
(2)联想意义/关联意义associative meaning 词的关联意义又叫联想意义,是词的附带 意义,包括词的感情色彩,文体意义等,这 种意义不稳定,变化大。 Woman一词,让我们联想到“妈妈”, “养儿育女”,“温柔”,“持家”“脆 弱”。
词的关联意义可分为: 内涵意义 connotative meaning 社会意义 social meaning 情感意义 affective meaning 反映意义 reflected meaning 搭配意义 collocated meaning
小结 1.概念意义 2.内涵意义 3.社会意义 4.情感意义 5.反映意义
逻辑、认知或外延的内容 通过语言所指事物来传递的意义 关于语言运用的社会环境意义 关于言者/作者的感情和态度意义 通过同一个词语的另一意义的联想 来传递的意义。 通过与倾向于出现在另一个词的环境 中出现的词的联想来传递的意义 通过组织信息的方式(语序、强调) 所传递的意义。
词义的变化(change of meaning)指的是词 义的改变和新义的产生。由于有的事物之间 在功能、形状、动作等特征方面存在着某些 相似之处,词可从一种事物、现象、行为的 名称转指另一种事物、现象、行为的名称, 如隐喻、借代、提喻等。这是词义的改变和 新义产生的基础。
I.词义的组成 (语法意义和词汇意义)
Hale Waihona Puke (2.2)社会意义social meaning 指关于语言运用的社会环境的意义,主要代表是 “文体/风格”意义stylistic meaning. 一类词的概念意义相同,风格意义不一定相同. 如: a. horse 一般用语, steed 诗歌用语, nag 俚语, geegee 儿语 b. father 中性, male parent 书卷气,专业术语, daddy 口语,儿语

比如“mill” 原指“磨坊”,例如十九世纪著名女小说家乔治·爱略特(George Eliot)的自传性小说The Mill on the Floss River(《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》)。
“meat”曾一度指“食物”,这一意思仍保留在“sweetmeat”(甜食)及詹姆斯王钦定《圣经》中,如meat for the belly(食物),meat and drink(食物和酒)。
古英语“starve”的意思是“死”,“饿死”,“冻死”的表达方式分别是“starve of hunger”,“starve of cold”。
某些日常生活用语转为技术术语,从而使词义缩小,如“pill” 原义“药丸”,词义缩小后的特指“避孕药丸”;“link up” 原义“联接”,词义缩小后特指“对接(飞船在外空)”1.3 词义的转化:词义的转化是指通过暗喻,借代提喻,通感等修辞手段而产生新的词义,以及抽象意义与具体意义互相转化、主观意义与客观意义互相转化所产生新的含义。


