



1. 教育类

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Students should take at least a year to work or travel before beginning college.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The government should spend their money on very young children' education or on university

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Younger school children should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language, science and history.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

All university students should be required to take basic science courses even if it is not the field of their study.

Universities should require all their students to learn about foreign cultures as well as their own culture.

All university students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study.

All university students should be required to take basic finance courses even if they are not in the career goal.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Parents should make suggestion to the teacher if parents find the teaching method is not right.

Do you agree or disagree with the following opinion?

The most important goal of education is to help people educate themselves?

Some people say that teachers and parents should decide what assignment or activities children should do after school. Others say that children should make these decisions on their own. Which view do you agree with?


Parents should let their children to make mistakes and learn from these mistakes.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Parents must have strict rules to help their children to be successful.

Some people think university professors should spend more time doing research while others think they should spend more time educating students. What one do you prefer?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

The most important thing people learnt is from families.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Teachers' performance should be evaluated by students rather than by other teachers.


Teachers should be paid according to how well their students perform.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The opinions of celebrities, such as entertainers and athletes, are more important to the younger people than they are to the older people.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Professional athletes or performers shouldn’t be involved in politics.

Which of the following do you think contribute most to an enjoyable vacation?

1. Good food;

2. Good location;

3. Good friends to travel with.

Some people like to record their life by sharing pictures and other information on social networking sites. Others keep this information to themselves and never share it online. Which do you prefer?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Visiting museum is the best way to learn about the country.

3. 朋友类

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

When you have been friends with someone for a long time, it is important for you to continue the friendship even if that person does something you do not like.

Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends:

a. joining a sports team,

b. participating in community activities,

c. traveling.

4. 科技类

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

When classmates or colleagues communicate about a certain project, it is better for them to work in person than by e-mails.


Some people believe that teachers should communicate with students in class. Others believe that teachers should communicate with students by sending them emails. Which way do you think is better?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People should use new technologies such as social media and text messaging to communicate with each other.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

People nowadays spend much more time than they should using text messages and new technologies such as social media to communicate with each other.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

It is better for colleagues or classmates to communicate in person than through emails in order to do a project.

Some people prefer to buy technological devices as soon as they are available to the public, while other people prefer to wait. Which do you prefer?


Some people prefer to buy innovative high-tech products like cellphones and computers when they first came out, others would buy them after the price has been decreased. Which do you prefer?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

People often buy products not because they really need them but because other people have them.

5. 社会生活

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Young people today are more likely to invest their time and effort on improving the world than young people in the past.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Young people today are more likely to invest their time and effort on improving the world than young people in the past.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Nowadays people are more willing to help the people who they don’t know (For example, giving food and clothes to the people who need them) than they were in the past.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Living in a city is more satisfying than living in a country.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People now can better protect the environment than they could in the past.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People in the past are more interested in improving their neighborhood (the area where they live) than now.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The food we eat today is much healthier than in the past.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People were friendlier in the past than they are now.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Nowadays, it is more important for people to have dinner regularly with its family. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is easier to be an educated person than it was in the past.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is easier to be well-educated now than the past.

6. 工作类

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Your job has a greater effect on your overall happiness than your social life does.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People should take several different kinds of jobs before they take a career in a long term.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

The more money people have, the more they should give away to charity.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The working knowledge and skills are more important in one's career life than the ability to adapt to new conditions.

7. 政府类

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is important for government to provide money for things that are beautiful not just for things that are practical.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Government should spend money on the construction of public parks than building a sport field for students

8. 投资类

The school has been funding for students to participate indifferent types of activities, but this year, since the lack of money, the school will fund one activity, which one do you think is the one the school should fund: sports, arts and volunteering (help development of community )

The community you live in is planning on setting up new facilities, which of the following do you think would benefit the community most?

1. a shopping mall

2. an art center

3. a hotel


Your community has decided to buy more space to develop its economy. Which do you think the space should be built into, a shopping mall, a theater (music center or drama), or a hotel?

