英语专业 论文开题报告(英语)






II、开题报告写作步骤为:1、Title (论文题目)2、Thesis Statement (中心论点)3、Purpose and Significance of Study (研究目的和意义)4、Situation of Study (研究现状)5、Difficulty of Study (研究难点)6、Detailed Outline (详细提纲)7、References (参考文献)。






VIII、页面设置纸型:A4(210 X 297毫米)即宽度:21厘米,高度29.7厘米。




英语论文开题报告【二】英语论文的开题报告范文Function and Application of Descriptive Translation Studies 1 IntroductionThe intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of Descriptive Translation Studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.Since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science、From then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence、Among these schools is Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS).DTS approaches translation from an empirical perspective、Translation is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community、Therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.My attention was first directed to DTS by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation、The subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community.The method of DTS is basically descriptive、The prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned、Translation phenomena are noted down、With accumulateddata, some underlying truths about translation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice、I will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis.A convenient tool has been set up to conduct DTS、“Norm” is operative at every stage of description and explanation、Function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies、Translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm.The case taken in this thesis is the Chinese classic The Dream of Red Mansions、Two English versions translated respectively by Yang Hsien-yi and David Hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches.In this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, I hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of DTS.英语论文开题报告范文系别:外语系专业:英语所选题目名称:English Idioms and Their Cohesive Function一、课题研究现状:English idioms are an important part of the English vocabulary、The general tendencies of present-day English are towards more idiomatic usages、Halliday and Hason (1976) pointed out that there are three functions of English idioms (ideational function, interpersonal function and textual function)、Another scholar, Fernando C、(1996), also made valuable contributions to the understanding of idiomatic expression_r of coherent text, and in the creation of stylistic effects.Chinese linguists like Hu Zhuanglin (1994, 1996), Zhu Yongsheng (1995, 1996, 1997) and Zhang Delu (1994) mainlymade contributions to the study of textual cohesion.二、课题研究目的:This paper is firstly intended to define English idioms and analyze the features of them、It then explores the cohesive function after careful analysis and discussion, attempting to arouse the concern of using idioms appropriately and help readers make full use of the cohesive function for communicating more concisely and idiomatically, thus more effectively.三、课题研究内容:As English idioms are much alive in everyday English, a close look at the function of idioms must be taken、This dissertation includes the following five aspects: 1、Introduction2、A General Study of English Idioms 2.1 The Definition of English Idioms 2.2 Features of English Idioms3、Cohesive Function of English Idioms 3.1 Cohesion3.2 Functional Categories3.3 Cohesive Function of Relational Idioms 3.4 Cohesive Function of Other Idioms4、The Cohesive Function in Terms of Syntax And Pragmatics4.1 Syntactic Cohesion 4.2 Pragmatic Function 5、Conclusion四、课题研究计划:January 22-March 10: question posing of the research and collection of materials March 11-March 25: analysis of the materials and writing of an outlineMarch 26-April 30: completion of the first draft and seeking supervisor’s advice May 1?June 10: refinement of the paper according t o teacher’s suggestionJune 11?June 22: finalization of the thesis based on the set requirements after the defence五、主要参考文献:[1] Fernando, C、Idioms and Idiomaticity、Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2000[2] Halliday, M.A.K、and R、Hason、Cohesion in English、Longman Press, 1985[3] Lakoff, G、and M、Johnson、Metaphors We Live By、University of Chicago Press, 1980[4] Makkai, A、Idiom Structure in English、The Hague Press,1972[5] 林承璋、英语词汇学引论[M]、武汉大学出版社,1987[6] 陆国强、现代英语词汇学[M]、上海外语教育出版社, 1999[7] 汪榕培, 卢晓娟、英语词汇学教程[M]、上海外语教育出版社, 1999英语论文开题报告【三】一、论文题目:classroom interaction and oral english teaching二、研究现状:对于课堂互动与英语口语教学之间的关系,国内的研究主要集中在:(1)构建主义模式它是以构建主义理论为基础的互动模式,司洪海在《构建主义理论与英语口语教学》中从对现有教学模式的“反思”入手,探讨将构建主义引入英语课堂教学的必要性、可行性及其意义和作用。



