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华兹华斯与柯尔律治,骚塞 同被称为“湖畔派”诗人 (Lake Poets)。他们也是英国文学中最早出现的浪漫 主义作家。
Lake District:
He and William Wordsworth’ s friendship proved to be one of the most fruitful creative relationship in English
创作背景:Kubla Khan是柯勒律治的传 奇之作。1798年他在 乡下修养之际,因为 抽鸦片产生的欢愉而 做的美梦,梦醒之后 奋笔写下Kubla Khan
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 《苦舟子咏》
“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” is one of Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s masterpieces[ˈm ɑ:stəpi:siz] . It is a long poem, telling a story in the form of ballads .The poem can be approached as a dream voyage to another realm, as a story of sin and expatiation, or as the quiet essential representation of the alienated isolated modern individual.
查尔斯· 兰姆(Charles Lamb,1775-1834年), 英国作家。他的四首十四 行诗收入到他朋友塞缪 尔· 泰勒· 柯尔律治的诗集 《杂诗》
At Christ's hospital : only the friendship of Charles Lamb
罗伯特· 骚塞ROBERT SOUTHEY(17741843) 英国桂冠诗人,湖畔派诗人之一。 “消极浪漫主义”诗人,诗人曾一度激进, 后反对法国革命,于1813年被国王封为桂 冠诗人
一名老水手对一个赴结婚宴的客人讲述了他自己的可怕的故事。客 人想走开,赶快去赴宴,却为老水手眼中的特殊表情所吸引住,不 得不站在那里把这个故事听完了。老水手和同伴们坐了一艘船出海 去。一路上很平安。然后遇到了一阵暴风,暴风过后,这位水手却 无端地射杀一只了航海者认为好运象征的信天翁。因此,厄运又降 临了。船驶进静海中,那里没有风也没有浪;太阳如火如荼地照耀 着。海水绿绿地满载着腐物。船停在那里不动,老水手被视为这次 厄运的造因者。水手们都渴得要死去,仿佛有一只船要驶进救他们 却又消失不见了。那是一只幻船,水手们一个个都死在甲板上,每 个死者的眼光都注定在这位杀死信天翁的水手身上。全船的人,只 有他没有死。后来,他对于自所做的恶罪觉得悔恨。于是天使们可 怜他的悲苦,使死尸们站了起来,仍去做水手们的职务。他们开上 了帆。虽然没有风,船却渐渐地移动。于是,这船一直驶到了老水 手的故乡。一个领航者离了海岸,出来迎接。但在他到这船之前, 它却突然地沉下了,留下了这位老水手在海波中与死神挣扎着。他 被领航者所救。后来,他一想起那时受的言之不尽的痛苦,便不能 忍。他的心在体内烧着,一直到了把这可怕的故事说了出来,方才 觉得舒服。
In Xanadu did Kubla Khan 忽必烈汗在上都曾经 A stately pleasure-dome decree : 下令修建一座富丽堂皇的逍遥宫: Where Alph, the sacred river, ran 这里有圣河阿尔浮流奔, Through caverns measureless to man 穿过深不可测的洞窟, Down to a sunless sea. 注入不见阳光的大海。 So twice five miles of fertile ground 有方圆十英里沃土, With walls and towers were girdled round : 楼塔,城墙四面围绕: And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills, 这里有花园,蜿蜒的溪河在其间闪耀,
minds in European intellectual history, and a shaping influence in the development of English poetry. (1772-1834)
Personal history
At Christ's hospital (10)→Jesus college,Cambrige (19) → Oxford University (22)→Lake District → Germany(26) → Lake District
Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree 园里鲜花开满树,一片芬芳; And here were forests ancient as the hills, 这里有森林,跟山峦一样古老, Enfolding sunny spots of greenery. 围住了洒满阳光的一块块草场。 Five miles meandering with a mazy motion 那神圣的溪河蜿蜒了五英里, Through wood and dale the sacred river ran, 流过了森林和峡谷, Then reached the caverns measureless to man, 于是到达了不可测的洞窟, And sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean : 在喧嚣中沉入了没有生命的海洋; And 'mid this tumult Kubla heard from far 从那喧嚣中忽必烈听到 Ancestral voices prophesying war ! 祖先的喊声预言着战争的凶兆! The shadow of the dome of pleasure
Sam勒· 柯尔律治
key point
1 A brief account of his life
2 A brief introduction about his works
Literary status
Samuel Taylor Coleridge was one of the most versatile
In 1798, the two men published a joint volume of poetry, Lyrical Ballads, which became a landmark in English poetry.
Lyrical Ballads
Kubla khan
Oxford University: he made acquaintance with Robert Southey
The fall of Robespierre 《罗伯斯庇尔的失败》
乌托邦(Utopia)本意为“没有的 地方”或者“好地方”。延伸为还 有理想,不可能完成的好事情,其 中文翻译也可以理解为“乌”是没 有,“托”是寄托,“邦”是国家, “乌托邦”三个字合起来的意思即 为“空想的国家”。