



Last year, I (not ) like ( I) English class. Every class (was)

like a bad dream. The teacher (speak) too quickly that I did not understand (she) most of the time. I was afraid to ask questions because my poor pronunciation. I just (hide) behind my textbook and never said (something ).

Then one day I watched English movie called Toy Story. I fell in love this (excite ) and funny movie! So I began (watch) other English movies, too. Although I could not understand everything the characters said, (they) body language and the expressions on their faces helped me (get ) the meaning.

I also realized I could (get) the meaning by (listen ) for just the

key (word). My pronunciation improved as well by listening to the conversations in English movies. I discovered that listening to

something (interest) is the secret language learning. I also learned (use) sentences like “It’s a piece of cake” or “It serves you right.” I did

not understand these sentences at first. But because I wanted (understand)

the story, I looked them up in a dictionary. Now I really enjoy (I)English class. I want (learn) new words and more grammar so that I can (have)a

better understanding of English movies.

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are


Period 1 Section A (1a-1c)



泼水节 Water Festival 龙舟节the Dragon Boat Festival

春节 The Spring Festival 元宵节 the lantern Festival


1. 感叹句


1)How + adj/adv +主语+谓语!

2)What a/an + adj +可数名词单数+主语+谓语!

3)What + adj +可数名词复数/不可数名词+主语+谓语!

. 选填How What完成感叹句练习

?1. ____ great fun it is to swim! useful book this is !

? a fine day it is today ! hard work it is !

? bad weather it was yesterday! hard job this is!

? terrible news we heard last night

? good time we have every weekend!

? long the bridge is! long bridge this is!

?11. ______ happy children ! 12. ______ friendly these kids! ?13. ______ interesting book he has! 14. ______ time flies!






?1)所有的特殊疑问词都可以用作宾语从句的引导词。如:when, where, what, which, who, why, how…


3)if(是否)= whether(但句末有or not时,只能用whether,不能用











三、练评(包含“考点链接” )


1. We are sure that he ________ (go) to school tomorrow.

2. Do you know who ______ (be) the first man to walk on the moon?

3. Could you tell me where the post office ______ (is)?

4. Our father said that he _______ (will) buy a new computer.

5. I hear that he _______ (swim) in the sea yesterday.

6. The little boy tells us where his father _______ (work).

7. He said that he _________ (finish) his work already.

8. They thought they could _______ (hike) to the top of the mountain.

9. He was glad o many people _____ (help) him. 10. She doesn’t know whether ________ (go) or wait.)


()1. The girls asked if they ____ some food and drink with them.

A. took

B. take

C. takes

D. will take

()2. Catherine said that she ___ to Guangzhou.

A. has never gone

B. had never gone

C. has never been

D. had never been

()3. Thents want to know whether they___ a lesson tomorrow.

A. had

B. has

C. will have

D. are

()4. She asked Linda if___ go and get some.

A. could she

B. she could

C. she can

D. she may

()5. Linda said the moon___ round the earth.

A. traveled

B. has traveled

C. travels

D. had traveled

()6. I want to know_________.

A. what is his name

B. what’s his name

C. that his name is

D. what his name is

()7. Can you tell me which floor ?

A he live on B. he lives in C. does he live in D. he lives on

()8. ______ happy life we are living now!

A. What

B. How

C. How a

D. What a

()9. ______ dangerous!

A. How

B. What

C. How a

D. What a

()10. ______ they are listening to the teacher!

A. How careful

B. What careful

C. How carefully

D. What


Period 2 Section A (2a~2d)




stranger /streind?? (r)/ n. 陌生人

relative /rel?tiv/ n. 亲属;亲戚relative, relation, relations

put on 增加(体重),发胖

put on 穿上 put on weight put on ten kilos

pound n. 磅(重量单位)英镑(英国货币单位)增加10磅 put on 10 pounds The apples cost one dollar a pound.


●I am new in this city , so I am a ___________.

●He often eats a lot,so he 20 pounds again.

●Jenny is the only in that big city.








Clara: Guess what? I'm going to Chiang Mai in two weeks.

Ben: Wow, sounds like fun! But I believe that April is the hottest month of the year there.

Clara: Yes, that's true. But there's a water festival there from April 13th to 15th.

Ben: I wonder if it's similar to the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province.

Clara: Yes, I think so. This is the time of the Thai New Year. People go on the streets to throw water at each other.

Ben: Cool! But why do they do that?

Clara: Because the new year is a time for cleaning and washing away bad things. Then you'll have good luck in the new year.

1.探究一:I’ve put on five pounds.我体重增加了5磅。

短语:put on “增加(体eg:我在度假期间,体重增加了6磅。I_______ _____six____while I was on holiday.

Put on 还表示“穿上;戴上”eg:外面冷,请穿上外套。It’s cold outside. Please ________ _______the coat.

探究二:I wonder’s similar to the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province.我想知道它是否类似于云南傣族的泼水节。

短语:be similar to 与……相似=take after eg:他们的房子和我们的差不多,只是我们的大些。Their house ____________________ours,but ours has a bigger garden.

Same意为“相同”,短语:the same as

探究三:People the streets to throw water at each other.人们走上街道向彼此互相泼水。

短语:throw sth. at… 向……投掷某物,一般带有情感 eg:那个陌生人向狗扔石头。The _______ __________stones ________the dog.

区别于throw st“把某物扔给……..”强调让……接住,一般不带情感; eg:别把球扔给他。Don’t ________the ball

别朝窗户上扔石头了!Don’t___________stones ______the windows!