英语专业毕业论文开题报告英文版英语专业毕业论文开题报告英文版ProposalTitle: A Study on C-E translation of Scenic Spots Introductions of Guangzhou from the Perspective of Eco-translatology Rationale and Significance of the Proposed StudySince the 21st century, along with economic globalization, transnational tourism also gets rapid development. China,as a big country with full tourist resource, with the successful hosting of the 20xx Guangzhou Asian Games, Guangzhou will usher in more and more foreign tourists. How to better convey the information in the travel material, how to best introduce Chinese culture to foreigners by Chinese tourism as more as possible, it is closely related to the translation quality of scenic spots introduction. Scenic spots introduction is an important way for the tourists to get tourist attractions information, proper scenic spot introduction can make the tourists to obtain the necessary background knowledge, deepen their understanding of the scenic spot culture connotation and good translation of scenic spots introduction. It can make foreign friends better understand Chinas culture, also good for the spread and communication of culture. To select the perspective of Eco-translatology, using the methods and principles of Eco-translatology to study the scenic spots introduction of Guangzhou, will have a lot to the guiding role of the English translation for the scenic spots introduction of Guangzhou..Literature Review (Background)Current researches on tourism translation are more concentrated on analysis of the translation of right or wrong,such as spelling missing errors, grammar mistakes, misnomer, encumbrance, expression repeated language, cultural misunderstanding existing in the tourist translation. Theoretical research from the macro level is still in its infancy. The deficiency of theoretical discussion directly led to the weakness of translation practice and cultivation of translation talents. In the study of tourism translation, there are more research on attractions name, signboard, scenic spots culture, scenic spots introduction and slogan and so on. Among them, for the study of scenic spots introduction, most domestic scholars study it from the perspective of the functional translation theory or skopos theory, but there are just a few people studying it from the perspective of Eco-translatology. According to Li Xiangwu, Chen ping(20xx), they take the translation of skopos theory as the guiding principle, then analyzed the scenic spots translation errors paradigm, aimed to improve the quality of tourist attractions in Chinese-English translation. Analysis is comprehensive. And ZhaiXiaoYi, she explored translation of tourist attractions introduction text from the perspective of the functional theories. Through the analysis of the text content and rhetoric of travel sites attractions introduction, she was tried to explain the enlightenment of functional theories for Chinese travel website text. The context was detailed, but overall, it still stays in text translation error analysis, and putting forward effective strategies. Eco-translatology is a new emerging interdisciplinary subject that makes the translatology mix with the ecology and mutual infiltration. Hou min (20xx), under the guidance of Eco-translatology, through discussing problems in the translational eco-environment of tourism translation in Shanxi, put forward the subjects of translation of tourism culturetranslation environment and internal adaptation and multidimensional response strategy, etc. Analysis is very detailed, but example is insufficient. Guo Fen (20xx), guided by the Eco-translatology, from the three-dimension transformation method of translation, the translator duty and afterwards punishing mechanism to explore the ecological translation theory guidance of translation of scenic spots introduction, it is very detailed, but not enough in-depth. In recent years, scholars studies in the tourism translation with the perspective of the ecological translation theory have been gradually increased, but under the perspective of Eco-translatology, the scenic spots introduction translation studies is relatively less. Scenic spots introduction can reflect a regions history and culture, good translation of scenic spots introduction will be better carry forward the Chinese culture. It can let the foreign friends understand China better.Research QuestionsWhat are the characteristics of the scenic spots introduction in Guangzhou Existing problemsCan the Eco-translatology have the guidance effort for the scenic spots introduction in GuangzhouMethodology and Data CollectionMethodology: First, field investigation, collecting data, and then under the perspective of Eco-translatology, doing the contrast analysis of the scenic spots introduction in both Chinese and English version.Data collection:The data collected to support the thesis are mainly from field investigation. The data will be chosen in the scenic spots introduction in Guangzhou. The data will be collected by photographs, some typical data will be picked out and classified and then illustrated from the perspective of Eco-translatology.Theoretical FrameworkEco-translatology: Professor Hu Gengshen argued and built a translation theory of adaptation and selection, the theory may be defined as a means of ecology of translation studies, think that the translation activities should through language, culture communication and three dimension transformation, its principle is multi-dimensional adaptation and adaptive selection, the best translation is integration to adapt to the selectivity of the highest translation.Outline/Organization of the Proposed Study1. Introduction1.1 Rationale and Significance1.2 Research Questions1.3 Research Methods1.4 Organization of the Dissertation2. Research Review2.1 Previous research on Tourism Translation2.2 Previous research on Chinese to English translation of scenic spots introduction.2.3 Previous research on Eco-translatology2.4 Achievements and deficiencies3. Theoretical Framework3.1 Eco-translatology3.1.1 An Overview of Eco-translatology3.1.2 Transaltion Principle and Method of Eco-translatology3.2 Applicability of Eco-translatology4. Case Analysis4.1 Analysis of the information with Eco-translatology in the process of Chinese to English translation of scenic spotsintroduction4.2 Take some examples to analyze the translation while applying the method of Eco-translatology4.3 Discussion5. ConclusionTentative Conclusion and Potential DifficultiesTentative Conclusion: The Eco-translatology has the guidance effort for the scenic spots introduction in Guangzhou.Potential Difficulties:1. Not familiar to the Eco-translatology2. Data collection will not be very easy and the example that can fit the theory will not be easy to find.ReferencesNelson, R.Winter,S.An evolutionary theory of economic change. Cambridge/London: Duck University Press,1982 Newmark, P.. Approach to translation. Oxford: Pergamon, 1982。





















