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(1)There was a balconyful of gentlemen. (Chesterton) (2) We left the town refreshed and rehatted . (Fotherhill)

后缀- ful 经常与bowl ,basket ,spoon 等表示 容器的名词连用,表示“满⋯⋯. 的”,此处与 balcony 连用,生动形象地描绘出“阳台好像 容器一样挤满了人”这样一幅画面。英语 是形合型语言,对词汇的形态变化有严格的 要求,为了使表达更形象生动,直接在名词后 添加形容词词尾,使描述更具物象感,也起到 了填补词汇缺项的作用。
1. Subject of an indicative clause: E.g. (She) got a new dress. 2. Auxiliary in a yes-no question: E.g (Did) she get a new dress?

3. Wh-element in a wh-question: e.g. (Which) dress did she get? 4. Main verb in an imperative clause: e.g (Get) a new dress for her.

E.g. “… the widow-making unchilding unfathering deeps” (英国十九世纪诗人
霍普金斯描写大海的诗) widow-making:大海吞噬了妻子的丈夫; unchilding:夺去了老人们的孩子; unfathering:葬送了孩子们的父亲

ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Don‟t dear me.

E.g.----You have a lovely wife. ----She is a workholic.

这几种词汇变异都超越了正常语言的 词汇,这些词汇使诗人的想象得以自 由发挥,纵横自如,不受现有词汇的 束缚和限制。变异只是一种手段,不 是目的。在任何变异的背后,总是隐 藏着作者或说话人的意图。了解语言 使用中的变异,对于我们进行文体分 析会起到很大的帮助作用,也在不知不 觉中提高了文学鉴赏能力。
They lowed about her whom he knew, dewsilky cattle. . (James Joyce: Ulysses)

这是小说《尤利西斯》中描写一群奶牛的 语句。在这里,乔伊斯巧妙地将dew和 silky组合在一起,形成了一个新奇而又自 然的复合词 dewsilky,简洁生动地为读者传 达了“露水”和“丝绸般光亮”这两个意 象,形象地描绘出清晨奶牛身有耳目一新的 感觉。

(1) "Don't be such a harsh parent, father!" "Don't father me!" (H. G. Wells)
E.g (2) My mother and father toted the luggage from car to cottage , exclaiming over how well the place had wintered , no broken windows ⋯ winter 通常作名词使用, 此处则将它们 用作动词, winter 意为“经受了冬天的 考验”。

E.g. Britainnia Rues the Waves 这是一篇文章的标题,诙谐模仿英国海 军进行曲中歌词Britannia Rules the Waves 所产生的变异效果,将“rule”调 换成“rue”,意思从“统领”转为“懊 悔、叹息”。这样的标题有吸引力,耐 人寻味。

另一方面,如果新造的词汇在形式上背离 常规,那么往往能产生奇特的艺术效果, 可令读者体会到一种全新的、陌生的、甚 至是扭曲的美。 例: It soared, a bird, it held its flight, a swift pure cry…of the high vast irradiation every where all soaring all around about the all, the endlessnessnessnessness… (James Joyce: Ulysses)

(5) Fainter, dimmer, stiller, each moment, now night. 愈近黄昏,暗越暗,静越静,每刻每分, 已入夜境。 “night”这儿用作动词使这首小诗意蕴深远, 在读者面前展现了一幅夜暮时分,万籁寂 静,万物沉寂的恬淡的画面。
2.4 Syntactic Deviation

Syntactic deviation refers to departures from normal (surface) grammar. These include a number of features such as unusual clause themes, unusual phrase structures.

E.g (4) The orangemostest drink in the world.

orange 一词后面连续用了两个最高级 词缀most 和est ,给人以深刻的印象。 广告商为了体现广告语言的表意功能, 使用词汇变异手段来实现广告的注意、 兴趣和记忆的语用目的。

例:满心“婆理”而满口“公理“的 绅士们的名言暂且置之不论不议之 列…… -----鲁迅

However, the literary writer can go beyond this and may place any of the rest of clause elements in the thematic position in order to achieve certain literary effect. The theme thus produced is unusual and is therefore called a „marked‟ theme. (有标记主位)

2.3.1 Affixation Affixation is the addition of a prefix or suffix to an item which already exists in the language. The following lines contain some typical examples of words coined by extension of this rule:
“Do you Yahoo ?” “Yahoo”一词就被前景化或凸显 (foregrounded) ,因为此词的词性发 生了偏离。

英语中有时利用一些发音相同或相近的字 母或字母组合互相替代,来临时创造一些词 语,用以表达原词所无法表达的含义。比如, 一则低价销售冬装的广告为: GoodBuy Winter ! 100 % Cotton Knit wear $49. 95

2.4.1 Unusual Clause Theme The initial unit of a clause may be called its theme. Apart from the last stressed element of the clause structure which most naturally bears the information focus, the theme is the most important part of a clause from the point of view of its presentation of a message in sequence. The theme may be characterized as the communicative departure for the rest of the clause. In English, the expected or “unmarked” theme (无标记主位)of a main clause is:
(3)It is easier to marry than unmarry.
这一句中的unmarry 是根据marry创造出来 的,意思是divorce,但作者没有用divorce,却 用了临时词unmarry,这不仅与marry 押韵, 而且生的地说明了在作者所处的时代离婚 是一件非常困难的事,修辞效果不言而喻。
In coining new words, it may be said that the literary writer is not so much breaking rules of word-formation as extending the rules. In the coinage of new words, the literary writer usually extends three major rules of word-formation: affixation, compounding and conversion.
2.3.2 Compounding Compounding is the combination of two or more items to make a single compound one. Consider the following examples:

(1) They were else-minded then, altogether, the men. (G. M. Hopkins)
each other. ---- William Thackeray

作者创造了my-loved , my-deared两个 临时用的复合动词,句子即变得妙趣横生。

2.3.3 Conversion Conversion, which is often described as 'zero affixation', is the adaptation of an item to a new grammatical function without changing its form.

小说中布鲁姆在一家酒吧里想入非非,而 他想象中的情人玛莎正在众人面前展现她 那美妙的歌声。显然, “endlessnessnessness”一词是作者利用英 语后缀的习惯新造的词。“ness”的四次重 复似乎能产生一种听觉上的艺术效果,让 读者也感受到歌声的美妙悠扬,余音缭绕, 回味无穷。同时,读者似乎也能切身体会 到布鲁姆那虚无缥缈的精神世界以及他在 优美歌声中浮想联翩的心理状态。。
2.3 lexical deviation 词汇变异

Lexical deviation in literature refers almost exclusively to neologisms or the coinage of new words. (1) 新造词(neologism) (2) 临时造词(nonce formation)
wagon beginning to fall into its slow and mileconsuming clatter. ---William Faulner
To lighten the burden of womankind.
(5)They my-loved and my-deared

(3)The coffee-er coffee. 此广告把名词coffee当形容词用,别出 心裁地使之有了比较级形式“coffeeer”,用以表达“咖啡千杯好,此品味 更浓”的意思。

(4) A world of made is not a world of born.
创造的世界并非是原生的世界。 (动词转名词) 卡明斯这句诗意在把物化的文明世界与原始的世 界进行对比,表达了他对文明世界的一些创造物 如摧残人性的机器的真实感觉。