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目前在高中英语教学中,经常把词汇教学与话题写作割裂开来,话题写作是一回事,词汇又是另一回事,要在另一个时间内学习。学生不仅要花费大量的时间练习写作,还要在学习词汇上花费一定的时间和精力。其实,从某种程度上说,单纯的单词积累,就像秋天的落叶,风一刮,都吹散了;孤立地研究写作就像那冬天的枯枝, 没有生命的气息。那种人为的割裂在很大程度上提高了英语学习的难度,也同时增加了学生的学习负担。笔者发现,在近几年的全国高考“英语词汇”中,更多的是检测词汇具体应用和习惯用法。因此,单纯地讲解词汇而忽略其在具体语言环境下的运用,既不符合考试要求,也不利于培养学生的实际语言运用能力。



本堂课是高三复习课。教学内容是外研版必修五《The Great Sports Personality》, 重点复习本模块两篇课文中出现的重点词汇。笔者在课文中挑选出《2012年考试说明》中出现的的重点词汇,通过组织与课文内容相关乂能让学生参与、体验的活动, 让学生投入到情景化的活动中,通过实践运用词汇,从而即帮助学生理解掌握好语言知识,又为其语言运用打下基础。







Step l>Lead-m

T: We have learned sports and games. Do you remember what they are?

SI: Water games such as swimming,surfing,sailing and so on.

S2: Ball games such as footbalUbasketbalhbaseball and soccer.

S3: Track games like relay-race,short-distance race and marathon.

T:Which is the toughest game among them?

Step 2. Retelling the story:

As we know, Lining is a great sport personality.He won 106 gold medals in his sport career . Let's enjoy an article about his experience.

A life in Sport

Lining was the of gymnasts.He won 106 gold medals and was chosen as one of the greatest sportsman of the 2(),h century by sports journalists.

After he ,he began a new career a businessman,launching a new brand of

sportswear and chose his own name as.

Lining's sports clothes at just the right time and quickly.In just a few years Lining won more than fifty percent of the national market and his company has also grown

internationally.But lining's was not to make money when he retired.In 1991 ,he opened a

school for Gymnasts to help young people to achieve their sporting.if you are a great

sportsman,anything is,as lining's advertising slogan says.

通过复述李宁的经历,复习词汇和相关词组:prince, in all,came onto the market, retire,as, the brand mark., gain success,ambition,possible,goal.

(学生基本上能填出相关词汇,但是有个别单词如:ambition , retire ,比较生疏,不能顺利完成。这一情况在备课时就已经预测到了,这些词汇是平常较为常用的,也正是本课我要引领学生复习的重点所在。)

Step 3. Word studying

Task one:Matching:

Match the words in Box A with the words they often go with in Box B.

A athletics baseball boxing football golf tennis

B bat club court pitch ring track

Write sentences using each phrase.