一、选题依据及意义(不少于300字).English,especiallyEnglishreadingandwriting,hasbeeaneffectiv emeanstogetaccesstoallkindsofinformationandanindispensablem eansofinternationalmunication.Asamatteroffact,Englishwritin garevitaltoourindividualdevelopmentbecauseithasbeenappliedm oreandmoreinbothourEnglishstudyandfuturework.However,accordingtomypersonalwritingexperienceandteachingpr acticeexperienceinBobaiMiddleschool,Ifoundthatthestudents'E FLwritingabilityisnotsoencouragingandsatisfactoryinseniorhi ghschoolsthoughtheyhavelearnedEnglishforseveralyearsinprima ryandmiddleschool.NotafewofthemdoverypoorinapplyingEnglisht oexpresstheirideas,thoughts,feelings,etc.inEFLwriting.Someo fthemevencannotproduceasinglecorrectsentenceintheirposition s.Thosestudentsmayactuallyhavesomethingtowrite,buttheyjustc annotexpressitcorrectlyandappropriatelyinEnglish.Ononehand, theydonotgraspsufficientactivevocabulariestoexpressthemselv es.Ontheotherhand,theylacksenseofsentencestructureandpositionstructuretodeveloptheirposition.Thelastbutnotleast,theydon'tknowhowtoapplythematerialstheyhavereadtoimprovetheirwrit ingabilitythoughtheyhavereadalot.Therefore,it'snecessaryandurgenttofindaneffectiveandpractic alapproachtosolvethepoorperformanceinthestudents'EFLwriting andimprovetheirwritingability.Manyscholarshaveprovedthatthe reisastrongrelationshipbetweenreadingandwriting.Fromreading towritingcaneffectivelyenlargethestudents'amountofvocabular y,cultivatetheirsenseofsentencestructureandpositionstructur e,enrichtheirwritingmaterialsandpromotetheirabilityinusingw ordsandsentences.Therefore,fromreadingtowritingapproachishi ghlyadvocatedinimprovingEFLwritinginseniorhighschools.二、研究目标与主要内容(含论文(设计)提纲,不少于500字).1.研究目标:AccordingtotheNewCurriculumStandardsforseniorhighschools,li stening,speaking,readingandwritingarefourbasicskillsandrequ irementsforthestudents.However,thestudents'EFLwritingabilit yinseniorhighschoolsisnotsopleasantandencouraging.Thepreval entEFLwritingapproaches(theproductapproachandtheprocessappr oach)inseniorhighschoolsdonotdomuchgoodtoimprovestudents'writingability.Thisstudyaimstoparethesetwoapproacheswithfromr eadingtowritingapproachandshowtheadvantagesofapplyingfromre adingtowritingapproachinseniorhighschools.Fromreadingtowritingapproachadvocatesthatwritingshouldbeint egratedwithreadingsothatthestudentscanenlargetheirvocabular yinreading,learnhowtouselanguageappropriately,howtoapplythe irbackgroundknowledge,howtoarrangethesentences,howtanizethe position,howtoachievecoherenceandunityandhowtoactivatetheir mindwhenwriting.Inthisway,thestudentscanimprovetheirwriting abilityeffectivelyandefficiently.Therefore,thethesistriesto analyzethepresentreadingandwritingsituationinseniorhighscho ols,expoundthenatureofreadingandwriting,discussthenecessity andfeasibilityofreadingtowritingapproach,showtheapplication ofreadingtowritingapproachinEFLwritingpracticeandprovetheef fectivenessandpracticalityofreadingandwritingapproach.2.主要内容(提纲):1.Introduction2.ThepresentsituationofEnglishwritinginseniorhighschools3.Thenatureofreadingandwriting3.1Thenatureofreading3.2Thenatureofwriting4.Therelationshipbetweenreadingandwriting4.1Readingpavesthewayforwriting4.2Writingpromotesreading5.Thenecessityandfeasibilityofreading-to-writing5.1Thenecessityofreading-to-writing5.2Thefeasibilityofreading-to-writing6.Theadvantagesofapplyingreading-to-writingapproach 6.1Thedefinitionofreading-to-writingapproach6.2Aparisonofreading-to-writingapproachwithproductapproacha ndprocessapproach7.Theapplicationofreading-to-writingapproach7.1Theprinciplesofapplyingreading-to-writingapproach 7.1.1Payingequalattentiontoreadingandwriting7.1.2Payingequalattentiontointensivereadingandextensiveread ing7.2Theselectionofgoodreadingmaterials7.3Waysofadaptingreading-to-writingapproach7.3.1Pre-writingreading7.3.2Writingfromreading7.3.3Post-writingreadingandrewriting不想长大三、研究方法和手段。


























英语专业论文开题报告Title: The Impact of Technology on English Language Learning 1. Introduction1.1 Background and SignificanceIn today's rapidly evolving world, technology plays a prominent role in nearly every aspect of our lives. The field of education is no exception, with technology providing new opportunities to enhance and transform teaching and learning experiences. One area that has seen significant impact is English language learning. English has become the lingua franca of the global community, with proficiency in the language opening up numerous opportunities for individuals in the global job market. As a result, the demand for effective English language learning methods has increased, and technology has emerged as a key tool in meeting this demand.1.2 Research ObjectivesThis research aims to investigate the impact of technology on English language learning, specifically focusing on the following objectives:1. To examine the different types of technology used in English language learning.2. To explore the effectiveness of technology in enhancing students' English language proficiency.3. To evaluate the attitudes and perceptions of language learners towards technology in the English language learning process.4. To identify the challenges and limitations of incorporating technology in English language learning.2. Literature Review2.1 Technology in English Language LearningThis section will review existing literature on the different types of technology used in English language learning. It will explore the use of computer-assisted language learning (CALL), mobile applications, online platforms, virtual reality, and other emerging technologies in improving language acquisition.2.2 Effectiveness of Technology in English Language Learning This section will analyze studies and research conducted on the effectiveness of technology in enhancing students' English language proficiency. It will examine the impact of technology on language fluency, vocabulary acquisition, grammar skills, listening comprehension, and speaking abilities.2.3 Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Technology in English Language LearningThis section will discuss the attitudes and perceptions of language learners towards technology in the English language learning process. It will analyze studies that investigate students' motivation, engagement, and satisfaction with technology-based language learning approaches.2.4 Challenges and Limitations of Technology in English Language LearningThis section will explore the challenges and limitations associated with incorporating technology in English language learning. It will discuss issues such as access and affordability, technological barriers, teacher training, and potential negative impact on social interaction and collaboration.3. Methodology3.1 Research DesignThis study will adopt a mixed-methods approach, utilizing both qualitative and quantitative methods to collect and analyze data. Qualitative methods, such as interviews and surveys, will be used to explore participants' attitudes and perceptions towards technology in English language learning. Quantitative methods, such as pre- and post-tests, will be used to measure the impact of technology on students' language proficiency.3.2 ParticipantsThe participants of this study will be English language learners from a secondary school. A total of 100 students will be selected through random sampling to ensure a representative sample.3.3 Data Collection and AnalysisData will be collected through interviews, surveys, and language proficiency tests. The interviews and surveys will be analyzed thematically to identify patterns, themes, and recurring ideas. The language proficiency test results will be analyzed using statistical methods to measure the effectiveness of technology in improving students' language skills.4. ConclusionThis study aims to contribute to the existing literature on the impact of technology on English language learning. By exploring the different types of technology used in language learning, evaluating their effectiveness, understanding learners' attitudes and perceptions, and identifying the challenges and limitations, this research will provide insights for educators, policymakers, andresearchers in designing and implementing technology-based language learning approaches that maximize students' language acquisition and proficiency.。