9. 价值观

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

If you are selecting a leader for a student organization, honesty is the most important to consider in deciding whom to vote for.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The most important characteristic for a political or business leader is the ability to accept the responsibility for their mistakes.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The most important characteristic to a successful politician or leader is good communication skills.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

An effective leader will make others feel like they are a part of making decisions.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

When leading a group and most people talk, best leaders always spend more time listening to others’ideas.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

A leader should have strong opinions and not change his/her opinions

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Advertising today is less honest than it was in the past. For that reason, it is less useful for people to choose what they want to buy.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

It is more important to read or watch news presented by different people in different views than by similar views.

10. 其他

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

We can learn about a person from the books and movies that person like.


托福综合写作3分钟阅读环节3大注 意事项不可不知 众所周知,托福综合写作的整个流程是比较复杂的,考生需要先在3分钟内读完一段阅读文字,之后再停一段听力录音,之后再根据之前读过和听到的内容进行*写作。下面就和大家分享托福综合写作3分钟阅读环节3大注意事项不可不知,来欣赏一下吧。 托福综合写作3分钟阅读环节3大注意事项不可不知 托福综合写作阅读环节注意事项:阅读不能只看段落首尾句3分钟时间看阅读内容,而阅读内容的篇幅还不短,在这种情况下很多同学会感受到一定的时间压力,也因此会下意识地就把做托福阅读的快速读*技巧给使用出来,也就是大家很熟悉的*各段落只看段落开头和结尾句子的做法。对于托福阅读*来说,这种做法的确能够有效帮助考生提升阅读和理解*的速度。但对于托福综合写作的阅读却并非如此。 大家需要明白的是,托福综合写作的阅读内容和之后的听力内容是存在很强的对应关系性的。也就是说阅读*中每一个分论点的论述,都会在听力中被逐一反驳,而反驳的就是这些分论点

在具体论证分析过程中存在的逻辑漏洞。而这些具体论述的内容一般不会在各个段落的首尾句子中出现,都是在段落当中展开的。如果大家只盯着各个段落的首尾句看,虽然能很快看完全文,但因为缺乏对其中论述过程中的了解,就会给之后听力中记录反驳观点以及写作中阐述论点矛盾带来很大的不便,省一时之力却后患无穷,实在不是明智之举。 正确做法是尽可能提升整体阅读速度,保证在3分钟内较为完整地把整个阅读部分的内容都看一遍,并辅助以笔记记录下论述的细节和重点,为之后的听力和写作提供参考信息。这样才能有效保证对综合写作中阅读部分包含信息较为准确全面的抓取 和把握。 托福综合写作阅读环节注意事项:阅读1论点3理由不是固定结构 做过一些托福综合写作题目的同学可能会注意到,托福综合写作中阅读部分的结构是较为固定的,一般来说都是1个论点+3个理由的构成形式,当然这也符合标准学术性*的结构模式。但大家也不要想当然的认为所有托福综合写作的阅读部分就一定 都是这样的结构了。 根据讨论话题的不同变化,这种1+3的结构也有可能是1个话题主题+3种不同理论的展开,或是1个事物主体+3个问题缺点的形式。而由于对这些较为少见的结构缺乏足够的认识和了


2016年托福独立写作全年汇总,献给2017年备考的你 之前的每周六日都是托福考生们考试的日子,本周六则是大家欢庆圣诞的日子,2016年的托福考试已经全部结束,本文将会汇总全年的托福独立写作题目,希望备考2017年托福考试的小伙伴能够好好利用这批题目,回温一下本年的考试重点,准备迎接明年的托福考试。 1、Some people think that starting school day early is a good approach to support learning; other people think that starting school day at the later time is a good approach to support learning. Which one do you prefer? 2、In times of economic crisis, in which field do you think the government can cut financial support? 3、The high school students are required to study many different subjects at the same time or they should study only three or four subjects at a time? 4、Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games, for fun and entertainment. Playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children's development. 5、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: For a student, reading on his/her own is as important as, or even more important than reading what is assigned by teachers. 6、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: After completing high school, students should take at least one year off work or travel before they begin studying in university. 7、The university club want to help others,if you are a member of them, you only could undertake one project this year. which following would you prefer to choose? To help students at a nearby primary school with reading and mathematics; Build house for people who cannot buy or rent; Visit and assist the elderly people with daily tasks. 8、The university club want to help others,if you are a member of them, you only could undertake one project this year. which following would you prefer to choose? To help students at a nearby primary school with reading and mathematics; Build house for people who cannot buy or rent; Visit and assist the elderly people with daily tasks.