英语词汇学论文---词义的变化The Causes of Changes in Word Meaning Abstract:Key words: historical; social; psychological; linguistic; semanticDo you know when Juliet tells Romeo, “I am too fond”, she is not claiming she likes Romeo too much? She means “I am too foolish” Do you know when Horatio says to Hamlet, “Season your admiration for a while…”, he is not telling Hamlet “to increase his respect( the current meaning of admiration) for something”?In fact, he means “ to moderate his astonishment.”Don?t be surprised, because, as Quirk asserts, almost every word we use today has slightly different meaning from the one is had a century ago; and a century ago it had a slight different meaning from the one it had a century before that. When a word loses its old meaning and comes to refer to something altogether different, the result is a change of word meaning.As nonnative English learners, learning the causes of changes in word meaning can help us deepen the understanding of the meaning of lexicology, vocabulary, semantic field and culture background. By learning this, we can use vocabulary in a more precise way and avoid mistake or embarrassment when communicating with native speakers.The causes of changes in word meaning can be divided into linguistic cause and extra-linguistic cause. Extra-linguistic cause can also divide into historical cause, social cause and psychology cause.Linguistic causeChange of meaning is frequently brought about by two tendencies in a linguistic system: towards ellipsis and towardsanalogy. Some linguists think foreign influence should subordinate linguistic cause.Ellipsis occurs when a phrase is shortened to one word which retains the meaning of the whole, so it often occurs in habitual collocations, such as adjective + noun or attributive noun + noun. Private, daily, duplicate are all adjectives, but they are used as nouns. Private means a soldier of the lowest rank, daily means daily newspaper, and duplicate means duplicate copy. Under such circumstances, whatever is left, whether a noun or an adjective, is all used as a noun assuming the original meaning. Naturally, the association became so close that the first element could alone carry the meaning of the whole phrase.Besides, there is a change of grammatical function as well, as when adjectives assumethe roles of nouns. Unlike the above examples, whose sense of one word has been transferred to another simple because the two occur together habitually, in some cases, it is the second or “headword”of the phrase that remains. For example, (stream) engine, (coal) gas and (light) bulb.The analogical tendency means new meanings developed in one part of speech are passed on to other parts of speech from the same lexical bas e. Fortuitous formerly denoted …happening by chance?, …accidental?, and later took on the meaning …fortunate?probably by analogy because the two words look similar in shape. Another interesting example is fruition, originally from a Latin word fruitio meaning enjoyment. But now, its meaning is given as “fulfillment of (plans, desired results, aims, etc.),”possibly from connection with the word fruit.Foreign influencesA particularly important cause of change of meaning inwords has been the influence of foreign words. For example, the native word stool originally meant any kind of seat for one person, and could even be used for a king?s seat. It got its humble meaning because the French word chair was adopted to denote a more comfortable piece of furniture. Other example is dream. Dream meant “joy” in OE; it gets its modern sense from the related Scandinavian word draumr.Historical causeIt often happens that though a word retains its original form, its meaning has changed because the object which it denotes has changed. This is the historical cause of semantic change.The well-known semanticist Ullmann notes, “It often happens that language is more conservative than civilization, material as well as moral. Objects, institutions, ideas, scientific concepts change in the course of time; yet in many cases the name is retained and thus helps to ensure a sense of tradition and continuity.”(Ullmann 1997:198)Indeed, it often happens that a word is retained for a name though the meaning has changed because the referent has changed. Take pen for example, it donated …feather?, which was used in the West as pen in old times. Now, the time when …feather? served as pen is long gone, and people are using hall-point pens and fountain pens, yet the name is still kept. This change has also occurred to computer, which designated a …person who computes? in the past. At present, when we talk about computer, people, people would think of an …electronic machine? rather than a person.There are also many scientific concepts which have retained their original forms, although their meanings have changed as a result of new scientific discoveries and increased knowledge. Forinstance, before Copernicus, the sun was thought to be …the luminous celestial body that in the Plolemaic system is one of the seven planets revolving around the earth? and this meaning is retained in “The sun rises and sets.”The Copernician theory tried to change the historical point of view and now everyone knows that the sun is a …star around which the earth a nd other planets revolve…?Social causeWe are going to discuss social cause of the changes of words?meanings in five aspects.A. Social developmentChange in word meaning resulting from a constant verbal traffic between common word and various technical words is referred to as social cause of semantic change. (Ullmann 1997:199-200) As a result, some technical words have lost their specialized meanings and have come to be used in more general senses, which connect with electricity, physics, chemistry, medicine, mathematics, etc. For instance, feedback means “response” in common use, as in “The teacher likes to have feedback from his students.”Dimension: as a common word, it means “extent in a particular aspect”, as in “This problem has a new dimension.”B. Social environmentBig events in society will change the meaning of some words. The simple words cold and hot have changed their meanings in the field of politics, as in “cold war” and “hot war”. In England, Abdication can mean King Edward VIII abdicated for marrying a divorced American woman, Ms Simpson. In these cases, nonnative speakers should try to memorize.C. Social classVillain means bad people, but its original meaning is villager.Because the aristocrat looks down upon the low social status villagers, the meaning of villain changed. It is a kind of degeneration of meaning. More examples are clown, boor, knave, and churl. Thus, if a word has something to do with low social status, it will have derogatory sense, vice versa.D National sentimentNational sentiment influences the meaning of word deeply. In English, some bad things will have connection with other nations. For instance, to take French leave means leaving without saying goodbye. Italian hand means interfere. Spanish athlete means a person who says nonsense.The most obvious nation, to which English shows great prejudice, is Netherlands, because these two countries always fought each other in 17century. Dutch act means commit suicide. Dutch comfort means comfort of no help. Dutch widow means prostitute. Dutch uncle means strict critic. Dutch treat means a party that you should pay for yourself. Dutch bargain means a deal made when you are drunk. I amDutched means I am cheated. Double Dutch means words that are rather baffling. I’m a Dutch man if …E. SexismThere are some words with sexism in English, but the number is minor. For example, “Man is a rational animal; men are born equal.”The man in there refers to human being. Recent years, thanks to feminist movement, more and more words are created to refer to women, such as businessperson, draftsperson, poetess, heroine, spokeswoman etc.Psychological causePsychological cause is also constantly at work in bringing about changes in word meaning. Psychological factors play abasic part in meaning change, which leads to the elevation or degradation of word meanings. It takes three forms: euphemism, grandiloquence and cynicism.A.EuphemismPeople change word-meaning owing to various psychological motives: love, respect, courtesy, suspicion, pessimism, irony, contempt, hatred, etc. People tend to use mild, agreeable language when speaking of an unpleasant or embarrassing fact and taboo subjects.Death and things related to death are one of the most common objects of euphemism. “To pass away,”“to brea the one?s last,”“to cease to think,”“to fall asleep,”“to kick the bucket,”“to be no more,”“to go west,” all refer to death.Toilet is another example. Rest room, lounge, convenience, comfort station and powder room are just some of its euphemism. Pregnant can be said “big,”“big with child,”“expectant,”“heavy with child,”“laden,”“anticipating,”“in the family way,”and “in an interesting condition.”B.GrandiloquenceGrandiloquence refers to the use of long, important-sounding words for effect. The desire to upgrade or raise the social status of a position, occupation, or institution by changing its common name to one felt to confer greater dignity or importance is another psychological factor in the change of word meaning.In American English, there are so many words of grandiloquence used in unpopular jobs. Garbage collector is sanitation engineer, servant is domestic engineer, mortician is funeral director and gardener is landscape architect.In a sense, grandiloquence is a form of euphemism, too. So some linguists consider grandiloquence subordinate the Euphemism.C.CynicismCynicism is the desire to sneer and to be sarcastic. For instance, the word pious may mean “hypocritically virtuous” in addition to its primary meaning, “having, showing deep devotion to religion.” The present meaning of sanctimonious is “pretending to be very holy or pious”, while it once meant “devout, holy or sacred”. Fanatic, a Latin synonym for enthusiastic, means “unreasonably enthusiastic, almost approaching to madness.”ConclusionChange in word meaning is commonplace and fundamental in a living language, for it is one of the simplest and most convenient ways of meeting peoples? need for new manes to refer to new things, ideas, processes, etc. Broadly speaking, change of meaning refers to the alteration of the meaning of existing words, as well as the addiction of new meaning to established words.The causes of semantic change are historical, social, psychological or purely linguistic. As nonnative English learners, we need to pay more attention to the changes of word meanings, for we are not familiar with their own history, their culture background and psychological situation. Only by learning these causes can we get a better understanding of lexicology, vocabulary, semantic field and context. Only by learning these causes can we know which words should be used and which words should be avoided, so that we can express our meaning more specific in communication with others.Bibliography:Jackson Howard (2000), Words, Meaning and V ocabulary, Trowbridge: The Cromwell PressJavier E Diaz Verd (2004), Lexicography, Semantics and Lexicology in English Historical Linguistics, Netherlands: Rodopi 汪榕培(2000),《英语词汇学研究》,上海:上海外语教育出版社汪榕培& 卢晓娟(2006),《英语词汇学教程》,上海:上海外语教育出版社杨艳华& 张树凡(2007),《现代英语词汇学》,:冶金工业出版社张维友(1997),《英语词汇学教程》,武汉:华中师范大学出版社张韵斐(2012),《现代英语词汇学概论》,北京:北京师范大学出版社。

第28卷 第2期V o l.28 N o.2河 南 职 技 师 院 学 报Jou rnal of H enan V ocati on2T echn ical T eachers Co llege2000年 6月Jun.2000现代英语的词义变化与外部原因α吴秀芳(河南职技师院,河南新乡453003)摘要:从一词多义现象出发,论述了现代英语词义变化的四种形式:扩展、狭缩、褒升与贬降,并对造成这些变化的社会、历史及心理等外部原因进行了初步探析。
关键词:现代英语;词义变化;扩展中图分类号:H315文献标识码:A文章编号:10032482X(2000)022*******1 引言英语的词义变化指的是英语词汇的语义变化,即历史发展、社会变革、科技进步以及语言自身的发展等原因,使一个词的语义在该词的使用过程中逐渐发生变化。
2 英语词义的变化语义学(Sem an tics)的成分分析理论指出,一种语言的词义不是单一的概念,而是由若干意义成分组成的复合体;构成词义的成分称为语义特征(Sem an tic featu res),一个词的语义特征的总和即是该词的全部意义。
2.1 词义的扩展(Ex ten si on M ean ing)词义的扩展是指词义从表达比较具体或专门化的个别意义扩展成表示一般或普遍的意义,或由专门术语扩展成日常用语。
英语词汇学-第五章 词义的变化

词义变化Biblioteka 词的理据丧失中心意义和次要意义
强国 Power 放大率 控制权
权限 体力
由于词义范围在历史演变中的扩大或小, 有 些词既可以指一类事物,也可以指这类事 物中 的一个。
例如: fire泛指各类 “火” ,在 the fire in the sitting room中特指 “炉火”。
比喻意义 不热情的,冷冰冰的 a cool reception 冷漠的接待
• 词具备两个或两个以上的意义便成为多义词。
• 普遍意义和特殊意义
• 原始意义和派生意义
• 抽象意义和具体意义
• 中心意义和次要意义
• 字面意义和比喻意义
原始意义,即本义。 派生意义:词在发展过程中形成的,称转义。
e.g. Harvest 原义
• 一词多义的形成 • 一词多义分析
现象、 性质或者行为的名称,因而总是单 义的,继而在语言发展过程中逐渐获得新
义, 这样便形成了一词多义。
• 原义
• 引申义
Manuscript 手稿
• 一词多义是词义变化的结果。
例如:copper 原指铜,可用来指铜币(coin)。
8英语词汇学第八章 语义变化.