英语专业毕业论文开题报告英语专业毕业论文开题报告英语专业毕业论文开题报告(一)标题: 英语隐喻汉译的研究最具有代表性,而对于其汉译的研究却凤毛麟角。

国内对于隐喻的研究主要受 Lakoff Johnson 理论的影响,其中以胡壮麟、朱永生为主要代表。




2) 本选题的意义、重点、难点及创新点意义: 本选题突破了历来将隐喻的汉译局限在诗学、修辞学、文学等范畴。

由于“翻译是跨语言、跨文化的交际活动”论文简要提纲1.引言2. 英语日常用语中隐喻存在的普遍性2.1 隐喻的定义2.2 关于隐喻研究的常用术语2.3 英语日常用语中的隐喻3. 英语日常用语中隐喻的特点3.1 日常用语中隐喻的分类3.1.1 习用性隐喻3.1.2 新生隐喻3.2 英语隐喻与汉语隐喻3.3 英语日常用语中隐喻的可译性4. 英语日常用语中的隐喻的汉译4.1 翻译的标准4.2 日常用语中隐喻汉译的难点4.3 日常用语中隐喻汉译的过程4.4 日常用语中隐喻汉译的基本方法及原则5. 日常用语中隐喻汉译的方法与技巧 5.1 直译法 5.2 意译法 5.3 转译法 5.4 直译和意译结合法 4) 参考书目Aristotle. “Rhetoric” In W. D. Ross The Works of Aristotle. Oxford: Clarendon Press. , 1924. Brodkey, Linda. Review: The Language inMetaphor ,1988. Goatly, Andrew. The Language of Metaphors. Routledge 11, New Fetter lane, London, 1997. Jin Di Eugene, A. Nida. On Translation. Beijing: China Translation Publishing Company, 1984. Lakoff, G. Johnson, M. Metaphors We Live by Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1987. Nida, Eugene A. William, Reyburn. Meaning Across Cultures.Maryknoll of N. Y. Orbis Book, 1981. 陈望道,1983,《修辞学发凡》。