托福独立写作常用词汇disadvantage使用语法搭配细节实 例讲解 托福独立写作因为其立论文的写作要求,所以某些特定词汇的使用频率会变得很高。下面就和大家分享托福独立写作常用词汇disadvantage使用语法搭配细节实例讲解,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福独立写作常用词汇disadvantage使用语法搭配细节实例讲解 托福独立写作常用词汇disadvantage定义分析 想要用好一个词汇,大家要做的第一件事是了解这个词汇的准确定义,disadvantage的定义是a quality or condition that puts something or someone in an unfavorable or inferior position compared to others. 这里需要注意的是compared to others这个细节部分,也就是说这个词是用来对比的,换句话说,很多时候所谓的disadvantage其实都是相对而说的,如果没有对比对象,那么这个词汇也是不能随意使用的,它和shortcome还是存在一定区别的。

托福独立写作常用词disadvantage搭配用法实例精讲 1. disadvantage of sth. 这个用法应该是disadvantage比较常见的一个用法了,也就是某件事的缺点坏处,来看下面这些例句: a. The disadvantage of living in the countryside is the poor quality of education. b. One disadvantage of living in the countryside is the poor quality of education. c. One of the disadvantages of living in the countryside is the poor quality of education. 需要注意的是,disadvantage of sth.的用法最好用在句首部分,如果是虚词结构(expletive construction)的句式比如There is/are之类的句子,就不要再直接接上disadvantage of sth.了,否则这种句子读上去很不自然,一般老外是不会这么写的,比如下面这几个句子,中国考生可能看不出什么问题,但老外考官读起来说不定就不太舒服了: a. There are many disadvantages to living in the countryside. b. There are many disadvantages in living in the countryside. 2. at a disadvantage


综合作文:270字以上 总结听力材料summarize the lecture: The speaker talks about The lecture discusses/is mainly discussing The professor made the point that 引出要点introduce key points: First/second/third First/then/another point is that Or express the key point directly in a topic sentence. 引出例子introduce examples or reasons: For example (instance)/one example is/such as/that is 增加例子add examples or reasons: Next/Furthermore/another example is/in addition 对比观点Shw contrast between ideas: However/In contrast/on the contrary/on the other hand/but 精彩opening: 1) The lecture discusses…which differs from the main idea in the reading that… 2) The professor made the point that…. The reading does not discuss this point. Another important point is that…, but the reading does not d iscuss the point. Finally, the Professor stated that…. In general, the Professor discusses problems of…that the reading does not include. 3) According to the lecture, ….On the other hand/while the reading stated that… The professor made the point that…. On the contrary/however/in contrast, the writer demonstrated an idea that… The lecture supports/illustrates the idea that… The lecture contradicts/refutes/is in contrary to/is the opposite of the idea that… 对材料的指称: The speaker/lecturer/professor/listening material/lecture


Jan 9th (教育)Some people think schools should start classes early in the morning. Others think schools should let their students get up later in the day. Which do you prefer? Jan 23th(教育)Some people believe that video games could inspire young students' interest and make their study more efficient rather than distracting them and a waste of time, so young students should be allowed to play video games. Jan 24th (政府)If a government is facing economic problems, which one or which ones should the government spend less money on? A: Art B scientific research C parks and public gardens Feb 27th (教育)High school students should be required to learn many subjects at the same time, others thing that they should concentrate on only three or four subjects at a time? Feb 28th (教育)Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children's development. Mar 11th (教育)Students do reading by their own is as important as or more important than the reading teachers assigned. Mar 13th (教育)After completing high school, students should take at least one year off work or travel before they begin studying in university. Mar 19th (教育)Students in a university club want to help others, but they can only choose one project a year, which one of the following is the best? A help those students in a nearby primary school with reading and math. B help people who cannot afford to build or rent a home to build a house. C Visit and assist elderly people with daily tasks. Mar 26th (人际交往)It is often not a good thing for people to move to a new town or a new country because they will lose their friends. Apr 9th (处事)Do you agree or disagree it’s be tter to get advice from older people than people the same age as you. Apr 23th(运动教育)Playing sports can teach people important lessons about life. May 7th(工作)An interesting and challenging job with less vacation or a job with more vacation time but less fun. May 22th(政府)Which is the most important thing for a country leader to assure the prosperity of country? 1)create more job for employed worker 2)increasing agriculture and low the food price 3)increase access to affordable house