• 1. types of semantic change
A. generalization (extension) 词义扩展
B. specialization(narrowing/restriction shrinking)词义缩小 C. elevation(amelioration)词义升格
D. pejoration(degeneration)
• D. pejoration/
degeneration degradation /deterioration
--a process by which words once had respectable or neutral meaning shifted to less respectable, or even derogatory meaning. sly/ craft / art/cunning/(有学问的) villain/ boor/churl 种田人 mistress • terrific vast 勾当 小姐
• 1.The little boy was a terror to his neighbor. • 2.The travelers can not speak the tongue of the country. • 3.The child who can play the piano at the age of two is a phenomenon.
• ( 词义的转移 semantic shift)
• a. He was allowed to leapfrog the
long line. • c. She has a sea of trouble. • e. U.S influence nosedived in Africa.

目录引言 (3)1、英语词义演进与退化 (3)2、英语词义的缩小与扩大 (5)3、英语词义的弱化与加强 (7)4、英语词义功能的转变 (7)结束语 (8)参考文献 (9)英语词义的变化摘要:语言作为人类交流思想和传递信息的工具,总是随着人类社会的进步而发生着变化。
关键词:英语;词义;变化The changes of lexical meanings of English wordsAbstract: The language as tools of human thought and communicate information, is always changing with the progress of humansociety. English as a language, having1500 years of history,the change is palpable. English word meaning changes in wordmeaning evolution and degeneration, narrowing of the meaningand expand, the weakening and strengthening as well as themeaning of the word function transformation, etc.Key word:English;meaning;change引言随着社会的发展,时代的变迁,英语像汉语一样,一些新词出现,旧词消失,一些词义退化演进,词义的功能也在发生转变。
词汇学 词义变化类型

• 一个原本具有特殊意义的单词的词 义被延伸,范围扩大,可以用来指 代一种更普遍的词义
a general = a general officer an editorial = an editorial article
a private=a private soldier
Some material nouns are used to refer to objects made of them and thus have a more specific sense.
• person names:newton(牛顿),ampere (安培),farad(法拉),joule(焦耳), pascal(帕斯卡),watt(瓦特),ohm(欧 姆),volt(伏特)
• place names:champagne(香槟酒--法国地 名),gin(杜松子酒,产自日内瓦,是 Geneva一词的缩写)
英语061 符娜娜
• Extension of Meaning • Narrowing of Meaning • Elevation of Meaning • Degradation of Meaning • Transference of Meaning • Euphemism
Extension of Meaning
• cunning---knowing,skillful---sly
• gay---happy---homosexual

浅析英语词汇意义变化的方式和原因英语词汇意义的变化可以通过以下几种方式来进行分析:1. 同义词演化:同一个词在不同的时代或语境下可能具有不同的意义。
2. 词义扩展:词语的原始意义逐渐扩展到包含更广泛的含义或概念。
3. 词义缩小:相反地,一个词的原始意义可以逐渐缩小,只指特定的对象或概念。
4. 词义转移:一个词的原始意义可以转移到不相关的领域或词语上。

