部编初二英语下册名校精品导学案Unit 7_3

部编初二英语下册名校精品导学案Unit 7_3
部编初二英语下册名校精品导学案Unit 7_3

Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?

Section A 1a - 2d ( 第1课时) 【学习目标】

1. 能够掌握本节课出现的重点短语和句子。

2. 谈论地理和自然现象,学会对事实和数字的比较,提高听说能力。






high deep big

long old young






4. 1025米深






(1)The of the river is 100meters. 2)The river is

2. One of the most endangered animals in the world the giant panda.

China one of the oldest civilizations in the world

one of +名词复数,谓语动词要用数。


3. The population of the world is 6400000000.


the population of the world?

4.as big as 和…一样大as…as 之间的形容词用级。

The Yellow river is not as long as the Yangtze river.

否定形式not as…as 意为。

5. Can you tell me a bit more about China?


注意比较级和最高级Which is the second longest river in China?

Which river is longer ,the Nile or theYellow River?



1. 比一比赛一赛:各小组长提问其它小组成员课前准备的短语,看哪个小组完成得最


2. 1a 展示同学们搜集的信息,讨论1a部分的四幅图片。

3. 1b 听录音完成1b,并在小组内共同订正听力的答案。

4. 2a 听录音把这些句子按照顺序排列起来。

5. 2b 再听一遍录音把句子补充完整。

6. 小组长带领大家讨论一下听力的答案,并负责解答组内其他同学的疑问。

7. Pairwork 根据2a和2c 部分的信息自己完成对话。



1. The l ______r iver in Asia is the Yangtze River .

2. China is one of the oldest c ________ in the world .

3. One of the o________ countries in the world is China.

4. M __________ of city lies three meters blow sea level .

5. Our playground is about 2000 s _______ meters in size .

(二) 单项选择。

1. It’s ______ in the world .

A the biggest desert

B biggest desert

C the biggest deserts

D bigger desert

2. There are no man-made structures as _______ the Great Wall

A bigger

B big

C bigger

D the biggest

3. The Nile is 6,470 _________

A kilometers

B kilometer

C kilometers long

D kilometer long

4. Mount Tai is _______ lower than Qomolangma .

A lot’s of

B many

C very

D much

5. Shanghai is one of _______ in the world .

A more big city

B the biggest city

C the biggest cities

D the most big city


通过本节学习,我学会了(单词)______________________________________ 我学会了(短语)_______________________________________________________ Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?

Section A 3a – 4c ( 第2课时) 【学习目标】

1. 能够掌握本课出现的重点短语和句子。

2. 能够正确使用形容词的比较等级。

3. 能够运用形容词的比较等级去描述事物。


2. 从课本中找出并翻译下列短语。







1. 将课前准备的情况在小组内交流讨论(老师点拨)。

2. 比一比赛一赛:各小组长提问其它小组成员讨论结果,看哪个小组完成得最棒!

3. 3a 小组合作,共同找出课文中的重点短语和句型,并讲解给同学们。

4. 3b 根据课文内容完成下面的表格,并在小组内订正答案。

Paragraph1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3

List three achievements List three comparisons List three dangers for


5. Groupwork 讨论“世界之最”,完成4a—4c.



__________________________________________________________________________ 【达标拓展】


1. Tom is ______ (tall) than a ny other student in his class. So he is _______ (tal l) in his


2. Li Ming is one of _________(clever) boys in our class.

3. The sun is _______ (bright) than all the other stars because it is _______ (near) to the


4. The earth receives _________ (little) heat from the sun in winter than in summer.

5.The train is running _________ and _______ (fast).

6. He said that it was __________ (happy) day in his life.


1. we should learn the s of helping others.

2. Most animals don’t like to live in f________ conditions.

3. Many c_________ reached the top of the mountain this morning.

4. Tibet(西藏)is in the s____________ part of China.

5. Of all the m________________, Qomolangma is the highest and most famous.



Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?

