必修三Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note ——百万英镑讲课教案

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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note ——百万英镑
5.He was popular because of his sense of ___h_u_m__o_u_r___(幽默). 6. It is hard to imagine that he should be so ____r_u_d_e_____(粗鲁的) to his mother.
2.when作并列连词,意为“此时, 这时” The next morning I’d just about given myself up for lost _______w__h_e_n__I _w_a_s_s_p_o_t_t_e_d__________ (此时我被发现) by a ship.
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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note ——百万英镑
必修三Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note ——百万英

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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note ——百万英镑
3.The reason he gave to ____a_c_c_o_u_n_t__(说明) for his absence was unbelievable. 4.O’Brien’s article suggests ways to improve your__a_p_p_e_a_r_a_n_c_e_(外表).
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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note ——百万英镑
4.____s_ta_r_e__a_t______ 盯着看;凝视 5.__a_c_c_o_u_n_t_f_o_r_____ 导致;做出解 释 6.__o_n__t_h_e_c_o_n_t_r_a_r_y_ 与此相反;正 相反 7.__ta_k_e__a_c_h_a_n_c_e____ 冒险
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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note ——百万英镑
10.用adventure的适当形式填空 (1)When you are a child,life is one big__a_d_v_e_n_t_u_r_e__. (2)Many young teachers would like to be more__a_d_v_e_n_t_u_r_o_u_s__and creative.
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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note ——百万英镑
8.____i_n__ra_g_s_______ 衣衫褴褛 9.___a_s__fo_r_________ 关于;至于 10.___to__b_e_h_o_n__es_t____ 说实话
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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note ——百万英镑
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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note ——百万英镑
9.Teaching children with special needs requires__p_a_ti_e_n_c_e__and understanding.She is usually____p_a_t_ie_n_t___with her students and never makes them disappointed.(patience)
典型句式 1.find+宾语+宾语补足语 Well,towards nightfall I __f_o_u_n_d__m_y_s_e_l_f _c_a_r_ri_e_d_o_u__t _to__s_e_a___( 发现自己被刮进了海里) by a strong wind.
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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note ——百万英镑
栏目 导引
Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note ——百万英镑
7. The first ______s_c_e_n_e______(场景) of the play was almost over when they got to the theatre. 8. I have just___s_p_o_tt_e_d____(挑出)a mistake on the front cover of the magazine.
Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note ——百万英镑
3.强调句式 And __i_t _w_a_s_t_h_e__sh_i_p__th_a_t___(就是那艘 船) brought you to England. 4.it作形式主语的主语从句 Well,__it_i_s_w__el_l_k_n_o_w_n_______(众所周 知) that Americans like to eat a lot.
栏目 导引
Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note ——百万英镑
1 . ____b_r_in_g__u_p______ 教育;提出
2.___g_o__a_h_e_a_d______ 前进;(用于祈使句 )可以;往下说
3.__b_y__a_cc_i_d_e_n_t_____ 偶然;无意中;不 小心
栏目 导引
Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note ——百万英镑
5.疑问词ever引导的让步状语从句和 名词性从句 You must come _w__h_e_n_e_v_er__y_o_u_w__a_n_t_( 无论你什么时候想要) and have _w_h__a_te_v_e_r_y_o_u__l_ik_e___(你喜欢的任何东 西).
栏目 导引
Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note ——百万英镑
单元语法 宾语从句和表语从句
1.(2012·浙江五校第三次联考)Many experts have