探究四:Because the new year is a time for cleaning and washing away bad things.因为新年是清洗掉不好的事物的时候。



Park is a good place ______________.

have fun fun fun having fun

brother’s problem _____________yours, so you can talk to him.

different f different to similar in similar to

hear _________he will come back.

B. if



I’ve __________ _________five_________because I eat too much.


I ____________ _____________you often _________ ___________.


_________the food in the south of China _____________ ___________that in the north?


____________ __________ ______________picture it is!

Period 3 Section A 3a-3c



1. 拼读记忆生词、意思

folk /f?ulk/ adj. 民间的;民俗的

goddess /g?des/, /gA:d@s/ n. 女神

steal /sti:l/ v. (stole /st?ul/, stolen /st?ul?n/) 偷;窃取

lay /lei/ v. (laid /leid/, laid)放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋)

lay out 摆开;布置

dessert /di’z?:(r)t/ n(饭后)甜点;甜食

garden /ga:(r)dn/ n. 花园;园子

admire /?dmai? (r)/ v. 欣赏;仰慕


1、folk adj. 民间的,民俗的 a folk story 民间故事

2、god n. 神ss n. 女神 (复数-- +es) 女服务员waitress


3、steal — stole – stolen v. 偷,窃取steal…sth from…sb steal…sb sth

4、 lay v. 放置,安放;产(卵),下(蛋)

lay out 摆开,布置 lay (out) the coat on the bed

lay eggs 下蛋,产卵 Hens lay eggs .

5、admire v. 欣赏,仰慕admire sb. admire sb for …


、、 been shot

、 gave 、 drank

steal 、、 became

、fo laid


Full Moon, Full Feelings

Chinese people have been celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries. Mooncakes have the shape of a full moon on

mid-autumn night. They carry people’s wishes to the families they love

and miss.

There are many traditional folk stories about this festival. However, most people think that the story of Chang’e is the most touching. Chang’e was Hou Yi’s beautiful wife. After Hou Yi shot down the nine suns, a goddess gave him a magic medicine to thank him. Whoever drank this could live forever, and Hou Yi planned to drink it with Chang’e. However, a bad man, Feng Meng, tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was not home. Chang’e refused to give it to him and drank it all. She became very light and flew up to the moon. Hou Yi was so sad that he called out her name to the moon every night. One night, he found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there. He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. How he wished that Chang’e could come back!

After this, people started the tradition of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families.


How long have people celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival ?

Does we celebrate it during the day or at night?


( )There isone traditional folk story about Mid-Autumn Festival.

( )A goddess gave Hou Yi magic medicine beforer he shot down the nine suns

( ) Chang’e refused to give the medicine to Hou Yi and drank it all

( ) One nigng Meng found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there.

( ) Chang’e q uickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden.


Full moon,full feelings圆圆的月亮,饱满的感情

celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival庆祝中秋节 .for centuries 几个世纪.the shape of… …的形状 .a full moon 满月

on mid-autumn night 在中秋之夜

carry people’s wishes to…寄托人们对…的祝福

. traditional folk stories传统的民间故事

the most touching 最令人感动的 . shoot down 射下,击落

. live forever 长生不老. steal…from… 从…偷

. lay eggs 下蛋admire sb. for…因…而佩服某人

.as a result 结果refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事

fly up to… 飞向… .call out one’s name大声呼喊…的名字

lay out 摆开,布置the tradition of… …的传统

admire the moon 赏月. share…with… 和…分享…



1. Jim t he didn't go fishing yesterday afternoon.(how, why)

2. Do you know else is going to be on duty today?(who, whom)

3. She said it wouldn't matter much.(that, if)

4. He always thinks he can do better.(how, who)

5. I really donw the bridge will be finished.(how long, how soon)

6. They don't know to go or wait. (if, whether)

7. We are talking about we’ll go back tomorrow. (whether, if)

8. I was really surprised at I saw. (where, what)

9. I don't so many people are looking at him. (how, why)

10. Do you know you are studying for? (why, what)


1. Can you tell me________ you were born, Betty?

A. who

B. what

C. when

D. that

2. I don't know _________ they have passed the exam.

A. what

B. if

C. when

D. where

3. I hardly he has told me.

A. that

B. what

C. which

D. who

4. She didn't know_______ back soon.

A. whether he would be

B. if would he be

C. he will be

5. I don't know _______ he still lives here after so many years.

A. whether B where C. what D. when


Chinese people have been celebrating the Mid –Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries .Mooncakes are in the shape of a full moon on the Mid-Autumn . They carry people’s wishes to the families they22. ___ and miss . There are many traditional folk stories festival .However ,most people think that the story of Chang’e is the most touching . Chang’e was Hou Yi’s wife. After Hou Yi down the nine suns ,a goddess gave him magic to thank him. .Whoever drank this could live 27..______ ,and Hou Yi planned to drink it with Chang’e .However , ,Peng Meng ,tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi wasn’t home. Chang’e refused to give it to him and all. She became very light and flew up to the moon .Hou Yi was so sad that he called out her name to the moon every night .

One night ,he found that the moon was so bright and round 29. ______he could see his wife there .He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and

desserts in the garden .How he that Chang’e could come back !

After this, people started the tradition of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families.

