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- Hello! I’m Mike. - Hello! I’m Sarah.

-What’s your name? - My name’s Chen Jie.

- Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, too.

- How are you? - Fine, thank you. / Very well.

- How old are you? - I’m 9 years old.

- Bye! - Goodbye! / See you!

-Thank you! -You’re welcome!

- May I have a look? - OK. / Sure.

- Can I use your pencil? - No problem.


- What do you like? -I like chicken.

- May I have some chicken? -Sure. Here you are.

- Can I have some cake? - Sure. Here you are. / Certainly.

- Have some more? -Yes, please. / No, thank you.

- Have some juice! - No, thanks. I like Coke.

- Have some Coke. -Thank you.

- This is for you. -Thank you!

- Do you like oranges? - Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

- How about pears? - Oh, I like them very much.

- Do you like bananas? -Sorry, I don’t like bananas.

- What would you like for dinner? -I’d like some fish and vegetables.



- What’s in the classroom?- A board, two lights, many desks and chairs. - What’s in your schoolbag? - I have many books in my schoolbag.

- My school bag is heavy. What’s in it? - Look! 20 story-books.

- What’s your room like?- There is a big closet and a new mirror. There are blue curtains.


- Where is my ruler? - It’s in/on/under the desk.

- Where is my car? - In the box? - Yes / No.

- Where is my pencil? - Look, it’s here, un der your book.

- Where is my seat? - It’s near the door.

- Where are the keys? -They’re in the door.

- Are they near the phone? -Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

-Is she in the living room? -Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

- Is it in your desk? - Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

- Where are they? -They’re in the kitchen.

- Where is the art room? -It’s on the second floor.

3. 谈论房间或物品颜色、性质或归谁所有:

- Is this your bedroom? -Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

- Is this an art room? - Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

- Is that an art room? - Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

-Is that a picture? -Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

- Is this / that your skirt? -Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

-What colour is it? -It’s black and white.

4. 谈论物品数量:

- How many balloons? -Ten balloons.

- How many chairs are there in the room? -There are 5.

- How many kites can you see? -I can see twelve.

- How many crayons do you have? -I have thirteen.


- Let’s go to school. - OK.

- Let’s paint. - Great!

- Come on, Amy. Let’s watch TV. - Great!

- Let’s clean the desks and chair s. -All right.

- Let’s clean the classroom. - Good idea!

- Let me clean the classroom. - All right. / Good idea!


- Look! I have a rabbit. - Wow! Cool! / Super! / Great!

- Look at the elephant. - Wow! It’s so big / funny!

- Look! This is our new classroom. - Wow! It’s so big.

- Look! This is our playground. - Oh, your school is beautiful.


1. 个人基本信息:

- Where are you from? -I’m from America.

- What can you do? -I can clean the bedroom.

- Are you helpful at home? -Sure. / Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

- Can you make the bed? -Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

-Where is your home? -It’s near the post office.

- What do you do on the weekend? -I often do homework.

- Where is your home? -It’s near the post office.

- Which floor? -The fifth floor, Room 5A.

-How tall are you? -I’m 164 cm tall.

-How heavy are you? -I’m 48 kg.

2. 个人喜好:

- What’s your favourite food? -My favourite food is mutton.

- What’s your favourite fruit? -I like apples. They’re sweet.

- Which season do you like best? -I like fall best.

- What’s your favourite season? -My favourite season is spring.

- Why do you like summer? -Because I can swim in the lake.

- What’s your hobby? -I like collecting stamps.

3. 家庭信息:

-How many people are there in your family? -There are 3.

-Who are they? -They’re my father, my mother and me. -Who’s this / that woman / girl? -She’s my mother / sister.

-Who’s this / that man / boy? -He’s my father / brother.

-Look! This is my mom. And this is my dad. -Wow, how funny!

-Is she your sister? -Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

- My mom is an actress. - really?

- What’s your father? - He’s a doctor.

- What does your mother do? - She’s a singer.

- Where does your mother work? -She works in a car company.

- Is this your aunt? - Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.
