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参考椭球-reference ellipsoid地球椭率-earth ellipticity
地形校正-terrain correction自由空气异常-free-air anomaly
semi-diurnal tide-半日潮进动-precession
颤动-wobble geoid-大地水准面
Chandler wobble-钱德勒摆动solid tide-固体潮
A simple way to measure the height of the marine tide might be to fix a stake to the sea-bottom at a suitably sheltered location and to record continuously the measured water level(assuming that confusion introduced by wave motion can be eliminated or taken into account).The observed amplitude of the marine tide,defined by the displacement of the free water surface,is found to be about70%of the theoretical value.The difference is explained by the elasticity of the Earth.The tidal deformation corresponds to a redistribution of mass,which modifies the gravitational potential of the Earth and augments the elevation of the free surface.This is partially counteracted by a bodily tide in the solid Earth,which deforms elastically in response to the attraction of the Sun and Moon.The free water surface is raised by the tidal attraction,but the sea-bottom in which the measuring rod is implanted is also raised.The measured tide is the difference between the marine tide and the bodily Earth-tide.
2.Explanation of nouns(35points)
3.An idealized mountain-and-root system,as in the figure,is in isostatic equilibrium. The densities in kg m–3are as shown.Express the height H of the point A above the horizontal surface RS in terms of the depth D of the root B below this surface.(10points)
()⎪⎭⎫ ⎝
⎛-+=++2H 2H 21213221D D D H ρρρρ所以,
D D D H 5
325003000200025002000300022231213=-+--⨯=-+--=ρρρρρρ4.推导Pratt 模式中深度为h ,重力均衡深度为D ,地壳密度为0σ的重力均衡的大洋盆地区域对应的洋壳平均密度。
若设岩浆密度为σ,用Airy 模式计算这种情况下的反山根大小。
设洋壳密度以1σ表示,海水密度以w σ表示,反山根以'h 表示,则
Pratt 模式:
h D S Sh SD w -+=10σσσ所以,h D h D h D h D w --=--=03.1001σσσσAiry 模式:
'00Sh Sh h h D S SD w σσσσ++--=所以,h h h w 0
000'03.1σσσσσσσ--=--=5.推导密度为ρ,高度为h ,半径为r 的圆柱所产生的重力异常公式:
r h r h G g T -+-=∆222ρπ。
取一小圆柱形体元dr ,dz 和rdφ,它的质量为dm =ρrdφdrdz,它在P 点的重力加速度为
222222cos z r z z r rdrdzd G dm G g ++=+=∆φρθ则由积分可得整个圆棱柱在P 点的重力加速度
()rdr z r zdz d G g r r r h z T ⎰⎰⎰===⎪⎪⎭
⎫ ⎝⎛+=∆210023220φφφρ对于给定的φ0和整个z 从0到h 积分可得,
()dr z r r G g r r r T ⎰=⎪⎪⎭
⎫ ⎝⎛-+=∆211220ρφ再对r 从r 1到r 2积分可得再P 点产生的向上的重力加速度
()()()()()2221220r h r
r h r G g T -+--+=∆ρφ当φ增加到2π,并且r 1减小到0时,上式括号中的第一项变为h ,则半径为r 的圆柱体产生的重力加速度为()()
r h r h G g T -+-=∆222ρπ。