21. A. day B. night C. noon 22. A. get B. thank C. love

23. A. about B. of C. with 24. A. beautiful B. ugly

C. fat

25. A. had B. shot C. took 26. A. medicine B. fruit

C. ways

. always B. never C. forever 28. A. drank B. cost C. stole

29. A. it B. which C. that 30. A. remained B. wished C. believed

Period 4 Section B 1a-1d
















haunted /h?:ntid/ a. 有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的

ghost /g?ust/ n. 鬼;鬼魂

trick /trik/ n. 花招;把戏

treat /tri:t/ n. 款待;招待v. 招待;请客

spider /spaid?r)/ n. 蜘蛛


1. haunted adj. 有鬼魂出没的,闹鬼的haunt v. (鬼)出没一个鬼屋a haunted house

2. trick n. 花招,把戏 play a trick on sb = play tricks on sb.捉弄某人

3. treat n. 款待,招待 trick or treat 不请吃就捣蛋This is my treat.这次由我客。

v. 招待,请客 treat sb.

treat sb well/ nicely/ badly

treat sb. as… 把…当做…

treat sb to sth. 请某人吃…



1.I don't know _________ the day after tomorrow.

A.when does he come B.how will he come C.if he comes D.whether he'll come 2.Could you tell me _________ the nearest hospital is?

A.what B.how C.whether D.where

3.Could you e _________ the radio without any help?

A.how did he mend B.what did he mend C.how he mended D.what he mended

4.I want to know _________ .

A.whom is she looking after B.who m she is looking

C.whom is she looking D.whom she is looking after

5.Do youwhere _________ now?

A.he lives B.does he live C.he lived D.did he live

6.Do you know what time _________ ?

A.the train leave B.does the train leave C.will the train leave D.the train leav

7. He said ________ she would leave the message on the headmaster's desk.

A. that

B. where

C. which

D. what

8. A: Could you tell me ________? B: I'm not sure.

A. how many peove been out of hospital

B. when is Thanksgiving Day

C. which animal does he like best

D. what time will the dolphin show start

10. Do you know ______ you are studying for? (why, what)

Period 5 Section B 2a-2e





Christmas /krism?s/n. 圣诞节

fool /fu:l/ n. 蠢人;傻瓜 v. 愚弄adj. 愚蠢的

lie /laI/ v. (lay /leI/, lain /leIn/)平躺;处于

novel /n?vl/, /na:vl/ n.(长篇)小说

eve /i:v/ n(尤指宗导节假日的)前夕;前夜

bookstore /bukst?:(r)/ n. 书店

dead /ded/ adj. 死的;失去生命的

business /bizn?s/ n. 生意;商业

punish /p?nis/ v. 处罚;惩罚

warn /w?:(r)n/ v. 警告;告诫

present /preznt/ n. 现在;礼物adj. 现在的

nobody /n?u b?di/, /n?u ba:di/ pron. 没有人

warmth /w?:(r)mθ/ n. 温暖;暖和

spread /spred/ v. 传播;展开 n. 蔓延;传播


The Spirit of Christmas

Many would agat when we think of Christmas, we probaly think of gifts,

Christmas trees and Santa Claus. But behind all these things lies the true meanin of Christmas: the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around u The story in A Christmas Carol is perhaps the best example of this. A Chistmas Car is a famous short novel written by Charles Dickens. It is about an old man named Scrooge who never laughs or smiles. He is mean and only thinks about himself. He doesn’t treat others nicely. He just cares about whether he can mak e more

money and he hates Christmas. One Chistmas Eve, Scrooge sees the ghost of

Jacob Marley, his dead business partner. Marley used to be just like Scrooge, so he was punished after he died. He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesn’t want to end up like him. He also tells Scrooge to expect three spirits to visit hi That nighte ghosts visit Scrooge. First, the Ghost of Christmas Past takes

him back to his childhood and reminds Scrooge of his happier days as a child. Then the second spirit , the Ghost of Christmas Present, takes him to see

how others are spending Christmas this year. Everyone is happy, even poor people. The last one, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, takes him to the

sees that he is dead, but nobody cares. He is so scared that

he wakes up in his bed and finds out it is only the next morning-Christmas Day! He decides to change his life and promises to be a better person. He happily

celebrates Christmas with his relatives. He also gives gifts to people in need. He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth, spreading love and joy

everywhere he goes. And that is the true spirit of Christmas!


()1. We py think of gifts, Christmas trees and Santa Claus when we think of Christmas ( ) 2. The true meaning of Christ

( ) 3. stmas Carol is a famous long novel written by Charles Dickens.

( ) 4. Scrooge has ever laughs or smiles.

( )5. Scrooge used to be just like Marley.

( ) is too scared to wake up in his bed and finds out it is only

the next morning– Christmas Day!

( ) 7. Scrooge changed his life and became a better person at last.

( ) 8. The pirit of Christmas is sharing and giving love and joy to people

around us mas is giving people around us some gifts they are in need.


the spirit of … …的精神 the best example 最好的例子

a novel written by… 由…写的小说 treat sb. nicely/well/badly对某人好/好/

care about 关心,在乎 . make money 挣钱

Christmas Eve 圣诞前夕 his dead business partner 他死去的生意伙be punished 被惩罚 punish sb. for sth/doing sth 因…惩罚某人warn sb to sth.告诫/警告某人做某事 end up 结束,告终

end up with 以…结束 end up doing 结束做某事

give birth to 生(孩子),生育,产生Not only…but also 不仅…而且…

promise to do sth. 承诺/答应做某事 a mean person 一个吝啬的人

treat sb with kindness and warmth 用善良和热情待人 . tell a lie 撒谎

prepare well for a test为考试做充分准备


1. ......的真正含义

2. ......的重要性

3. 最好的例子

4. 短篇小说

5. 对某人

6. 关心、在乎

7. 挣钱 8. 圣诞前夕

9. 生意伙伴 10. 被惩罚

11. 因......而惩罚某人 12. 承诺/答应做某事

13. 一个吝啬的人 14. 撒谎


1、Christmas n. 圣诞节

圣诞树Christmas tree 圣诞老人Father Christmas / Santa Claus

圣诞长袜Christmas socks 圣诞颂歌Christmas Carol

圣诞前夕/ 夜Christmas eve 圣诞礼物Christmas gifts

2、fool n. 蠢人,傻瓜 v. 愚弄adj. 愚蠢的

foolish adj. 笨的,愚蠢的April Fool’s Day 愚人节

April fool 愚人节的傻瓜

He is not a fool. What a fool he is!