Section B 1a – 1d ( 第3课时) 【学习目标】

1. 掌握课本中出现的重点单词和短语。

2. 能够掌握课文中出现的重点句子。

3. 学会表达事物之间的倍数关系。














1、长度、宽度、高度、深度的表示法,有一个专门的结构,那就是“基数词 + 单位词 + 形容词”。

例句:Tiger Path is 200 meters long and has a high humidity.


We walk up three floors, which is about ten meters high.


2、除了上面的表示方法,有时也可以用“基数词 + 单位词 +in + 长度或者重量的名词”来表示长度、宽度、高度、深度。

The classroom was 25 feet in length and 20 feet in width.


注意事项:若表示重量,可以用 in weight 结构。

例句:The box is 9 kilos。=The box is 9 kilos in weight。



1. 认真观察图片,看图画中都有哪些动物,了解这些动物的信息,并把这些动物跟人


2. 小组讨论,用课本上提供的句型讨论这些动物之间的区别。

3. 听录音完成1b和1c,并在小组内交流,确定正确答案。

4. pairwork 列举几种不同的动物,并运用句型对他们进行比较。



1. I don’t like to read books in the sunshine because it’s not good _______my eyes.

A. at

B. for

C. with

D. to

2. Are they than an adult panda?

A. very smaller B a lot of smaller C much smaller D smaller a lot

3. Her science and English are a little better ______ Lucy’s.

A. at

B. in

C. than

D. of

4. In order to protect our earth, we should use the bus _____and drive our cars _____.

A. more, less

B. less, more

C. much, little

D. more, fewer.

5. Her physics ______ better than any other students’

A. is

B. are

C. do

D. does.


the size of in fact, the same as, black and white that’s why ,bring


1. What about a baby panda?

2. Is a baby panda also ?

3 My sister is _______________me, we are both outgong.

4 I went to bed late last night,_____________ I didn’t get up early this morning.


我认为本节课重要的句子有(至少写6个句子): _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?

Section B 2a – 2e ( 第4课时)








2. 将比较级和数字的表达灵活地运用到文章中去。











1 这头大象比那头大象重中很多倍。


2 初生时,一只熊猫大约0,1到0.2千克


3 一只熊猫能活20道30年.





1 阅读2b找出下面短语



5)挽救……的重要性____________ 6)绊倒_____________________

2 阅读第二遍完成下面内容:

Pandas do not have many , maybe only one .

The hobies often illnesses and do not live very long. Adults pandas

more than 12 hours a day about 10 kilos bamboo. Many years ago, there are bamboo forests and pandas than there are now. But then humans started to the forests , and there was

bamboo for the pandas. Scientists say there are now fewer than 2,000 pandas

in the remaining forests.



1. 第一遍快速阅读2b,回答10、12、200、2,000在文章中的含义。








1.Of the two girls, I find Lucy the _______ (clever).

2.Iron(铁)is ________ (much) useful than gold(黄金).

3. The boy is ________ (interesting) than his brother.

4. Dick sings _______ (well), he sings ________(well) than John,

5.Wangtao is a little________ than Lilei.(strong)

6. Which is_______, the sun,the earth or the moon?(small)

7. Lucy speaks English very______. (good)

8. Who is ___________ (thin), you or Helen? Helen is.

9. Fangfang is not as _________ (tall) as the other girls.

10. Who gets up _________ (early),Tim or Tom?



They _____ _____ with excitement and some of them even _____ walk into

their friends and .


They are so_____ _____ _____ your brother.


I _____ ______ them like they’re my own babies.


Adult pandas _____ ______ than 12 hours a day about 10 kilos of bamboo.


There are now 2000 pandas living in the remaining forests.









Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?

