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在经济外向化发展及国家“十一五”规划实施政策的推动下, 越来越多的中国企业选择了走出去、进行对外经营。由于中国企业对外经营的经验不足,在对外经营遇到了很多的问题,容易引起企业资金紧张,使企业陷入资金危机。本文分析了中国几家大企业,如四川长虹、康佳、中航油等对外经营资金链断裂的案例,站在母公司的角度,总结了中国企业对外经营时引起资金链断裂的因素,这些因素主要包括:海外应收账款过多、信用证欺诈、企业对外经营扩张过快,忽视资金链风险、不注重财务风险管理。最后部分提出了防范我国企业对外经营时资金链断裂风险的对策: 包括建立完善的对外经营资金链预警体系、做好投资的资金预算、加强应收账款控制、加强企业抵抗国际市场激烈波动风险能力等。



More and more Chinese enterprises, prompted by the need of

international market and the eleventh “five years plan of economy development”, are going to invest and operate abroad. However, for lacking experiences, Chinese enterprises may encounter many new problems, which leads to a shortage of money or even gets them into fund crisis.

This paper first analyses some cases from some Chinese large-scale enterprises such as Sichuan ChangHong, Konka and China Aviation Oil in their process to invest and operate abroad. In all these cases, a break in fund chain could be seen. Then, it summarizes from the point view of the parent companies, listing the factors that lead to the break in fund chain while investing and operating abroad. These factors include the exceeding appropriate number of overseas accounts receivable; the cheats with letter of credit; too fast expansion; neglecting the necessity to elude financial account risk. In the end, this paper gives some advice on how to avoid the fund chain break risks, including setting up a complete fund chain precaution system, making a precise invest fund budget, enforcing the control of the accounts receivable, reinforcing these enterprises with the skills to fight against the fluctuation risk in the international market.

【Key words】External management; Fund chain; Fund chain breaks; Accounts receivable


前言..................................................................................................................... - 4 -

1 相关文献综述................................................................................................. - 5 -

2 资金链的含义及企业资金链管理................................................................. - 6 - 2.1资金的定义. (6)

2.2资金链的含义 (6)

2.3企业的资金链管理 (7)

3 我国企业对外投资资金链断裂成因分析..................................................... - 8 - 3.1海外应收账款过多. (8)

3.2信用证欺诈 (11)

3.3企业对外经营扩张过快,忽视资金链风险 (12)

3.4不注重财务风险管理 (15)

4 对外经营防范资金链断裂的对策............................................................... - 19 - 4.1建立完善的对外经营资金链预警体系. (19)

4.2从严把关对外投资规划和预算 (25)

4.3加强应收账款控制 (28)

4.4对国际市场激烈波动风险定量分析和控制 (29)

5 结论............................................................................................................... - 32 - 参考文献........................................................................................................... - 33 - 致谢............................................................................................................. - 34 -
