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二、表时间的介词:about, around, before, by, at, after, in, on, between, during, for, from, since, till, until, within等。



He will be back in a few days. 他几天之后就回来。

He left on Monday and returned after three days. 他星期一走的,三天后回来的。

It's difficult to draw a horse well in half an hour.半小时之内画好一匹马是困难的。

2.表示"时间延续"的for, from...to


We have studied English for three years. 我们学英语已三年了。

My family lived in Beijing from 2019 to 2019.我家从2019年到2019年住在北京。

3.表示"时限"的介词since, from, by, until(till)



until(prep. & conj.)意为"直到……为止"。

by (Prep.) 表示"到……为止"、"不迟于……"的意思。与be动词连用时多用于一般式;与行为动词连用时,多用于完成式。侧重于某动作将在将来或将来某一刻之前发生。

Your son will be all right by supper time. 你儿子到晚饭前就会好的。

I have lived in Beijing since 2019. 自2019年以来我就居住在北京。

From then on I began to learn English. 从那时起我就开始学英语了。

Let's wait until the rain stops. 让我们等到雨停。

He didn't go home until he had finished his homework.(用于否定句) 他直到完成他的家庭作业才回家。



We won't go until we get it back again. 直到我们再找回来才能走。

They travel until they come to a wild part of the forest. 他们在森林中行进,遇到一块荒地就停下来。

till(prep.& conj)和until的用法基本一样,可以互换。放在句首一般用until不用till。在口语中,英国用till,美国多用until。

You'd better stay in bed till tomorrow. 你最好呆在床上直到明天为止。

注意:not until用在句子开头时主谓要倒装(在主句中进行倒装)。

Not until noon did it stop raining. 直到中午雨才停。

not...until...的强调句型为:It is/was not until...that...

It was not until he finished his homework that he went to bed.



at多用于钟点时刻前,所表时间大多比较短暂。at还可用于习惯表达法。例如:at breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner等。


They'll have a meeting at nine in the morning. 他们将在上午九点钟开会。

Do you often do some washing on Sunday? 你常在星期天洗衣服吗?

三、表地点的介词:about, at, in, on, over, through, across, along, around, before, between, beyond, by, down, to, toward, under, up, within, near等。


at一般是指比较小的地点和某种活动场所,或把一个地方看作一个点(不涉及大小)。如:at the school gate, at the second crossing, at the bus stop, at the top of the paper, at the cinema, at 103 Wall Street, at the traffic lights。


on the floor/ground/table/chair, on the wall, on the moon, on my head, on page seven,on a small river, on the road,on my way to school。

in 要表示在某一区域或某一立体空间。如:

in a country/city/town/village/garden/park/zoo,in the room/house/building/box, in the sky, in the sea, in the sun, in the middle of the dayo

2.above; over; on。

on和over都表示在某一物体上。但前者强调两物相接触,而后者强调覆盖这一物体。over表示在某人或某物的正上方,反义词是under。above表示位置高于某人或某物,但不一定是正上方,反义词below。below和above都可用来表示高于(higher than)。如果要表示覆盖或越过时,则用over。指数量时,我们一般用over(=more than)表示超过;但如果指上下垂直的度量及海拔高度时,要用above。

There's a picture on the wall. 墙上有一幅画。

A wide and busy road which was built like a bridge over another road fell onto the one below.一座立交桥上部宽阔而车辆川流不息的马路坍塌至桥下的路上。

The water came up over/above our knees. 水已涨至我们膝盖之上。

The temperature will stay above zero in the day-time. 白天温度将保持在零度以上。

3.表示"里外"的介词in/out of,inside/outside。

表示静止的位置:in和out of相对应;表示动态时,into和out of相对应。inside,outside 可以表示静止的位置,意为"在里/外面",也可表示"到里/外面"。
