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There was once a farmer who had a large field of corn. He worked on it with the ] care, but the com was dying 2there had been no rain for a long time. He felt very 3.

One day, as he stood looking up at the sky, two little raindrops saw him. One said to the other, "Look at that farmer.

I feel very sorry 4 him. He works so hard in the field, but now it 5 up. I wish I might help him.”

"Yes,” said the other, "6 you are only a little raindrop. You can't wet 7 one plant.”

"Well," said the first, "I know I 8 do much, but perhaps I can cheer him a little. Til go down to show my support, if I can't do 9 more. He re I go!”

The second one said, “Well, I think I can do that, 10 Here I go!" So down went the two raindrops. One fell on the farmer^ nose, and the other on a thirsty plant.

"What's that?" The farmer cried, "11 raindrop! I do believe we'll have a shower (阵雨)soon."

By this time other raindrops had seen what 12 did. One said, "If you two are doing such a good job, I shall fbllow!^, And down it went. "And I!” said 13."And I!” they all said, until a whole shower went downand the corn 14一all because one little raindrop tried its best 15 what it could.

1. A. great B. greater C. much greater D. greatest

2. A. because B. where C. when D. if

3. A. sad B.sadder C.sadly D.sadness

4. A. of B. on C. for D. with

5. A. dry B. is drying C. dried D. was drying

6. A. but B. so C. and D. though

7. A. just B. only C.even D. yet

8. A. needn't B. shouldn't C. mustn't D. can't

9. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing




Yuan Longping (1930-2021) is known as the father of hybrid rice (杂交水亓舀).Seeing people die of hunger when he was young, Yuan decided to find a way to (46) irice production and fill people's bowls. In1973, he finally developed the first hybrid rice. Yuan helped China work a great wonder 一feeding nearly one-fifth of the world's population with (47) 1than 9% of the world's total farmland, He not only made a bigdifference to the lives of the (48)Cpeople, but also many in other countries. To this day, hybrid rice hasbeen grown in over 40 countries.

"I have two (49) d. One is to enjoy the cool under the tall rice, and the other is to grow hybrid riceacross the world," Yuan said. And he worked till the (50) eof his life to make them come true.


根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空限填一词)(2021广东广州中考,51, 2分,


The art show ismiss.

51.(2021广东广州中考,52, 2分,★☆☆)这款机器人是由一位十岁的小学生发明的。

This robotby a ten-year-old pupil.

52.(2021广东广州中考,53, 2分,★☆☆)只有照顾好自己才能更好地帮助别人。

Only when youyourself can you help others better.

53.(2021广东广州中考,54, 2分,★☆☆)这门课程真有趣!我等不及要上下一课了。

course it is! I can't wait to have the next class.

54.(2021广东广州中考,55, 2分,★☆☆)动笔前,先仔细计划要写什么。

Before you start, plan carefully.

