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日期 201.10
(1)V 带传动设计所涉及的图表的程序化设计; (2)V 带传动计算机辅助设计程序编制和调试。
(1)完成 V 带传动计算机辅助设程序设计,输出设计结果(必作); (2)参数化绘制带轮结构图,结构任选(选作)。
带传动输入功率 P ,小带轮转速 n 1,传动比 i ,原动机种类,工作机载荷性质,中心距 a ,带传动每天工作时数。
要求确定 V 带型号,基准长度 L d 及根数 z ,确定大、小带轮基准直径 d d 2、d d 1,实际中心距 a ,安装初拉力 F 0,压轴力 Q 。
Option Explicit
Const pi = 3.1415926 机械系15-7 张庭川 03151073
Dim afp#, p#, n1#, n2#, i#, ap#
Dim pca#, v#, d2#, a0#, ld0#, a#, af1#, z#, f0#,
Dim dx#, ka#, d1#, ld#, kaf#, p0#, dtp0#, kl#,
q#, dx1$
Dim dxx#, kax#, d1x#, ldx#, kafx#, p0x#,
dtp0x#, klx#, qx#
Dim dxy#, kay#, d1y#, ldy#, kafy#, p0y#, dtp0y#, kly#, qy# Private Sub Form_Load() Dim xlapp As Excel.Application Dim xlbook As Excel.Workbook Dim xlsheet As Excel.Worksheet
Set xlapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set xlbook =
xlapp.Workbooks.Open(App.Path &"\1.xls") Set xlsheet = xlbook.sheets1 End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
p = Text1.Text:n1 = Text2.Text:n2 = Text3.Text Set xlsheet = xlbook.sheets1 8-8
kax = Combo2.ListIndex + Combo1.ListIndex * 3 + 1:kay = Combo3.ListIndex + 1 ka = xlsheet.Cells(kax, kay)
pca = ka * p:i = n1 / n2 If n1 > (10 ^ 2.7228) * (pca ^ 0.9659) Then Text7.Text = "推荐选Z 带":dx = 3:End If If n1 < (10 ^ 2.7228) * (pca ^ 0.9659) And n1 > (10 ^ 2.13101) * (pca ^ 0.9659)Then Text7.Text = "推荐选A 带":dx = 5:End If If n1 <= (10 ^ 2.13101) * (pca ^ 0.9659) And n1 >= (10 ^ 1.7758) * (pca ^ 1.03366) Then Text7.Text = "推荐选B 带":dx = 7:End If If n1 < (10 ^ 1.7758) * (pca ^ 1.03366) And n1 >= (10 ^ 0.89902) * (pca ^ 1.21825) Then Text7.Text = "推荐选C 带":dx = 9:End If If n1 < (10 ^ 0.89902) * (pca ^ 1.21825) Then Text7.Text = "推荐选D 带":dx = 11:End If
d1x = dx:d1y = 1:Set xlsheet = xlbook.sheets1 8-9:
pv: d1y = d1y + 1:d1 = xlsheet.Cells(d1x,
d1y):v = pi * d1 * n1 / 60000
While v >= 5:GoTo pv:Wend
d2 = d1 * i:a0 = 2.35 * (d1 + d2)
ld0 = 2 * a0 + (d1 + d2) * pi / 2 + (d1 + d2) * (d1 + d2) / (4 * a0)
Set xlsheet = xlbook.sheets1 8-2:ldx = dx:ldy = 2
ld = 500 xlsheet.Cells(ldx, ldy):While ld < ld0 ldy = ldy + 1:ld = xlsheet.Cells(ldx, ldy) Wend
klx = ldx + 1:kly = ldy
kl = xlsheet.Cells(klx, kly)
a = a0 + (ld - ld0) / 2
af1 = 180 - (d2 - d1) * 57.3 * a
Set xlsheet = xlbook.sheets1 8-4
p0x = 3
While n1 > 1 xlsheet.Cells(p0x, 1)
p0x = p0x + 1
p0y = (dx - 3) * 5 + d1x + 1
If p0x = 3 Then
p0 = xlsheet.Cells(p0x, p0y)
ElseIf p0x > 12 Then
p0 = xlsheet.Cells(12, p0y)
Else p0 = xlsheet.Cells(p0x - 1, p0y) + (xlsheet.Cells(p0x, p0y) - xlsheet.Cells(p0x - 1, p0y)) * (n1 - xlsheet.Cells(p0x - 1, 1)) / (xlsheet.Cells(p0x, 1) - xlsheet.Cells(p0x - 1, 1))
End If
Set xlsheet = xlbook.sheets1 8-5
dtp0y = 11
While i < xlsheet.Cells(2, dtp0y)
dtp0y = dtp0y - 1
If dtp0y = 2 Then:GoTo p2:End If:Wend
p2: dtp0y = (dx - 3) * 5 + dtp0y
dtp0x = p0x:dtp0 = xlsheet.Cells(dtp0x, dtp0y)
Set xlsheet = xlbook.sheets1 8-6
While af1 kafx = kafx + 1:Wend kaf = xlsheet.Cells(kafx - 1, 2) + (xlsheet.Cells(kafx, 2) - xlsheet.Cells(kafx - 1, 2)) * (af1 - xlsheet.Cells(kafx - 1, 1)) / (xlsheet.Cells(kafx, 1) - xlsheet.Cells(kafx - 1, 1)) z = pca / ((p0 + dtp0) * kaf * kl) Set xlsheet = xlbook.sheets1 8-3:qx = dx q = xlsheet.Cells(qx, 1) f0 = 50 * (2.5 - kaf) * pca / (kaf * z * v) + q * v * v fp = 2 * z * f0 * Sin(af1 / 2) Text8.Text = " 基准长度Ld:"& ld &" 根数z:"& z &" 小带轮直径:"& d1 &" 大带轮直径:"& d2 &" 实际中心矩:"& a &" 安 装初拉力F0:"& f0 &" 压轴力Q:"& q End Sub 五.运行结果