Section B 3a-selfcheck ( 第5课时)



1. 单音节词和多音节词的最高级变化形式。

2. 不规则形容词和副词的最高级形式。




big _______ _______ cute_______ _______ black _______ _______

hungyr _______ _______ lovely _______ _______ little _______ ______

important _______ _______ few_______ _______

beautiful _______ _______ popular ______________ ______________

famous _____________ ___________ endangered ____________ ______________




1、小组合作: 小组讨论在我们城镇最好的电影院是哪家,哪里的快餐最美味?哪里的




1.读3a 中的单词和短语,小组讨论并填表来完成3a。

2. pairwork练习。做完之后,同桌利用3a的问句于答句做对话,进一步了解鲸鱼有关


3 .写作练习,提高写的能力。


4.小组合作完成self-check 。



1.Miss Chen is __________ _________than Mr. Wang. (popular)

2. Question A _______ ________ _________ ________ Question B. (important)

3. Toronto is _____ ______ city in Canada. (large)

4. Playing computer games is______ _____ _____ of all the activities.(interesting).

5. The Nile(尼羅河) is ______ ________river in the world. (long)

6. She is_______ than all the other students. (young)

7. The boy is ________ ________ of the two. (tall)

8. Where is the ________bus-stop? (near)

9. He is one of ________ ________ _______Politicians. (famous)

10. Tom drives much ________ __han John. (careful)。



1. He is as taller as I am. _________

2. She is a little thiner than she looks. _________

3. Bob is heavier than any other boys in the class. _________

4. Your garden is much larger than their. _________

5. It is one of the most interesting book than I have ever read._________

6. He says Mary is most friendliest person in the class. _________

7. Which city is most beautiful, Beijing or Guangzhou? _________

8. Jack works hard. Mike works very harder than Jack. _________

9. London is the bigger city in Britain. _________

10.Bob plays football badly but Fred plays football much badlier than Bob.



1__________________________________________________________________________ 2__________________________________________________________________________ 3__________________________________________________________________________ 4___________________________________________________________________________ 5___________________________________________________________________________


八年级英语Unit 7 ,Topic 2导学案 一、重要句子 1.Would you mind if we learn to make it from you? Michael did best of all. 2.Practice makes perfect. Help yourself to some soup. 3.It's impolite to eat so noisily 4.I don't know if it's polite in Japan. 5.It's polite to do that. If you go to a formal western dinner party for the first time, you'd better know about western table manners. 6.It's polite to eat up the food on your plate. 7.When you drink to somebody, you'd better raise your glass and take only a sip. 8.Remember not to drink too much. 9.People around the world have different eating habits. 10.Do you know if people in the south of China often eat noodles? 11.Yes, I think so. No, I don't think so. 四、重要知识点if /whether 引导宾语从句时指“是否”如: 1. I don’t know if/whether it's polite in Japan. 2. Could you tell me if/whether it’s polite to speak loudly at the table? 3. Do you know whether or not it's impolite to smoke during a meal in France. 练习:1. I don’t know ____ he is right or not. A. that B. whether C. if 2. I don’t know ____ it’s polite or not to eat with our arms or elbows on the table in America. A. if B. whether C. that 3. ---Would you mind if I learn English from you? ---__________. I am very glad to teach you. A. Of course not. B. You’d better not. C. Sounds great. Whether/if 引导的宾语从句的一般疑问句及其答语 Eg: Can you tell me if/whether Chen Xueping and Chen Xiaoyan did well in the English exam? Yes, I think so. No, I don't think so. 形容词副词比较级和最高级 But I think you did better than me. Wow, Michael did best of all. Zheng Y unyun is tall. Zheng Weizhong is taller than him. Zheng Weizhong is the tallest of all. 练习:Which one goes ____, the car, the train or the plane? 1. A. fast B. faster C. fastest 2.Whether 或if的区别 1.Whether引导的宾语从句可以移到句首,if则不能。 练习:I can't say whether this is true or not.= this is true or not, I can't say. 这是不是真的,我不敢说。 2.介词之后的宾语从句,用whether,不用if。 练习:I'm interested in she likes English.我感兴趣的是她是否喜欢英语。 3.不定式前用whether,不用if。 练习:She asked me to start early.她问我是否早点出发。 4.If 除了意为“是否”,还有“如果,假如”之意,用在条件状语从句中。 练习:He is going to Beijing it doesn't rain tomorrow. 如果明天不下雨,他打算去北京。 I.选择题1. It is very kind him to help others.


