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Overusing the hairdryer can do harm to your hair .


All the electronic products in the shop are guaranteed for three years .


You look nice in green . It seems that green suits you very well .


In the dry winter , do not forget to apply cream to your face after you wash it .


After trying many kinds of medicine , she finally found the remedy for her stomachache .


(in addition)

To keep fit , you must eat a balanced diet . In addition , it is also very important to exercise / get plenty of exercise regularly .


If the shampoo gets into your eyes , rinse it away with clean water .

88.在护理头发的时候,请不要用过多的护发素。(be sure to , care for)

Be sure not to use / apply too much conditioner when caring for your hair . 89.听到她儿子打破世界纪录的消息,她高兴至极。(on top of the world)

At the news that his son has broken the world record , she was on top of the world .

90.由于缺乏有效的教学经验,他没能得到那份工作。(for lack of)

He didn’t get / wasn’t offered that job for lack of effective teaching experience .

91.机器人能够保证把人类从繁重的家务中解脱出来。(guarantee , free)

The robot can guarantee to free human beings from the heavy housework . 92.多喝水能防止头发变得干燥。(keep …from …)

Drinking more water will keep your hair from becoming dry .


Be sure to choose the hair products that suit your type of hair .

94.我们明天去远足旅行,今晚务必收看天气预报。(be sure to …)

We will go hiking tomorrow . Be sure to watch the weather forecast tonight . 95.我们应提高服务水平,以确保每个顾客对我们的服务感到满意。(ensure)

We should improve our service to ensure that every customer is pleased with our service .

96.这种治疗方法能够使病人不感到疼痛。(keep …from)

This remedy can keep the patients from feeling pain .

97.街上的噪音吵得Hudson无法入睡。(rob …of)

The noise from the street robbed Hudson of his sleep .

98.城市里有空气污染,因此常洗头是明智的。(shampoo , it is wise for / of …

to …)

City air is polluted , so it is wise for you to shampoo your hair often .



It is said that eating less high-fat food can keep your hair from growing slowly . 100.保持身体健康取决于平衡的饮食和足够的睡眠。(depend)

Keeping fit depends on a balanced diet and enough sleep .

101.大家都知道,吃太多的糖对牙齿有害。(too much)

It is known to all that eating too much candy does damage to our teeth . 102.如果亚当能独立完成这篇作文,我也能。(so)


If Adam can finish writing the composition on his own , so can I .


Driving after drinking can not guarantee drivers safety .


Lack of Vitamin B will affect your health .


In hot summer , a cup of juice can suit my need .

Unit 3

106.数周后他们的新居渐渐就绪了。(take shape)

Their new home took shape as the weeks went by .

107.公路沿山盘旋而上--- 有许多拐角。(twist)

The road twists up the mountain –there are many corners .


You’ll find the plan includes most of your suggestions .