5 练习


I’ve 86 (be in Beijing for half a year now. Beijing is in the north of China, so it 87 (be) quite cold in winter. It has just 88 (snow) twice ’m

going to have the first “White Christmas” in my life! It’s hard to believe, isn’t i So warm in Australia and so cold here?Thank you for the wonderful stamps! I’ve collected over 300 Chinese stamps since I 89 (come) here.

I 90 (send) some Monkey King stamps to you. I think you will like them.

I 91 (not like) swimming. Instead, I’m learning to skate on real ice! I’ve had so many falls that I’m black and blue all over. But I 92 (learn) have

to 93 (finish)the letter now. Ask Uncle John and Aunt Alice 94 (bring)

you, too, when they come in August, We 95 (have) a good time together then.


( ) 1. I don't know__________ they have passed the exam.

A. what

B. if

C. when

D. where

( ) 2. I hardly he has told me.

A. that

B. what

C. which

D. who

( ) 3. I don't know__________ he still lives here after so many years.

A. whether B where C. what D. when

( ) boy asked __________any noise from outside.

A.whether heard

B. whether I had heard

C. whether I have heard

D. whether I heard

( ) 5. Do you know who __________with at eight yesterday?

A. he is talking

B. was he talking

C. he was talking

D. is he talking ( ) 6. Could you tell us__________?

A.if your faoes

B. what does your father do

C. your father does what

D. what your father does

( ) 7. You must remember __________.

A. what your mother said

B. what did your mother say

C. your mother said what

D. what has your mother said

( ) 8. Sue told me that she ______ shopping with her sister the next day.

A. will go

B. would go

C. goes

D. has gone

Period 6 self check


1 He was _______________(lay) his backpack when his mother came in.

2 The girl refuses ________________(go) home now.

3 I enjoy _______________(read) articles by Lu Xun.

4 She is the new here. She is a _______________(strange) to everyone.

4_______________(luck), we arrived there on time.

5 I can’t help _______________(laugh).

6 Linda said the moon_______________(travel) round the earth.

7 Catherine said that she _______________(go) to Guangzhou.

8 Some readers migput off by the ________________(folk) style of these discussions.

9 We laugh at their _____________ (fool) yet we also empathize with the burdens they bear.


1. Tom is a clever boy.

What__________________! How_______________________ !

flower is beautiful.

What_________________! How__________________ !

book is very interesting.

What_______________! How_________________ !

weather is sunny.

What__________________! How__________________ !

work is very hard.

What____________________! How____________________ !



九年级上英语导学案目录 Unit 1 How do you study for a test?(7课时) Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.(7课时) Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes(5课时)Unit4What would you do?(6课时) Unit 5 It must belong to Carla (5课时) Review of units 1-5(2课时) 期中复习(2课时) Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to. (5课时) Unit7 Where would you like to visit ?(5课时) Unit8 I‘ll help clean up the city parks.(6课时) Unit 9 When was it invented?(5课时) Unit 10 By the time I got outside , the bus had already left .(5课时)Review of Units 6—10 (2课时) 期末复习(3课时)

Unit 1 How do you study for a test? 本单元主要是学习用How 来询问学习方法,通过互相询问讨论,掌握by的用法,同时找到适合自己的学习方法,找出自己在英语学习中的困难。(共计7时) 第1课时Section A 1a-2c 【学习目标】1掌握新单词flashcard, vocabulary, aloud, pronunciation 2熟练运用how 引起的特殊疑问句及by的用法。 3能够听懂有关学习方法的简短对话。。 【学习重难点】1熟记重点单词短语。2语法:by + 动词ing的用法 3句型How do you study for a test? I study by working with a group. 【学习过程】一课前预习:(教师寄语:预习感知,有备无患。) 1预习生词。根据音标读出单词并了解汉语意思,养成自主学习的习惯。本节课我们要学的单词短语是: 2 朗读Section A 1a-2c,找出下列短语。 制作抽认卡制作词汇表向老师寻求帮助 和朋友练习对话提高口语技能 _______ 练习发音 4.要点导学:(在课本中画出下列句子或短语,并翻译成中文) 导学1 How do you study for a test? I study by listening to tapes. How是用来提问―怎么,怎样‖的疑问词,引导一个特殊疑问句。by加动词的ing形式,表示―通过……方式,方法‖或―借助某种手段‖。跟踪练习(1) How do you study English so well? By lots of books. A. read B. look C. watching D. reading 翻译下面的句子,总结by的用法和含义:1)I have to be in bed by 10 o'clock. 2)There is a tree by the river. 3)You can learn English by working with friend. 4)I go to work by bus. 5) By the way, how do you study for English? 导学2 What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? What about …?相当于…?.常用来提出建议,征求意见或询问情况。学过的提建议的句型还有哪些?跟踪练习going boating with us ? aloud / loud/ loudly: 三个词都与"大声"或"响亮"有关。 aloud是副词,侧重于―出声‖ (能让人听见,但声音不一定很大),常用在读书或说话上。通常放在动词之后。如: He read the story aloud to his son.他朗读那篇故事给他儿子听。 loud可作形容词或副词, 侧重于声音响亮, 用作副词时,常与speak, talk, laugh等动词连用,多用于比较级,须放在动词之后。如: She told us to speak a little louder. 她让我们说大声一点。

