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2010年11月 naval architecture and ocean engineering
•The spar relies on a traditional mooring system (that is, anchor-spread mooring) to maintain its position(while the TLP has vertical tension tethers).
2010年11月 naval architecture and ocean engineering
• After the onshore assembly the hull is transported to the destination and then the crane barge up-end the hull. While the hull is being held loosely in place, the pump boat fills the hull‟s lower ballast tank and floods the centerwell to make the hull self-up-end. Next, the derrick barge lifts into place a temporary work deck which acts as basic utility hook up, mooring line attachment, and riser installation. • The hull is positioned on location by a tug and positioning system assistance. Then the mooring system is connected to the hull. After the mooring system is connected, the lines are pretensioned. Then the hull is ballasted to prepare for the topsides installation and removal of the temporary work deck. • Topsides are transported offshore on a material barge and lifted into place by the derrick barge. • The last pieces of equipment to be installed are buoyancy cans and the associated stems. The cans are simply lifted off the material barge and placed into slots(狭缝, 狭槽 ) inside the centerwell bay. Next, the stems are stabbed onto the cans.
• Typically there are three types of spar:
Classic spar
Truss spar
Cell spar
naval architecture and ocean engineering
Classic spar
• In the classic or full cylinder hull forms, the upper section is compartmentalized(划分) around a flooded centerwell(中央井) containing the different type of risers. This section provides the buoyancy for the spar. The middle section is also flooded but can be economically configured for oil storage. The bottom section (keel) is compartmentalized to provide buoyancy during transport and to contain any field-installed, fixed ballast.
• Colored picture
naval architecture and ocean engineering
• The Spar may be more economical to build for small and medium sized rigs and has more inherent stability than a TLP since it has a large counterweight(平衡力) at the bottom and does not depend on the mooring to hold it upright. It also has the ability, because of the small waterline area and by use of chain-jacks attached to the mooring lines, to move horizontally over the oil field.
• Its four major systems are hull, moorings, topsides, and risers. • Water depth capability has been stated by industry as ranging up to 10,000 ft.
2010年11月 naval architecture and ocean engineering
2010年11月 naval architecture and ocean engineering
• The first and only Cell Spar was Red Hawk which was built in 2004 with water depth 1524m. • The world„s deepest platform is the Perdido in the Gulf of Mexico, floating in 2,438 meters of water(2008). • By the year 2005 there were 11 spars and now the number is over 15.
Cell spar
• The cell spar is built from multiple vertical cylinders
round heave plate(compaire d with the square one of the Truss spar )
naval architecture and ocean engineering
2010年11月 naval architecture and ocean engineering
naval architecture and ocean engineering
Truss spar
• Classic Spar evolved into the Truss Spar by replacing the lower section of the caisson hull with a truss(桁架).That is the midsection is composed of truss elements connecting the upper buoyant hull (called a hard tank) with the keel tank(soft tank) containing permanent ballast • The “hard tank,” provides most of the in-place buoyancy for the Spar. The middle truss section supports the heave plates and provides separation between the keel tank and hard tank. The “soft tank” contains the fixed ballast and acts as a natural hang-off location for export pipelines and flowlines
Spar platform
naval architecture and ocean engineering
What is Spar
•Definition of spar: Originally a spar is a wooden or metal pole, such as a boom, yard, or bowsprLeabharlann Baidut, used as buoys in shipping and moored in place vertically (spar platform:立柱式平台) • A Spar, named for logs used as buoys in shipping and moored in place vertically • It contains a deep-draft floating caisson(沉箱), which is a hollow cylindrical structure similar to a very large buoy and about 90% of the structure is underwater.
• Red Hawk • The first cell spar In the world owned by KerrMcGee's • installed in the Gulf of Mexico in 2004 and floats in 1524 meters of water.
2010年11月 naval architecture and ocean engineering
2010年11月 naval architecture and ocean engineering
Topside Hard tank strake
Soft tank Centerwell
Heave plate
2010年11月 naval architecture and ocean engineering
The following were Genesis(790m) and Diana Hoover(1448m) during 1998 and 1999,both of which were classic spar
naval architecture and ocean engineering
2010年11月 naval architecture and ocean engineering

Partly of platform(corporation,platform name,type,built year)
naval architecture and ocean engineering
• in September 1996 ,the first Spar Neptune was installed in the Gulf of Mexico. (classic spar,Operated by Kerr-McGee and anchored in 1,930 feet )
• In 2002, Nansen (belonged by Kerr-McGee ) was installed in water with depth 1122m in GoM.It is the first Truss Spar and in the same year Boomvang and Horn Mountain were put into use(with the water depth up to 1645 meter)