文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 【关键字】英语毕业论文题目:论英语词义的变化准考证号:学生姓名:指导老师:武汉大学外语学院制On the Meaning Change of English Words文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.论文摘要语义学是关于意义的学问,它旨在研究语言单位,特别是单词和句子的意义。
正像Quirk在1963年指出的那样,“…几乎我们现在使用的每一个词与其在一个世纪以前的意义稍有不同,而一个世纪以前的单词又和它在一个世纪之前的意义稍有差别” 。
关键词:词义; 变化; 方式; 类型; 原因文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.AbstractThe subject concerning the study of meaning is called semantics, which targets at the study of the meanings of linguistics units, such as words and sentences. A word is the minimum free form with certain meaning, thus the study of word meaning (lexical semantics) occupies an important position in linguistics study. Word has been constantly undergoing the process of changes,either in forms or in meanings, with the latter being more frequent. Just as Quirk said in 1963, “… almost every word we use today has a different meaning from the one it had a century ago, and a century ago it had a slight different meaning from the one it had a century bef ore that”. Broadly speaking, meaning change refers to the alternation of the meaning of existing words, as well as the addition of new meaning to established words. This change occurs along with time. This thesis explores the approaches, modes, causes of word meaning change. Hopefully, it may help us English majors study English word meaning better.Keywords: meaning;change;approach; mode; cause文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.ContentsI. Introduction (1)II. Approaches to meaning change of English words (2)2.1 extension approach (2)2.2 figurative approach (3)2.3 merger approach (3)III. Modes of meaning change of English words (4)3.1generalization (5)3.2 specialization (6)3.3 elevation (7)3.4 degradation (7)IV. Causes of meaning change of English words (8)4.1 extra –linguistics factors (8)4.2 linguistics factors (10)V. Conclusion (11)Bibliography (12)On the Meaning Change of English WordsI. IntroductionAs a branch of semantic study, the lexical semantics has been long regarded as the focal point. And the question as to what is the meaning of word becomes the first inquiry for language leaners. The objective matters, which exclude human mind, including all the living creatures, unanimated objects, events and their behavior, state and characteristics, etc. are reflected, thus sensation, perception, representation are produced first. Human mind then will generate the abstract preliminary products into concepts. Then man fixes the concepts in the vehicle of language, enabling us human beings to exchange our thoughts through these signs with certain meaning individually. Thus, words come into being. In other words, the meaning of words is endowed by men. As British linguist Eric Partridge once pointed out, “words have no meanings, p eople have meaning for them”. This process is generally agreed upon by all linguists. However, different people may hold different opinions on the sub-structure of word meaning.One difficulty in the study of meaning is that the word “meaning” itself has different meanings. In their book The meaning of meaning written in 1923, C.K Odgen and I.A Richards presented “a representative list of the main definition which reputable students of meaning have favored” (Odgen & Richards, 2003: 186). There are 16 majo r categories of them, with sub-categories totaling up to 22.The edifice of any language could be observed as a grand project composed of three elements: sound, lexicon, and grammar, among which sound is the physical shell of a language; lexicon serves as the “brick” and “concrete”; while grammar functions as the ways and principles by which linguistic elements are organized and oprate. So word meaning above all can be divided into two big categories: grammatical meaning and lexical meaning.Grammatical meaning corresponding with grammar signifies the grammatical aspect of a word. For example, “girl” is a single form, while “girls” represents the plural form in meaning.Lexical meaning, on the other hand, is the study of word meaning at its content level. For example, in the group of words “go, goes, gone, went, going”, each word has different grammatical meaning obviously, but their lexical meaning is the same, namely “to move or travel from one place to another” (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 1998:746). Foreign linguists have different classifications on word meaning. Geoffrey Leech, a world famous Britishlinguist, categorizes seven types of meaning, as follows: conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning, thematic meaning, with conceptual meaning being the center of word meaning. And connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, and collocative meaning and thematic meaning can be brought together under the heading associative meaning(Leech.,1981).In the following sections, we are going to explore the approaches to meaning change, the modes of meaning change and the causes accounting for the meaning change. And with some basic knowledge of word meaning change in the thesis, it may cast light on how to gasp word meaning and help us English majors study English language better.II. Approaches to meaning change of English wordsThe change of word meaning refers to the process in which the existing word has some changes either in number of its meaning items or its content in its application or development. In this section we will take a glimpse at the trace of changes in word meaning. There are mainly three types as follows:2.1 Extension approachExtension refers to a way a word derived from a new through certain connections based on its original meaning, or its existing meaning items. For example, the word “hoe”(noun)meant “ a garden tool with a handle and a blade ,used for breaking up soil and re moving weds” and then a related meaning was produced , “to break up soil, remove plants, etc, with a hoe”, such as in the phrase “ to hoe a flowers”(Oxford Advanced Learner’ s English-Chinese Dictionary, 1997: 838), so “hoe” here is used as a verb. Howev er, we can easily see the close connection in meaning between the noun “hoe” and the verb “hoe”. Some words can create new meaning through extending or narrowing the scope of reference, which is also very common. For example, the word “journal” originally meant “a written record that you make of the things that happen to you each day (diary) (Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, 1997: 775). Let us look at another example, the word “wedge” (noun) originally meant “a piece of wood, robber, me tal, etc, with one thick end and a thin pointed end that you use to keep a door open, to keep two things apart, or to split wood or rock”, then its verbal meaning came into being, namely “ to put or squeeze something tightly into a narrow space, so that it can not move easily”(ibid).2.2 Figurative approachWhether the scope of reference extends or narrows, the type of object a word denotes has not changed. However, when a word has changed its literal meaning to its figurative meaning, the type of object is utterly different, and then semantic shift has occurred in word meaning. This is also a very important style of meaning changes.Abundant examples can serve as the illustrations of the figurative approach. For example, the word “burden” originally meant“a heavy load that is difficult to carry” and then people tended to use it for referring to “ a duty ,responsibility ,etc, that causes worry, difficulty or hard work”, for example, in the sentence “The main burden of caring for old people falls on the state”. This abstract sense of “burden” is very vivid and concise in the effect of expression, which will certainly leave a deep impression on the listener’s mind.2.3 Merger approachThis way of change in word meaning refers to another way of change in word meaning, reflecting the relationship between two words under certain circumstances. When one word’s scope of reference expands into that of another related word, meaning may then be annexed, making the latter one lose its status of independence. Comparatively speaking, this approach is less in frequency in word meaning change than the previous two approaches, which however should not be ignored by us English learners. In the study of antonyms, we come to know the concept of “gradable antonyms” first, the co mmonest type of antonyms. That is, the members of a pair differ in terms of degree. The denial of one is not necessarily the assertion of the other, and there is no absolute criterion of judgments by which we may say something is good or bad, long or short, big or small. Usually, the term of the higher degree serves as the “cover term”. For example, we ask somebody “how old are you?” and the person asked may not be old in any sense. He may be as young as twenty or three. The word “old” is used here to cover both old and young. The sentence above means the same as “what is your age?”. Technically, the “cover term” is called “unmarked”, i.e. usual; and the covered “marked”, or unusual. That means, in general, it is the “cover term” that is more often used. If the covered is used, then it suggests that is something odd, unusual here. The speaker may already know that something or somebody is young, small, near, and he wants to know the extent in greater detail. This characteristic is also reflected in the corresponding nouns, such as length, height, width, and depth.Because of the differences, a lot of word meanings are different. For example, in CambridgeInternational Dictionary of English, the word ‘individual’ is defined as ‘the idea that freedom of thought and action for each person is the most important quality of a society, rather than shared effort and responsibility’. It is positive. However, in The English-Chinese Dictionary, there is a sentence ‘These poets were individualists, wanting to explore their own thoughts and feelings, not content with the general truth’. Obviously, the meaning of ‘individualists’ is negative.III. Modes of meaning change of English wordsGenerally speaking, the development and change of word meaning is ever-increasing in number of meaning items almost in every language system, due to social development and word meaning development itself. However it becomes complicated as each individual word is concerned. For some, the number of meaning item may increase, and for others, just the reverse. And some words’ meaning may disappear, or reduce to morphemic meaning, etc.3.1 GeneralizationThe generalization of meaning is a process by which a word originally having a specialized meaning has now extended to cover a broader and often less definite concept.A large proportion of polysemic words of modern English have their meaning extended sometime in the course of development. Let us refer to some example as illustrations. The word “manuscript” today means “an author’s writing whether by hand or typed with a type writer or a word-procession”. But its old meaning referred to “handwriting”(written by hand)only. The word “fabulous” originally meant “resembling a fable” or “based on a fable”, but then it meant “incredible” or “marvelous”, since as we all knew that something incredible or marvelous often only existsd in fables, not in reality. Another example is the word “barn”. It meant “a place for stor ing only barley”, but now its meaning extends to “storeroom”. More examples are available here to cast light on the generalization of meaning.Word Old meaning Extended meaningbutcher one who kills goats one who kills animalsbonfire fire on bones a fire in the open madeby burning anything What is more, “thing” is often associated with “any”, “some”, and “no”, namely “anything”, “something”, and “nothing” respec tively. The frequency of these three words is high in both written and spoken form, the latter one especially. I have oncecounted and amazed at the high frequency one tend to employ “something” when he or she tries to introduce or explain a certain object, event, idea, etc. Other words like business, concern, matter, article, and circumstance have undergone similar process of meaning generalization.3.2 SpecializationSpecialization of language is a process by which a word which is used to have a more general sense becomes restricted in its application and conveys a special concept in present-day English. A typical example is the word “ deer”, which was used to