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Winston Churchill
(30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965)
"Never, never, never, never give up."
永远,永远,永远, 永远都不要放弃。
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Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill
Family and earlyrn into the aristocratic family of the Dukes of Marlborough. Winston's father, Lord Randolph Churchill, the third son of John SpencerChurchill, 7th Duke of Marlborough, was a politician; and his mother, Lady Randolph Churchill was the daughter of American millionaire Leonard Jerome.
丘吉尔在1893年离开了哈罗公学,此后经过了三次入学考试, 才于1893年成功考入桑赫斯特皇家军事学院。
Military service
In 1895, Churchill travelled to Cuba to observe the Spanish fight the Cuban guerrillas; he had obtained a commission to write about the conflict from the Daily Graphic. In Cuba, he soon acquired a taste for Havana cigars, which he would smoke for the rest of his life.
Sir Winston Churchill was a British prime minister and statesman who led the country to victory against Nazi Germany and the Axis powers in World War Two.
Churchill was also an officer in the British Army, a historian, a writer, and an artist. He is the only British prime minister to have received the Nobel Prize in Literature, and was the first person to be made an Honorary Citizen of the United States.
丘吉尔出生于英国的一个贵族家庭。他的祖上约翰· 丘吉尔因在“光荣 革命”中支持威廉三世,且又在对西班牙和法国的战争中做为军队总司 令取得胜利而于1702年被安妮女王封为马尔巴罗公爵(Duke of Malborough). 丘吉尔的父亲伦道夫· 丘吉尔勋爵(Randolph Churchill)是马尔巴罗 公爵七世的第三个儿子,是保守党“樱草会”(保守党中的一个派系, 以工人阶级为主)的创办人,曾担任过内阁中仅次于首相的财政大臣。 丘吉尔的母亲珍妮· 杰罗姆是美国百万富翁、《纽约时报》股东之一的 伦纳德· 杰罗姆的女儿。
Family and early life
Independent and rebellious by nature, Churchill generally did poorly in school, for which he was punished. He was educated at three independent schools: St. George's School, Ascot, Berkshire, followed by Brunswick School in Hove, near Brighton and then at Harrow School from 17 April 1888, where his military career began. Within weeks of his arrival, he had joined the Harrow Rifle Corps.
1895年10月,丘吉尔利用假期和朋友一起到古巴亲身体验一 下西班牙和古巴人民起义的战争。由于其父亲的关系,丘吉 尔被英国情报部门看中,要他负责收集西班牙军队所使用的 枪弹的情报,此外,《每日纪事报》也聘请他为随军记者, 为该报发稿。
Military service
In 1899, the Second Boer War between Britain and the Boer Republics broke out and he obtained a commission to act as war correspondent for the Morning Post.After some weeks in exposed areas he accompanied a scouting expedition in an armoured train, leading to his capture and imprisonment in a POW camp in Pretoria . His actions during the ambush of the train led to speculation that he would be awarded the Victoria Cross, Britain's highest award for gallantry in the face of the enemy, but this did not occur. He escaped from the prison camp and travelled almost 300 miles to Portuguese Lourenç o Marques in Delagoa Bay, with the assistance of an English mine manager. His escape made him a minor national hero for a time in Britain
1881年,7岁的丘吉尔被送入一个贵族子弟学校读书,丘吉尔是学校中最顽皮、最贪吃、成 绩最差的学生之一,因此经常遭到老师的体罚,后来不得不转学到另一所学校。1888年丘 吉尔进入仅次于伊顿公学的哈罗公学就读,但是成绩依然不佳,伦道夫勋爵于是决定在儿 子毕业后将他送到桑赫斯特皇家军事学院。
Military service
After Churchill left Harrow in 1893, he applied to attend the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. It took three attempts before he passed the entrance exam.