牛人经验:托福iBT写作27 完全攻略

考托者应记住的几条公理 1,托福作文就是新八股文 2,托福作文只要练好了人人可以拿27+ 3,托福作文得高分不意味着你英语水平有多高 4,提高英语水平靠多听多读多背多说多写多练多译 首先让我们全面剖析新托福作文:(以下要求均为我自己的理解,非官方版本,官方要求请参照OG) integrated writing/综合写作:要求考生在3分钟内读一篇文章,然后听一个lecture,在20分 (注:文章内容和lecture 钟内根据文章和lecture内容写一篇250字左右文章比较两者的观点。 内容注定是对立的,如果你考的不是对立的,那只有一种可能,你的RP次到了人神共愤的地步了。) 综合写作的八股在于:第一段指出reading passage和lecture内容是对立的;第二、三、四段从三个方面/点来说明他们的内容是怎样对立的;第五段总结一下他们之间确实是对立关系。 independent writing/独立写作:给定一个题目,要求考生在30分钟内写出400字左右的文章,要求逻辑清晰,论述有力,无明显的语法和词法错误。 独立写作八股在于:第一段陈述你的观点,支持哪一方;第二、三、四段从三个方面论述你的观点;最后一段总结一下,综上所述,某某观点是正确的。

综合写作:模板,套模板,一定要套模板! 理由:1,模板让你的思路更加清晰,这是ETS要求的。 2,20分钟!开玩笑,怎么凑到300字?当然要用模板! 3,阅读听力我都不怕,就怕作文,写三句话错两句,我怎么得26+?当然还是用模板,既然是模板就意味着是你精挑细选的句子,保证了写作的质量! 提醒:1,模板要富于变化,一篇只能用5句那你就要准备10句! 2,模板不能一味照搬别人的,避免重复! 3,保证模板里的句子没有语法和用词错误! 一般来说,大家把一下几个句子稍微变形,即完成了综合写作第一步 1. The lecture discusses…which differs from the main idea in the reading that… (用于第一段) 2. The professor made the point that …The reading , in contrast, held a different v iew .(用于第一或第二三四段) 3. Another important point showed in the listening material is that …but the reading presents a conflicting idea that…(用于第三四段) 4. Finally, the professor stated that ...which challenges the standpoint made by the writer who said that...(用于第四段) 5. In general, the professor discussed the problem of …that the reading viewed in a contrary\opposing\different angle.(最后总结段) 6. According to the lecture… on the other hand \while the reading stated that … 7. The professor made the point that… on the contrary\ in contrast\ however, the writer demonstrated an ideathat… 8. The lecture supports\illustrates the idea that… 9. The lecture contradicts\refutes\ is contrary to\ is the opposite of the idea that… 10. Contrary to the belief in the passage that …the professor says that… 11. The professor refutes the viewpoint showed in the passage that… by saying that…(6-11均用于第二三四段) 大家可以把连接词变化一下,把动词变化一下或句式稍变,11句话灵活运用。 除了模板以外,综合写作我们还需要做什么? 做笔记,做听力笔记! 99.9%的情况下,综合写作的主体内容是三个对立的观点,所以大家只要把这个三个点记下来,然后把阅读里相应的三点抠出来放到模板里面去,你的综合写作就做完了,就是这么简单!