英语专业论文开题报告1,研究来源及其意义:长期以来,由于多年根深蒂固的传统的教授语言的方法束缚,高中英语阅读教学在很大程度上仍脱离了培养阅读能力这一主要任务,成了专为应试服务的逐句翻译和烦琐的语法分析.其现状主要表现为:阅读课过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解,而忽视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养;重教师的导向,而轻学生的主体性和人文精神的培养.其结果是,不仅忽略了课堂提问在阅读教学中的促进作用,学生在课堂上囫囵吞枣,死记硬背,简单地模仿句型,而且学生普遍存在对整篇文章的综合理解,阅读速度慢,缺乏分析问题,解决问题的能力以及积极参与阅读教学的兴趣,阅读课堂呈现单调乏味的现象.这种现状已经阻碍了阅读教学的进一步发展.根据新课标的精神,高中阶段英语教学的目的是初中英语教学的基础上发展听,说,读,写的基本技能;侧重培养阅读能力且新编的人教版高中英语教科书以阅读课为中心,突出了高中阶段阅读教学的中心地位,体现了高中阶段英语教学侧重培养阅读能力的原则.有此可见,英语阅读教学作为高中英语教学的侧重点,其目的不仅是要让学生学会语言知识,获取文章提供的信息,领悟文章的内涵,更重要的是使学生掌握阅读的方法和技能,逐步培养语言学习能力.而课堂提问则关系到英语阅读教学的质量,是阅读教学过程得以顺利进行的关键.课堂体温,是一种教学活动过程.通常是教师提出问题,引导学生运用已经学过的知识,回答教师提出的问题,提高分析能力,从而获得新知识的方法,是阅读课堂教学中使用频率的一种教学手段.这也正是顺应了新课标中所倡导的那样,在阅读教学中注重素质教育,鼓励学生积极参与教学活动,通过感知,体验,实践,参与和合作探究等活动方式,来完成阅读教学的任务和实现英语阅读教学目标.同时,通过课堂提问在阅读教学中的运用,也充分体现了阅读教学以学生为中心的教学思路,突出学生主体,尊重个体差异的基本理念.据此,为改变传统阅读教学的模式,我们在进行阅读课堂教学时,在阅读前教师可以提出一系列问题,让学生带着问题有目的地去阅读能激发他们的好奇心和求知欲,提高他们的阅读能力.sefc教材所提供的文章内容广泛,体裁丰富,其中以叙述和论证体为主,教师应根据不同的文体设计不同的问题,体现出不同体裁的特点.教师还应把课堂作为学生英语实践活动的舞台,把课文内容作为话题,组织学生进行讨论,议论,评价,延伸和借鉴等言语实践活动,从而发挥学生在阅读教学中的主体作用,培养其积极的思维能力和创造能力.而且,国外一些语言学家早在20世纪60年代初就从不同角度探讨研究第二语言的阅读过程,创立和丰富了外语阅读教学理论.语言学家卢利亚认为:复杂的阅读理解至少有三个环节组成区分单词的确切意义;把握词与词之间的句法关系以及由词组成的复杂的结构.他的话指出了阅读理解过程中语言知识的重要性.1967年goodman借助心理语言学的观点,提出了崭新的阅读理论,他认为阅读是一个复杂的心理语言活动过程,是作者,语言信息,和读者三方面共同作用的结果.随着心理学,心理语言学,应用语言学和篇章语言学研究的发展,人们对阅读理论的探讨不断深入.20世纪80年代初,carrol等人提出了现代图式理论.它强调了读者的文化背景知识在阅读理解过程中所起的作用.目前,在国内对英语阅读教学的研究,人们有着各自不同的看法.尤其是在阅读教学模式方面,则主要存在着两种不同的意见:一种是自下而上的模式,认为阅读教学的基本路子是先教单词,再讲句子,ZUI后扩展到全文.另一种是自上而下的模式,强调reading is a psycholingual guessing game此外,国内的阅读教学理论也认为,阅读过程是一个主动的,有目的的,有创造性的心理过程.倡导教师在阅读教学中应该使学生始终处于积极主动的状态,通过对整篇文章的整体把握来获取文章信息,掌握语言知识,培养其阅读能力.随着国内外对阅读教学过程的不断深入,阅读教学在英语教学中的重要性将会变得显著突出.如何在阅读教学中激发学生的学习兴趣,如何使其能创造性地解决课文话题所引出的与现实生活密切相关的问题,从而提高学生的阅读水平,由应试向素质教育转变,将成为一个备受注目的亟待解决的大问题.本课题拟在外语教学法的范畴内,通过探讨如何运用课堂提问技巧,一方面为学生能够根据问题更快,更准确地把握对文章的综合理解,更好地获取文章的内在信息起到了积极的促进作用,另一方面,由于本课题的内容在目前的英语阅读教学中出现很少,而本课题的研究将弥补这一方面的不足,也为广大教师在阅读教学中所采用的教学技巧提供了一项参考.它的理论意义和实践意义将会十分显著.2,研究目标:针对课文内容的不同,在阅读课堂教学的各环节中精心设计问题,为引导学生能够积极参与阅读教学,使其能够带着疑问对文章进行阅读,并向学生提供尽可能多的直接使用语言的机会,让学生回答问题,分析问题或就某一问题进行讨论,帮助学生在有限的课堂中限度地获取文章的内在信息,提高其阅读速度,分析问题和解决问题的能力,从而改善阅读课堂教学的质量.3,研究的内容:主要探讨如何在阅读课堂教学的各个环节中设计课堂提问来吸引学生的阅读兴趣,尽可能地引导学生变被动为主动,积极参与阅读教学,在活跃的课堂教学环境中提高学生的阅读能力.本课题研究主要解决以下几个问题:(1),对阅读课堂教学的现状进行分析,提出通过精心设计课堂提问来改善阅读教学的必要性.(2),根据阅读教学过程中的实际情况,探索和总结适合于阅读教学的课堂提问的技巧特征.(3),总结和探索在阅读课堂教学中适当运用课堂提问的技巧能否有利于优化阅读课堂教学的各环节.4,研究的方法和手段:(1),方法:调查法,归纳总结法,例证法,教学观摩法,查阅文献资料法.(2),课题的研究手段主要是以实际应用为主,兼以完善这一理论研究.5,研究的进度安排:统一按照院系领导和指导老师的安排,并结合论文写作的实际情况,认真完成论文协作的每项步骤.参考文献:1. 程晓堂,郑敏.英语学习策略[m]. 上海: 外语教育与研究出版社,XX2. 桂诗春.新编心理语言学[m]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社,XX3. 胡春洞,王才仁.英语阅读论[m]. 南宁: 广西教育出版社,19984. 束定芳,庄智象.现代外语教学---理论,实践与方法[m]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社,1996年10月第1版5. 施建萍.高中英语阅读教学中的五种问题设计[j].中小学英语教学与研究,XX(2): 41.6. 迟克晓.设计创新问题优化教学环节培养创新思维[j].广西教育学院学报,XX(7): 128.7. 沈正南.高中开放式课堂教学初探[j].中小学外语教学,XX(4): 11.8.何文琴.高中英语课堂提问艺术初探[j].中小学英语教学与研究,XX(2):18.9.杨李花.高中英语阅读教学中的问题设计[j].天津教育,XX(11): 54.10.范煜华.精心设计课堂问题提高课堂教学效率[j].中小学外语教学,XX(6): 22.11.余冰清,谢建珍.充分利用新教材培养学生阅读能力[j].中小学外语教学,XX(6): 21.12.孙曼丽.高中阅读课导入与小结的创新教学设计[j].中小学外语教学,XX(9): 21.13. 周春敏.谈谈高中英语任务型课堂教学设计[j].中小学英语教学与研究,XX(5): 20.14. 林松青.创设教学活动情境培养学生创造个性[j].基础教育外语教学研究,XX(9): 56.15. 葛文山,朱俊爽.浅谈课文教学中问题的设置[j].中小学外语教学,XX(3): 6.16. 朱惠芳.研读《英语课程标准》调整阅读教学策略[j].中小学英语教学与研究,XX(9): 24.17. 杜星.讨论式教学在sefc教材中的运用[j],中小学英语教学与研究,XX(3):13.18. 鲁芬芬.高中英语阅读课教法探讨[j],中小学外语教学,XX(11): 17.英语专业论文开题报告题目:A Brief Analysis of the Significance of Optimism in Pollyanna研究目的和意义:拉伯雷曾经说过:生活是一面镜子,你对它笑,它就对你笑;你对它哭,它就对你哭。




















