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◇1Beneficial beneficent

beneficial having a helpful or useful effect eg. Fresh air is

beneficial to one's health. 新鲜空气有益於健康.

Beneficent giving help; showing kindness eg. a beneficent

patron 慷慨的赞助人

◇2credulous credible creditable

credulous too ready to believe things and therefore easy to deceive

eg. credulous people who believe what the advertisements say 轻信广告的人.

Credible that can be believed or trusted eg. It seems barely

credible, ie seems almost impossible to believe. 这似乎难以置信.

Creditable of a quite good standard and deserving praise or approval

eg. a creditable attempt, performance, etc 值得赞扬的努力﹑表现等. ◇3Exhaustive exhausting exhausted

Exhaustive very thorough; looking at every detail eg. an

exhaustive enquiry, search 彻底的调查﹑搜查

Exhausting making you feel very tired eg. an exhausting day at work

Exhausted very tired eg. The exhausted troops surrendered. 部


◇4Industrial industrious

Industrial connected with industry eg. industrial development 工业发展

Industrious working hard eg. The Chinese are an industrious nation. 中华民族是个勤劳的民族

◇5noticeable noted notorious

Noticeable easy to see or notice eg. There's been a noticeable improvement in her handwriting. 她的书法有了明显的进步

noted well known because of a special skill or feature eg. a town noted for its fine buildings, as a health resort 以精美的建筑物﹑疗养地而闻名的城镇.

Notorious well known for being bad eg. a notorious criminal, area, bend in the road 天怒人怨的罪犯﹑地区﹑急转弯

◇6Official officious

Official connected with the job of sb who is in a position of authority eg. in his official capacity as mayor 以其市长的官方身分.

Officious too ready to tell people what to do or to use the power you have to give orders eg. We were tired of being pushed around by officious civil servants. 我们厌恶那些把我们支来支去(爱发号施令)的公务员◇7Practical practicable

Practical concerned with practice and action rather than theory eg. practical experience, skills 实践经验﹑实际技能

Practicable (of an idea, a plan or a suggestion) able to be done eg.

a practicable scheme, solution, suggestion, etc 切实可行的计画﹑解决办法﹑建议等

◇8Respectable respective respectful

Respectable considered by society to be acceptable, good or correct eg. a respectable married couple 一对值得尊敬的夫妻

respective of or for or belonging to each as an individual eg. After the party we all went off to our respective rooms. 聚会之後我们回到各自的房间

respectful feeling or showing respect eg. listen in respectful silence 必恭必敬地静听着

◇9successful successive

successful achieving your aims or what was intended eg. a successful businesswoman,career, plan 获得成功的女商人﹑事业﹑计划
