体验商务英语第二册Unit9_Managing people

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1 a) report to b) report on 2 a) apologize for b) apologize to
√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3 a) talk to b) talk about 4 a) agree with b) agree on 5 a) argue about b) argue with
5 spend time observing and asking
Good managers
C Listen to the third part of the interview and answer these questions.
1 What do foreign managers often want from Asian staff? They mistakenly want them to be more forceful, to deal with problems logically and to be ambitious.
Unit 9
Managing people
Management problems always turn out to be people problems.
British management consultant
John Peet
Quotations about management
Management is nothing more than motivating other people.
Which do you think are the three most important B qualities in Exercise A?
Verbs and prepositions
Some verbs combine with more than one preposition. Decide whether the following combine with someone or something. Someone Something
Good managers
What advice would you give to a foreign manager D who is going to manage staff in your country?
Verbs and prepositions
Good managers
A Listen to the first part of the interview & complete the chart.
Managers need to be good at … … in order to 1 observing ___________ the behavior, the understand __________ and ____________ of strengths weaknesses their staff. learn about ________________ their staff’s 2 listening _________. problems 3 asking questions 4 speaking __________ all the ____________ find out information they need to make the right decisions
Verbs and 1. 迄今为止还没人对我们的投诉作出回应。(respond to…) prepositions 2. 总经理向工人保证他将亲自处理这个问题。(deal
7. 今天上午我向董事会汇报了今年的销售情况。(report to … about …) 8. 我们就装货中出现的差错真诚地向你方道歉。 (apologize to … for …) 9. 我想和你谈谈新产品广告宣传方面的事。(talk to … about …) 10. 谈判进行了一上午,但双方仍不能在价格上达成一致。 (agree with .. on) 11. 双方在价格问题上争论不休。(argue with … about …) 12. 你最好向他解释一下你的观点。(explain to …)
Vocabulary 1. So far no one has responded to our complaints.
Verbs and prepositions
2. The Managing Director promised to the workers that he would deal with the problem himself. 3. You should believe in yourself, or you will never succeed. 4. Managers should learn to delegate power to their staff. 5. We should try our best to improve our ability to communicate with others. 6. The company has invested heavily in research and development. 7. This morning I reported to the Board of Directors on this year’s sales. 8. We sincerely apologize to you for the mistake we made in packing your order. 9. I would like to talk to you about the advertising campaign for our new product. 10. The negotiation went on the whole morning, but the two parties still could not agree with each other on prices. 11. The two parties argue with each other about prices. 12. You’d better explain to him your ideas.
Translations exercise
with …) 3. 你要相信自己,否则你永远都不会成功。(believe in …) 4. 经理应当学会向员工放权。(delegate to …) 5. 我们应尽力提高与他人沟通的能力。(communicate with …) 6. 公司大力投资进行新产品的研发。(invest in …)
Verbs and prepositions
D Complete these sentences with suitable prepositions from Exercise C. with 1 I agree ______ her that we need to change our marketing strategy. to 2 I talk _____ my boss every Monday at our regular meeting. about 3 We argue _______ next year’s budget for over an hour. for 4 He apologized _____ losing his temper. 5 We talked _______ our financial problems for a long about time. with 6 The Finance Director argued ______ our Managing Director over profit sharing. to 7 I apologized _____ Paula for giving her the wrong figures. on 8 Can we agree ______ the date of our next meeting?
7 invest
b) to a deputy as often as possible c) to employees’ concerns promptly d) with colleagues clearly e) with problems quickly f) in regular training courses for employees g) to all suggestions from staff
communicate objectives _____________ their ___________ clearly to all their staff.
Good managers
B Listen to the second part of the interview. Decide whether these statements are true or false.
Which of the above quotations do you agree with? Why?
Starting up
A What qualities and skills should a good manager have? Choose the six most important from the list. To be a good manager you need to: 1 like people; 2 enjoy working with others; 3 give orders; 4 listen to others; 5 make suggestions; 6 judge people’s abilities; 7 plan ahead; 8 be good with numbers; 9 make good presentations; 10 be persuasive B If you are managing people form different cultures, what other qualities and skills do you need?
2 What do managers sometimes ignore? They ignore the background, education and cultural differences between themselves and their staff. 3 Why might the managers underestimate the local skills and abilities? They focus too much on staff’s weaknesses, jump to conclusions too quickly and label all local staff as the same.
A Match the verbs 1 to 7 with the prepositions and phrases a) to g).
A good manager should: 1 respond a) in their employees’ abilities
2 listen
3 deal 4 believe 5 delegate 6 communicate
I believe managing is like holding a dove in your hand. If you hold it too tightly you kill it, but if you hold it too loosely, you lose it.
If you want to manage somebody, managewenku.baidu.comyourself. Do that well and you'll be ready to stop managing. And start leading.
1 plan in advance. and conditions.
2 find out about the local language, culture
true true 3 get to know the local people. possible questions
4 try to become experts as soon as false true