refer to all kinds of animals, for example in Shakespeare’s sentence “ rats a nd mice and such small dear”; i n British English, “corn” was once used as “grain”, but in present-day American English, it only refers to “maize”; w hen “garage” was first borrowed from French, it meant more other than “any safe place”, but at present “garage” narrows down to “ a place for storing cars”—a shelter for cars only. Here are more examples:Word Old meaning Specialized meaning girl young person of either sex female young person wife woman married womanaccident event unfortunate eventChange of meaning is frequently brought about by two tendencies in a language system: toward ellipsis and toward analogy. Ellipse as a cause of semantic change often occurs in habitual collocations, such as adj + n. or attributive + n, in which the noun is often deleted and only the first element(the attributive) is left, but retaining the sense of the whole phrase.For example, “a gener al” comes f ro m “ a general officer”, “bugle” from “ bugle horn”, “gold” from “gold me t al”, “uniform” f ro m “uniform dress”, “ transistor” f rom “transistor radio”, “daily” f ro m “ daily newspaper”, etc.Another case of specialization occurs when a common noun changes into a proper one, and its meaning specializes correspondingly. For example, the City refers to “London business center”; The Peninsula refers to “Iberian Peninsula” only; and the word “Prophet” refers to Muhammad, who founded the religion of Islam.3.3 ElevationElevation of meaning is a process by which words rise from humble beginning to a position of importance. In other words, some words in their early history signified something low or humble, but as time goes by, the meaning changed to designate something agreeable or pleasant. A typical case in point is the word “nice”. It originally meant “ignorant”, then “foolish”, but later it was dramatically eleva ted to“delightful, pleasant”;Marshal(high—ranking army officer) and Constable(police man) were both once referred to “keeper of horses”. More relevant examples are also provided here:Word Old meaning Elevated meaningknight servant rank below baronetangel messenger messenger of Godminister servant head of ministryNobody nowadays is reluctant to be described as “shrewd” perhaps, or “nimble”. However, for some time these two words are rather derogatory in meaning.A shrewd man was once often associated with “evil” or “wickedness”, while a nimble man is considered as someone taking something without certain permission; and the word “success”, a desirabl e destination for anyone to reach, was once only a simply neutral “result”.3.4 DegradationContrary to elevation, degradation of word meaning is a process whereby words of good origin or affective neutrality fall into ill reputation or come to be used in a derogatory sense. An interesting fact is that many addresses for common people have taken on derogatory color. For example, “churl”which used to refer to “peasant” or “free man” has changed into “uncultivated or mean person”;“wench” once referred to “country girl”, but now it has degraded into “prostitute”;“villain”once referring to “person who worked in a villa”has now changed into “evil or wi cked person or scoundrel”. The following words have also undergone similar changes: Word Old meaning Degraded meaningknave boy dishonest personlust pleasure sexual desirelewd ignorant lecherousAs statistics shows that it is much more common for word meaning to change in denotation from neutral to pejorative than it is for them to go to the other way.The above-mentioned four types are the main types of word meaning changes, excluding transference, comparatively taking a small percentage in word meaning change, which thus is not within the framework of the present thesis discussion. IV. Causes of meaning change of English wordsWith the ever-changing human society, language as the vehicle of communication is also in the process of change and development. Both linguistic and extra-linguistic factors are exerting influence on word meaning changes. We can find out certain rules beneath the surface of meaning variations, which will deeper our understanding of word meaning.4.1Extra-linguistic factorsMeaning has always been a centre topic in human scholarship, though the term “semantics” has only a history of a little over a hundred years, let alone lexical semantics. There were discussions of meaning in the works of the Greek philosopher Plato as early as in the fifth century before Christ. In China, Lao Zi had discussed similar question even earlier. The fact that over the years numerous dictionaries have been produced with a view to explaining the meaning of words also bears witness to its long tradition. The research on word meaning has been drawing attention from linguists, philosophers and anthropologists, psychologists, and so on. This also exemplifies the fact that many extra-linguistic factors contribute to the change of word meaning.1.Historical reason. It often happens that a word is retained for a name though the meaning has changed because the referent has changed. The famous linguist Ullman once said “language should be more conservative than either material or spiritual civilization. Objects, styles, points of view and scientific concept have all changed in the course of time. But in many cases, the names were retained which helpto ensure that the tradition and continuity of a language.”(Zhou, 2007: 198). Take “pen” as a example. “Pen” in the beginning refer red to “feather”, since people in the West used feather to make a “pen”. Nowadays, we have already said farewell to the age of using a feather pen, and we prefer to use ball pen or fountain pen. But we still stick to employ the name “pen”; “car”once referred to “two-wheel cart drawn by horses and used in war”. With the development of modern automobile technology, “car” has changed to refer to “automobile”; similarly, “computer” originally mean t “person who computes”, but now it is another case. When we talk about computer, the first image jumping into our minds is definitely “a electric machine” instead of“a person”.Increased scientific knowledge and discovery are also important factors that account for the change of word meaning. For example, people believed in ancient times that the sun was one of the seven planets revolving the earth. And this meaning could still be seen in the sentence “The sun rises and sets”, although people nowadays have alread y accepted Copernicus’ theory that “sun is a star around which the earth and other planets revolve”.2.Class reason. Language is a mirror perfectly, reflecting everything in the human society, which records speeches and attitudes of people from all walks of life. And various social variants have then come into being. The attitudes of different classes have also made inroads into lexical meaning in the case of elevation or degradation. The so-called “King’s English”is a typical example. There are a considerable number of words of different professions, which often have derogatory meaning. Since in the eyes of the aristocrats, the working people are ignorant, stupid, and rude in behavior. For example, words “churl, hussy, wench, and villain” have all degrade d from neutral sense into “ill-mannered or bad people”. What is more, words like “democracy, revolution, liberation, human rights and communism” have quite different meanings to different people or in different society.3. Psychological reason. The associated transfers of meaning and euphemistic use of words are often due to psychological factors. For example, in American Civil War, Copperhead (a kind of poisonous snake) was used to refer to someone whosupported the Southerners secretly. As to the latter usage above (euphemistic), many humble and despised occupations often taking more appealing names is all due to psychological reasons. Americans are especially fond of using euphemistic expressions. For example, “garbage collector”is called “sanitation engineer”in America and “disposal” in Britain; “g ardener” changes into “landscape architect”; and “servant” changes into “domestic engineer”. As statistics shows, the so-called “engineer” is more than two hundred among respectful addresses in English.Besides, religious influence is another kind of psychological reason. As Cardinal Trench once said, “ange l”, “martyr” and “paradise” have their meanings elevated due to the influence of the Christianity.4.2 Linguistic factorsThere are exterior reasons for the change of word meaning, and also the interior reason, i.e. the development of language itself. Here as the follows.Firstly, a phrase is often be shortened to a word without losing the original entire meaning. For example, “gold” is used for “gold medal”, “gas” for “ coal gas”, “bulb” for “light bulb”, and “private” for “private soldier”. Under these circumstances, whatever is left, a noun or an adjective, is used as a noun to be the equivalent of the original expression.Secondly, the influx of borrowing words in great number has also resulted in the change of word meaning. For example, “deer” once referred to all kinds of animals. With the coming of Latin word “animal” and the French word “beast”, these three words were forced to re-identify their status as they all have the same denotation. As a result, “animal” kept its original sense, and “deer” shortened its meaning reference scope, while “beast” changed its semantic color into derogatory.At last, analogy can also bring about meaning changes. For example, the word “fortuitous” once meant “happening by chance, accidental”. But later it extend ed to have the meaning of “fortunate”. Is there a logical explanation for that? Perhaps, this is a process of the demonstration of “analogy”. “Fru ition” originally meant “a pleasure we obtain from using or possessing something” and ha d no relationship in meaning with “fruit”. However, one of its meaning items “the bearing of fruit” isprobably the result of association based on “fruit”.Besides, cultural psychology is the study of the way cultural traditions and social practices regulate, express, and transform the human psyche, resulting less in psychic unity for humankind than in ethnic divergences in mind, self, and emotion. When one learns a language, it is important to learn its cultural psychology. For example, when Chinese people observe a thing, they will start from the whole, but the westerners will start from the part.V. ConclusionThis thesis explores the approaches, modes, causes of word meaning change. Semantic change plays a very important role in widening the vocabulary of a language. Since language is symbolic, each word serves as a symbol in relation to a specific meaning. In this sense, we need infinite number of word or symbols to code the physical entities and our experiences, which will be ultimately proved impossible and obstruct the smooth operation of communication. So an old form is given a new concept, thus the meaning of a form is multiplied.The approaches in which word meaning changes represent the main types of changes and indicate both linguistic and extra-linguistic causes. After acquiring some basic knowledge of word meaning changes, one may could not help asking such a question “What measures can be adopted in daily study?”. Hopefully this thesis could cast new light on the study of English word meaning for us English majors and help us lay a solid foundation for the exploration of the wonders of the English language.BibliographyCambridge International Dictionary of English [D], Shanghai: ShanghaiForeign Language Education Press, 2008Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English [Z], Beijing: The CommercialPress, 1998Leech, G, A, Semantics: the study of meaning, 2nd edition, Harmondsworth:Penguin, 1981Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary[Z]. Beijing: TheCommercial Press, Oxford University Press, 1997Odgen,C,K,& Richards,I,A, The meaning of meaning, London: Routledge &Keganpaul, 2003The English-Chinese Dictionary[D], Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2005Zhou, Ruiying, A study of teaching English word meaning[M], Changsha:Hunan Normal University, 2007池昌海, <<现代语言学导论>>, 浙江: 浙江大学出版社,2004胡壮麟主编, <<语言学教程>>(修订版), 北京: 北京大学出版社,2001胡壮麟、姜望琪主编, <<语言学高级教程>>, 北京: 北京大学出版社,2004 李赋宁, <<英语史>>, 北京: 商务印书馆,2008汪榕培、卢晓娟, <<英语词汇学教程>>, 上海: 上海外语教育出版社,2007 此文档是由网络收集并进行重新排版整理.word可编辑版本!。

