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Lesson Eight


1.Because there are so many to feed, the restaurant and catering busin ess is one of the largest and fastest-growing industries in the world .


2.T he reasons for business failure is always very similar:lack of experience, poor loca tion, too much competition, poor merchandising.


3.The front of the house is at once an operating system , a business place, and a social stage setting


4.Every dollar spent by consumers in restaurants generates an additional $2 spent in ot her industries allied with the restaurant industry.


5.T he restaurant business appeals to those who want the risks and satisfactions of self-employment.


6.Eating is a deeply engrained source of satisfaction and the restaur ant customer wants an eating experience which combines food,service, decor, and an indefinable extra.


7.There are two basic approaches to increasing profit.One is to increase sales, while th

e other is to reduce costs.


8.A dollar saved in cost, after all, is a dollar more profit.


9.Moreover, the third stakeholder, the owners, like all of us, need some reward for the ir effort and risk.


10.The cashier’s main duty is taking money from guests and giving change when the check is paid



1. Millions of people are away from their homes every day either by necessity or by c hoice. The restaurant and catering business has developed to feed this huge number of people.


2. Restaurant industry sales are projected to reach a record $511 billion in 2006, up 5.

1 percent over 2005, and equal 4% of the U.S. gross domestic product according to N ational Restaurant Association.

2006年,餐饮业销售额预计将达到创纪录的$ 511 亿美元,比2005年增长5.1个百分点,根据全国餐饮协会的报告显示这等于美国国内生产总值4%。

3. A key point is that managers act as a team to give direction to the unit, to maintain standards (quality and cost), and to secure the best possible experience for their guests .


4. The catering business is a mobile one providing food service either for special occa sions or for places where meals are usually not prepared


5. The key responsibility of the front of the house is guest satisfaction, with particular emphasis on personal service


6. It is emphasis on speed and economy, the guest expect a friendly greeting, accuracy in order filling, and a cheerful willingness to handle any problems that occur


7. Service is the most obvious job of the front of the house, those who work there shar

e in the responsibility for a quality food product

前台最显而易见的工作就是服务,在那里工作的人承担了对食品质量的责任8. The front of the house supervision is ideally exercised by the senior manager on dut y. Most managers should be expected to devote the majority of their time to the front of the house during meal hours to see to that guests are served well.


9. In addition to supervising service, managers in the front of the house have responsi bility for supervising cleaning staff, cashiers, and for opening and closing procedures i n the restaurant(sometimes discharged by a lead employee).


10. Labor cost control is an important element in planning ware washing. Because det ergent is a commodity that restaurants use in large quantity, costs of supplies are a sig nificant concern


Lesson Nine