八年级英语上册学案参考答案 Unitl Section A 四、学习过程 1预习导学或自测/情景导入 I.去滑板go skate boarding 看书read books 看电视watch TV 做运动exercise=take(much)exercise=do sports_购物shop=go shopping=do some shopp ing n.看图写出相应的頻度副词: 1. always https://www.360docs.net/doc/af13189290.html,ually 3.ofte n 4. sometimes 5.hardly 6.n ever 3 .合作探究 I Maybe / may be n . a few / Few / little / a little 川.hard / hardly/ hard ,hardly 6 .达标检测根据句意填词: 1.ofte n 2. milk 3.J unk 4. exercise 5.times 6.ever 7.result(s) 8. Grade 9.once 10. h elp 五、典型例题解析 1. “ How often do you go to the factory? ”“ Twice a week. ” “ How ofte n does he go shopp ing? ”“ He goes shopp ing once a mon th. ” 2. What do you usually do on weeke nds? I ofte n go to the movies. What does she usually do on weeke nds? She sometimes go hik ing. 3. 动物世界。” 4. 至'于;关于”。至于他,我永远不希望在这里见到。 As fo r myself, I don ' t want to go now. Unitl Section B 四、学习过程 1预习导学或自测/情景导入 1. hardly ever 2.上网 3.most of the students 4.至于 5. twice a week 6.对…有好处 7. look after 8.饮食习惯 9. six or seven times a week10.尽力做某事 2 .自主学习exercise的用法。 (1) do morning exercise do eye exercise (2) do so much exercise (3)

七年级下册英语Unit 7导学案

初中英语七年级下册导学案 七下Unit 7 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 学案 一、朗读生词并理解其意思。 二、翻译下列短语和句子。 1. 当心______ 2. 植树_________ 3. 给某人让座____ 4. 探望敬老院___ 5. 为-----付款_____ 6. 最需要----- _______________ 7. 清理公园__________________ 8. 将----寄给_______________ 三、根据句意,中文提示完成单词。 1. I (相信)our football team will win. 2. On March 12th every year, people in China (栽种)trees all over the country. 3.People have different (能力).Some people use them to help others. 4.Tom likes (收集)stamps. It’s his hobby. 5.Jack is one of the (成员)of the Helping Hands Club. 6.The little students always give the (座位)to the old people on the bus. 四.从对话中找出下列问题的答案。 1)Is Eddie Superdog ? 2) Can he fly? 3) What does Hobo say when Eddie wants to fly ? 4)Why does he say that? 五、找搭档分角色朗读80页对话。 六.看图思考:(81页)。 1.Where are the boy and the old man? 2.What do they want to do? 3. Is the boy helping the old man? 七.模仿对话编写新对话。

【人教版】八年级英语下:Unit3 Could you please clean your room单元学案(含答案)

Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? 一、What do parents ask their teenagers to do?(2 x 8) 1. 洗餐具_________________________ 2. 倒垃圾___________________________ 3. 叠衣服_________________________ 4. 扫地___________________________ 5. 铺床_________________________ 6. 打扫厨房__________________________ 7. 带狗出去遛遛____________________ 8. 分担家务_________________________ 二、What do teenagers ask their parents’ permission for? (2x 8) 1. 和朋友外出吃饭_____________________ 2. 使用CD播放机______________________ 3. 晚归________________________ 4. 搭便车____________________________ 5. 和朋友出去玩_______________________ 6. 邀请朋友来参加聚会___________________ 7. 向父母借钱_________________________ 8. 买一些饮料和零食_________________________ 三、other phrases (2 x 8) 1. 惊讶地___________________________ 2. 讨厌做某事__________________________ 3. 把盐递给我_______________________ 4. 有压力_______________________________ 5. 浪费时间__________________________ 6. 做某事是不够的_______________________ 7. 介意做某事________________________ 8. 理解公平的概念________________________ 四、Sentences(3 x 17) 1. —你能借点钱给我吗?—嗯,你要多少?用来做什么? –________________________ me some money? –Hmm. ___________ do you need? And ___________? 2. —可以至少让我看完这个电视节目吗?—不行。我认为你看两小时电视够多了! –Could I ___________ finish __________ this show? –No. I think two hours of TV ___________________! 3. 妈妈买完东西随时会回来。如果她看到这么乱会生气的。 Mom will _______________ shopping _________________. And she won’t be happy if _______________. 4. Peter的妈妈得在奶奶来之前打扫好客厅。 Peter’s mom _________________________ before his grandma _______________.


【学习目标】 1:正确使用选择疑问句的提问和回答以及情态动词can: 2.谈论会做和不会做的事情:(1)I can only sing English songs. (2)I can’t sing Chinese songs. 3.掌握字母n及字母组合oo, oi, oy, nk, ng的读音和拼写规则。 【预习达标】短语过关 弹钢琴___________________ 跳迪斯科__________________ 表演芭蕾舞_______________ take photos________________ make model planes ____________ draw pictures_____________ have a good time___________ 还有什么?________________ 【课堂笔记】 1. Oh, do you want to sing Chinese songs or English songs? 你想唱英文歌曲还是中文歌曲? 选择疑问句:选择疑问句是指提供两种或以上的情况以供对方选择的疑问句,分为: 一般疑问句形式:---Are you a teacher or a worker ? --- I am a worker. 特殊疑问句形式:How shall we go ,____________or______________? 我们是乘坐公共汽车还是飞机? 基本结构:一般疑问句+or+对照选择项Do you like tea or milk? 特殊疑问句+A选择项+B选择项What color do you like, red or pink? 2.I can only sing English songs. can 是情态动词,表能力,没有人称和数的变化 (1)陈述句:I can /can not play the piano. (2)一般疑问句:Can you sing an English song? (3)特殊疑问句:What can she do at the meeting? 单项选择: 1). She can sing but she _____ dance. A. can B. can’t C. doesn’t 2). Maria can _______ ballet. A. to perform B performs C. perform 3).---Can you dance? ---______. A. Yes, I can. B. N o, I can. C. Yes, I can’t 句型转换: 1). I can sing English songs.(一般问句)_______ you________ English songs? 2). Lucy can ride a bike.(提问)_______ can Lucy ________? 3). His uncle can draw .(否定句) His uncle _______ _________. 【学习目标】 2. 能够用can/can’t表示能的有关程度,如:She can do it a little/very well. 3. 能够熟练使用表达自我意愿的表达方式。 【预习达标】词组、句型过关 1.take the flowers to ______________ 2. count sth. for sb._____________ 3. do… very well __________________ 4. 你能给我数一数吗?______________________ 5. 你真聪明! ______________________ 6. 你还会做什么?_________________ 【课堂笔记】 1. I’d like to take these flowers to the party. 我想带这些鲜花去参加聚会。 take sb. /sth. To …意为“带某人/某物去……” My father often takes me to the zoo. 我父亲常带我去动物园。 2.I can not count so many flowers. (1) count数He ca n count from one to one hundred. (2) 如此多: so many +可数名词复数so much+不可数名词 There are __________ buses on the road. There is ___________ rain this year. 3、 She can do it a little /very well. (1) a little 一点儿 very well 非常好表程度,修饰动词 not…at all 一点也不 (2) well 副词,修饰动词She can sing very well. 形容词,专指身体好---How are you ? ---- I am very well. good 形容词,表事物或人的品行好Mr. Wang is a good teacher , he teaches very well. I. 用can/can’t 填空 A cat ____ climb trees. But it _____ swim .A fish _____ walk , but it _____ swim very well . A pig ____ walk, but it _____ climb trees well. What _____ you do? Can you write them down? II.单选 ()1. I would like ______ a photo of you. A.take B.to take C.taking D.takes ( )2. Lucy can draw a little , ______ she can not dance at all. A.and B. or C. but D.so ( )3. My mother can speak English very______. A.good B.well C.nice ( )4.There are _______flowers in the park today. A.so many B so much C.too much D.a lot ( )5. ----Can you speak Chinese? -----Of course I _____ . I am a Chinese. A.can not B. do C.do not D.can ( )6. ----What _____can you do ? ----I can dance. A.another B.other C.else D.also

