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Unit 3 Winter in Canada
Lesson 14 冀教版·六年级上册
What do you wear in winter?
New words
put on
take off
Put on your winter clothes!
Oh, no! I’m hot again.
Language points
I’m putting on my winter hat. 我正在戴上我的冬帽。 (1)这是现在进行时的肯定句,表示某人此时正
在进行的动作或正在发生的事情。 句型结构:主语+be + 动词的ing形式+ 其他.
例句:他正在洗他的衣服。 He is washing his clothes.
(2)put on意为“穿上;戴上”,put on后面接所 穿戴的衣物或饰品的名词,作为其宾语,当后面的名词 作宾语时,可以选择放在put on 之间或之后;当代词作 宾语时,只能放在put on 之间。
代词放中间 名词放两边
例句:我妈穿上她的毛衣。 My mother puts on her sweater. = My mother puts her sweater on. 我妈穿上它。 My mother puts it on.
Now I’m putting on my scarf.
Oh, no! I’m going to take off my winter hat and scarf. I’m too hot.
Oh, no! I’m cold. I’m going to put on my winter hat and scarf again.
Good work! Thank you. Oh, no! I’m cold _a_g_a_i_n__.
2. Find the differences. Then write. I’m putting on my hat.
I’m going to put on my coat.
I’m washing __m__y_h_a_n_d__s____. I’m going to__h_a_v_e_b_r_e_a_k_f_a_s_t__.
I __a_m__d_o_in__g_m__y_h_o_m__e_w_o_r_k___. I _a_m__g_o_i_n_g_t_o__fl_y_a__k_i_te__.
Write the sentences.
They are ___w_a_t_c_h_in_g__T_V____.
They are __p__la_y_i_n_g_g_a_m__e_s__.
He is going to ___sl_e_e_p___.
Let’s do it!
1.Write and act.
I’m cold. Can you __h_e_l_p__ me?
__P__u_t_o_n__ the coat for me, please.
Thank you. Oh, no! I’m hot now! __T_a_k_e_o_f_f__ the hat for me, please.
He is going to swim tomorrow.
A cold, snowy day
What a cold, snowy day! I want toቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱgo out to play. I’m putting on my winter hat.
Now I’m going to put on my coat.
Today is Saturday, December 9. Jenny and Li Ming are going out to play with Danny. It is cold and snowy this morning.
Jenny and Li Ming put on their winter coats. Li Ming puts on his scarf and winter hat, too.
Please put on your scarf and gloves, Jenny.
Language points
Jenny and Li Ming are going out to play with Danny. 詹妮和李明要去和丹尼玩。
“be going to…” 用来打算,准备做的事情或即将要 发生的事情,是一般将来时的肯定句表达方式。 句型结构:主语+be+ going to + 动词原形 + 其他. 例句:他明天将去游泳。