托福写作段落衔接的五种方法 段落的实现 ⑴例证法每个理由后面必须同时有例子每篇文章至少两个例子 提出论点-列举事例-分析事例-得出结论-(重述论点)我认为-因为我觉得-比如说-你看 举例之后一定要强调这样的例子不胜枚举。。。 Abraham Lincoln ⑵因果法提出论点-原因-分析条件(如果这样会有什么好处/坏处,而这正是我们所需要/担心的)-得出结果 Lead to/result in result from Because of/due to/thanks to/owing to/by reason of/on account of For 表示“因为”时不能放在句首 Because/for/since/as As a result/outcome/consequence of In consequence/in the end/consequently Therefore/thereby/hence/thus(副词) So(连词) ⑶比较对照法(整体、分项比较)

整体比较的好处:写起来容易整体印象完整缺点:两者对比不鲜明 分项比较的好处:两者对比特别鲜明缺点:零碎的印象,大量的重复 Interweave 交织 ⑷分类法/并列法 总论点 分论点一在A方面在B方面在C方面 分论点二 分论点三 ⑸定义法 衔接手段 使用连接词和短语(表示并列、转折、递进、因果、比较、对照、举例) 使用代词 使用语意粘连 举例:同意建工厂 常用词汇和结构 表示第一项 Firstly, to begin/start with, first of all, in the first place, on the one hand, the most important reason is, first and foremost 另一项secondly, in the second place, on the other hand,


2016年最新托福综合写作大全:巧用模板句式 To implement模板 or not? 很多考生在备考写作单项时遵循的是以下的思路: 首先,找到大量的模板句型,组成自己的模板框架。 其次,将中文思路整理出来,再生硬地将中式思维翻译成英文的句子。 最后,将翻译后的句子和自己的模板揉在一起,完成写作。 那么这样做的结果是什么呢——托福考官会毫不犹豫地将你的作文划分到最低档,也就是说你只能得到一个limited的分数。原因其一是因为考官认为你有抄袭的嫌疑,这是绝对不允许的;其二是考官会认为你不具备英文表达的能力,只会生硬地堆砌一些固化老套的模板。 那么托福写作到底用不用模板呢?蒋老师给大家的答案是:YES!很多学生在这个时候又会疑惑了:刚才还不让用模板呢,这个时候怎么又可以了呢?别急,我们继续往下看。 考过托福的同学都熟知,托福写作需要大家完成两篇文章。第一篇是综合写作,第二篇是独立写作。相对来说,综合写作难度更大。综合写作的难度无外乎以下三点:首先,它需要学生在有限的时间内完成阅读和听力两个任务;其次,它要求学生快速抓住阅读和听力材料的核心,然后写出一篇符合评分标准的作文;最后,在写作的过程中考[微博]生需要客观作答,不要加入任何的个人感情在作文中。 综合写作的客观性和明清时期的科举考试十分相似,所以我们也需要在托福考试时写“八股文”。八股文章就四书五经取题,内容必须用古人的语气,绝对不允许自由发挥,而句子的长短,字的繁简、声调高低等也都要相对恒温,字数也有严格限制。在某种程度上说,这正好符合托福综合写作的要求——在考试时使用即定的模板句型进行写作。不过,在套用模板的过程中也要做到灵活运用,同时做到以下几点。 第一,在备考初期,考生可以挑选5-8个模板,并且开始背诵这些模板,背之前要确保模板句型中的语法、单词拼写准确。第二,背熟模板后要开始大量的练习,同时参照范文来分析自己的作文,整理范文中优秀的短语、句型,改造和润色自己的作文。第三,有了前两个阶段的累积,考生在这一阶段要完成至少15篇以上的作文。 高分学员备考案例回顾 致赢托福一对一的学员张同学(女)正是应用了以上方法,在写作单项上取得了重大突破。上课前,她表示自己前两次的托福写作都是20分,具体分数给出的是fair,但是自己也不知道如何去突破这个瓶颈。在上写作诊断课的过程中,老师发现她综合写作的问题有二,一是文章的字数不够,尤其是在紧张的考试氛围下更达不到目标字数;二是即使听懂了阅读和听力中的要点,但是两者之间的关系没有表达出来。 在找到了张同学综合写作的问题之后,蒋老师给她定制了专属的课程。首先老师给她提供了以下四段式公式: ? The reading and the listening have opposite views on 阅读听力共同话题. Thereading agrees 阅读立场while the listening provides


