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英语小组演讲展示荷兰演示文 稿
The country of windmills
The country by tulips around
A natural and free country
Content :
1.Introduction to the Holland 2.Etiquette culture 3.Traditional custom
荷兰人把每年最接近5月15日的星期三定为“郁金香 节”。在这一天里,人们用五颜六色的鲜花装饰成 各种各样的花车,在乐队的伴奏下,浩浩荡荡地穿 街过市。人们还头戴花环,挥舞花束,簇拥着“郁 金香女王”游行,一条条街道成了一道道流光溢彩 的花的河流,这时,全世界有几十万人涌到荷兰, 参加这具有浓郁民族风情的盛会。
In much of Europe , windmills served originally to grind grain , though later applications included pumping water and , more recently , generation of electricity .
(1) History (2) Introduction (3) Four treasures of holland (4) Capital
(1) History
The character, however, of the people of the province of Holland, its qualities of toughness, of endurance, of seamanship and maritime enterprise, spring from the peculiar amphibious nature of the country, which differs from that of any other country in the world. The age-long struggle against the ocean and the river floods, which has converted the marshes, that lay around the mouths of the Rhine (Rijn), the Meuse (Maas) and the Scheldt (Schelde), by toilsome labour and skill into fertile and productive soil, has left its impress on the whole history of this people.
Offical name : The Kingdom of the Netherlands Geographic position: Located in North-Western Europe,
neighboring Germany in the east and Belgium in the south Area:41528 sq km Population:16,803,700(2013年) Capital:Amsterdam Religion:Catholicism:31% Christian:21% Language:Dutch Climate:Temperate broad-leaved forest climate
在节日当天,成千上万株郁金香将呈现在市民和游 客的面前。人们还用色彩斑斓的鲜花装饰成花车, 随着乐队的伴奏浩浩荡荡地穿过街道。节日期间还 将选出郁金香女王。
(4)Capital: Amsterdam
Amsterdam is the capital and the largest city of The Netherlands.
Its name is derived from Amstel dam,pointing to the city's origin: a dam on the river Amstel.
The city is known for its historic port, the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh Museum, its red-light district, its liberal coffee shop policy, and its many canals which have led to Amsterdam being called the "Venice of the North".
Recent electricity-generating versions are referred to as wind turbines
Windmill (风车)
Primary Significance: If you're looking to leave butterflies in their tummies, choose tulips and watch them blush. Wildly popular throughout its history, tulips are a comfortable flower choice and one that expresses perfect love.
Klompen (荷兰木鞋)
A windmill is a machine that is powered by the energy of the wind . It is designed to convert the energy of the wind into more useful forms using rotating blades or sails.
The national flower : tulip
National bird : spoonbill
National stone : diamond
National flag National emblem
(3) The four treasures in Holland
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