1910.人教版九年级英语上册Unit 10 导学案

九年级上英语导学案 Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands. Section A Period 1 (1a-1c) 【学习目标】 1、掌握单词,短语custom, bow, kiss,shake hands, for the first time。 2、掌握be supposed to句型的用法。 3、中西方人们见面礼仪的差别,培养学生跨文化交际意识。 【预习导学】 一、根据首字母和句意完成句子。 1、Am I s_______ to come at 7 o’clock or 8 o’clock? 2、He b_______ low to the angry people. 3、There are different c_______ in different countries. 4、He gave his daughter a k_______. 5、Chinese people often s_______ hands when they meet. 二、写出下列短语。 1、握手 ______________ 2、犯错误 ______________ 3、应该______________ 4、第一次______________ 5、用错误的方式_____________ 6、使某人惊讶的是______________ 7、应该______________ 8、期待做某事 ______________ 【展示交流】 1、(1a)Match the countries with the customs. 2、Listening.(1b) then check it. 3、Work in pairs. 【合作探究】 “be supposed to”的用法 1. be supposed to do sth. “应该做某事”,某人被期望做某事,主语通常是人, 相当于be expected to do sth.或情态动词should,时态、人称和句式的变化在be上体现,to为不定式符号,后接动词原形。 2. be supposed to do的否定式,要在be后加not, 此时相当于 be not allowed to do, 意为“不被许可;不应当”。 3、be supposed to---后面接have+过去分词时表示“本应该做某事而没有做。”You _______ there early. 你应该早点到那儿。 You ______________ here. 你们不应该在这里吸烟。 【达标检测】 用所给词的适当形式填空. 1、 As a student, I know I am_________(suppose) to study hard. 2. He is ____(not suppose) to smoke here. 3. What _____you _______ (suppose) to do when you meet someone for the first time in America? 4. I was _________ (suppose) to arrive at the party at 6: 30 p. m., but I arrived at 7: 30 p.m..


Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 【学习内容】Unit 1 How can we become good learners? Section A 1a-2d ( Period 1 ) 【学习目标】1.掌握重点单词和短语:textbook; conversation; aloud; pronunciation; sentence; patient; study with a group; have conversations with; read aloud; give a report等。 2.学习并掌握含有特殊疑问词“how”的问句以及by+动词ing的用法。 3.通过交流和表达,进一步掌握学习英语的技巧与方法。 学习重点:掌握含有特殊疑问词“how”的问句以及by+动词ing的用法。 【自主学习案】Task 1. 翻译下列短语。 1.study for a test______________________ 2.study with a group____________________ 3.make word card___________________ 4. read textbook______________________ 5.give a report_________________________ 6. word by word______________________ 7.大声朗读_________________________ 8.对话____________________________ 9.练习发音__________________________ Task 2. I study for a test by____________________________________________ I learn English by________________________________________________ 【合作学习案】e g. A: How do you study for s test? / learn English? B:I study for a test / learn English by... ①—How do you study for a test? —I study by working with a group. ②We usually go to school by bike. ③English is spoken by many people. by的意思是“通过……的方式”时,后接;当表示“乘坐”时, 后跟;它还可以表示 , 用于被动语态,引导出动作的发出者。 ( ) 1. He goes to school bike. A. by B. on C. in D. At ( ) 2. — H ow do you study English so well? —By lots of books. A. read B. look C. watching D. reading ( ) 4.—How do you study for a test? —I study_______working with my classmates.

人教版九年级上册英语导学案--Unit 8

九年级英语上 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 导学案 第1课时Section A (1a-2d) 【学习目标】 1. 掌握以下词汇: belong, belong to, anything valuable , picnic, hair band, possibly, attend a concert , pick up . 2. 掌握并会运用下列重要句型: Whose volleyball is this? It must/might/could/can’t be Carla’s. It must/might/could/can’t belong to Carla. 3. 能够运用本课的词汇和含有情态动词句型,准确的用英语表达推测的对话。【重点难点】 重点:能熟练掌握用情态动词must,might,could和can’t 来推测物品的归属。难点:情态动词表示推测的可能性的大小。 【新知预习】 根据汉语完成英语句子。 1. 它一定是属于Carla的。 It _______ __________ __________ Carla. 2.它可能属于Mei. It ________ __________ _________Mei. 3. 它不可能属于一个男生. It ________ ___________ ________a boy. 4. 在野餐中他是唯一的一位小孩子。 He was ______ __________ __________ at the picnic. 5. J.K. Rowling是她最喜欢的作家。 J.K. Rowling is ________ ___________ ____________. 【课堂探究】 情态动词must, may , might, could, can’t表示推测含义与用法后面都接动词原形,都可以表示对现在情况的揣测和推断但他们含义有所不同: must 一定肯定 (100%的可能性), 常用于肯定句; may, might, could有可能,也许(20%-80%的可能性); can’t不可能,不会 (0%)用于否定句。 【针对练习】用must, could, might, can’t填空。 1. The dictionary be mine. You see, it has my name on it. 2. The CD ____________belong to Tony because he likes listening to pop music. 3. The hair band be Bob’s. After all, he is boy! 4. I attended a concert yesterday so it _____ still _____ in the music hall. 5. That person ____ ____ a doctor. (一定是) 6. It_____ be Carol’s. She studies French. (可能是)


