Lecture 10-12 动词的时和体

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• According to some grammarians, the relationship between tense and aspect can be understood like this: when talking about the tense, we are concentrating on the temporal (时间的) location of a situation; when discussing the aspect, we are looking inside the situation.
• 1)带有前缀 a的单词 有些带有前缀a-的单此表示进行的意义,相当于现 在分词,表示主动。例如:agape张口/ asleep/ awake / ajar开着/ ablaze着火 / astir轰动,起床/ apart/ awash漂浮/ afloat/ aglow/ amiss错误的 • she saw the tower ablaze = she saw the tower burning. • He stood agape. = he stood gaping. • The boat was afloat. = the boat was floating.
Was/were walking Will be walking
Had walked Will have walked
Will walk
• The typical functions of tense and aspect of English verbs seem to be quite clear: • when talking about a present situation, we select the present simple tense; • when talking about a past situation, we select the past simple tense; • when we call up a situation starting from the past with an eye to its relationship with the present situation, we usually use the present perfective; • and when the process under discussion is still ongoing at the time of speaking, the present progressive will be the appropriate choice.
• In order to indicate the present and the past tenses, verbs in the English language have to inflect in certain ways. (inflectional suffix “-(e)s/ -ed”) • For the future time, the verbs do not inflect; instead, the so-called modal verb “will” or “shall” is used to indicate the future time.
• We often use the present simple to describe things which we assume are facts or permanent situation, to describe things that happen on a regular basis, or to describe an action happening at the very moment of speaking especially in sports narration, which is also called actual present or instantaneous present.
The Aspect of the Predicate
• In addition to marking the time of an event or a state, English also uses inflection to indicate whether an event or activity is still in progress or has been completed. This kind of information conveyed by verb inflection is termed Aspect. • In English there are two aspects: perfective aspect and progressive aspect. • Jack has read the letter. • Jack is reading the letter now.
• Be 的进行时 系动词be的进行时加上动态形容词表示暂 时出现的某种情状或品质。这种结构属于 修辞的一种,其强调的作用, 多含有讽刺、 厌烦、不满的意思,尤指故意装模作样, 有时也表示人们的一时的行为。
e.g. • You are being foolish. • He is being quite helpful to us. • The boy is being naughty. • The car is being difficult to handle. • She is being friendly today. • He is being modest. • He is being a nice boy today. • She is being polite to you. • I think you are being unfair. • He thought he was being a capable man.
The Present tense
• As temperatures fall with the approach of winter, the soil freezes and contracts. • Peter comes here every day. • Peter gets the ball and passes it on to Mike.
Lecture 10-12 Tenwenku.baidu.come and Aspect
The Tense of the Predicate
• In accordance with varied circumstances of communication, the main verbs or verb phrases of English sentences are grammatically marked to indicate the time and state of the depicted events. • The marking of the event time is the Tense whereas that of the event state is the Aspect. • She plays the violin in the park. • She played the violin in the park. • She will play the violin in the park.
Present Progressive tense
• 动作动词和always, forever, continually, constantly等连用,表示重复的动作,含有 厌恶、烦躁、赞叹等感情色彩。 • She is always doubting my words. • He’s forever imagining dangers that don’t exist. • He is always thinking of doing more for the people. • She is always coming late for class.
Tense + Aspect
Simple Present progressive perfective Have/has walked Perfective progressive Have/has been walking Had been walking Will have been walking Walk/walks Am/is/are walking
• In terms of its internal dimensions, a situation may be represented as fixed or changing; it may be treated as lasting for only a moment or having some duration, and it can be viewed as complete or as ongoing.
• We are working on the math problem now. • British summers are getting hotter and winters are getting wetter. • The present progressive is usually used to denote what is going on at the moment of speaking or around the time of speaking, or to describe things which are changing at the present time.
e.g. • You are being annoying. • He is being always fault-finding. • Henry is being slow, and I wonder why he is being slow today.
• He’s a careful person. • He’s being a careful person.
• That is to say, semantically there exist three categories of time, the present, past and future in English, but only the present and past tenses are grammatically indicated by fixed verb inflections, with the future indicated by no independent verb inflections.
• 2) 某些短语 有些短语表示进行的意义,相当于现在分词, 表示主动。例如: • On the watch • On the increase on the decline • On the decrease on the wane衰退 on strike • On the boil on the march • on the look-out on tour on the gamble • On the laugh on the whimper啜泣 on the way • On the drink on the advance • On the rise on the ebb衰退 • at work at rest at play at prayer at study at table at feed • in study in the act of in flight in motion • in process of in course of in a quiver in the fight • in a roar all of a tremble