托福独立写作模板30句常用句式 【新东方】轻松直达90分!年托福(T O E F L)金牌课程火热开售中>> 一、提出背景的托福独立写作模板句式 1、I t’s g e n e r a l l y a g r e e d t h a t ... ...(人们普遍认为... ...) 2、T h e r e i s a g r o w i n g b o d y o f o p i n i o n t h a t ... ... (越来越多的人认为... ...) 3、A n i n c r e a s i n g n u m b e r o f p e o p l e h a v e t h e t e n d e n c y t o b e l i e v e t h a t ... ...(越来越多的人倾向于认为... ...) 4、S o m e p e o p l e,e s p e c i a l l y t h e o l d,b e l i e v e t h a t ... ...(一些人,尤其是老人,认为... ...) 5、O t h e r p e o p l e,t h e y o u n g i n p a r t i c u l a r,a r g u e t h a t ... ...(别的人,尤其是年轻人,认为... ...) 6、S o m e c u r r e n t a n a l y s e s c o n c l u d e t h a t ... ... (当下的一些分析表明... ...) 7、... ... i s a h e a t e d t o p i c i n o u r t i m e s. (... ...是我们这个时代火热的一个话题) 8、T h e t o p i c a b o u t ... ...h a s b e e n r a g i n g f o r


托福写作的评分标准 The TOEFL test uses automated scoring to complement human scoring for the two tasks in the Writing section. Combining human judgment for content and meaning, and automated scoring for linguistic features, ensures consistent, quality scores. 由此可见,TOEFL的综合写作以及独立写作评分同时使用机器自动评分和人工评分,其中,人工评分看的是文章的内容和意义,而机器 评分看的是文章的语言特征。之所以采取两种评分方式,是为了保证 评分的一致性和质量。 那么我们来看看辛勤劳作的机器是怎么工作的吧: (一)审查语言特征 从ETS官网的描述中能够看出托福写作会有机器专门来看文章的 语言,而机器看语言跟人工看语言是有区别的。人在看文章语言的时 候多半还是以印象为主,而不会去细致数每一个单词,也不会去计算 文章有多少个句子。但如果是机器评分,机器能够更精确地计算出文 本中的语言特征。来看看ETS官网对机器评分具体会看的语言特征的 描述: The e-rater engine predicts essay scores based on features related to writing quality, including: errors in grammar (e.g., subject-verb agreement) usage (e.g., preposition selection) mechanics (e.g., capitalization) style (e.g., repetitious word use) discourse structure (e.g., presence of a thesis statement, main points)


1月23日托福写作考试真题解析 正在备战托福写作的考生们,不知道你们准备的怎么样了呢?为了给正在备考的同学们带来一定的帮助,在今天的文章中,天道小编为各位准备了2016年托福作文真题解析,一起来看!更多托福写作机经,还请继续关注我们的频道! 备考托福的小伙伴们注意了,托福真题是你不可缺少的备考利器。因此,本文天道小编给大家整理了刚刚过去的1月23日托福作文真题。正在备战托福写作的考生们还等什么,赶快收藏 吧!2016年1月23日托福写作机经如下: 综合写作:鼠兔灭绝的原因 阅读: 1. 鼠兔有一种能防御寒冷的外衣,在温度升高的时候会因过热而死亡; 2. 夏天温度太高,难以储存过冬的食物,导致冬天因缺乏食物而饿死; 3. 冬天鼠兔要靠雪层来保温,但是因为全球变暖,雪融化得过快,导致它们暴露在寒冷的环境中。 听力反驳: 1. 每个地方的温度不一样,如果鼠兔生活在阴凉的地区,它们就不会因为温度过高而死亡; 2. 因为温度高,鼠兔吃得不多,可以把食物留下来为冬天做准备; 3. 雪化得快,冬天结束得早;这些动物就可以很快熬过冬天,在春天的时候恢复体力。 独立写作: Some people think that some lessons for young students (age5-8) including video games are effective ways and interesting, other people think this way is distracting and a waste of time. What’s your opinion? 是否新题:是 题材:教育类 观点: Lessons for young students (age5-8) including video games are effective ways and interesting. 写作思路: 1. 含有视频游戏的课程可以活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣;


