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(城镇)最低生活保障制度an urban minimum living security subsidy system

(公共就业服务)满意度/主观感受Public’s perceptions of employment services

(基本公共服务均等化政策目标的)核心The thrust of…(民间)社会组织Civil society organizations


区别与“公共财政”public finance,财政收入用于提供公共服务)

建设财政(construction finance,财政收入用于建设)

The revenues barely meet staff salaries

Financial capacities sketch just far enough to cover payrolls/ “payroll” finance


the Government was the sole supplier of basic public services/monopoly supply of public


“非重点”学校“non-key” schools“以人为本”的发展观people-based development



labourers selecting their jobs on their own, markets regulating employment demand and supply,

and the Government promoting employment

“正式工”和“临时工” a “regular worker” and a “temporary worker”

《残疾人就业条例》Rules on the Employment of Disabled Persons


Notice on Comprehensively Promoting Assistance to Zero-Employment Families

《国家八七扶贫攻坚计划》the 8-7 National Plan for Priority Poverty Reduction

《国家教育督导报告2005》The National Education Inspection Report 2005


The Temporary Provisions on Laid-off Insurance for (State-owned Enterprises) Employees


Regulations on Transforming the Operating Mechanism of Industrial Enterprises Owned by the

Whole People

《失业保险条例》Provisions on Laid-off Insurance for (State-owned Enterprises) Employees 《医药行业"十一五"发展指导意见》

“Guiding Policies for the Development of the Medicine Industry in the 11th Five-Year Plan


《职业介绍暂行规定》Interim Rules on the Employment Service


Decision on “Several Important Issues in Constructing of a Socialist Harmonious Society”


Decision of the Central Co mmittee of the Communist Party of China on “Some Issues

Concerning the Improvement of the Socialist Market


《中国妇女发展纲要》Outline Programme for Development of Chinese Women

《中国统计年鉴》China Statistical Yearbook


the Outline of Eleventh Five-Year (2006 2010) Plan of the People’s Republic of China for National Economic and Social Development

“以人为本”的发展观people-based development approach

《中华人民共和国劳动法》Labour Law of the People’s Republic of China

… 是在…的过程中实现的/在…的背景下发生的… coincide with… / progress has occurred alongside…

2001年-2005年的《中国教育经费统计年鉴》China Education Finance Statistics 2001-2005 2006年公共就业服务满意度调查 a 2006 survey on the Chinese public’s perceptions of employment services

三级……网A three tiered network 集体公益金collective public welfare fund 就业是人类发展的一个重要维度,不仅是人们收入的来源,也关系到人的尊严,是社会成员赖以生存、融入社会和实现人生价值的重要途径和基本权利。

Employment is key to human development because people derive earnings as well as dignity from fair work opportunities. They open avenues for themselves to become productive members of society.

考试招生制度the systems of examination and enrollment 必须高度重视merit full attention 按既定的部署和现行汇率计算according to our plan and calculated with the current exchange rate

按收入消费高低次序以10% 人口为一组Successive subsets of 10 percent of the population

按照法律规定支付工资entitled to wages according to the law

把经济增长视为发展的目标taking economic growth as the end of development

办学条件the physical conditions of schools (physical infrastructure) 土地使用权land-use right

保护资源conserve resources 保留率Retention rate 保险长期成本Long-term insurance costs

保险费用Insurance premium 保障后代人的生存和发展assure the development of future generations

保障基本生存权、发展权uphold subsistence rights and foster the development of all members of the society

保障社会公平正义Guarantee social justice and fairness 保障水平The level of benefit coverage

报销reimbursement 比例share; prevalence 必不可少的先决条件essential prerequisite

必须长期坚持的重要指导思想important guiding principle to be followed for a long time to come

毕业生升学率progression rate, rate of progression for primary school graduates into middle schools

边际消费marginal consumption 边疆地区border area 编辑委员会Editorial board

表明shed some light on the question 不断扩大的收入差距rapid increases in income inequality

病床使用率utilization rate of hospital beds 剥夺人的可行能力denials of capability

不同所有制(国有制和集体所有制)state ownership versus collective
