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初中英语词汇短语辨析练习题11、Whatbadweatherthesedays!It is always raining.

Yeah,it is always raining hard.I’m afraid we have to____the fiel trip.

A put away

B put on

C put out

D put off

2、Ifyoutwoaregoingtosharearoom,you’dbetter learn how to_____.

A get up

B get out

C get over

D get along

3、Why are you so sad?


A called up

B called at

C cared about

D cared for

4、Here is a difficulty for you to ________.

Let me try.I believe in myself.

A get up

B get out

C get over

D get off

5、What do you _______this small village?

It’s very beautiful and peaceful.

A think over

B think of

C care about

D care for

6、Is there any good news in today’s newspaper?Yes,a new play will be ______in our town this weekend.A got on B come on C taken on D put on

7、Computers are so popular these days.

Yes,they can _____our eyes to the outside world.

A call up

B open up

C turn up

D take up

8、Jim,wouldyoupleasetidyupyourroombyyourself?_____,you are no longer a child.

A First of all

B As a result

C After all

D For example9、What was he interested in when he was young?He ______art while at school.

A sent up

B took up

C put up

D got up

10、Which hobby do you think _____the least time?Collecting stamps

A tidies up

B takes up

C gives up

D makes up

11、Why dosen’t Jack like the sunglasses in the ad?Because they

can’t _____the sun well.

A take out

B Keep out

C clean out

D look out

12、We can’t ______words how we feel.

A put on

B put off

C put into

D put on



初中英语词汇短语辨析练习题21、Mrs Lin looks very

sad.Shestillhasn’t_______theshockofherhusband’s death.

A got over

B got along

C got out

D got through

2、what’s the matter with you ?

After the long walk,my legs _____and I couldn’t goany further.

A gave out

B gave off

C gave in

D gave up

3、I have a problem.I don’t know what to do?Let’s ask Dick for help.He can _______a good idea tosolve your problem.

A hang out

B give up

C think up

D laugh at

4、What are you going to do for School Day?

We’ll _____ a new play!

A put off

B put out

C put into

D put on

5、Mary told me she would drop English.

Really?I’lltrymybesttoaskherto______suchfoolish ideas.

A take away

B give away

C put away

D keep away


don’t see how I can ____it.

A get back from

B get out of

C get away

D get off7、We need to _____ a time to have a talk now.

What about tomorrow?I am too busy today.

A put up

B fix up

C use up

D look up

8、IfMrCoxkeepsonworkinglikethat,he’ll_____sooner or later.

I agree with you.He shouldn’t work so hard,but bucareful of his health.

A give in

B give back

C give off

D give out

9、Do you think it’s helpful to ____a dictionary allthe time when you don’t know a word?

Yes,I’ve got used to it.

A look up

B depend on

C use up

D look at

10、Oh,the bus is coming!

But there are too many people on it.I’m afraid wecan’t _______.