上次跟大家谈到了综合写作的复习,今天来说说独立部分。说到独立写作,就不得提到众所周知的“机经”。所谓“机经”,是指考过托福的同学通过回忆还原出来的托福考试原题,通常听说读写四部分都有,但是最有价值的,当然是口语和写作这两个主观题的独立部分。尤其是提前知道作文题目,确实是件振奋人心的事。“机经预测”源自于2007年,一部分细心的老师发现大陆的托福考题经常重复北美考过的老题,而且这种重复呈现出一定的规律性,于是,中国大陆的托福考试界拉开了“机经预测”的大幕,并涌现出众多风云人物,在这里不一一列举。07年至11年,多少学生因为机经而改变命运,我自己的学生里就有很多例子,甚至也出现过三个月之内从19分到71分的奇迹。然而,2011年9月,ETS忍无可忍,开始改变出题的逻辑,使得机经预测连续“扑空”,直到几个月后,“机经预测”才慢慢再次步入正轨,只是范围比以前要更大,一个月一般有20-30套,命中的概率也不如以前。那么,现在准备考托福的同学到底该怎么使用机经呢? 首先,大家应该忘掉机经本身,专注于我们最终的目的——托福写作。这正像学习听力的同学应该专注于托福听力本身,而不是漫无目的地疯狂听写一样。托福独立写作底考什么,满分文章到底需要什么,才是我们应该首先搞清楚的问题。 下面我们来说说托福考试独立写作的出题模式。总的来说,有两种主要出题形式: 1、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? XXX 2、Some people prefer to XXX, while others like to XXX. Which do you prefer? 其中,第一种最常见,大约占80-90%,这种题目要么agree,要么disagree,没有中间状态,但是需要注意的是,不管是“完全不同意”还是“不完全同意”都是不同意。比如,问题说:Do you agree or disagree? If parents want their children to do well at school, they should limit the time that their children spend on watching TV. 写的时候就可以完全不同意,因为Limiting children will only create problems instead of inviting better performances. 而如果问题是:Do you agree or disagree? Advice from our grandparents is no longer useful, for the world has changed so much over the past 50 years. 写的时候就可以说some of their advice may be no longer useful due to the rapid social or technological changes, but they can still provide valuable suggestions in many ways since they have experienced many things that we are experiencing today. 这就叫不完全同意,也属于disagree的范畴。另外,如果问:Do you agree or disagree? A is more important than B. 也是可以写不同意的,接着证明A and B are equally important. 这种立意经常被同学们理解为“中立”,其实还是属于disagree的范畴。 下面,我们来分析独立写作的评分细则:


GET经典做题答题模式, 稳拿基础分! 新SAT的短文涉及阅读一篇原文,然后写篇短文对原文进行分析。得分包括阅读理解(reading)、分析(analysis)和写作(writing)三部分。每部分满分四分。考试时间50分钟。 第一部分:阅读技巧(萃取材料) 1.先读短文后作文题目,标出关键词句,搞清楚靶子在哪里; 2.阅读原文标题,标出作者和原文标题,以备引用; 3.标出原文中的引句、反问句; 4.在每个段落旁边注明此段落属性:话题、论据、风格、说服方式、写作技巧; 5.标出中心思想或话题(main ideas or claim)的句子; 6.标出可以引用的句子。 第二部分:分析和构思(组合材料)

步骤(一):把论据分组,整理出一组最合适作文题目的论据(Evidence)和要说明的议题(Claim),建立逻辑关系; 步骤(二):在这组的论据里,提出所用的风格、说服方式、写作技巧(Stylistic, persuasive elements : word choice, appeals to emotion)的具体应用和达到的效果; 步骤(三):对原文的诉求和具体论述方法作个总结: 作文的中心思想。 具体做法: 1.把原文中的论据分类,分出可分类的论据和通用的论据; 2.取出最有力的一类论据(evidence)和通用论据建立与中心思想或某个话题(Main idea 或Claim )的关系。用线条把它们连接起来; 3.理出原文的开头、结尾或某一段落的具体方法和技巧。标记在段落旁边。标出可以引用的原文句子; 4.深入分析原文中要用的一组证据和Claim 的关联和逻辑,所用的风格、说服方式、写作技巧(Stylistic, persuasive elements : word choice, appeals to emotion)的具体做法和效果。标记在旁边。同时标出准备引用的原文句子;


