牛津译林版七年级上册词组默写整理版7A 14

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7A U1-4必背词组句型

Unit 1

1.照顾:look after=take care of

2.早上好:good morning

3.下午好:good afternoon

4.晚上好:good evening.

5.晚安:good night

6.一个新学生:a new student

7.欢迎来到七年级一班:welcome to Class 1,Grade 7

8.在阳光中学:at Sunshine Middle School.

9.喜爱阅读:love reading 10.让我们做某事:let’s do sth

11.会见我的新同学们:meet my classmates 12.踢足球:play football

13:放学后:after school 14.在那边:over there

15:她的头发是长的(两句):(1)Her hair is long. (2)She has long hair 16:他来自南京:(1)He comes from Nanjing. (2)He is from Nanjing.

17.他擅长数学:(1) He is good at Maths. (2) He does well in Maths.

18.很高兴见到你(两句):(1) Glad to meet you. (2) Nice to meet you.

19:在八年级:in Grade 8 20:听音乐:listen to music

21.放风筝:fly kites 22.喜欢玩游戏:like playing games 23.回家迟:go home late 24:来自南京:come from Nanjing.

25.和我家人住在北京:live with my family in Beijing.

26:戴眼镜:wear glasses

27.所有的功课:all the lessons 28.在学校:at school

Unit 2

29.走向我的碗:walk to my bowl=go to my bowl on foot

30.一天许多次:many times a day

31:喜欢做某事:love /like/enjoy doing sth


(1) What’s your favourite sport? (2)What sport do you like best?

33.放学后踢足球:play football after school

34.去游泳/跑步/购物:go swimming/running/shopping

35.李华是我最喜欢的足球明星:Li Hua is my favourite football star.


(1) He is a member of Huanghe Football Club. (2) He is in Huanghe Football Club. 37.看起来强壮:look strong 38.足球踢的很好:play football very well

39.在他的空闲时间:in his free time 40.喜欢听音乐:enjoy listening to music

41.让他开心:make him happy 42.想要做某事:want to do sth

43.想要某人做某事:want sb to do sth 44.在下一届世界杯中:in the next World Cup.

45.我希望他的梦想可以成真:I hope his dream comes true.

46.他看起来怎么样:How does he look?

47.在电视上看球类比赛:watch ball games on TV.

48.走路去学校(两句):walk to school=go to school on foot.

49.在周末(4种):on/ at the weekend on/at weekends

50.当然:of course 51.阅读是有趣的事:Reading is fun.

52.你还喜欢做些其他的什么事:What else do you like to do ?

53.它让我感觉非常好:It makes me feel great.

54 .读很多有趣的书:read a lot of interesting books.

55.我们学校篮球队的一名成员:a member of our school basketball team.

55.放学后和我的朋友打篮球:play basketball with my friends after school.

57.在电视上看篮球比赛:watch basketball matches on TV.

58.他是我的偶像:He is my hero. 我的偶像之一one of my heroes

Unit 3


Which is your favourite subject? = Which subject do you like best?

60.今天是几月几号:What’s the date today?

61.学校开放日:School Open Day

62.几点了:What’s the time?/ What time is it?

63.家长会:the parents’ meeting 64.在两点钟:at two o’clock.

65.在下午:in the afternoon 66.带领某人参观:show sb around

67.听我们两节课:watch two of our lessons

68.在校门口见面:meet at the school gate

69.在……前面: in front of 70.教学楼:the classroom building

71.在第一层:on the ground floor

72.教室是干净的和明亮的:The classrooms are clean and bright.

73.一间美术室:an art room 74.两间机房:two computer rooms

75.在那边:over there 76.学校礼堂:school hall

77.开会:have meetings 开一次会议have a meeting
