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天净沙·秋思 Autumn Thinking -to the tune of Sky Scours Sand 马致远 by Ma Zhiyuan 枯藤老树昏鸦。 Sear vines , old trees and crows in twilight. 小桥流水人家。 A small bridge, flowing water and cottages in sight. 古道西风瘦马。 An ancient rood, a lean horse in the westerly wind. 夕阳西下, The westering sun down wend, 断肠人在天涯。 A heart-broken man is at heaven's end.
Ci, a type of classical Chinese poetry
Qu, a type of verse for singing, popular in the Yuan Dynasty
(1)怀古诗(Nostalgic Poetry ) (2)咏物诗(Object-Chanting Poetry ) (3)山水田园诗(Pastoral poetry) (4)战争诗(Poetry of war) (5)行旅诗(Poetry of travelling)
Ancient poems translated "Three Beauties" principle . Good translation should convey the original poem "meaning beauty", "sound beauty" and "form beauty“, can make the foreign readers to read poetry from translation their readers as much as possible to understand and enjoy the beauty. It should be noted, sound, shape, meaning "Three Beauties" is not three rival powers. In the case of the three can not have both, we advocate the first consider keep the original poem meaning beauty, second to save sound beauty, form beauty is again.
4.特殊的含义 Unique meaning Eg:李商隐:春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。 (“丝”通“思”:death&heartbeat)
刘禹锡《竹枝词》:杨柳青青江水平,闻郎江上唱歌声。东边 日出西边雨,道是无晴却有晴. (“晴”通“情”:sunny&love) The English translation could only gain one meaning and lose the other. 英语里只能二者择其一,无法像原文一般一箭双雕。
诗按音律分(Sound and rhythm)
A form of pre-Tang poetry, usu. having five or seven characters to each line, without strict tonal patterns or rhyme schemes
5.特殊的字与声的组合 Unique combination of character and sound 李清照《声声慢》: “寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚” And so on………
古诗词翻译的“三美”原则. 佳译需要传达原诗的“意美”、“音美”和“形 美”,能使读诗的外国读者能够从译作中获得尽可 能与本国读者一样多的共鸣和美的享受。应该注意 的是,音、形、意“三美”并非鼎足三分。在三者 不可兼得的情况下,我们主张首先考虑保存原诗的 意美,其次保存音美,再次是形美。
王维的《鸟鸣涧》 人闲桂花落,夜静春山空。月出惊山鸟,时鸣春涧中。 译文 1①: Bird-Chirpping Hollow
The light beams of the moon on the earth softly rain, The night is quiet, the spring mount empty, The moon‟s up-rise the birds doth frighten To cry now and then in the springtide hollow. 译文 2②: The Dale of Singing Birds I hear osmanthus blooms fall unenjoyed;When night comes, hills dissolve in the void. The rising moon arouses birds to sing; Their fitful twitters fill the dale with spring.
押大致相近的韵或不押韵,字数、行数、句式、音调都比较自由,语 言比较通俗。
Free verse: free form and popular language
有哲理,注重自然的节奏感和音乐美,篇幅短小,像散文一样不分行, 不押韵,如,鲁迅的《野草》。
Three versions of the translations have their advantages, but the best translation 3. Choose the amount and terms of stylistic translation from 1 to 3 translations, fewer and fewer words, the body language, asked three simple and plain, the most faithful to the original poem. 2 more consistent with the translation of a translation, both for "bird" word translation are complex. The translation was alone choose three singular form, so that it better translation of the original poem translated creating tranquil mood. Such exhibits better mood poetry.
2.诗歌的形式。准确的说,诗歌的形式包括其内部的韵律 以及外部的形 式,韵律就像是诗歌的声音,是诗歌的音 乐特征;而外部形式就像是诗歌的外衣,是诗歌区别于其 他文学作品的一个重要特点。
In the form of poetry. To be exact, in the form of poetry, including its internal and external forms of rhythm, rhythm sounds like poetry, music features poetry; while the outer coat is like a form of poetry is a poetry different from other literary works important characteristics.
(2)抒情诗:主要通过直接抒发诗人的思想感情来反映社会生活, 不要求描述完整的故事情节和人物形象。如,情歌、颂歌、哀歌、挽 歌、牧歌和讽刺诗。
Lyrics: full release of the poet’s emotion
Sometimes they two are interwoven.
译文 3③: Bird-Singing Stream Man at leisure. Cassia flowers fall. Quiet night. Spring mountain is empty. Moon rises. Startles--a mountain bird. It sings at times in the spring stream.
赋:是直接陈述事物的表现手法。 Fu, to narrate things directly 比:是用比喻的方法描绘事物,表达思想感情。如,《诗 经》中的《螽斯》《硕鼠》等篇。 Bi, to dipict things with figures of speech 兴:是托物起兴,即借某一事物开头来引起正题要描述的 事物和表现思想感情的写法。如《诗经》中的《关雎》 《桃夭》等篇。 Xing, to start a topic by borrowing something else 比拟Metaphor&personification 夸张Hyperbole Eg: “飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天” Its torrent dashes down three thousand feet from high As if the Silver River fell from the blue sky 借代Metonymy
Prose poetry: a mixture of characteristics of prose and poetry
1.意境。意境本身是一种抽象的艺术形态,但这种 抽象的形态,却能够表达出诗歌的本质甚至灵魂。 The artistic conception. Artistic conception is a kind of abstract art form, but this kind of abstract form, can express the poetry is the essence and soul.
(6)闺怨诗(Poetry of boudoir repinings )
(7)送别诗(Farewell poetry)
按照作品内容的表达方式(Ways of expression)
(1)叙事诗:诗中有比较完整的故事情节和人物形象,通常以诗 人满怀激情的歌唱方式来表现。
Narrative poems: complete plot and characters
Metrical poetry: strict requirements on form, rhyme, number of character and lines, sentence pattern, etc.
classical poetry during the Tang Dynasty, marked by strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes
“modern style” poetry, referring to innovations in
歌翻译也不例外,在原则上要遵循严 复先生的信、达、雅,而且文化适应 性是文化翻译的一个很重要的概念, 文化适应性原则在诗歌的翻译中占据 着重要的地位并起着积极的作用。不 同的语言,因其不同的语言习惯、文 化差异因素,在翻译过程中必须充分 考虑其中。在翻译过程中,必须调动 目标语言的一切手段来尽力再现原文 的语言特点。