第1课时Unit 1 Section A 1a-2c 【Le arning objectives】 1 Knowing:flashcard,aloud,pronunciation,skill,voice 2 Habit-forming: How do you study for a test? I study by......... 3 Communicating:Talk about how to study freely 【Important leaning points】 运用by doing 谈论学习方式 【Learning process】 一、自主学习(教师寄语:相信自己,一定能行!) Task1:Talk about how to study for the test 1、完成下列短语 和朋友一起学习制作抽认 卡 看课本制作词汇 表 听磁带向老师寻求帮 助 2、理解下列对话,并利用上面词组练习: A:How do you study for a test? B:I study by working with a group. A:How does Bob study for a test? B:I study by marking flashcards. 3 、听录音,完成1 b Task2: Talk about how to learn English 1、小组练习,利用下列句型谈论怎样学习英语. A:How do you learn English? B:I learn by ...... A:Do you learn by.........? B:Yes,I do. /No, I don't. 2、理解2a、2b中的句子,找出下列短语: 看英文光碟和朋友连交 际 大声读练习发 音 小组学习说的技 能 做.........太难 3、听录音,完成2a、2b 4、根据听力内容,练习上面对话。 5、读听力材料,理解以下知识点:


九年级上英语Unit 2. I think that mooncakes are delicious.(Period 1) 编制人: 【学习目标】: 知识目标:学习并掌握mooncake, lantern, stranger, relative,pound等重点单词及短语put on等;了解由that, if , whether引导的宾语从句和感叹句; 能力目标:通过对话练习,角色扮演等活动中,能初步运用目标语言谈论有关节日的话题; 情感目标:了解中外各种节日习俗,关注中外文化,乐于接受外国习俗。 【学习重难点】: 学习使用宾语从句和感叹句描述相关的节日。 能够联系实际,运用所学目标语言表达自己对节日的看法。 【学习方法指导】: 利用有关节日的图片,认识相关节日的英语表述。初步感知宾语从句和感叹句。【预习案】 一.你了解中外节日吗,请将相关信息连线。 Festival Specials(特色) Dragon Boat Festival mooncakes, watch the moon Spring Festival zongzi, dragon boat race Thanks Giving Day Santa Clause, Christmas tree Mid-autumn Festival dumplings, family meal Christmas eat tangyuan, Lantern Festival turkey, say thanks to others 二、阅读p10-2d完成下列问题。 1.________is the hottest month of the year in ChiangMai. 2.When is the water festival in Thailand? ________________________________________________________ 3.What do people do in Thai New Year? ________________________________________________________ 4.Why do people throw water at each other? ________________________________________________________ 【探究案】 探究一:温故感叹句(找到1a,What a great day!) ★感叹句:是表示惊讶、赞美、喜悦、愤怒等情感的句子,通常由_________或__________引导。常见结构:


2020-2021学年度第一学期导学案 初三英语(Unit1 Welcome to the unit Period 1) 班级___________学号_______姓名___________ 一、单项选择。 ( ) 1. I have _______________books to read. A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too ( ) 2. He left the room without__________________. A. say something B. saying something C. say anything D. saying anything ( ) 3. My clever sister keeps _____________ new and good ideas. A. to come up with B. come up with C. coming up with D. coming up ( ) 4. It is raining hard outside. You ___________ better put on a raincoat. A. had B. could C. would D. must ( ) 5. Jack became so _____________ when he heard the _____________ news. A. excite, exciting B. excited, exciting C. excited, excite D. exciting, excited ( ) 6. Kunming is a good place for vacation. It’s _________ too hot _________too cold. A. either, or B. neither, but C. neither, nor D. not only, but also ( ) 7. Neither I nor my brother ____________ Shanghai twice. A. has gone to B. have gone to C. have been to D. has been to ( ) 8. It is silly________ him _________ lies to the teacher. A. of, telling B. for, telling C. to, to tell D. of, to tell ( ) 9. Not only the students but also the teacher _________ enjoying the film. A. has been B. is C. are D. was ( ) 10. Emma always gets good grades in different exams because she is a __________ girl. A. shy B. friendly C. polite D. hard-working 二、词汇。 A)根据句意及所给英文解释或首字母,写出句中所缺单词。 1. He is a m______________ students, he never shows off. 2. Our English teacher is p______________ enough to explain a problem again and again. 3. The student is g______________, he always shares his things with his classmates. 4. If a person often comes up with new ideas. We may say he is a _______________ person. 5. My little brother is c______________. He always asks me many strange questions. 6. Susan can dance for hours a day. We all think she is an e girl. 7. She is so a______________ that she enjoys taking part in different activities. B)根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. I think to learn something about people’s personality is __________________ (interest). 2. It makes me _____________ (feel) good to talk with her. 3. Our teacher is so kind. He doesn’t get angry _______________ (easy). 4. All of us should _______________ (active) take action to protect giant pandas. 5. It’s not good of you (show) off. 6. A good accountant should be well ___________________ (organize). 7. He does everything __________________ (careless). That is a bad habit. 8. It’s impossible for an out-going person to work without ____________ (speak) all day long.