On Word Format ion★Prefac eLearna langua ge; you must learnpronun ciati on, gramma r, vocabu lary. Amongthe threefactor s,vocabu laryhas a very import ant role in your langua ge-studyi ng. A famous schola r Wilkin ssaid”withou t gramma r, very little can be convey ed, withou t vocabu lary, nothin g can be convey ed.”Heemphas izedthat in most cases, the vocabu laryis more import ant than gramma r. Anothe r famous lexico logis tMcCart hy said, when a studen t learnthe second langua ge, no matter how well the studen t learns gramma r, no matter how succes sfull y he master s the second s of a L2, withou t wordsto expres s a wide rangeof meanin gs, commun icati on in that langua ge cannot happen in any manful way.From thesetwo exampl es and of course includ e many othercasesthat are not mentio ned here now, we can conclu dethatifyoudon‟tcarevocabu laryat all, it is imposs ibleto learna langua ge in some way. What‟smore, you cannot expres s your real feelin g no matter you are happy, sad, fortun e, or you are unluck y, becaus eyoudon‟tknowwhatwordsyou can say or you can write.Today, I will tell you what I had learne d in this class. What I will teachyouis“wordformat ion”,whydoIchoose this topicto talk? Becaus e in my opinio n, if you know the word format ion very well, you can rememb er and use the new wordseasily. Absolu tely,it‟sveryhelpfu l for your langua ge studyi ng.Don‟tyouthinkso?★Summar yEnglis h vocabu laryhas severa l of Word-format ion method s. But the threegreate st word format ion powers are affixa tion, compou nding, and conver sion. The othersix kindsof word-format ion method s includ e blendi ng, clippi ng, acrony my, back-format ion, soundredupl icati on, and commun izati on of proper names.★Keywor dsMorphe mes, classi fying, word-format ion★Contex tBefore talkin g aboutword format ion, maybewe should know the morpho logic al struct ure of Englis h wordsfirst. So what we will discus s next is morpho logic al struct ure of Englis h words. It includ esmorphe mes, morphs and allomo rphs,classi fying morphe mes, identi fying morphe mes, morphe mes and word-format ion.☆ morphe mesTradit ional ly, wordsare usuall y treate d as the basicand minima l unitsof a langua ge to make senten ce, whichare combin ation s of wordsaccord ing to syntac tic rules. Struct urall y, howeve r, a word is not thesmalle st unit becaus e many wordscan be separa ted into even smalle r meanin gfulunits. Theseminima l meanin gfulunitsare knownas morphe mes. In view of word-format ion, the morphe meisseenas…thesmalle st functi oning unit in the compos ition of words‟. Syntac tical ly, howeve r, a morphe me is the minima l form of gramma tical analys is.Morphe mes are abstra ct units, whichare realiz ed in speech by discre te unitsknownas morphs. They are actual spoken, minima l carrie rs of meanin g.Morphe mes vary in functi on. Accord ingly, we can classi fy morphe mes into severa l genera l catego ries:① Free versus BoundMorphe mes ---- morphe mes whichare indepe ndent of othermorphe mes are free. Thesemorphe mes have comple te meanin gs in themse lvesand can be used as free gramma tical unitsin senten ces. Morphe mes whichcannot occuras separa te wordsare bound. They are so namedbecaus e they are boundto othermorphe mes to form wordsor to perfor m a partic ulargramma tical functi on.② Deriva tiona l versus Inflec tiona l Morphe mes ---- morphe mes whichare used to derive new wordsare knownas deriva tiona l morphe mes becaus e when thesemorphe mes are conjoi ned, new wordsare derive d.③ Conten t versus Gramma tical Morphe mes ---- On a semant ic and syntac tic basis, morphe mes can fall into conten t and gramma tical morphe mes. Conten t morphe mes are lexica l morphe mes whichare used as we see aboveto derive new words, so also knownas deriva tiona l morphe mes.☆ Morphe mes and Word-format ionWe know that wordscan be analyz ed into morphe mes, whichare the minima l meanin gfulunitsin the compos ition of words. In word-format ion format ion, howeve r, morphe mes are conven tiona lly labele d root, stem, base and affix.Affixe s are formsthat are attach ed to wordsor elemen ts to modify meanin g or functi on. Affixe s are boundmorphe mes becaus e none of them can standas wordsin theirown right. Accord ing to the functi ons of affixe s, we can divide them into inflec tiona l affixe s and deriva tiona l affixe s. Deriva tiona l and inflec tiona l affixe s are identi cal with deriva tiona l and inflec tiona l morphe mes. In view of theirdistri butio n in the format ion of word, affixe s can fall into prefix and suffix.Before we beginour actual discus sionof word-buildi ng proces ses, thereare some basicconcep ts that need clarif ying:1. Root: a root is the basicform of a word whichcannot be furthe r analyz ed withou t totalloss of identi ty.2. Stem: a stem may consis t of a single root morphe me or of two root morphe mes. It can be a root morphe me plus one or more affixa tiona l morphe mes.3. Base: a base is referr ed to a form to whichaffixe s of any kind can be added. It can be a root or a stem.☆ Word Format ionThe expans ion of vocabu laryin modern Englis h depend s chiefl y on word format ion. Thereis a variet y of meansbeingat work now. The most produc tiveare affixa tion, compou nding and conver sion.⑴ Affixa tionAffixa tionis genera lly define d as the format ion of wordsby adding word-formin gor deriva tiona l affixe s to base. This proces s is also knownas deriva tion, by whichnew wordsare derive d from old or base forms. The wordscreate d in this way are called deriva tives. Accord ing to the positi ons affixe s occupy in words, affixa tionfallsinto two subcat egori es: prefix ation and suffix ation.Prefix ation includ es:Negati ve Prefix es (a-, dis- ,in-, non-, un-…)Revers ative or Privat ive Prefix es (de-, dis-,un,…)Pejora tivePrefix es (mal-, mis-, pseudo- …)Prefix es of Degree or Size (arch-, co-, extra-, hyper-, macro-, micro-, mini-, out-,over-, sub-, super-, sur-, ultra-, under-…)Prefix es of Orient ation and Attitu de (anti-, contra-, counte r-, pro-…)Locati ve Prefix es ( fore-, inter-, intra-, super-, tele-, trans-…)Prefix es of Time and Order( ex-, fore-, post-, pre-, re- …)Number Prefix es ( bi-, multi-, semi-,tri-,uni- …)Conver sionPrefix es ( a-, be-, en- …)Miscel laneo us Prefix es ( auto- , neo-, pan-, proto-, vice- …)Suffix ation includ es:Noun suffix es (denomi nal nouns, deverb al nouns, de-adject ive nouns, non andadject ive suffix es) Adject ive suffix es (denomi nal suffix es, deverb al suffix es )Adverb suffix es (Omit exampl e)Verb suffix es (Omit exampl e)⑵ Compou ndingCompou nding is the format ion of new wordsby joinin g two or more bases. Wordsw orthformed in this way are called compou nds. Compou nds can be writte n solid, hyphen atedand open.1. Charac teris ticsof compou ndsCompou nds have notice ablecharac teris ticswhichmay in most casesdiffer entia te themse lvesfrom noun phrase s in the follow ing four aspect s:Phonol ogica l featur es, semant ic featur es, gramma tical, orthog raphi cal featur es.2. Format ion of compou ndsCompou nding can take placewithin any of the word class, but the produc tiveones are nounsand adject ivesfollow ed by verbsto a much lesser extent. Noun compou nds, adject ive compou nds, verb compou nds.⑶ Conver sionConver sionis the format ion of new wordsby conver tingwordsof one classto anothe r class. Conver sionis genera lly consid eredto be a deriva tiona l proces swhereb y an item is adapte d or conver ted to a new word classwithou t the additi on of an affix. Hencethe name zero-deriva tion. Wordsproduc ed by conver sionare primar ily nouns, adject ives, and verbs.Conver sionto nouns(deverb al, de-adject ival, miscel laneo us conver sion) Conver sionto verbs(denomi nal, de-adject ival, miscel laneo us conver sion) conver sionto adject ives(voicel ess to voiced conson ant, initia l to end stress) the othersix meansof word-format ion includ es:Blendi ng, Clippi ng, Acrony my, Back-format ion, Soundredupl icati on, Commun izati on of proper names.Becaus e the wordslimit, the six word-format ion method s is not detail ed introd ucedhere. If you areintere stedin them, please referto the lexico logy.Annota tion:《英语词汇学教程》张伟友著,《词汇学学习指南》Thankyou for your review s !A happyNew Year, good health杨春慧著。

