,并且在高中英语教学中越来越受到重视。下面,是为你的英语作文100字左右,希望对你有帮助! I am a big fan of tennis match, since our country’s great athlete Li Na’s retired, I am still keep an eye on the tennis. Australian Open is held in the first month of the year, this year, I watched a great game. The women’s first seed Serena Williams continued her legend, she was more than 30, but she is still the best, she won the champion. After the match, she gave the inspiring speech, she told that she wanted to tell everyone, it was never too late to chase what you want, she was the best example. I am so touched by her speech, people like to take the age as the excuse, actually, we should never say old. 我是一名网球比赛的超级粉丝,自从我们国家伟大的运动员李娜退役后,我仍然关注着网球。澳大利亚网球公开赛每年都在一月举行,今年,我看到了很棒的比赛。女子的一号种子赛琳娜威廉姆斯继续她的传奇,她已经30多岁了,但是她仍然是最好的,她赢得了冠


假期计划英语作文(20篇) 假期计划英语作文第1篇: My Holiday Plan The summer holiday is ing soon。What will I do in my summer holiday? I am going to go on a trip with my parents。 Im going to Dongguan Park in my summer holiday。I will go with my parents。We are going to eat good food and see the flowers in Dongguan Park。We are going to climb mountains,too。We can have a picnic there and we can read magazines there,too。Of course,We will take many photos in the park。 I think I will have a happy holiday this summer。What about you? 假期计划英语作文第2篇: My holiday life was busy but wonderful。I got up at 7:00 every day。I did my homework in the morning so that I could finish my homework on time。I sometimes went shopping with my mother in the afternoon。But most of the time I did sports in the afternoon,such as,swimming,playing football,playing table tennins,going out for a walk and so on。I also went to Beidaihe with my parents and we spent three days there。I visited my grandparents and stayed there for a week。I read books,went to the movies,surfed the internet ,went to the library and visited my friends。I


高二英语作文100词带翻译 高二英语作文100词带翻译1 There is a saying that man proposes, god disposes, which means man plan the things and the rest of the outcome lies in the luck. This saying reflects the connection between hard-work and luck, which is though sometimes we have worked so hard, luck occupies great position, the unexpected things happen and refrain us from succeeding. In order to be successful, people work so hard, they believe they can achieve their goals, but lacking luck stops them achieving their goals. So working hard doesn’t mean bringing people success directly, they just need to try more times, without luck, they still can make their goals. Luck can help people close to success, without hard-work, they can’t be successful. Hard-work and luck make people realize their goals, but without luck, people still can make it by trying more times. 有一句话说谋事在人,成事在天,意思是人们计划事情,剩下的结果依赖于运气。这句话反应了努力和运气之间的联系,那就是虽然有时候我们很努力工作,但是运气也占据了很重要的位置,意外的事情会发生,阻挡人们成功。为了取得成功,人们努力工作,他们相信能达到目标,但是运气的缺失让他们无法达到


关于暑期的英语作文大全:关于暑假的英语作文 a day in my summer vacation last summer i spent a two-week vacation at my aunt's place. my aunt lived alone in a mountain village, with a small river winding its course everyday. one morning i went fishing in the river, where two women washed clothes. i fimnd a most favorable point. casting out my line i waited anxiously for a bite. suddenly there came a cry: "help! help!" i looked in the direction of the call saw a boy falling into the river. throwing the fishing pole, i dashed over like an arrow, jumped into the river swam very quickly towards the boy. then together with his mother i carried the boy on my back to a nearby hospital. that boy was

saved. the mother gave me a thousand thanks. back to my fishing place, i fimnd my fishing pole floating on the water. i managed to get it. but to my great surprise, there was a big fish on the hook. 在这个暑假里有许许多多快乐的事如:和爸爸一起去捕鱼,运动其中我感觉最快乐的一件事还是去东方绿舟玩!这次暑假里我的姨妈、姨父带我和哥哥去的。... 现在是炎热的夏天。火辣辣的太阳一个劲儿地散发着光和热,照得人感到很刺眼,眼睛都睁不开了;知了呢?天天躲在树上,唱着那枯燥无趣的夏之歌,真是要把人烦死了!这个原本应该很快乐的暑假,却不知怎么变得那么如此的平淡。 一生不在于他的美丑,而是在于快乐、充实、心灵美、有值得追求的梦想、奋斗的目标题记若,让夜停止清唱,只留下淡淡的剪影,是否我的惆怅,会随着夜的静止而宁静。 我向往已久的天苍苍,野茫茫。风吹草动见


[英语作文100词左右高一]英语范文高中100词左右 英语作文是高考英语中的必考题型,它可以考查高中学生英语 的综合运用能力,代表了学生的英语书面表达能力。下面,是为你的英语作文100词左右高一,希望对你有帮助! I think most people have the moment to be annoyed by the technology. For example, the task is prepared to be finished in the certain time, but as we are easy to be lost in the puter games, nothing will be pleted in the end. Technology indeed brings convenience, it improves our efficiency, but at the same time, it also distances people’s munication. A lot of my friends spend all their time in searching the Inter, even when we are sitting in a table, everyone lows down their heads and focus on playing smart phones. When I play jokes, no one gives me the response, I feel lost. We are just sitting face in face, while I feel the largest distance. The moment we talk to our friends and families is precious, don’t let smart phone controls your life. Just put down the phone and have a nice talk. 我认为大多数人都会有受到科技方面的困扰。例如,任务是要在特定的时间内准备完成,但是我们很容易迷失在电脑游戏里,最后什 么也做不了。科技的确带来了方便,它可以提高我们的效率,但同时,