2016~2017学年度 最新精编初二英语学案及答案

八年级下册学案 Unit 1 Will people have robots? Section A 一、教师寄语:Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是走向成功的第一步。 二、学习目标: Knowledge goals(知识目标) .Words : robot, paper, less, fewer, will, pollution, astronaut ,space, fly, alone Sentences:- - Will there be less pollution? -No, there won‘t. There will be more pollution. -Will there be fewer trees? --Yes, there will. Kids won‘t go to school. 三、教学重难点 ◆重点由will构成的一般将来时态的句式。 ◆难点1.more,less,fewer的用法2.there be 句式的一般将来时态there will be 四、学习过程 1、预习导学及自测 A.英汉互译 1.污染________ _ 2.空闲时间_____________ _ 3.on computers___________ 4.study at home______ 5.in 100 years____________ 6. be free_________ B.用more,less,fewer填空: 1.There will be ________________(更多的建筑)in 50 years. 2.The students will have _______________(更少的家庭作业)to do. 3.There will be ________________(更少的污染)here. 4.Kids will have ________________(更少的计算机)in their classroom. 5.There will be ________________(更多的图书馆)in this city. 6.There will be ________________(更少的树)in the park. 2、语法小结:there be 结构 ①构成:肯定句:There be+某人/某物+地点/否定句:There be +not, some改any,(not any可 以换成no)/ 一般疑问句;be提前,some改any ② there be 接词要运用就近原则. a. There____ a book and two rulers on the desk. b. There ____ two rulers and a book on the desk. ③ There be 句型有时态的变化 a. 一般现在时:There is/are… b. 一般过去时:There was/were… c. 一般将来时:There will be…/ There is/are going to be… ④there be句型的一般将来时

2020年(仁爱版)八年级下册英语导学案:Unit 7(第7课时)(Topic2 SectionC)

2020年精编仁爱版英语资料 Unit 7 Topic 2 Section C 一、话题导学:(学习目标) 1. Learn some new words and phrases : formal, manner, napkin, lap, fork, dish, quietly, dine, elbow, spoon, chopstick, finger, table manners, eat up, drink to sb. /sth. ,start with, finish doing sth. 2. Go on learning object clauses with “if/whether”: I want to know whether/if it is polite to point at people with chopsticks in China. 3. Talk about table manners for a formal western dinner party. 二、预习导纲:1、单词互译与记忆 1) formal , 2) manner , 3) napkin , 4) lap 5) fork 6) dish 7) quietly 8) dine 9) elbow , 10) spoon , 11) chopstick , 12) finger 2、短语互译与记忆 1) 餐桌礼节______________ 2) at the table______________ 3)start with______________ 4)吃完,吃光___________________5) 为某人/某事干杯(或祝酒)___________________ 6)finish doing sth. ______________________ 3、句子理解与熟读 1)When you sit down at the table, take your napkin and put it on your lap. 2) It’s polite to eat up the food on your plate, so don’t take more food than you need. 3)When you drink to someone, you’d better raise your cup or glass and take only a little. 4)Remember not to drink too much. 5)Will people leave as soon as they finish eating in western countries? 三、课堂导练:1、选词填空 whether ,drink to , table manner , eat up , somebody 1) It’s necessary to know about American when you visit America. 2) The man was very hungry. He all the food on the table soon. 3) Let’s raise our glasses and the winners. 4) I heard ___________ sing in the next room just now.. 5) She doesn’t know ___________ it’s polite or not to speak loudly at the table. 2.单项选择。 ( ) 1. —Can you tell me______ polite to eat so noisily in Japan? —Sure. It’s polite to do that in Japan.. A. that it is B. if is it C. whether is it D. if it is ( ) 2. It’s polite to ______ all the food on your plate when you go to a formal western dinner party. A. eat up B. give up C. keep up

新牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit 7 welcome导学案

Unit 7 welcome导学案 课前参与 一、预习书本P92-93,根据音标拼读单词并完成书本上的练习。 二、重难点解析: 1 I’m too weak to walk any further. 我太虚弱,走不动了。further是副词,意思是“较远,更远”。Can you_______ _______ ________ _________ away? 你能稍微站远一点吗?我打算出国去深造。I’m going _________ to _________ __________. 2.It provides basic education for children in poor areas.它为贫困地区的孩子提供基础教育。为某人提供某物________sth_______sb \__________sb__________sth 我很高兴你为我们提供这么多有趣的书。 I’m happy that you ________ _________ us _______ _______ many _________ _______ . I’m happy that you ________ _________ ________ many __________ _________ _____ us. 课中参与 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1. Everyone in the game has the __________ chance.(平等的) 2.___________ practice is useful for learning English.(基础) 3.Students have the ___________ to go to school for study.(权利) 4.He likes playing ball games, ____________ football.(尤其) 5.Some children in poor areas don’t have money to go to school, so Project Hope helps them pay for their _____________.(教育) 6.We must do something to prevent the _______________ of AIDS before it’s too late.(扩散) 7.I hear that ORBIS needs lots of _______________(donate). 8.Be quick! There is little time ______________ (leave). 9.He will go even _____________ (far) if his father punishes(惩罚) him again. 10.People from different countries come to take part in the _____________ (national) meeting. 11.We still need ten __________ (many) volunteers. 12.A teacher should treat the students ____________(equal). 13. She said she was a little __________(差的)in Maths. 二、单项填空 ( )1. The child is ________ young _______ go to school. A. so, that B.such , that C. too, to D.though, but ( )2.Eddie wasn’t ________ to carry so many heavy bags. A.too strong B. strong enough C.enough strong D. so strong ( )3.Tina can go to school now. NUICEF has paid for her _________. https://www.360docs.net/doc/af13189290.html,cation B.invitation https://www.360docs.net/doc/af13189290.html,petition D. invention ( )4. The boy didn’t have any pocket money _________. A. left B. leave C forget D.forgot ( )5--.Can I have some more ice cream , Mum? – Sorry. There is _______ left in the fridge. A. none B. nothing C no one D anything ( )6.In my dream, I tried my best _________ the ship _________ down. A.to prevent ,go B. prevent, from going C.prevent, going D.to prevent, from going ( )7.Please wear a pair of glasses to _______ your eyes against the strong sunlight. A.prepare B. provide C.protect D. prevent ( )8.We will have a _________ discussion _______ that plan. A . farther , on B. further , on C. further, in D. farther,about ( )9. Which charity helps blind people?