Unit 3 English Around the World Topic 2 Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures. Section A 备课人:刘芳第 1 课时 Ⅰ、学习目标:1、学习现在进行时表示将来的用法。 2、了解一些讲英语国家的常见手势语。 3、培养学生开放的视野。辩证地看待语言的多元性。 Ⅱ、学习重点及难点: 1、学习现在进行时表示将来的用法。 2、学习并掌握相关的短语、词组的用法。 III、导学过程 Step 1. 导入。 Step 2. 自学检测:

1、翻译: see sb. off __________ on one’s way to___________ put out ___________ ask for a ride __________ be worried about_____________ 、、 send sb. sth.__________ give sb. a ride ____________ get on ____________ pick up ______________ 2、听1a的对话,找出并画出含有“be+v. ing”结构的句子。 总结:“am/ is/ are+V-ing” 是现在进行时的结构。但表示短暂性动作的动词,通常情况下,用现在进行时表示将来。英语中表示暂时性动作,常用进行时表示将来的动词有come, go, arrive,leave,start,fly,die等。 3、仔细阅读3中的句子,注意动词和时间,选择适当的答案完成句子。 4、句型操练。仿照4中的例子,两人一组编对话,完成4 。 5、听2部分录音,选择正确答案,完成2 。 Step3. 精讲点拨: 1. see sb. off为某人送行如:I’ll see you off this afternoon. 译:_________________


人教版英语九年级上册全册课堂同步导学案 Unit 1 How can we become good learners? Class: Name: 1、New words and phrases 2、学会用目标语言来谈论与怎样学习相关的话题。 【准备与热身】 Can you write words or phrases about study activities like “read、work with friends…”? 【展示与呈现】 1、检查学生的预习情况并导入新课。 T: How do you study for a test? S: I study by …. 学生齐读本部分呈现的新单词及短语。教师矫正发音。 2、尝试用本部分呈现的新句型编排的对话。 A: How do you study for a test? B: I study by …. 【活动与运用】 1、齐读图片中人物的对话。教师矫正发音。 2、尝试运用本课所学的目标语言开展小组活动。 3、听磁带,完成1b,2a和2b。 4、分角色表演对话。 5、本节语法知识:与学习活动相关的单词、短语;by引导的方式状语。 【归纳与反馈】 归纳本节课所学的重点单词、短语和句型。 【当堂检测】(大约十分钟) 【Homework】 运用今天所学的内容,谈谈自己是怎样学习的。

当堂检测(请注意:本次检测有4分的书写分,希望大家都能拿到这4分哦!)Class: Name: Score: 【巩固练习】请将下列句子排列成一段完整的对话。(每空6分) A.Just read quickly to get the main ideas at first. Don’t read word by word . Read word groups. B.That sounds difficult! C.But I’m a very slow reader. D.Annie, I’m a little nervous. I have to finish reading a book and give a report next Monday. E.Try to guess a wor d’s meaning by reading the sentences before and after it. You probably understand more than you think. F.That doesn’t sound too bad. G.But I don’t understand many of the words. I have to use a dictionary. H.Well, be patient. It takes time. You can become better by reading something you enjoy every day. The more you read, the faster you’ll be. 【拓展提高】请仿照巩固练习中的对话自己另编一段小对话,至少八句。(每句6分) A: B: A: B: A: B: A:


Module 1 Grammer 一、名词: 1.可数名词与不可数名词 1)名词的可数与不可数通常从其意思上就比较简易区分,但是某些词从其汉语意思来 看似乎可数,但英语却不可数,这些词要特别注意如 bread,cake,paper,chalk,soap等, 这些词所指的事物大凡没有不变形状,要表达数量通常用a piece of之类的短语。 2)有些词既可以做可数名词也可以做不可数名词,但是意思例外,有些不可数名词的 复数形式表达特定含义,请分别写出下列词的汉语意思。 fruit()------fruits() tea()------teas() paper()------papers() time()-----times() work()----works() snow()---snows() wood()-----woods() room()-----rooms() 2、可数名词的复数形式 1).规则变化(写出下列名词的复数形式) book___________city___________ day__________ bus___________

box___________ wish ____________ peach__________ tomato ____________potato ___________ hero ____________ photo ___________ piano ____________leaf____________ life _____________ shelf ____________ knife ____________2).不规则变化 man___________ woman ___________ child __________ foot ___________tooth ______________ sheep ___________ deer ____________ mouse ____________3).国家人的复数 Chinese ____________ Japanese ____________ Englishman ______________ Frenchman _____________ American ______________, German _______________ 4).复合名词的复数 pencil box ______________school bag ____________ man teacher _______________ woman doctor _____________ 5).有些名词通常只以复数的形式出现如:裤子___________,鞋_________,眼镜_________,袜子________,剪子_________等 6).有些名词没有加s但是却表达复数的含义如:人___________,警察 ___________牛____________观众_____________. 3.名词的所有格 1)名词所有格表示 “…的”的含义,通常,有生命的事物是在名词后面加__________. 如果是复数名词则只加________. 无生命的事物通常要用__________的方式来表达。 2).

