化学与能源 ppt课件

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氢的放射性同位素,原子量为普通氢的三倍,半衰 期12.5年, 用中子轰击锂可产生氚.
同位素标记水(15O or 19O)研究植物的生化过程
14carbon 研究文物的年代
原子核放射性的发现 什么使未感光的底片感光?
射线: 易被纸, 金属膜、 皮肤等 阻挡
射线:穿透性较 强 射线:能穿透大多
,厚的木版、金 属 数物质,需用厚铅板
Pierre Curie & Marie Curie 放射现象的研究
Marie Curie was the first woman to teach at the Sorbonne in Paris, and the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1911
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1960
"for his method to use carbon-14 for age determination in archaeology, geology, geophysics, and other branches of science"
Willard Frank Libby , 1908 1980 , USA University of California Los Angeles, CA, USA
60Co 产生及利用
• 用中子轰击59Co (钴源)可得60Co 59Co + 1n → 60Co
• 60Co是和 放射体,是最好的射线源 • 用于探矿、金属探伤 • 医学治疗癌症 • 科学研究(中科院长春应化所生产热缩 塑料)
与 社会
第四章 化学与能源
主要内容 第1节 常规能源 第2节 原子核能 第3节 新 能 源
第 2 节 原子核能
原子结构 •原子的大小
•质子、中子和电子 原子由原子核及核外电子构成。原子核是带正电的
质子和电中性的中子紧密的结合体(氢除外)。 粒子 符号 质子 p, p+,H+ 中子 n, n0 电子 e, e-
The Curies’ work
They eventually prepared 1 g (0.04 oz) of pure radium chloride from 8 metric tons of waste pitchblende(废沥青油矿) from Austria.
Marie Curie’sNotebooks
Marie Curie died of leukemia(白血病) brought on by her prolonged exposure to radioactivity. The notebooks she used are still radioactive.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1903
"in recognition of the extraordinary services they have rendered by their joint researches on the radiation phenomena discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel“
Marie Curie 1867 - 1934 France ,Sorbonne University , Par源自文库s, France
“in recognition of her services to the advancement of chemistry by the discovery of the elements radium (镭)and polonium(钋), by the isolation of radium and the study of the nature and compounds of this remarkable element"
•各种扫描仪(正电子发射断层扫描) • 辐射治疗(射线,刀) • 辐射消毒 • 心脏起搏器电池的电源(钚) • 放射性同位素标记测定通过心脏的血流
质能方程式:E=mC2 (m为质量,C为光速)
完全转化1克物质为能量 28,000年
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1944
“for his discovery of the fission of heavy nuclei (核裂变)"
Otto Hahn , 1879 - 1968 , Germany Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut (now Max-Planck Institut) für Chemie ,Berlin, Germany
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1934
“for his discovery of heavy hydrogen(重氢[氘])"
Harold Clayton Urey USA Columbia University New York, NY, USA 1893 - 1981
一价非金属元素。在正常情况下,氢是无色、无臭、 极易燃烧的双原子气体, •氘--D [deuterium],
亦称“重氢” ,氢的同位素,其原子量为普通轻 氢的二倍,少量的存在于天然水中,用于核反应,并在化 学和生物学的研究工作中作示踪原子, •氚--3H或T [tritium]
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1903
Antoine Henri Becquerel
"in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity”