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• Odysseus —木马攻城的献计者,比喻智多星。 • Trojan Horse or wooden hwk.baidu.comrse —诡诈之物,比
喻(潜藏在内部的)颠覆分子或阴谋。常见的病 毒Trojan Spy, Trojan Dropper等也来自此意。 • Greek Gift —木马是希腊人假装退敌后留给特洛 伊人的礼物,所以此词有不安好心的礼物之意。
The Trojan Horse
• Nine years later, many heroes died, including Achilles(阿基里斯), Ajax (埃阿斯),Hector (赫克托) and Paris(帕 里斯). The end of the war came with one finally plan which devised by Odysseus(奥德修斯)— a giant hollow wooden horse.
The golden apple
• Who will have the famous apple?
• The golden apple. • Ahtena雅典娜? • Hrea赫拉?
• Aphrodite阿佛洛狄 忒?
The reason
• The war originated from a quarrel between the goddesses Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite, after Eris (埃里斯), gave them a golden apple. After the judgment, Aphrodite made Helen, the most beautiful woman and wife of
The results
• The war lasted for ten years. The Achaeans (希腊人)slaughtered (屠杀) the Trojans (except for some of the women and children whom they kept or sold as slaves) and desecrated (亵渎)the temples. Helen was brought back by Menelaus in the end.
Some consistently use
• Eris—挑拨离间者,制造纠纷者。她以金苹果引 发纠纷,所以apple of discord有纷乱之源,祸根 之意。
• Helen —引起特洛伊战争的源头。所以Helon of Troy 有红颜祸水,倾国美女之意。
• Achilles —除了脚后跟,被冥河水浸润过的地方 刀枪不入。 Achilles’ heel比喻致命伤,最大的弱 点。
Menelaus(墨涅拉奥斯 ),
fall in love with Paris, who took her to Troy. Agamemnon(阿伽门农), king of Mycenae(希腊古城) and the brother of Menelaus, started a war on Troy.