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关键词:婚内侵权;损害赔偿;法律规制 (4)

一、婚内侵权行为概述 (5)

(一)婚内侵权的基本内涵 (5)

(二)婚内侵权的构成要件 (6)

(三)婚内侵权类型 (6)

二、建立我国婚内侵权赔偿制度的理论与现实基础 (7)

(一)建立我国婚内侵权赔偿制度的理论基础 (7)

(二)建立我国婚内侵权赔偿制度的现实基础 (8)

1、实行婚内侵权损害赔偿的思想基础 (8)

2、民法中的侵权理论在婚姻法中同样适用 (8)

三、我国婚内侵权赔偿的相关法律规定与不足 (9)

(一)现行夫妻财产制对确立婚内侵权损害赔偿的障碍 (9)

(二)我国夫妻人身关系立法存在重大缺失 (10)

四、建立我国婚内侵权损害赔偿制度的立法构想 (11)

(一)增设非常法定财产制 (11)

(二)建立债权凭证制度 (12)

(二)完善夫妻人身关系立法 (12)

五、总结 (13)

六、参考文献 (14)






A Study on the Damages of Infringement in Marriage

Student: Jingyi Wang (Faculty Adviser: Xuanye Ren)

Abstract: Tort in marriage often occurs in social reality since marriage and family relationship. In the period of the legislation of husband and wife oneness, the

importance of this problem was neglected. Due to the continuous development of

modern society, people pay more and more attention to the maintenance of

individual rights, and the view that both husband and wife have equal status and

should maintain independent personality has been widely recognized. Due to the

awakening of the consciousness of rights protection in marriage, the traditional

concept of marriage and family began to change. Victims for marital tort, on the

one hand, want to use the law to stop in time, on the other hand, want to use

compensation way to maintain their own rights and interests are not violated, so

often have such cases happened at home, but the current law does not meet such a

claim of the parties, the theory and practice to establish marital tort damage

compensation system in our country did not reach consensus. In my opinion, it is

of great significance to conduct in-depth analysis and research on the

compensation for infringement within marriage in China. This paper attempts to

analyze and discuss the compensation system for infringement within marriage,

and put forward relevant legislative Suggestions for the marriage law in the civil

code that is being formulated in China, so as to promote the improvement of the

marriage legal system.

Key words: Marital tort; Damages; Legal regulation





