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东方或西方,桂林的景观是最好的!位于 广西自治区东北部(广西藏族自治区)在 南中国,桂林被认为是珍珠中国蓬勃发展 的旅游业(繁荣的)考虑的自然美景和历 史遗迹。占地面积约27800平方公里 (10734平方英里),与国内其他主要旅 游城市相比,城市是相当紧凑。令人惊叹 的(极好的)的城市景观坐落有一种魔力, 都是自己的。奇形怪状的山或岩溶(喀斯 特地形)苍翠的植被(苍翠的植被)从竹 针叶树与清澈的海水和奇妙的洞穴使桂林 这样一个有吸引力的目的地。
位于七星公园普陀山腹,是国家首批AAAA级景区。岩洞长约 1100米, 最宽处54米, 最高处27米,是距今100万年的一段古老的地下河。岩洞分为6个洞天,35处景观, 处处栩栩如生,形神兼备。整个岩洞雄奇深邃,如童话世界般瑰丽多姿,被誉为 “神仙洞府”。
Lijiang River scenery with green hills, mountains, caves, stone beauty "four wins" reputation.
漓江段全长164公里。沿江河床多为水质卵石,泥沙量小,水质清澈,两 岸多为岩溶地貌。漓江风光有山青、水秀、洞奇、石美“四胜”之誉。
Solitary Beauty Peak and Jingjiang Prince City孤独的美容高峰,靖江王子的城市
Merry-land Resort(乐满地度假酒店)
Lijiang River some 164 kilometers in length. Along the river plate for more than a small amount of water and sediment, gravel, water is clear, the two sides more for Karst landform.
象鼻山——象鼻山又称仪山、沉水山,简称象山,位于漓江与桃花江汇流 处,海拔200米,高出江面50米,长108米,宽100米,山体占地1.3万平方 米。由3.6亿年前海底沉积的纯石灰岩构成。
Seven Star Park in Putuo is located in the mountainside, is the first national AAAA level scenic spots. The cave is about 1100 meters long, 54 meters widest point, the highest point 27 meters, is 1000000 years ago an old underground river. The cave is divided into 6 cave, 35 landscape, is true to life likeness, xingshenjianbei. The whole cave deep Xiongqi, such as the fairy tale world colorful, known as the "fairy cave".
Guilin rice noodle has a history of 300 years. It is a unique production process, color, smell and taste, is the Guilin of traditional local flavor must search. It is round and slender, smooth, flexible, has a unique flavor. Because the seasoning and adjustable for different Rice noodles eat, so also Each has its own merits.
Elephant Trunk Hill, elephant trunk hill mountain, also known as instrument of submerged mountain, referred to as Xiangshan, Lijiang River and Peach Blossom River confluence, 200 meters above sea level, higher than the river.Surface 50 meters, 108 meters long, 100 meters wide, covers an area of 13000 square meters of mountain. Composed of 360000000 years ago the sedimentary limestone.
Guilin Scenery is the best in the world ----桂林山水甲天下
East or west, Guilin landscape is best!’ Located in the northeast of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region ( 广西藏族自治区)in south China, Guilin is considered to be the pearl (珍珠)of China‘s thriving (繁荣的 )tourist industry on account of the natural beauty and historic treasures. Covering an area of about 27,800 square kilometers (10,734 square miles), the city is rather compact when compared with other major tourist cities in the country. The stunning(极好的)landscape in which the city is situated has a kind of magic that is all its own. The strangely shaped hills or karsts(喀斯特地形) with the verdant vegetation(苍翠的植 被)ranging from bamboos to conifers together with crystal clear waters and wonderful caves make Guilin such an appealing destination.

LSieRveivnerStCarGrusUisPIeLa(Ir漓Nk(A七江TT星) R公CT园ION) S
Reed Flute Cave(里德长笛洞穴)
Diecai Hill (Folded Brocade Hill)折叠的织锦 山
Elephant Trunk Hill
Two Rivers and Four Lakes Scenic Spot
桂林米粉已经有300年的历史。这是一个独特的生产工艺,颜 色,气味和味道,是传统的地方风味的桂林必须搜索。它是圆 的,细长,光滑,柔软,具有独特的风味。因为调味料调不同 的米粉吃,所以也各有自己的优点。
Thank you
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu