【人教版】2019届一轮优化探究英语练习 选修七 Unit 2 Robots 含答案

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I used to believe courtesy was a thing of the past. Very seldom have I encountered a courteous human being in this modern era.

Recently, I had to change my thinking, when I came face to face with just such a human being in a coffee place, with my two daughters. The place was crowded as usual and we had to climb steep (陡峭) stairs in order to find an empty table. After enjoying coffee and snacks, we went down the narrow stairs, where there was hardly any space for another person to either climb up or come down.

Just as I was in the middle of the stairs, a gentleman entered the main entrance of the restaurant which was right in front of the staircase (楼梯). I was sure I would be pushed roughly by this man going up. I kept coming down as fast as I could. My daughters were already down, looking up at me worriedly, and hoping I would reach them before the stranger started walking up the stairs, knowing I was a nervous sort.

Nearly reaching them, I noticed the man still standing near the door. I reached my daughters and passed the stranger at the entrance door which he kept holding open. I looked back thinking he was still at the door, deciding whether to go in or find another less crowded place. I saw him going up the stairs, two at a time. I told my daughters about it and all three of us felt bad that we did not even thank the courteous gentleman who was actually holding the door open for us ladies to pass through before going up.

Such well-mannered people are hard to find these days, when pushing is very common in our advanced but aggressive society. We applauded him for his chivalry (彬彬有礼).[语篇解读]本文为一篇记叙文.本文通过讲述自己的亲身经历告诉读者,现在社会尽管懂得礼节的人不多,但毕竟还存在着一些懂礼节的人.

1.What is the meaning of the underlined word “courtesy” in Paragraph 1?

A.A brave action.B.Sacrifice spirit.

C.A considerate action. D.Selfish behavior.



2.What did the author think of the man at the first sight of him?

A.He was in a hurry.

B.He would wait for her.

C.He would push her rudely.

D.He was a man with good manners.

解析:细节理解题.根据第三段中的“I was sure I would be pushed roughly by this man going up.”可知,作者第一眼看到那个男士时以为他会粗鲁地推开她上楼梯,故答案为C项.


3.Why did the author's daughters worry about her?

A.She was easy to be nervous.

B.She took up too much space.

C.She was too old to walk fast.

D.She focused too much on the man.

解析:细节理解题.根据第三段最后一句“My daughters were already down,looking up at me worriedly...knowing I was a nervous sort.”可知作者的女儿们担心她的原因是:她是一个很容易紧张的人,故答案为A项.


4.What can we learn about the man from Paragraph 4?

A.He might be a waiter of the café.

B.He might have an urgent business to do.

C.He loved a daughter of the author.

D.He would hold the door open for all.

解析:推理判断题.根据第四段中“I saw him going up the stairs,two at a time.”可知,那位男士可能有急事要做,故答案为B项.



Can you figure out someone's name just by looking at him or her?

The answer may not be a definit e “yes”,but a study by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, found that you would at least have a clue, since people with certain names tend to share similar facial appearances.

For example, if someone is named Bob, he's likely to have a round and joyful face, while someone named Tim tends to have a narrower face and a more serious look.

People have long been associating names with certain cultural expectations, which may be responsible for the study's results. For example, a woman named Katherine is usually considered to be more reliable than a girl named Bonnie. Previous studies also found that people with traditionally African-American names such as DeShawn and Jamal are more likely to be seen as dangerous and violent by their teachers and are less likely to be hired in jobs.

These stereotypes (模式化概念) have become so widespread that they've even affected how people look at themselves. In fact, people tend to subconsciously (下意识地) change their own personalities to fit into these stereotypes—Katherines may try hard to be trustworthy
