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油泵 pump 產生氣泡的位置 danger caused by the creation of air pockets
油箱 tank
托架 drip-tray
Allg. 090.12 VST1/VST6 06.AA
避免過長而平放的吸油管 avoid long horizontal suction line
Schottverschrau bung
Elastic pipe fittings for suction lines avoides spannings of the pump housing
Hydraulic pump installation tips
在机身表面加装泡沫塑料板对噪声起漫射与衰弱 作用,可有效降低噪声强度。
型成氣泡 creation of air pocket 有利流向的最佳設計 optimised design for every flow
圓角 round chamter
Allg. 090.6 VST1/VST6 06.AA
吸油管的安裝 Mounting of a suction line
使用兩個喉碼時必須 分開安裝 When using two hose clamps, mounting needs to be offset 氣谷 longitudinal airgap
Allg. 090.15 VST1/VST6 06.AA
底架 base frame
穩固的底架承托 Nostalgy stiff frame for power units
使用足夠重量的墊軌 Use heavy base rail (5dB(A)) less
油箱內不良的吸油箱裝置 Bad suction line in tank
吸油區內油液不可急 速流動
calm oil in suction chamber
最少有1.5倍油管直徑 的距離 at least 1.5 pipe i.d. minimal distance
turbulent zone
Secondary measure
Secondary measure
– 较小机型使用
Elastic power unit mounting
Secondary measure
Elastic pipe fittings for pressure lines Smaller introduction of oscillations on mounting plates or tank walls
安裝一對喉碼須以 90°分隔開 Hose clamps have to be assembled with a set of 90°
Allg. 090.7 VST1/VST6 09.AA
Secondary measure
Arrange branchings at main lines erodynamically
安裝底架 mounting base
使用L或U型鋼材以增加穩固性 L- or U-beams for frame stiffness
Allg. 090.14 VST1/VST6 06.AA
重心不平衡 “Slightly out of balance”
負載力 force of load 壓力 force of pressure
隔板必須安裝 baffle absolutely necessary
平切口的油管 straight cut of pipe
P suction
最少有1.5倍油管直徑的距離 at least 1.5 pipe i.d. minimal distance
Allg. 090.9 VST1/VST6 06.AA
吸油腔 Suction Stroke 柱塞 Shaft of Piston
吸入流向 Suction Flow
防止紊流產生 Prevention of turbulent flow
Allg. 090.2 VST1/VST6 06.AA
噪音來源 Source of Noise
吸油腔 Suction Stroke 柱塞 Shaft of Piston
吸入流向 Suction Flow
接面必須清潔及完好 Port connection must be clean and not damaged
Allg. 090.3 VST1/VST6 06.AA
噪音來源 Source of Noise
吸油腔 Suction Stroke 柱塞 Shaft of Piston
油箱內不良的吸油管裝置 Bad suction line in tank
吸油區內油液不可 急速流動
長而平放的吸油管 long horizontal suction line
turbulent zone
calm oil in suction chamber
產生氣泡 creation of air pocket
baffle absolutely necessary ∠α
Allg. 090.10 VST1/VST6 09.AA
回油管及吸油管不良的設計 Bad piping of return line and suction line
例一、 只接在油箱壁 case 1 only grommet 例二、 油管太短 case 2 pipe too short 例三、 太接近吸油管口 case 3 too close to the suction inlet
安裝前調整連接器, 不可用力強行安裝, 並需保持足夠的間隙
Allg. 090.17/VST6 01.AA
建議的吸油設置 Recommended Suction Installation
吸油腔 Suction Stroke
柱塞 Shaft of Piston
吸入流向 Suction Flow
層流 Laminar flow
Allg. 090.5 VST1/VST6 06.AA
吸油喉管的設計 Design of suction line ports
兩個喉碼為90°分隔開 2 hose clamps 90° offset 尖角會損壞軟管 sharp chamter can damage hose
噪音來源 Source of Noise
吸油腔 Suction Stroke
柱塞 Shaft of Piston
吸入流向 Suction Flow
防止紊流產生 Prevention of turbulent flow
Allg. 090.1 VST1/VST6 06.AA
噪音來源 Source of Noise
attach pipe clamps as briefly as possible close behind elbows or T -pieces Weld pipe clamps only at nodal points Use pipe clamps with rubber linings
Motor Damping Elements
液位 oil level 液位變化 swinging level
注意! 回油管必須經常低於最底 液位 ATTENTION! Return line must always end under the minimum oil level
Allg. 090.11 VST1/VST6 06.AA
氣泡引起的危險 Danger caused by the creation of air pockets
Optimal condition
Allg. 090.8 VST1/VST6 09.AA
儘可能將距離增加 keep distance as wide as possible
Allg. 090.13 VST1/VST6 09.AA
穩固的底架 Stiff frame for power units
動力單元的最佳設計:適用於小型動力單元 optimal design for all power units: for small power units possible
Damping elements are optimally arranged with even load distribution
Allg. 090.16 VST1/VST6 09.AA
調試的注意事項 Important commissioning instructions
注意 - 重要安裝事項
從油箱表面觀察油液的狀態 Pictures of the condition, looking at the tank surface
保持油液表面沒有氣泡 keep surface bubble free
油液表面帶有金色閃光 (在強光下可望透) 聲量會提高 oil surface shining like gold glitter (only visible, using strong halogen light) increase noise level
Allg. 090.4 VST1/VST6 06.AA
吸入流向 Suction Flow
漏裝密封圈 Forget O-Ring
wk.baidu.com泵浸在油液中 Oil immersed
建議裝置 recommendation 必須使用吸油及回油管
even under oil level always use suctionand return line