人教版九年级上册英语导学案--Unit 6

Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to. Section A(1) 【学习目标】 1. To learn to understand and use relative clauses with that 2. To listen and speak about music that you like 【重点难点】 重点:1. To learn to understand and use relative clauses with that 难点:2. prefer v. 更喜爱,更喜欢remind sb. of sb. / sth. 提醒,使……记起… 【预习案】 1. Read and recite the wards from page 44 to 45 of the vocabulary. 2. look at these sentences and try to understand them. I like music that I can dance to. 我喜欢可以边听边舞的音乐。 主语+谓语+宾语+定语从句(关系代词that指代先行词music引导定语从句,同时作定语从句谓语dance to的逻辑宾语。) I like lessons that I can learn by myself. 我喜欢可以自学的功课。I like jobs that I am interested in. 我喜欢我感兴趣的工作。I like dogs that I can keep out. 我喜欢可以拒之门外的狗狗。I like cats that I can stay away from. 我喜欢可以泰然处之的猫眯。I like money that I can pick up. 我喜欢可以拣到的钱。 【探究案】 1. prefer v. 更喜爱,更喜欢 choose sth. rather than sth. else; like sth. better 1) prefer + n. eg. I prefer groups that play quiet and gentle songs. 我更喜欢演唱轻柔音乐的组合。 Jennifer prefers musicians who write their own lyrics.珍妮弗更喜欢自己作词的音乐人。2) prefer sth. to sth. 比……更喜欢…… Which would you prefer, coffee or milk? 咖啡和牛奶,你喜欢哪一个? I prefer milk to coffee. 与咖啡相比,我更喜欢牛奶。 I prefer walking to cycling. 我喜欢步行,不喜欢骑自行车。 3) prefer to do sth. 宁愿做某事 She prefers to be alone at home. 她宁愿独自在家。 2. remind sb. of sb. / sth. 提醒,使……记起…… e.g. This song reminds him of his mother.这首歌让他想起了他的妈妈。 This music reminds me of my childhood. 这首曲子使我想起了我的童年。 3. I listened to one (CD) called Heart Strings. 我听了一盘名叫《心弦》的专辑。 called Heart Strings是过去分词短语做定语,修饰one CD。例如: a book called Gone With the Wind一本叫做《飘》的书



九年级英语导学案 自 学 探 究she has got used to eating Chinese food. ★be used to do意为“被用来做……”,后面跟动词原形。例如:this knife is used to cut bread. ★be used for意为“用于/被用来(做)……”,后面跟v-ing 形式。 例如:the scissors are used for cutting hair. 【跟踪练习】用used to, be used to, be used for的适当形式填空。 1. the pen ________ writing. 2. ________ your brother ________ play soccer after school? 3. my father _______ _ drinking coffee after dinner. 三.单元知识回顾整理与能力拔高:汉译英 1放弃__________ 2.对…感兴趣___________ 3.下决心_________ 4令某人惊奇的是__________ 5.最后,终于_______6.在近几年 ________7.结束__________ 8.一个48岁的男人______ 9.买得起 ________ 10.对…感到骄傲_________ 11.对…注意______ 12.过去常常_________ 阅读 I used to travel by air a great deal of when I was a boy. my parents used to live in south America and I used to fly there from Europe in the holidays. an air hostess would take charge of me and i never had an unpleasant experience. I am used to traveling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened. after taking off, we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height(逐 步升高), when the plane suddenly turned round and flew back to the airport. while we were waiting to land, an air-hostess told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it had touched down. everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened. later we learned that there was a very important person on board. the police had been told that a bomb had been planted on the plane. after we had landed, the plane was searched throughly. fortunately, nothing was found and five hours later we were able to take off again. 1.how did the writer go to south a American when he was a boy? 2)what does “bomb “mean ?a: 猫 b: 炸弹 c: 传染病人vii、 难度:★★★词数:218建议时间:7分钟 We all have our own ways of sharing our life experiences with others. Photographers use cameras, artists use brushes, musicians use songs and writers use stories. Spencer Johnson’s story "Who Moved My Cheese?" shows change exists (存在) in our life. 56. ______ We must change our ideas to face the changing environment, or we will fail. Just look at the cycle (循环) of

最新外研版九年级上册英语Module 6 Problems 导学案 (教师版)

Module 6 Problems Unit 1 学习目标 一、掌握本单元deal,fail,volunteer,consider, get into the habit of … , instead of等单词和短语。(重点) 二、掌握并灵活运用下列句子:(重点) 1. Anyway , you wanted me to learn an instrument. 2. That’s a shame. 3. That’s not the point. 三、平衡学业和业余爱好之间的时间分配并就自己日常的学习习惯展开讨论。 自主预习 新词自测读写单词并熟记看谁记得快 1.协议n.deal 2.未能及格n.fail 3.吉他n.guitar 4.乐器n.instrument 5.音乐的adj.musical 6.志愿者n.;自愿v.volunteer 7.必要的;必需的adj.necessary 9.代替;而不是adv.instead 10.知识n.knowledge 。 课堂导学 1. I want you to get into the habit of doing your homework as soon as you come home from school. 我想让你养成一放学回家就做家庭作业的习惯。 短语1:get into the habit of …养成……的习惯 habit作名词,意为“习惯”,常用短语get into the habit of …,意为“养成……的习惯”。 We should get into the habit of obeying school rules and regulations. 我们应该养成遵守学校规章制度的习惯。 This will help you get into the habit of being tidy. 这将帮助你养成整洁的习惯。 即学即练一 根据汉语意思完成句子 你不能染上吸烟的坏习惯。 You mustn’t get into the bad habit of smoking . 2. That’s a shame. 真遗憾。 单词1:shame可惜;遗憾 shame作名词,意为“可惜;遗憾”。That’s a shame. / What a shame. / I t’s a shame.常用在口语中,表示“真遗憾,多可惜啊。”常用句型It’s a shame to do sth,意为“做某事很遗憾”。 It’s a shame to miss the train. 错过了那趟火车,真遗憾!
