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Anti-dumping, Subsidies, Safeguards,Contingencies, etc 反倾销、反补贴、保障和特殊情况处理等
Binding tariffs, and applying them equally to all trading partners (most-favoured-nation treatment, or MFN) are key to the smooth flow of trade in goods. 约束关税及将其在全体贸易成员国之间平等地适用(即最惠国待遇,简称MFN )是保证商品交易过程畅通的关键。

The WTO agreementsuphold the principles, but they also allow exceptions —in some circumstances. Three of these issues are: 世贸协议秉持着这些原则,但有时也有例外。

例如以下三种情况:actions taken against dumping (selling at an unfairly low price)
1. 反倾销(以不公平的低价出售商品的行为)措施;
subsidies and special “ countervailing ” duties to offset the subsidies
1. 贸易补贴以及为抵消贸易补贴而征收的“反补贴”关税;
emergency measures to limit imports temporarily, d esigned to “ safeguard
domestic industries.
1. 为暂时限制进口以“保护”国内产业而采取的紧急应对措施。

Anti-dumping actions
If a company exports a product at a price lower than the price it normally charges on its own home market, it is said to be “ dumping ” the product.

Is this unfair competition? Opinions differ, but many governments take action against dumping in order to defend their domestic industries.


The WTO agreement does not pass judgment. 世贸组织的协议并未给出明确的判断。

Its focus is on how governments can or cannot react to dumping —it disciplines
anti- dumping actions, and it is often called the Anti-Dum“ping Agreement ”. (This focus only on the reaction to dumping contrasts with the approach of the Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Agreement.) 协议把重点放在了政府能否对倾销行为予以反击——它规范了反倾销的手段,并被通称为《反倾销协定》 (此协定的重点在于对倾销行为的回击,与《补贴与反补贴措施协定》不同)。

The legal definitions are more precise, but broadly speaking the WTO agreement allows governments to act against dumpi ng where there is genuine ( “ material ”) injury to the
competi ng domestic in dustry.

In order to do that the gover nment has to be able to show that dump ing is tak ing place, calculate the
exte nt of dump ing (how much lower the export price is compared to the exporter ' s home market
price), and show that the dumping is causing injury or threatening to do so.

GATT (Article 6) allows countries to take action against dumping.

The An ti-Dump ing Agreeme nt clarifies and expa nds Article 6, and the two operate together.

They allow countries to act in a way that would normally break the GATT principles of
binding a tariff and not discrim in at ing betwee n trad ing partners

—typically an ti-dump ing action means charg ing extra import duty on the particular product
no rmal value from the particular exporting country in order to bring its price closer to the
to remove the injury to domestic in dustry in the importi ng coun try.

There are many differe nt ways of calculat ing whether a particular product is being dumped heavily or
only lightly.

The agreeme nt n arrows dow n the range of possible opti on s. It provides three methods to calculate
a product ' s "normal value
The main one is based on the price in the exporter ' s domestic market.

When this cannot be used, two alternatives are available —the price charged by the
exporter in ano ther coun try, or a calculati on based on the comb in ati on of the exporter product ion
costs, other expe nses and no rmal profit margins.

And the agreeme nt also specifies how a fair comparis on can be made betwee n the export price and
what would be a normal price.

Calculat ing the exte nt of dump ing on a product is not eno ugh.

An ti-dump ing measures can only be applied if the dump ing is hurting the in dustry in the import ing coun try.

Therefore, a detailed in vestigati on has to be con ducted accord ing to specified rules first. 因此,首先必须依照规则进行详细的调查。

The in vestigati on must evaluate all releva nt econo mic factors that have a beari ng on the state of the in dustry in questio n.

If the investigation shows dumping is taking place and domestic industry is being hurt, the export ing compa ny can un dertake to raise its price to an agreed level in order to avoid an ti-dump ing import duty.

Detailed procedures are set out on how an ti-dump ing cases are to be in itiated, how the
in vestigati ons are to be con ducted, and the con diti ons for en suri ng that all in terested parties are give n an opport unity to prese nt evide nee.

An ti-dump ing measures must expire five years after the date of impositi on, uni ess an
in vestigati on shows that ending the measure would lead to injury.

An ti-dump ing in vestigati ons are to end immediately in cases where the authorities
determ ine that the margin of dump ing is in sig ni fica ntly small (defi ned as less tha n 2% of the export price of the product).
如果权威机构认定倾销额度微不足道(即根据规定低于商品出口价的2% ),则反倾销调查须

Other con diti ons are also set.

For example, the investigations also have to end if the volume of dumped imports is
n egligible (i.e. if the volume from one country is less tha n 3% of total imports of that product —although investigations can proceed if several countries, each supplying less than 3% of the imports, together acco unt for 7% or more of total imports).

The agreeme nt says member coun tries must i nform the Committee on
An ti-Dump ing Practices about all prelim in ary a nd final an ti-dump ing actions, promptly and in detail. 协定还规定,成员国必须即时详细地向反倾销措施委员会报告其采取的初步和最终反倾销措施。

They must also report on all investigations twice a year.

Whe n differe nces arise, members are en couraged to con sult each other. They can also use the
WTO's dispute settleme nt procedure.
