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Academic adj学院的,学术的,理论的;n. 大学生,大学教师;学者

academic research学术研究

academic circles学术界

academic year学年

academic achievement学业成就;学业成绩

academic performance学习成绩;学业表现;学术成就

1.This is not merely an academic question.这不仅仅是一个学术问题。

2.This is an academic appointment, after all.这毕竟是一个学术职位。

3.These are not just academic ‘s points.这可不仅是学者的观点。

province['prɒvins] n.省

Each pair represents one South Korean province.每一对都代表了南韩的一个省。

It became a province of Canada in 1905.它于1905年成为加拿大的一个省份。

By the way, which province are you from? 顺便问一下,您是哪个省来的?

Then you might ask what province she was from. 然后可能问问她是哪个省来的。


Here the crowd was thickest and most enthusiastic. 这里的人群最密集,热情也最高。

And not only that, people just like to be around enthusiastic people in general. 不仅仅如此,总体来说,人都比较倾向于与热情的人往来。

amazing [ə'meiziŋ] a.令人吃惊的,令人惊讶的

Its amazing what we can learn from others in our lives.在生活中,我们可以从其他人身上学到的东西是惊人的。

This is an amazing keyboard that can be rolled up easy. 这是一个神奇的键盘,可以像春卷那样卷起来。

If so, I hope it’s amaz ing. 如果会/如果是这样,我真希望是惊人的体验。

information [,infə'meiʃən] n.消息,信息,通知

We can get some information from the map我们可以从这幅图图中得到一些信息

We were able to get some information from the Internet过去我们可以从网络中得到一些信息。

website [ web’sait]n.网站,网址

We disagree with the article and will be taking it down from our website.


If you do own a website you probably wondered about the value of it.



The countryside was bathed in brilliant sunshine.


He made a brilliant speech.


comprehension[,kɒmpri'henʃən]n.理解,理解力,领悟 reading comprehension阅读理解

I think this is the immediate comprehension, and the right one.


Unlike many other people, however, I have never called God the light, because God is beyond our comprehension.

instruction [in'strʌkʃən]n.(常复)指示,说明

However, the unconscious mind appears to need some instruction.


We execute that instruction, we move to the next one.


method ['meθəd]n.方法,办法

Have you tried the new method?


The new method departs from the old in all respects.


My First Day at Senior High


1. enthusiastic adj. 热情的

He is enthusiastic about helping others. 他热心助人。

He doesn't know much about the subject, but he's very enthusiastic.

他对这事所知不多, 但却极感兴趣。

His idea received an enthusiastic response.他的想法获得热烈的响应。

2. amaze vt. 使惊异; 使惊奇; 使吃惊

amazed adj. 感到惊讶的 amazing adj. 令人惊异的

Her knowledge amazes me. 她的学识令我吃惊。
