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(6) Some minority communities stick to the extended family structure, and it is common to find that three generations are living together in an Indian family. They say that apart from strengthening traditional family ties, ___i_t_______can provide security for older people when they cannot work any more.
Note: Don’t drop the minor parts that are examined(不能去 掉被测试的次要部分).
(1)The UN sounded a warning Tuesday that more than one billion young people are in danger of damaging their hearing through overuse of smart phones and other audio devices, ____s_u_g__g_e_s_t_in_g______(suggest) new safety standards for safe volume(音量)levels.
句子主要成分(major parts of a sentence):主谓(宾)/主系表 句子次要成分(minor parts of a sentence):定语(从句), 状语(从句),同位语(从句),插入语(by using commas, brackets, or dashes)
2)Analyze the sentence structure by keeping the major parts of a
(3)Jane, mother of three children, w__o_r_k_e_d___(work) in that company from 2000 to 2015. (4)Listening to songs, says Stout, __h_e__lp_s_____(help) speed up your progress.
4) And, as more children were born, more food _w__a_s _n_e_e_d_e_d____(need). (2020年7月)
5) Over thousands of years, they began to depend less on 57_____w__h_a_t____w__h_e__th__e_r could be hunted or gathered from the wild, and more on animals they had raised and crops they had sown. (2020年7月)
(1)The book, believe it or not , __w__a_s__w__r_it_t_e_n______(write) by me when I was at college. (2) A parent who is working so hard for the benefits and financial security of the children _t_e_n_d__s__(tend) to give more and complain less.
(5)The unmanned Chang’e-4 probe(探测器) - the name was inspired by an ancient Chinese moon goddess - 61 ____t_o_u_c_h_e_d____( touch) down last week in the South Pole. (2020 年全国Ⅰ卷)
How to do a grammar test? -by Lance (兰银清)
1. Understand the meaning of the sentence well. (读懂句意)
1) It’s changed not just the way I look at the cities, __b_u_t___ the way I live.
2. Analyze the sentence structure well when necessary.(必要时, 理清句子结构)
How to analyze the sentence structure? (怎样理清句子结构?)
1) What are the major parts of a sentence (主要成分)? What are the minor parts of a sentence(次要成分)?
2) When we returned home, I told my pilot father __h_o_w___ I was feeling, and he bought me flying lessons.
3) Farming produced more food per person 58__th_a_n_____b_y____ hunting and gathering, so people were able to raise more children.(2020年7月浙江)
sentence and dropping the minor parts of a sentence.(通过保留主要成分, 去掉次要成分的方法来理清句子结构) Note: Don’t drop the minor parts that affect your answer.(不要去掉影响 你答案的次要成分)