She is such a pretty little thing. I have to pack my things for the journey. There is another thing I want to ask you about. That only makes things worse. The thing is, can we finish the job in time? “Thing” which used to mean “a public assembly” or “a council” in Anglo-Saxon times, now has become an all-purpose word.
课件名称:词义的演变 制作人:孙红梅、张培成 单位:曲阜师范大学外国语学院
Chapter 7
Changes in Word Meaning
Teaching Objectives • Let students understand and master types of changes in word meaning • Get to know the causes of changes Teaching Focus • Causes of changes • Types of changes: extension, narrowing, degradation, elevation, transference of meaning, euphemism. ° Extra-linguistic factors: historical reason, class reason, psychological reason ° Linguistic factors: shortening, redivision from borrowing, analogy

特 殊化 。
由于时代 的发展 , 人的认识的不断深入与发生变化 , 词从古代发展 到现在 , 词义多少会发生相应的变化 。 一位早期的语 义学家把词义变化 的原因归纳为三十一条 , 可见词义变化的复杂性。 尽管词义变化的原因 很多 , 主要 的有 : 但 1 . 历史因素 。英语 的历 史起源 于公元 五世纪上半叶撒 克逊 和裘德 人所使用的语 言, 后来经历了漫长的社会发展和变化 , 特别是英 国历史 上两次外来人侵者 的统治加剧了词 义的变化 。 2 . 因素 。社会是在不断发展 中进步的 , 社会 语言是社会发展变化 的 晴雨表。 伴随事物 、 、 现象 行为变化 以及社会 的发展和科学 的进步 , 会给 词赋予新的含义 , 词义也必然有所变化 。 3 言因素 。词义的变化常常是 由于语言的发展而造成 的, . 语 语言 的 发展总是朝着一定的规律而动的 , 如词的省略 , 使得原本需要几个词表 达的含义转 到一个词上 , 使词义发生 了变化 。
科技信息 ຫໍສະໝຸດ 人 文社科 浅析 英 语i [ 义的 变 化特 征 ll 意
广西 师范 大学外 国语 学院 唐 芳 洲
[ 摘 要] 词义是词的 内 , 容 是对客观事物现 象的反 映, 包含着人们对客观事物各种特点的认识。 随着时代 的变迁, 英语像其它语言一
样处于不断地发展 变化 中 , 义的 变化是其 中重要 的方面。 些新词 出现 了, 词 一 一些旧词 消失 了, 一些词的词 义正在发生 变化。英语 词 义是 随着社会的 变化而变化的 。本文主要从词义的扩展 , 义的缩小 , 词 词义的升格和词义的降格四个方面来探讨词 义变化的特征 。 [ 关键 词 ] 义 词 义 的 扩展 词 义 的 缩 小 词 义 的升 格 词 义 的 降 格 词

一)词义的扩大凡是词义从特定的意义扩大为普遍的意义,或者从指"种"的概念扩大为指"类"的概念,结果新义大于旧义,这种演变叫做词义的扩大(the enlarging, widening, extension或expansion of meaning),也叫做词义的一般化(the generalization of meaning)。
这个词的词义渐渐扩大了,适用的妇女越来越多,先是指贵族太太,后来指有教养的妇女,例如:The lords and ladies are all gathered in the palace。
现在,lady可以用于指任何"女人",是一种礼貌的用法,尤其是那个女人就在跟前的时候,例如:There is a Japanese lady here, looking for someone who looks like you.在提到老妇人的时候,几乎总是说old lady或elderly lady。
在对一群女士说话的时候也总是说ladies,而不用women,例如:Ladies, could I have your attention, please?Good evening, ladies and dy已经几乎成为woman(女人)的同义词,例如:saleslady(女售货员),cleaning lady(清扫女工),ladies' room(公共女厕所)等等;甚至可以用作定语:a lady novelist(女小说家),lady traffic wardens(女交警),lady guests(女客人)。
例如:carry(拿)的原义是"用车运"(transport by cart),跟cart的关系只要看词形就能看出来,现在把by cart这一语义选择限制去掉了,这个词的词义范围也就扩大了。