题 目
From Reading to Writing: an Effective and Practical ApproachinImproving Students’EFLWriting inSenior High Schools
囗 理论研究 应用研究 囗 设计开发 囗 其他
7.3Ways ofadaptingreading-to-writing approach
7.3.1 Pre-writing reading
7.3.2 Writing from reading
7.3.3 Post -writing reading and rewriting
5.1 The necessity of reading-to-writing
5.2 The feasibility of reading-to-writing
6.1 The definition of reading-to-writing approach
7.1.1 Paying equal attention to reading and writing
7.1.2 Paying equal attention to intensive reading and extensive reading







三、内容安排1. 介绍选题背景和意义,阐述选题目的及研究意义;2. 概述国内外英语专业毕业生职场英语能力培养状况;3. 基于调查分析和文献研究较为全面地论述英语专业毕业生职场英语能力培养的现状及存在的问题;4. 提出针对英语专业毕业生职场英语能力培养现状所存在的问题的改进措施,并进行深入探讨与论述;5. 总结分析本次研究中所得到的结论,指出进一步研究的方向;6. 书写论文参考文献与个人感想。

四、计划进度安排在本次毕业论文研究中,我将按照以下进度安排进行研究:1. 第一周:查阅相关文献,为论文提纲做准备;2. 第二周:明确研究题目,进一步分析相关文献,制定调查问卷;3. 第三周:开展针对英语专业毕业生职场英语能力培养研究的调查,并分析调查结果;4. 第四周:撰写研究论文,并自行进行校对改进;5. 第五周:请教导师指导,并进行论文修改;6. 第六周:提交毕业论文,并准备答辩。

五、预期成果研究完成后,预期可以得出:1.英语专业毕业生职场英语能力培养现状的全面概括;2.英语专业毕业生职场英语能力培养研究现状的分析;3. 英语专业毕业生职场英语能力培养现状所存在的问题的说服力强的改进措施;4.研究结果可为高校相关教育部门提供对英语专业毕业生职场英语能力培养的思路和建议,为英语专业毕业生的职业发展提供一定的参考和指导。



英语论文开题报告各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢英语论文开题报告(一)一、论文题目:Classroom Interaction And Oral English Teaching二、研究现状:对于课堂互动与英语口语教学之间的关系,国内的研究主要集中在:(1)构建主义模式它是以构建主义理论为基础的互动模式,司洪海在《构建主义理论与英语口语教学》中从对现有教学模式的“反思”入手,探讨将构建主义引入英语课堂教学的必要性、可行性及其意义和作用。















英语论文开题报告范文篇1论文题目:the Application and Innovation一、选题的意义和研究现状1.选题的目的、理论意义和现实意义长时期以来,人们视艾米莉·勃朗特为英国文学中的“斯芬克斯”。




预期的结果(大纲):1.A Survey of Gothic1.1Definition of Gothic2Emily’s Gothic Heritage2.1Theme2.1.1Good and Evil2.2Characters Description2.2.1Villainhero2.2.2Delicate Young Girl2.3Atmosphere,Environment and Plot2.3.1Terror2.3.2Mystery2.3.3Supernatural3.Emily’s Gothic Innovation3.1Combination of romanticism and Realism3.1.1Change of the Background3.1.3Stream of Consciousness3.1.4Illusion and Subconsciousness3.2.Description of Figure Emotion and Psychology2.拟采用的研究方法主要有资料查找、理论探讨研究、阅读法3.研究所需条件和可能存在的问题研究所需条件:纸张、打印设备、图书馆、互联网上获取国内外文献资料;可能存在的问题:(1)文献不足。



英语专业开题报告范文英语专业开题报告范文第一篇:题目名称:Politeness Principle as a strategy in Business Negotiation商务英语谈判中的礼貌策略研究学生姓名:学号:学院:专业年级:英语专业商务方向**级指导教师:职称:一、选题的依据:由于商务活动的需要,在世界高度一体化,国际商务活动日益频繁,中国进入WTO 的国际背景下,需要人们熟练掌握对外商务活动的原则和技巧;而商务谈判是对外商务活动的重要环节,商务谈判实际上是通过语言来进行的经济活动,其成功与否很大程度上取决于语言的应用。





其意义如下:意义:1. 得体的谈吐能树立谈判者良好的文化素养和职业道德形象,是商务谈判中的润滑剂;2.增加谈判者之间的信任度,提高谈判中的自觉性,增加谈判的成功性,从而实现经济利益;3. 对商务谈判中礼貌原则的研究有利于对今后礼貌原则文化差异起着促进作用;4. 对礼貌原则的研究及礼貌语言的学习、应用利于人们生活实际中的交际和商务活动,利于个人生活。











