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This is water

The speech begins with the fish story which is not a simple story but asks us a question “what is water?” or “what the water means?” Like the fish, we live in the “water” but don’t know what the water is.

This is an obvious, ubiquitous reality because everything in our own immediate experience supports our deep belief that we are the absolute center of the universe. So as to it is our default setting, hard-wired into our boards at birth. The speech gives us an example that describes an average day of adult life. We work hard, drive cars through traffic jam, shopping in a crowed super market, line up in a long lanes while waiting to checkout and all the way maybe accompany with noisy voice and soul-killing music, etcetera. It same like our life involves boredom, routine, and petty frustration. However, the speaker didn’t just describe our daily life and he told us to think in different ways about the situations which exist in our life. Such as the woman who just screamed at her little child may be is courageous and kind-hearted and has been up there nights holding the hand of her husband who is dying of bone cancer. It all depends on us. We could choose to believe in other options which may be possible with awareness instead of just be self-centered. We should make a conscious decision about how to think and what to pay attention to. The true life which full of frustration and annoying things day in and day out needs us to be awareness of what is real and essential, and this is water.

As for me, before reading this speech, just as many Graduate students, I get lost in abstract arguments inside my head instead of simply paying attention to what’s going on right in front of me. And I’m busy with searching for a better fellowship, getting petty profits, having a good behavior in front of my teacher while ignoring the true life around me, such as the communicating with my families, the compassion to the pathetic person which suffers from a big explosion or typhoon and the responsibility to help the old people or little children. This passage not only tells me a phenomenon, a good thinking, a truth about our life, but also gives me a question “what is life?”I’ll live with simple awareness and conscious about the things I see, I touch, I hear, I experience, and I fell. And I will slow down, care more about love, gratefulness, friendship and sympathy and keep thinking what the life is.

Why People Believe in Conspiracy Theories The passage which is written by Sander van der Linden is about a new physical research which helps explain why some see intricate government conspiracies. The author analyzes the reason that people believe in conspiracy theories from many aspects and referring to a lot of studies and papers. At first, the author gives us a lot of example, such as “Did NASA fake the moon landing?”, “Is global warming a hoax?”and refers to a book “The Empire of Conspiracy”, which influenced many scholars who have come to think of conspiracy theories
