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doi: 10.12052/gdutxb.160064




(广东工业大学物理与光电工程学院,广东广州 510006)

摘要: 为解决轻载下正激变换器电压自驱动同步整流电路Buck滤波电感电流倒灌造成电路效率下降问题,本文在分析了常用正激变换器拓扑去磁复位时间与Buck滤波电感电流回零时间关系基础上,找出了电流倒灌原因,提出了在承担续流功能的同步整流MOS管驱动电路中增加有源快速放电电路,使主变压器激磁磁通复位后强迫同步整流MOS 管迅速截止,避免轻载下电感电流倒灌现象. 试验样机测试结果表明:本文提出的同步整流驱动方式可行、有效.

关键词: 工业电源;正激变换器;同步整流;DCM模式;电感电流倒灌

中图分类号: TM502 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1007–7162(2017)02–0069–05

A Study of Non-existent Current Intrusion in Forward Synchronous

Rectifier Circuit under the Condition of Light Load

Sun An-quan, Chen Lin-hai, Pan Yong-xiong

(School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China) Abstract: To overcome the reduction of efficiency of circuit caused by the Buck filter inductor current flow backward in the circuit of voltage self-driven synchronous rectifier under light load, the relation between the demagnetization reset time of common forward converter topology and the current of Buck filter inductor back to zero time is analyzed. Based on this relation, the reason of the Buck filter inductor current flowing backward so that the forward converter with voltage self-driven synchronous rectifier circuit works at light load have been found. An active fast discharge circuit is proposed to be added in synchronous rectifier MOS transistor driven circuit whose function is freewheeling. And this circuit forces synchronous rectifier MOS to close rapidly after the magnetic field flux of main transformer reset. Thus it can prevent the inductor current flow backward. The prototype test results show that this design has been verified effective and feasible by the experiment result.

Key words: industrial power; forward converter; synchronous rectification; DCM mode; inductor current intrusion

随着电子器件集成度及工作频率的不断提高,为降低器件功耗,将被迫采用低压、大电流供电方式,因此低压大电流输出DC/DC变换器已成为当前DC-DC变换器重要的发展方向之一[1]. 尽管这类工业电源输出功率不大,但可靠性要求高. 为降低成本,提高效率,一般采用由低导通内阻功率MOS管构成的同步整流方式代替肖特基二极管整流电路,主拓扑电路多采用正激(Forward)同步整流拓扑结构[2-5].

正激同步整流变换器最大缺点是负载变化范围不宜太大,当负载小于某一特定值后次级输出滤波电感进入DCM状态,出现电流倒灌现象,使轻载状态下的效率迅速下降,并恶化了EMI指标[6]. 为解决此缺陷,目前较成熟的技术方案主要有:通过控制单周期占空比方式避免电流倒灌[3];借助反向限流电路控制电流倒灌[7];通过外部信号驱动同步整流MOS管,控制策略是检测到输出滤波电感电流过零后立即关闭同步整流MOS管[8-9];采用自驱动方式,通过检测采样电阻端电压方式控制同步整流MOS管的关、开动作[10]. 然而文献[3]的单周期调节占空比旨在针对输入电压变化而动作;文献[7]控制逻辑复杂,成

第 34 卷第 2 期广东工业大学学报Vol. 34 No. 2 2017 年 3 月Journal of Guangdong University of Technology March 2017



