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1. Red is_____color loved by most Chinese because it is______symbol of good luck and joy.()

A.the; the

B.the; a

C.a; the

D.a; /

2. Did you hear that students would have _________teaching building_________?()

A.another; to be built

B.other; to be built

C.another; built

D.another; to build

3. ﹣ Some people now think there is no need to wear masks(口罩) when going out.

﹣ We can never be _______ careful. ________________.()

A.so; Many hands make light work

B.too; Actions speak louder than words

C.too; Prevention is better than cure

D.very; A miss is as good as mile

4. ﹣He's hardly back from the USA,________?﹣________.He is on a visit to New York.()

A.has he; No

B.is he; Yes

C.isn't he; Yes

D.is he; No

5. There ________ a few small farms here, but now they have become a beautiful park.Not only the little boy but also the blind ___________ fun in it.()

ed to have; are used to having

ed to be; are used to having

C.were used to have; used to be

ed to be; is used to having

6. The twins as well as their cousin ___________ Japan for half a year,but _________ of them can speak Japanese.()

A.have been in; either

B.has been to;each

C.have been in; none

D.have been in; neither

7. ﹣Airplane design is a job ________ you to work 10 to 12 hours a day and sometimes seven days a week.

﹣____________. I think airplane design needs good teamwork as well.()

A.that need; So it is

B.that needs; So it is

C.which needs; So is it

D.which need; So is it

8. It was too noisy, ______ we couldn't hear _____ he said at the meeting.()

A.so, that

B.so, what

C.that, what

D.to, that

9. I've got a fever. It is a pity that I should stay at home when I have __________ weather.Look out of the window,the students in Grade 8 are attending the youth ceremony(仪式).It is difficult to find _______ girl among ______ people on the playground.()

A.such fine; such little; so much

B.so fine; so a little;so much

C.such fine; so little; so many

D.such fine; such a little; so many

10. A lot of money __________ at the charity show,but the cost of living __________ a lot,so we still need to do much work to help the people with novel coronavirus pneumonia.()

A.was raised; has risen

B.was raised; were raising

C.rose; is rising

D.rose; were raised

11. We all know that we'll meet all kinds of difficulties in our lives,just like COVID﹣19 this time.We should have

____________________ them!()

A.courage enough to take up

B.confident enough to take on

C.enough courage to take on

D.enough confidence to take up

12. ﹣Zhong Nanshan keeps walking every day. Driving less and walking more are good for health.

﹣I agree.I prefer to take ___________ walk to work rather than __________ a car.()

A.45 minutes; to drive

B.45 minutes'; drive

C.45﹣ minutes; drive

D.a 45﹣minute; driving

13. ﹣We should think about __________ to help the people in Wuhan.

﹣__________ donate some money _________ them?()

A.what we can do; Let's; to

B.how can we do; What about; for

C.what can we do; Why not you; to

D.what we can do; Shall we; for

14. ﹣Hi,Tom.We will visit Nantong Wildlife Park this weekend.Would you like to join us?

﹣__________.That's the last thing in the world I ever want to do.()

A.That's not the case

B.I can't agree more

C.It's up to you


15. ﹣Do you know when ________ Mo Yan's Red Sorghum ________?

﹣In 1986.And it ________ a movie by Zhang Yimou later.()

A.did; come out; was made into

B.was; come out; was made into

C./; came out; made into

D./; came out; was made into


16. My father was a self﹣taught mandolin(曼陀林琴)player.He was one of the best players in our town.He could

not (1)_______music, but if he heard a tune(曲子)a few times, he could play it.When he was young, he was a (2)

_______of a small country music band.They played at local dances and the radio station.

At home Dad often got out his mandolin and played for the family.We three children sang along.(3)_______ played the mandolin like my father.He could(4)_______ your heart with the music that came out of that old mandolin.He seemed to shine when he was playing.You could see his(5)_______ in his ability to play so well for his family.

But Dad had to find another(6)_______in a factory later because the money he made at the band wasn't enough to(7)_______the family.Unluckily he had an(8)_______ one day and lost one finger.He couldn't play as(9)_______ as before.From then on, every time we asked him to play, he would make up reasons to(10)_______down our request.However, we missed his performance so much.(11)_______, he agreed and said"Okay, but remember, I can't