Module 1 Unit 1 Step 7 1. 1)advice 2)mistakes 3)pronounce 4)messages 5)grammar 6)correct 7)understand 2. A:1) welcome back 2) make a mistake 3) practice doing sth. 4) try to do sth. 5)as … as possible 6) write down 7) what about /how abou t 8) agree with B: 1)It’s a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day. 2) Let’s try to speak as much as possible. 3)Don’t forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistakes. 4) why don’t we try to find some English pe n friends. Unit 2 Step 4 1.1)improve 2)meaning 3)conversation 4)remembering 5) shy 6)possible 2. 1)speak 2)write 3) to check 4) listening 5) not to translate 6) speaking 7)quickly 3.1) ask for advice 2)three basic questions 3)advise somebody to do something 4)start a conversation 5)be afraid to do 6)the meaning of the new words 7)smile at somebody 8)something new 9)write down 10)a teacher from the US 4.1) Many students ask for advice about how to improve their English. 2) Watching films and listening to songs are great ways to learn English. 3)I also advise you to talk about the films or songs with your friends. 4) These are good ways to start a conversation. 5) It is natural to forget new words! Unit3 一.1-5 CBACB 6-10 CCADC 11-15 BBAAC 二. 1-5 ABCCD 6-10ABCAD 三.A) 1-4 DBDD B) 5-9 BADC B 四.A)略B)1. vocabulary 2.mistakes 3.meaning 4.conversation 5. quickly 6.correct 五.1.to watch 2.watching,listening 3.to learn 4.to remember 5.going 6. to finish 六.A: 1) welcome back 2)make a mistake 3) be afraid to do sth. 4)something new 5)some advice 6) ask for advice 7)advise sb to do sth. 8)agree with sb B: 1) It’s a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day. 2) Don’t forget to write dow n the correct answers next to the mistakes. 3) why don’t we try to find some English pen friends. 4) Many students ask for advice about how to improve their English. 七. 范文 I’m glad to share my ideas on how to learn English well with you. I think we sho uld often listen to the radio in English films. When we are free, why not learn to sing more English songs?It’s good for our listening and speaking. When we are having English class, we


【走进考场】 ( D )1.Peter is good _____ playing football, so he wants to join the football club. A. to B. with C. for D. at ( A )2.--What’s your favorite subject? --_____. And I always get a good grade in the test. A. Physics B. Homework C. Movie D. Concert ( A )3.There are some differences between Tom and Jim _____ they are twin brothers. A. though B. if C. until D. so ( B )4.This is not Tina’s ruler. _____ is longer. A. She’s B. Hers C. She D. Her ( A )5.--How many children do you have, Mrs. Green? --A son and a daughter. And they are ___ students now. A. both B. all C. every D. each ( B )6.I don’t think Henry is _____than Tony. A. much popular B. more popular C. popular D. most popular ( C )7.His funny story made all of them _____. A. laughed B. to laugh C. laugh D. laughs ( D )8.My brother is _____ taller than me. A. very B. too C. so D. much ( B )9.We have many differences, but we also have some things _____. A. in fact B. in common C. as for D. as well ( C )10.--I think Holly should get the job. _____? --I think Ruth is smarter. A. What’s the matter B. What does she do C. What’s your opinion D. What’s it like ( C )11.Simon and Bruce blue eyes. A. has B. have both C. both have D. all have ( A )12.He looks thin, but he is than before. A. thinner B. more thin C. more strong D. stronger ( C )13.Our city is getting . A. beautiful and beautiful B. more and more beautiful C. more beautiful and more beautiful D. much and much beautiful ( A )14.My brother always eats junk food, so he is very A. unhealthy B. healthy C. healthier D. serious ( C )15.Diana is not good at sports Emma. A. much ... than B. very ... as C. so ...as D. as ...so ( A )16.Can we finish the work with time and people? A. less, fewer B. lesser, few C. fewer, less D. little, fewer ( D )17.Dennis is noisy. He talks than his classmates. A. a little B. a lot C. much D. more ( B )18.Which story is , this one or that one? A. much interesting B. more interesting C. very interesting D. too interesting ( A )19.This box is than that one. A. a little heavier B. heavy C. little heavier D. so heavy ( D )20.He his father, and he is good at basketball. A. like, playing B. looks like, play C. likes, playing the D. is like, playing
