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Fish balls are Fuzhou's famous and flavored snack. Bubble delicious soup after cooking, adding Chopped green onion which is floating on the soup, called” seven stars fish ball”. It has a white color, flexible texture, chopped sweet and fresh pinus taste, etc. Some Fuzhou’s Suburban counties such as Changle, Fuqing also have a custom of eating fish balls. In addition to store sales, there are some salesmen who are shouldering the fish balls, walking in the streets and alleys, hawking to sale their fish balls. They usually beat the spoon bowl to attract customers. To be regional flavored snack, the outsiders feel pleasure through tasting fish balls.


福州人常将"扁肉燕"与去壳鸭蛋相配作菜肴,因福州话"蛋"叫"卵","鸭卵"音谐"压乱",取"压"了"乱"就会平安之意,故称"太平燕","燕"与"宴"同音,又称"太平宴"。"太平燕"是福州婚聚喜庆宴席上的一道"大菜",上席时鸣放鞭炮,客人要待新郎新娘或长辈即席致谢后,方可食用。扁肉燕深受台湾同胞和海外福州侨胞喜爱,到福州来,必带燕皮回去馈赠亲友。This is called “太平燕”It is a main dish at the wedding or In celebration of the birthday. Then the guests have to wait to eat this dish until after the bride and groom to thank their elders.



Pan edges paste is a unique snack of Fuzhou. Pan edges paste shop in the Field such as Shanghai, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other places, almost being opened by the locals in Fuzhou. Its main ingredient is rice paste. The surface is thin and volume. The soup is light and not pasty. In addition, it tastes delicious. Long ago, e, the people around Fuzhou South Terrace under the Welcome Earth God Festival, doing Pan Edges paste in March. Pan edges paste still is the favorite breakfast in Fuzhou.





I am going to introduce the snack called “guang bing ”. It has a allusions. In Lunar

September 27 ,1562, resist ing Japanese national hero Qi Jiguang,led the troops in pursuit of

pirates to Fuqing. To reduce the cooking time, Qi Jiguang layout every camp to make flour be two kinds of scones through Roasting of the char. One is small, dry; the other kind has a soft, slightly sweet taste. Both are playing a small hole in the Middle, with ropes together backing to the body, so that the soldiers carried as temporary dry food. because it was widely available to fill their stomachs, enhancing the team’s mobility, making contributions to fighting Japanese. To commemorate Qi Jiguang, people called this biscuit “光饼”.
