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在网络信息化的快速发展下,电子商务信息已成为全球最快捷的商品交易工具产物。为此,电子商务就是利用这种简单、快捷、低成本的电子通讯方式,买卖双方不谋面地进行各种商贸活动。电子商务可以通过多种电子通讯方式来完成。简单的,比如,你通过打电话或发传真等其它电子通讯的方式来与客户进行商贸活动,也可以称作为电子商务;但是,现在人们所探讨的电子商务主要是以EDI (电子数据交换)和INTERNET (互联网)来完成的。尤其是随着INTERNET 技术的日益成熟,电子商务真正的发展将是建立在INTERNET 技术上的。所以也有人把电子商务简称为IC (INTERNETCOMMERCE 互联网商务)。要实现完整的电子商务还会涉及到很多方面,首先你要有在网上开店的想法,你要有对网络信息电子商务化的理念。这就说明了你很有创业的意识,你能够敏感的洞察到互联网与传统商业结合后巨大的发展潜力,可以说你已经离成功越来越近了!全文分为六章,第一章为介绍,主要介绍网店基本情况;第二章和第三章节,重点针对网店分析淘宝网络运营环境及市场定位;第四章列举淘宝推广策划方案并结合所开店铺进行具体定制;第五章和第六章进行网店的成本运算以及效果评估;第六章总结全文研究结论;最后附本论文撰写过程所参考的文献资料目录和图表目录说明。




The rapid development of network information, e-commerce information has become a commodity trading tool products the world's most efficient. Therefore,the electronic commerce is the use of simple, fast, low-cost electronic means of communication, both parties not met for various business activities. The electronic commerce can be accomplished by a variety of electronic means of communication. Simple, for example, you to conduct business activities with customers by telephone or fax and other electronic means of communications,also known as electronic commerce; however, the electronic

commerce nowpeople



of EDI (Electronic


Interchange) and

INTERNET (Internet)to complete the. Especially with the development of INTERNET technology has become more sophisticated, the real development of e-commerce will be based on INTERNET technology. So e-commerce was also referred to as IC(INTERNETCOMMERCE Internet business). In order to realize the electronic commerce will complete involves many aspects, first of all you need to have in the online shop of the idea, you have to network information and the concept of theelectronic commerce. This shows that you are the business awareness, you canthe huge development potential sensitive insight into the Internet and traditional business combination, can say you have more and more closer to success! The full text is divided into six chapters, the first chapter is the introduction, mainly introduces the basic situation of the shop; the second chapter and the thirdchapter, focuses on the analysis of the network that clean out treasure shopoperation environment and market positioning; the fourth chapter lists theTaobao promotion planning scheme combined with the open shop specificcustomization; the fifth chapter and the sixth chapter evaluated the cost ofoperation and the effect of the shop the sixth chapter summarizes the researchconclusion;; illustrate the reference finally attached to the thesis writing processdocuments directory and list of figures.

Keywords: E-commerce; online; promotion