在活的语言(a living language)中,词义的变化是十分常见而又非常必要的。
例如: paper一词来源于希腊词papyros,是指埃及的一种植物“芦草”。
在古代,这种植物的茎曾用作书写的材料,后来出现了新的书写材料———纸, paper一词的词义就逐渐转向了纸。
随着纸的发明, book一词的词义转向装订成册的书。
后来在莎士比亚的戏剧中的词义转为“厄运、劫数、灭亡”,如“查理三世”(RichardⅢ)中的一句:All unavoided isdoom of destiny(所有不可避免的是劫数难逃)。

There are four kinds of narrowing of meaning:
From general to specific
From abstract to concrete
From common nouns to proper nouns
From general words to technical terms
第 二 小 节
Extension of meaning 词义的扩大 Loss of old meanings 旧义的消亡 Narrowing of meaning 词义的缩小
Lexical revivals 新义的诞生
词义演变 的方式
Elevation of meaning 词义的升格
(present) excuse (借口)
From proper nouns to common nouns
Many proper nouns including person names, place-names, etc. have become common nouns used in everyday life.
Lexical revivals 新义的诞生
IT vocabulary: a virtual library, virtual shopping, visit a website, counter, hit, icon, open, chat, stream, mail, compress, attachment, crack, burn, infected. bar:raise the bar for approving new drugs(标准) bomb:drop a bomb with her resignation(极大的震动) corridor:industrial corridor(地带)

Narcissus 水仙花
Munchausen 说大话得人
He was a German soldier、 After his retirement from his service in the Russian Army against the Turks, he told exaggerated stories of his campaigning adventures,thus the meaning:a person who boasts;exaggerated、
a、Extension of meaning
b、Restriction of meaning c、Degeneration of meaning d、Elevation of meaning
e、Transformation of meaning
Extension of Meaning
involves heating the milk to 1450168F for 30 minutes、 To pasteurize is to sterilize by pasteurization、
James Watt(瓦特)is a Scottish
engineer who made fundamental
Greek myth: a giant with 100 eyes、 After he was killed, his
eyes were transferred to the Peacock’s tail
Exቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱmple: We have decided it
is impossible to cheat when that Argus-eyed professor gives an
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Narcissus 水仙花
He was a German s o l d i e r. A f t e r h i s retirement from his service in the Russian Army against the Turks, he told exaggerated stories of his c a m p a i g n i n g adventures,thus the meaning:a person who boasts;exaggerated .
More Examples rubbish
Originally: rubble (碎石)
Now: anything worthless
B. From proper nouns to common nouns
Antonomasia 换称
the use of a proper noun to convey a general idea
3.The language is changing 3.1 semantic reason harvest\autumn motor 左右 3.2 grammatical reason 廉颇老矣,尚能饭否? 3.3 pragmatic reason 斗闻
James Watt(瓦特)is a Scottish engineer who made fundamental improvements to the Newcomen steam engine, leading to the widespread use of steam power in mines, factories etc. In partnership with Mathew Boulton, Watt built may engines at their foundry铸造 车间 in Birmingham. The unit of power is named after him.
Pinchbeck 冒牌货
Christopher Pinchbeck was an British jeweler. He invented an alloy of copper, zinc formerly used for cheap jewelery, hence the meaning: specious似是而非的 and spurious伪造的 goods.
Argus-eyed : keen-sighted; Observant明察秋毫的
Greek myth: a beautiful youth who fell in love with his reflection in a pool, hence the word : narcissism and the meaning:an interest in or admiration for oneself.
2. Human being is changing
2.1 认识水平在提高 heart,brain 2.2 思想观念的更新 天堂、老板、演员、士兵 2.3心理感情因素 求新: 净面、洗脸、飚客、粉丝, 闪族 求美:春风、教室 求省:机票、机场、机群、客机、班机 gold metal 求雅:euphemism 下岗、老、战略性撤退、穷 circumlocution lie\steal\lazy 感情因素(移情):冤家
Four kinds of extension
A. From specific to general
B. From proper nouns to common nouns C.From concrete to abstract D.From technical terms to general words
Words of this group also include ampere (安培) , farad (法拉) , ohm (欧 姆) , volt (伏特) , watt (瓦特) from French physicist Ampere, British physicist Faraday, German physicist Ohm, Italian physicist Volta and Scottish inventor Watt respectively
专有名词普通化与特定的历史事件有关: “Watergate”源指美国华盛顿特区综合大 厦。1972年 6月 17日夜间,共和党争取 总统连任委员会有关人员潜入大厦内 民主党全国委员会总部而被捕,暴露 了共和党政府在总统竞选中的非法活 动,导致美国历史上首次总统辞职, 现泛指“丑闻”。
“… Change of meaning is a commonplace, and indeed it would appear to be fundamental in living language, …… almost every word we use today has a slightly different meaning from the one it had a century ago: and a century ago it had a slightly different meaning from the one it had a century before that.” _________ Quirk 1963:123-124
Tantalize 挑逗
Greek Myth: a king punished for his misdeeds by having to stand in water that recedes when he tries to drink it and under fruit that moves away as he reaches for it.
A. From specific to general 从特指到泛指
Picture: originally: a painting or drawing
The present meaning
a photograph a cinematic picture an x-ray picture a TV picture a radio-telescope picture any picture
Sandwich: It now denotes a popular fast food. It originates from John Montague, Fourth earl of Sandwich in 18th -century England. He was so fond of gambling that he often forgot his meals. He often ordered slices of bread with thick pieces of roast beef stuffed between them be brought to him so he could eat while playing. Later, people used his name to refer to all similar food.
Pasteurization is a process which renders milk free of diseaseproducing bacteria and help to prevent it from spoiling without destroying the vitamins or changing the taste. It involves heating the milk to 1450168F for 30 minutes. To pasteurize is to sterilize by pasteurization.
1.1 旧词添新义 car\ship 1.2 科技发展 光环 1.3 普通义位与科技义位间的转变 menu, window 1.4 社会集团社会地位的变化 governor, lord 1.5 经济的发展 狗、马 1.6 民族或种族矛盾的原因 Dutch
a.Extension of meaning b.Restriction of meaning
c.Degeneration of meaning d.Elevation of meaning
e.Transformation of meaning
Extension of Meaning
It is also called widening of meaning or generalization. It’s a process by which a word which originally had a specialized meaning has now become generalized.
Louis Pasteur is a French chemist and biologist. His researches showing that the fermentation发酵 of milk and wine was due to the multiplication of bacteria and other microorganisms led to the discovery of the role of microorganism in human and animal disease. From these findings he developed immunization by inoculation 免 疫 接 种 of attenuated microbes微生物, and the process of pasteurization巴氏消毒法.