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高一英语春季必修 3

module 6 Old and New

authorities are working together to quell (镇压 the unrest.

2.The (结构 of the brain is very complex.

3.The church (始于 from the 13th century.

4.Bigger and bigger highways have been built to (容纳 more cars.

5.When we got to the hotel,it was still under (建造 .

6.The flowing water is used to drive turbines,which (产生 electricity.

7.Many of the novels we read today are (历史的 ones.

8.Burning coal has led to (全球的 warming.

9.There are plans to widen the (最狭窄的 sections of the road.

10.Our office has (搬迁 to Shanghai from Beijing.

civil structure dates accommodate construction generates historical global narrowest removed

原句重现:1. 1.The Great Wall of China is the longest man made structure ever built.

1. 这是拍摄过的最好的一部电影。 (过去分词做后置定语

This is the best film ever filmed.

原句重现:2.The people living in the village have moved to other places.

2. 正在做关于英语发音演讲的人是一名美国人。 (v-ing 做后置定语

The person making a speech about English pronunciation is an American.

原句重现:3.Three quarters of China’ s energy is produced by burning coal.

3. 在过去,小男孩也可以通过挑拣苹果挣钱。 (by doing sth

In the past, little boys could earn money by sorting apples.

原句重现:4.Is it possible to see the relics now that they have been submerged?

4. 她有可能在回家的路上迷路了。 (it 做形式主语

It is possible that she has lost on the way home.

原句重现:5.Some of them are being removed and some are being put into museums.

5. 我有种感觉我们正被人跟踪。 (现在进行时的被动语态

I have a feeling that we are being followed.

就某事迁就某人:accommodate sth to sb;

帮某人做某事:accommodate sb with sth

留某人过夜:accommodate sb for the night

使自己适应于:accommodate oneself to……

1. 那是一个能容纳 400人的大厅。

That is a hall which can accommodate 400 people.

2. 无论走到哪里,他都能适应新环境。

Wherever he goes, he can accommodate himself to new circumstance.

二、 date

out of date: 过时的,陈旧的;

up to date:最新式的

set a date for: 为……选定日期

date from/back to: 追溯到……

1. 这些古代的房子可能起源于清朝。

The ancient houses possibly date from the Qing Dynasty.

2. The tower very old the Ming Dynasty.

A. looks; dates back to

B. which looks; dated back to

C. that looks; dated from

D. looking; dates from

looking very old=that/which looks very old,作后置定语,

三、 harness

in harness: 在日常工作中

work in harness with sb: 与某人合作

work/ run in double harness: 两人(尤指夫妻两共同工作生活

1. The old man says that he intends to die in harness.


2. 现在风能正在被用作发电。

Nowadays the power of the wind is being harnessed to generate electricity.

一、 hold

1. 听到女儿成功了,她禁不住流下了喜悦的泪水。

her daughter’ s success, she could not tears of joy. hearing hold back

2. He is so determined that no one can from making an attempt.

A. hold back him

B. hold him back

C. hold him up

D. hold to him

hold back, 代词放中间

二、 now that/since because as for
