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蔡卫民 张银娣1

(南京军区南京总医院临床药理科,南京 210002)

中国图书分类号 R345;R966;R968

文献标识码A 文章编号100121978(1999)0620491206

摘要 综述近10年来国内外有关药物代谢酶的分子遗传学进展,介绍药物代谢酶的基本概念并重点探讨了具有遗传多态性的两种氧化酶(细胞色素P450酶CYP2D6,CYP2C19)和一种结合酶(N2乙酰化转移酶)的个体和种族差异。最后主要讨论了表型分型和基因分型在药物代谢酶研究中的一些应用。

关键词 药物代谢;分子遗传学;细胞色素P450;N2乙酰化1998212223收稿,1999203212再修回


1南京医科大学临床药理研究所,南京 210029





1 药物代谢与药物代谢酶


C alcium2activated chloride channel on smooth muscle cell membrane

WAN G Ze2J un,YU De2Jie,DEN G Yan2Chun,BAO Guang2Hong

(Instit ute of B asic Medical Sciences Chi nese A cadem y of Medical Sciences

Schoole of B asic Medici ne Peki ng U nion Medical College,Beiji ng 100005)

ABSTRACT Calcium2activated chloride channel ex2 isted on several kind of smooth muscle cells.The nec2 essary condition for activating calcium activated chlorede channel is intracellular calcium[Ca2+]i level rising.Both potassium channel and chloride channel are activated by several kind of activators induced cal2 cium releasing from calcium store.The threshold val2 ues for activating I Cl(Ca)are differente from animal categories and ing flourometric measure2 ment of[Ca2+]i of rat portacaval smooth muscle cells get that least[Ca2+]i value of activated I K(Ca)should be considered more than70~80nmol・L-1.This val2 ue is smaller than the least[Ca2+]i of180nmol・L-1 of I Cl(Ca),therefore considered that I K(Ca)is more sensitive than that of I Cl(Ca)for[Ca2+]i.I Cl(Ca)is ac2 tivated by[Ca2+]i rising resulting from extracellular calcium pass through the voltage dependent calcium channels.Because of IP3is activated by G protein coupling with some receptor,so that I Cl(Ca)is activat2 ed.According to analyse whole cell currents,the conductance of I Cl(Ca)should be considered smaller than10pS.The chloride equilibrium potential(ECl) of smooth muscle cells is more positive than resting membrane potential.The chloride outflow from chlo2 ride channels opening,which promote membrane po2 tential approaching to ECl,therefore membrane de2 polarizing.When the calcium activated cholride chan2 nels are opening the cell membrane depolarized,so that induced cells exciting.This channel plays an im2 portant role during smooth muscle cells exciting which induced by hormones and neuro2transmiters. KEY WORDS smooth muscle cell;calcium2activated chloride channel




中国药理学通报 Chinese Pharm acological B ulletin 1999Dec;15(6):491~6