英语专业论文开题报告imism in Poion and appion of descriptive transion studiesroductionthe intention of this study is to expages of descriptive transion studies as in its appion in transion practice and transion anah century, transion studies graduahe marginaatus arriage Refed in Emma 简?奥斯丁婚姻观在《爱玛》中的体现en, en, en, en, Jane. Emma [M]. Ne]. 爱玛. tr. 孙致礼. 南京: 译林出版社, xx.Craik, ]. heir Methods [M]. D, xx.蔡威. 《爱玛》的女性意识解读[J]. 三门峡职业技术学院学报, xx(2): 68-70.陈艳玲﹠刘利坤. 奥斯丁小说中的女性意识[J]. 黑龙江社会科学, xx(3): 107-108.邓军. 论简?奥斯汀《爱玛》中的女性婚姻观及其成因[J]. 湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版), xx(6): 118-119.卢爱芝,于复选. 从《爱玛》看简?奥斯汀小说中的灰姑娘主题[J].莱阳农学院学报(社会科学版), xx(3): 58-61.苏世芬. 19世纪英国女性的代言人[J]. 南京林业大学学报, xx(3): 45-47.王红丽. 爱玛形象的女性意识解读[J]. 河南商业高等专科学校学报, xx(3): 123- 125.朱虹. 奥斯丁研究[M]. 北京: 中国文联出版公司, xx.2. 毕业设计任务要研究或解决的问题和拟采用的方法:在本篇论文中,作者将结合英国当时的社会形态和背景,联系小说的情节并列举相关人物的实例,从社会阶级、女性意识、简?奥斯汀的价值观这三个方面出发,深层次的剖析和研究简?奥斯汀的婚姻观在小说《爱玛》中的体现。

英文毕业论文 开题报告

英文毕业论文 开题报告













五、研究计划和进度安排本文的研究计划分为以下几个阶段:1. 阶段一:收集相关文献,了解英文毕业论文的写作规范和要求。


2. 阶段二:对已完成的英文毕业论文进行案例分析,总结出一些常见的写作技巧和问题。


3. 阶段三:设计问卷调查和实证研究,收集学生的反馈意见和建议。


4. 阶段四:整理和分析研究数据,撰写论文。


5. 阶段五:修改和完善论文,准备答辩。






学科英语开题报告模板范文英文回答:English Response:Title: Sample Outline for Subject English Proposal.1. Introduction.In this section, I will provide a brief overview of my proposed research topic and its significance. I will explain why I chose this topic and outline the objectives of my study. Additionally, I will introduce the structure of the proposal.2. Literature Review.The literature review will involve an extensive analysis of existing research related to my topic. I will discuss key theories, findings, and debates in the field,providing a critical evaluation of previous studies. By examining various perspectives, I aim to identify gaps in the literature that my research will address.3. Research Questions and Hypotheses.In this section, I will formulate specific research questions that will guide my study. These questions will be based on the gaps identified in the literature review. I will also propose hypotheses to test within the scope of my research.4. Methodology.Here, I will outline the methodology I intend to use to answer my research questions. This will include details about the research design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques. I will justify why these methods are appropriate for addressing my research objectives.5. Expected Outcomes.I will discuss the potential outcomes of my research and their implications for the field. This section will outline the contributions that my study aims to make, including theoretical advancements and practical applications.6. Timeline.A detailed timeline will be provided to outline the various stages of the research process. This will include milestones such as literature review completion, data collection, analysis, and writing up the findings. I will ensure that the timeline is feasible and allows for any unexpected delays.7. Conclusion.Finally, I will conclude the proposal by summarizing the key points and reiterating the importance of the proposed research. I will also discuss any potential limitations and suggest areas for future research.中文回答:Chinese Response:标题,学科英语开题报告模板范文。







三、阅读的主要参考文献及资料名称[1] Benson, P. and Voller, P.Autonomy and Independence in Language Learning [M].London: Longman.1997,[2] Breen, M.P .and Mann, S. Shooting arrows at the sun: perspectives on pedagogy for autonomy. In P.Benson and P.Voller (Eds) Autonomy and Independence in Language Learning [M]. London: Longman. 1997.[3] Boud, D. (ED.).Developing Students Autonomy in Learning [M]. London: Kogan.1988.[4] Candy.Self-direction for Life-long Learning [M]. California: Jossey-Bass.1981.[5] Dickinson, L. Self-instruction in Language Learning [M].Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.1987.[6] Gardner and Miller. (Eds.).Tasks for Independent Language Learning [M].Alexandria. 1996.[7] Holec, H. Autonomy and Foreign Language Learning [M], Oxford: Pergamon.1981.[8] Jones.Strategic teaching and learning: cognitive instruction in the content areas [M]. Alexandria, VA: Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development.1987.[9] Nunan, D. ‘Designing and adapting materials to encourage learner autonomy’. In P.Benson&P.Voller (eds) Autonomy and Independence in Language Learning [M]. London: Longman.1997.[10] O’Malley, J.M.and Chamot, A.V. Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition [M]. London: Macmillan.1990.[11] Sinclair, B. “Learner autonomy: the next phase” In Sinclair, B.et al. (eds).Learner Autonomy, teacher Autonomy: Future Directions [M]. London: Longman.2000.[12] Voller, P. Does the teacher has a role in autonomous learning? In P.Benson and P.Voler (eds) Autonomyand Independence in Language Learning [J].1997.London: Longman, 98-113.[13] Vygotsky, L.S.Mind and Society: The Development of Higher Mental Processes [M]. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.1978.[14] Wenden, A. Learner Strategies for Learner Autonomy: Planning and Implementing Learner Training for Language Learners [M], Hertfordshire, UK:Pretice Hall International.1991.[15] Wenden, A. Learner Strategies for Autonomous Learning [J]. 1998.Great Britain:Prentice Hall.xi:347[16] Wenden.A.In cooperating learner training in theclassroom. In A.Wendenand J.rubin (Eds.) Learner strategies in language learning [J],159-68. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: prentice-Hall.1987.[17] 文秋芳.英语学习策略论[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社.1995.[18] 武和平.元认知及其与外语学习的关系[J].国外外语教学[J]第二期.2000.[19] 王立非.第二语言学习策略研究:问题与对策[J].国外外语教学第四期.2001.[20] 英语课程标准研制组.普通高中英语课程标准(实验)解读[M].江苏:江苏教育出版社.2004.[21] 刘润清,胡壮麟.外语教学中的科研方法[M].北京:北京外语教学与研究出版社.1999.四、国内外现状和发展趋势与研究的主攻方向1.国内外现状和发展趋势自主学习,又称自我调节的学习,一般是指学习者自觉确定学习目标、选择学习方法、监控学习过程、评价学习结果的过程。











