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and helps save resources and reduce pollution. Believe it or not, it has such a great memory that it can store about 10,000 books, it’s very convenient to download from the Internet, whose resources are so rich and can provide a great deal of reading material. Besides, the e-reader is easy to carry around and keeps the user’s eyes comfortable when reading in the sun.
The supermarket’s offer makes a difference Βιβλιοθήκη Baidun many ways. Customers will get something almost free of charge, the supermarket can recycle the packaging and the environment will suffer less rubbish.
I got my pocket from a part-time job last summer vacation. I applied for a parttime position at a store and was hired and got paid for ten yuan an hour. The pocket money earned was enough to buy what I wanted.
The supermarket’s offer makes a difference in dealing with packages. Its activity is beneficial for both customers and the environment. The customers get eggs almost for free and the boxes can be used again instead of becoming rubbish.
It is reported that a supermarket has offered to exchange one empty moon cake box for three eggs. In my opinion, it is really a creative idea. Packages make products more attractive, but in the end, they will be thrown away. Take moon cake boxes, for example, after the Mid-autumn Day, a large number of boxes will end up in the dustbin.
with an e-reader, one can fully enjoy
某英语报社举办以“My pocket money” 为主题 的征文活动,请你根据以下要点写一篇英语短文: 1.零用钱是如何得到的(如父母给你或打工等); 2. 零用钱是如何使用的 注意: 1.词数100左右;
2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; I got my pocket from a part-time job last summer vacation. I applied for
Nowadays, various kinds of packages cause problems for the envi精r品o课件nment. I believe
It is reported that a supermarket has offered to exchange one empty moon cake box for three eggs. This is an excellent plan. Packaging has caused huge problems for both people and the environment. Moon cake boxes are a good example because after people eat the cakes , they just throw the boxes away. some people place the boxes in bins but others just dump them in the street.
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连
3. 电子阅读器:e-reader
Dear Peter,
Dear Peter, Recently I have bought an e-
reader. It has many advantages. The e-reader doesn’t use paper
The problems caused精品课件by packaging are
假如你是李华,最近购买了一款电子阅读器,请 根据以下提示给你的英国好友Peter发一封邮件, 介绍电子阅读器的好处并建议他也购买一款
2. 可储存大约一万本书,从网上下载方便快捷;
3. 携带方便,阳光下看书不刺眼。
for university tuition. The way of how to
据报道,某超市在中秋节后推出月饼盒换鸡蛋的活 动。请你就此事用英语写一篇作文,向学校英文报 的environment 专栏投稿。 内容包括:1. 商品包装带来环境问题。 2. 此项活动的好处。3.你对回收利用的看法。 It is reported that a supermarket has offered to exchange one empty moon cake box for three eggs.
later on, I divided the pocket money into three parts. I spent one third purchasing a laptop, which I had desired for long. The laptop helped me to surf the Internet and assisted me in searching for information needed for homework. Another one third was spent on English novels. I put the rest into a bank, planning to pay