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1. 问对错

Which of the following is true/ not true? All the statements are true

except ________

Which of the following statements is (not) mentioned in the passage?

2. 问细节点Who, what, which, when, where, why, how 的提问。

3. 问加工细节排序题: :Which is the right order of the events given

in the passage?


解题方法 1. 审题——找到问题中的关键词;

1. 定位——回到文章中进行定位; (注意:在阅读文章时要对关键词事先进行标


找关键词:关键词一般是醒目的词汇及实词,比如:数字、大写、人名、地名、时间状语、复合词、中文解释,标点符号( “”,—,下划线等)

找关键词三原则:(1) 尽量避免用中心词和常用词作关键词。(2) 答案ABCD里有3-4 个相同的词,一般是关键词。(3) 用关键词在文章中找到问题的出处,可能是关键词的重复或者是同反义词的转述。

出题点:强转折:两个虽然( although, while ) 三个但是( but, yet, however )

两个事实( in fact, actually ) 两个尽管( despite, in spite of )

强对比:other, on the other hand, today, now 强因果:because, since, for, so, thus, therefore, conclude


2. 分析理解,选项是哪个——排除法错误选项有哪些?陷阱大揭密陷阱一:偷换


较多量:many, most, lots of 较少量:little, few

^Θ6 PlnoO ΘUO X JΘΛ3

so乙6 L θm θjopq JElndod X JΘΛΘJΘM XΘL∣I O

IInj ui s6uιμ; JOJ XeCl o; peμ s」OUJOlSn。g θJθμ∕v∖Xjθ∆θ POSn θq PlnOO AOLI 丄∀

6θ6essed o屮UJOJJ SPJeo *PaD」θ∣μeθ o屮ιnoqw ∕v∖ou>∣

ΘM Ueo 冋M J

ΘIUI; e e θ∣μι∣e 6uιμiθiuos JOj XeCl


AOll丄IlnJ ui s6ι∣!屮JOj XeCl o; PEll s」OUJOlSn。PJeo o屮ιno ΘΛB6 IElIl SSΘUIS nq Jo ΘJO;S θu; Ie SPJeo OSO屮OSn XIUO PlnOO s」OUJOlSno I SPJeo *PaD s,Xepo; Θ>∣!∣U∩•(营画)s」OUJOlSno ISOq j∣θμ; o; SPJeo I∣PΘJ□ΘΛB6

l sθ∣uedιuo□


冋l so36 i &屮Uj JelndOCl θiue□θq 剛SPJeo yPalo (※鞏Iyg C g乙)

6uiq;Xj9A9 型谕6uιμiθiuos ⅛f出皿号ΘUO X JΘΛΘlθJθμ∕v∖Xjθ∆θ l6u∣mXjθΛθ M* :B WWΦ⅜ / ¥J

I彩⅜⅜靖甥、二轴⅞l suosjθd θθjμi , Q ,uosjθd ΘUO XIUO , O ,suosjθdo∕v∖ι , g ,uosjθd ΘUO sλe∕v∖∣e IoN ,∀乙0] UΘΛI6 θzμd OIqoN E θ! suosjθd XUeUJ ∕v∖o∏ ψ UΘΛI6

se∕v∖θzμd θ□eθc∣ QqoN OU lθ∣dιuexθ Joj I ZLQV UI 4uθωθΛθ∣μ□e ^eθj6 OU si aιo

屮jι IIe 2UΘΛI6 IoU si θzμd e 弭屮OrUl SΘUJ!1ΘUJOS OSIe si ;| Jθμiθ6o; pθψo∕v∖θ∆eμ oμ∕v∖ OldoodaloUJ Jo OW o; UΘΛI6 θqλeιu 打PalEilS si θzμd e S9IUI;9UJOS SAeMle IoU Inq ' uos」OdOUo ]sn[ o; UΘΛI6SI ΘZIJ Cl e UΘ⅛O(曲睜坯卫£L0乙)

& — AlUO礙申土凰9多者黑也申事忑人IUo —⅛,<⅛PS^⅜⅛ this kind of credit card.陷阱三:偷换确定性和不确定性表达原文中可能本是推测、可能、也许,而题干中换成必然、绝对(possibly, can, maybe——must, can ' t, never)或者在题干中加入了否定前缀。例如:文章中是happy, 而题干中换成了unhappy 。

(2012 唐山)Some children feel it is very difficult to do their homework, because they can 't understand their teacher clearly, and can 't follow

their teacher 's teaching process (过程). Maybe there is something wrong with their intelligence.

But some children 's intelligence is normal. They are even cleverer, but they don 't listen to the teacher carefully .It is hard for them to

sit well and pay attention to anything .It needs to carry on the attention centralized (集中注意力) training to help the children.

Some children find the homework difficult .Which reason is NOT right?

A. They can't understand their teacher clearly

B. They can't follow their teacher 's teaching process