2016年托福写作真题及解析 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理了托福真题解析,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 2016年托福阅读真题及解析1 托福阅读第一篇欧洲人口增加 原文回顾:欧洲经济发展相关,工业化和食物的增长促进了人口的增长。高速城市化:人们开始从乡下往城镇转移,因此带来了工作,生活资料等一系列的变化。细节讲到了熟练工和普通人的区别,考了两个题。最后讲到了人口的增加导致人均工资下降的问题。 学习: After a century of virtually no population growth, the countries of Western Europe experienced dramatic population increases between 1750 and 1800. Many countries doubled in size. In some countries, the growth continued through the nineteenth century. The population of Great Britain, for instance, doubled between 1750 and 1800 and then tripled between 1800 and 1900. There were several reasons for the sudden increase. Medical advances and improved hygiene limited the devastation caused by epidemic diseases and


托福培训丨托福独立写作主体段的论证方式 朗阁托福培训中心丁仡然 在托福独立写作当中主体段的写作水平往往是决定一篇文章高分与否的关键所在,可以说一篇文章70-80%的分数是取决于主体段写作的好坏的。而托福独立写作主体段对于写作的层次和论证方式又有着一定的讲究和固定的要求。本文中,朗阁托福培训中心的老师就给广大考生介绍一下托福写作主体段有哪些主要的论证方式以及范例的讲解。 首先,我们先说一下托福写作主体段的一般写作层次和论证方式: 主体段一般由四句话组成:第一句:topic sentence(主题句) 第二句:supporting sentences(1-2句支持句),使用具体的因果论证或者假设论证、并列关系等来具体的解释说明主题句。 第三句:举例子(写出一个长长的例子用于举例论证) 第四句:这一段的小结(可以使用对比论证或者因果论证等小结这一段) 知道了每段主体段的写作结构后,现在我们就来谈谈具体的每个主体段的论证方式: 第一种:举例论证 可以这么说,举例论证是所有论证方法里,尤其是托福写作里面最重要也是必须要用的一种论证方式,因为根据评分标准,在托福4-5分的标准里都明确提出了: 5分:using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details

4分:using appropriate and sufficient explanations, exemplifications, and/or details 而无论是托福,雅思还是SAT考试都是严格的按照评分标准来批改的,所以根据这个标准学生必须要重视和用出举例论证,否则托福写作无法拿到高分。 接下来问题来了,究竟老美喜欢的举例论证有几种形式呢?接下来笔者就为考生们一一回答。 第一种:以for example, for instance, such as等词组引出的句子,这种也是最普遍或者用的最多的一种。 下面为大家举一个例子: 题目:It is sometimes said borrowing money from a friend can harm or damage the friendship. Do you agree? Why or why not? 在这篇文章的第二和第三主体段里,考官的高分范文分别用了:For example, a friend borrowed some money from his or her friend and did not return it. 下面一段用了:for example , when my friend asks me to baby-sit her child while she is taking her classes I agree because i know that she desperately needs my help in order to finish her degree and save some money. 分析:高手在写文章的时候很喜欢说打个比方之类的话,这样的论证方法既满足了高评分的需要,也形象生动地说明了你前面主题句的论点,而且段落字数也得到了增加,可以说是高分文章必不可少的要点之一。 还有一种举例论证方式:以according to my personal experience or other people’s experience为开头引出举例论证。 分析:各位同学要记住美国人做事情很喜欢DIY, 因为在美国,个体的劳动力很贵,很多美国人做事情都喜欢自己亲自实践或者采取他人做事情的经验,如果你得出的结论或者论点是基于亲身的经历或者他人的实战经验,那美国人是很相信你所说的话的。记住这是美
