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10. 倍数的表示法 1. 表示“几倍大小(长短;数量)”,由“倍数+ the size(length)”结构组
成。 The earth is forty-nine times the size of the moon.
2. 表示“……比……大几倍”,由“倍数+形容词(副词)比较级+ than +被 比 较部分”结构组成。如:
A. Twenty nine
B. Thirty and two
C. Forty-five
D. fifties
( A ) 6. The number 4,123 is read _______.
A. four thousand one hundred and twenty-three
B. four thousand and one hundred twenty-three
3.(2014中考预测题)He became a famous writer when he was _fifty___B____.
A.in his fifty
B.in his fifties in one's 整数+复数
C.in fifty years old D.in fifties
4. (2014中考预测题) The old man began to learn English at the age of ___A_____.
This box is three times bigger than that one. 3. 表示“……是……倍”,由“倍数+ as +形容词+ as +被比较部分”结构组 成。
Our factory is twice as big as theirs.
( C ) 5. --How many students are there in your class? --________.
那台电脑很便宜,我只花了两千元。 6.百(hundred),千(thousand)等词与介词of连用时,须用复数形
式,表示不确定数目,其前不可与数字连用。(双有:有s有 of) hundreds of books(数百本书) Thousands of trees(数千棵树)
1.(2013·黄冈)—Jackie Chan has donated __D______dollars to charity. yuan
( ) 12. ________, Coca-Cola began to enter China's market.
A. In 1970's
B. In 1970s
C. In the 1970s'
D. In the 1970s
( ) 13. Which room do you live in? ________.
C. three times as big as
D. as big three times as
( ) 9. Which is the car that he drives? It's ________.
A. fifty two
B. the fifty-two cars second
C. the car fifty four
C. four thousand and a hundred and twenty-three
D. four thousands a hundred and twenty-three
( B ) 7. The old professor still works hห้องสมุดไป่ตู้rd though he is _________.
A. The 201 Room
B. Room 201
C. Room 201st
D. The 201's Room
B.the sixtieth
C.sixty years old D.sixties
8.基数词的作用相当于名词和形容词,可与其他词构成合成形容词 Three and five is eight. 3+5=8 Kate is an eighteen-year-old girl. 凯特是个18岁的女孩。
11----eleven 12----twelve (2)13~19都以teen结尾,都是双重音:
13----thirteen 14----fourteen 15----fifteen 16-----sixteen 17----seventeen 18-----eighteen 19----nineteen
注:13~19的teen都是重读音,而20~90的ty 都是非重读音节; /'tiːn/为长音,而/ti/为短音。
4.基数词101~999,先说“几百”,再加“and”,再加末两 位数
D. He is fifteen year old.
( ) 11. Our school is not very big. There are only ________ students.
A. nine hundreds of
B. nine hundred
C. nine hundreds
D. nine hundred of
Welcome to My Class
1.名词 2.冠词、数词 3.代词 4.介词、连词 5.形容词、副词 6.动词
7.非谓语动词 8.动词的时态、语态 9.句子种类 10.句子类型 11.主谓一致和倒装句 12.情景交际
(一)基数词的表示方法 1.基数词1~12是独立的词,13~19都是以teen结尾的词。 (1)1~12要逐个记:
D. the fifty-fourth car
( ) 10. Which of the following is wrong? ________.
A. He is a fifteen-year-old boy. B. He is at the age of 15.
C. He is a boy of 15.
Children's Day.
A.thousands of; sixty B.ten thousands; sixtieth
C.thousands of; sixtieth
7.表示“几十”的数词的复数形式可用来表示人的岁数, 在表示“几十年代”时,可以用基数词的复数形式,也可用阿拉 伯数字加“s”或“'s”。 She is in her fifties but she looks young. 她五十多岁,但她看上去很年轻。 From the 1950's(1950s) to the 1970's(1970s),cartoons (卡通片)were very popular. 从20世纪50年代到20世纪70年代,卡通片是很受欢迎的。
—He is an example to us all. 3 thousand
C.thousand of
D.thousands of
2.(2012变式题)—Have you seen the CCTV news on TV?
—Yes, ____C____ children had a good festival on the ________
注:这种合成形容词的结构为:“数词+单数名词+形容词”。复合 形容词中,词与词之间要加连字符“-”。
9.电话号码的读法为顺次读出一个个数字,“0”读作“o”或 “zero”。数字连续重现时可用“double(双)”。
62884405读作six two eight eight four four o (或zero) five six two double eight double four o (或zero) five
2.基数词20~90整十位数都是以ty结尾。 20----twenty 30----thirty 40----forty 50----fifty 60----sixty 70----seventy 80----eighty 90----ninety
3.大数的表达 100----a hundred (一百) 1000----a thousand(一千)
365---three hundred and sixty-five.
5.百(hundred),千(thousand)等词与具体数字或a(n)连用时,词尾 不可加“s”。(双无:无s无of)
The computer was cheap. I spent only two thousand yuan on it.
A. in his sixty
B. in his sixties
C. in sixties
D. in the sixty
( ) 8. This classroom is ________ ours. once/twice
A. three times big as
B. as three times big as