三、研究内容和方法1. 研究内容本研究主要包括以下几个方面的内容:1.对当前英语专业教育中存在的问题进行分析,包括课程设置、教材选择、教学方法等;2.探讨有效的英语专业教学方法和策略,如沟通交流能力的培养、实践能力的训练等;3.提出改进英语专业教育的方案,包括改进课程设置、优化教学资源、提高教师培训水平等;4.调查英语专业毕业生的就业状况及就业能力需求,为提高英语专业人才的就业竞争力提供参考。

2. 研究方法本研究将采用综合研究方法,包括文献研究、问卷调查、访谈等。



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论文题目:外文On the gothic elements in Jane Eyre中文论《简爱》中的哥特因素A. Current situation of research on this topicOver the past several decades, critics have drawn attention to many gothic novels and have explained the features of those works. However, despite what others think, Gothic novels on romance have continued to thrill many eager fans all over the world. Most people appreciate the stories of love and how triumph it is able to play out amid dark adventure. Jane Eyre, as a great masterpiece in 19th century, has been studied from many aspects, and millions of people were deeply impressed by the heroine’s distinct personality. Nevertheless, to research Jane Eyre as a gothic novel is rare. Therefore, this thesis aims analyze the gothic elements in Jane Eyre and try to analyze the influences of these factors to the development of the novel.B. Research questionsIn what ways is Jane Eyre influenced by the tradition of the Gothic novel? What do the Gothic elements contribute to the novel?The Gothic tradition utilizes elements such as supernatural encounters, remote locations, complicated family histories, ancient manor houses, dark secrets, and mysteries to create an atmosphere of suspense and terror, and the plot of Jane Eyre includes most of these elements. Lowood, Moor House, and Thornfield are all remote locations, andThornfield, like Gateshead, is also an ancient manor house. Rochester’s hidden wife, Bertha, is the dark secret at the novel’s core. The exposure of Bertha is one of the most important moments in the novel, and the mystery surrounding her is the main source of the novel’s suspense.Other Gothic occurrences include: Jane’s encounter with the ghost of her late Uncle Reed in the red-room; the moment of supernatural communication between Jane and Rochester when she hears his voice calling her across the misty heath from miles and miles away; and Jane’s mistaking Rochester’s dog, Pilot, for a “Gytrash,” a spirit of North England that manifests itself as a horse or dog.Although Bronte’s use of Gothic elements heightens her reader’s interest and adds to the emotional and philosophical tensions of the book, most of the seemingly supernatural occurrences are actually explained as the story progresses. It seems that many of the Gothic elements serve to anticipate and elevate the importance of the plot’s turning points.C. Research methodologyDocumentary research is a research methodology which is based on certain research purposes or subject to get fully and correctly understanding of the research questions through surveys. This methodology is being broadly used in many kinds of subject researches D. Significance of the ResearchSignificance of this research is to get a full and correctunderstanding of the theme of "Jane Eyre",and to analyze the gothic elements in the novel and in what way the gothic elements contribute to the novel.II. Outline IntroductionThesis statement:Gothic novels have greatly influenced English and American literature. Many excellent writers successfully used Gothic novel style. Charlotte Bronte adopted the Gothic traditions in the great novel Jane Eyre in terms of demonic character, heavy atmosphere and illusion, gothic theme and plot to make the novel more charming and the theme more attractive.OutlineI. IntroductionBackground:1. Introduce he features of Gothic novel2. Give a brief introduction of Jane Eyre, and then highlight the theme.3. Indicate the aim of this paper is to analyze the gothic elements in the novel and clarify the influences of these factors to the theme of the novel. II. Analyze the gothic elements in Jane Eyre, and explain the effectsof these factors to the novel.A. Introduction of Jane EyreB. The Gothic elements in the novel1.The indication of dark tone of the whole passage2.The “red room” in Gateshead3.At Lowood OrphanageThe death of Helen4.At Thornfield4.1 Strange laughter4.2 Fire4.3 The cry in the night4.4 The “monster”5.The Moor houseIII conclusion:Gothic occurrences include: Jane’s encounter with the ghost of her late Uncle Reed in the red-room; the moment of supernatural communication between Jane and Rochester when she hears his voice calling her across the misty heath from miles and miles away; Although Bronte’s use of Gothic elements heightens her reader’s interest and adds to the emotional and philosophical tensions of the book, most of the seemingly supernatural occurrences are actually explained as the story progresses.。
